1. Population
2. Vital Statistics
3. Health and Nutrition
4. Education
5. Law Enforcement, Courts
and Prisons
6. Geography and Environment
7. Parks, Recreation, Travel
8. Elections
9. State and Local Government
Finances and Employment
10. Federal Government
Finances and Employment
11. National Defense and
Veterans Affairs
12. Social Insurance and Human
13. Labor Force, Employment,
and Earnings
14. Income, Expenditures, and
15. Prices
16. Banking, Finance, and
17. Business Enterprise
18. Communications and
Information Technology
19. Energy
20. Science and Technology
21. Transportation - Land
22. Transportation - Air
and Water
23. Agriculture
24. Natural Resources
25. Construction and Housing
26. Manufactures
27. Domestic Trade and
28. Foreign Commerce and Aid
29. Outlying Areas
30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census
About About This Web Site
Although this site contains the same information as is otherwise available from the US Bureau of the Census, it is organized in such a way as to make it more easily accessible to the public.
Each statistical table is presented on a separate web page, making it easy to find with a simple web search.
Furthermore, this format allows simple, deep links to any of the statistical table pages, making those links more meaningful to those visiting the referring pages. For example, a link from an article about academic salaries to the table of "Average Salaries for College Faculty Members" is more useful to a visitor than a link to the main page of the Census Bureau, where one would then have to make another, specific search for this information, and sift through the results.
About the 2000 US Census Statistical Abstract
The statistical abstract contains a total of 1489 statistical tables, of which 31 are not numbered, and are presented here at the top of the list.
You can use the web browser EDIT/FIND search function to search for any term on this page, which includes links to all the statistical tables on the web site.
- Total Population in Households and Group Quarters by Sex and Selected Age Groups, for the United States: 2000
- Population by Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for All Ages and for 18 Years and Over, for the United States: 2000
- Population by Race, Including All Specific Combinations of Two Races, for the United States: 2000
- Population by Race Alone, Race in Combination Only, Race Alone or in Combination, and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for the United States: 2000
- Difference in Population by Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for the United States: 1990 to 2000
- Resident Population of States: 1980 to 2000
- Metropolitan Areas and their Geographic Components in Alphabetic Sort, 1990 and 2000 Population, and Numeric and Percent Population Change: 1990 to 2000
- Metropolitan Areas in Alphabetic Sort, 1990 and 2000 Population, and Numeric and Percent Population Change: 1990 to 2000
- Metropolitan Areas Ranked by Population: 2000
- Metropolitan Areas Ranked by Numeric Population Change: 1990 to 2000
- Metropolitan Areas Ranked by Percent Population Change: 1990 to 2000
- Counties in Alphabetic Sort Within State, 1990 and 2000 Population, Numeric and Percent Change: 1990 to 2000
- Counties Ranked by Population: 2000
- Counties Ranked by Numeric Population Change: 1990 to 2000
- Counties Ranked by Percent Change in Population: 1990 to 2000
- Incorporated Places of 100,000 or More in Alphabetic Sort, with 1990 and 2000 Population, and
- Incorporated Places of 100,000 or More, Ranked by Population: 2000
- Incorporated Places of 100,000 or More, Ranked by Numeric Population Change: 1990 to 2000
- Incorporated Places of 100,000 or More, Ranked by Percent Population Change: 1990 to 2000
- Population by Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for the United States, Regions, Divisons, and States, and for Puerto Rico: 2000
- Percent of Population by Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for the United States, Regions, Divisons, and States, and for Puerto Rico: 2000
- Race Alone or in Combination, for the United States, Regions, Divisions, and States, and for Puerto Rico: 2000
- Population by Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for States, Puerto Rico, and Places of 100,000 or More Population: 2000
- Percent of Population by Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for States, Puerto Rico, and Places of 100,000 or More Population: 2000
- Race Alone or in Combination, for States, Puerto Rico, and Places of 100,000 or More Population: 2000
- Number, Population, and Land Area of MA's as Defined at Specified Dates From 1950 to 1999
- Nonmetropolitan Population and Land Area as Defined at Specified Dates From 1950 to 1998
- Percent of Total U.S. Population and Percent of Land Area Inside MA'S As Defined at Specified Dates From 1950 To 1999
- New England County Metropolitan Areas (NECMA'S)
- Metropolitan Areas Outside of New England and Their Components as of June 30, 1999
- 1. Population and Area
- 2. Population
- 3. Resident Population Projections
- 4. Components of Population Change and Projections
- 5. Immigration
- 6. Immigrants Admitted, by Class of Admission
- 7. Immigrants, by Country of Birth
- 8. Immigrants Admitted as Permanent Residents Under Refugee Acts, by Country of Birth
- 9. Immigrants Admitted, by Leading Country of Birth and State
- 10. Resident Population--Selected Characteristics and Projections
- 11. Resident Population Characteristics--Percent Distribution and Median Age
- 12. Resident Population by Age and Sex
- 13. Resident Population, by Sex and Single Years of Age
- 14. Resident Population Projections, by Sex and Age
- 15. Resident Population, by Race, and Projections
- 16. Resident Population, by Hispanic Origin Status, and Projections
- 17. Resident Population, by Race and Age
- 18. Resident Population, by Hispanic Origin Status and Age
- 19. Resident Population, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Single Years of Age
- 20. Resident Population--States
- 21. State Population--Rank, Percent Change, and Population Density
- 22. Components of Population Change--States
- 23. State Population Projections
- 24. Resident Population by Age and State: 1999
- 25. Resident Population by Race, Hispanic Origin, and State: 1999
- 26. Resident Population, by Region, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1990
- 27. Annual Inmigration, Outmigration, and Net Migration for Regions
- 28. Mobility Status of the Population For Selected One-Year Periods
- 29. Mobility Status of Households by Household Income
- 30. Population in Coastal Counties
- 31. Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area Population
- 32. Number and Population of Metropolitan Areas by Population Size of Area in 1998
- 33. Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area Population by State
- 34. Large Metropolitan Areas--Population
- 35. 75 Largest Metropolitan Areas--Racial and Hispanic-Origin Populations: 1998
- 36. Metropolitan Areas with Large Numbers of Selected Racial Groups and of Hispanic Origin Population and of Hispanic Origin Population: 1998
- 37. Urban and Rural Population, and by State
- 38. Incorporated Places, by Population Size
- 39. Cities With 100,000 or More Inhabitants in 1998-- Population and Land Area
- 40. Persons 65 Years Old and Over--Characteristics, by Sex
- 41. Social and Economic Characteristics of the White and Black Populations
- 42. Social and Economic Characteristics of the Asian and Pacific Islander Population
- 43. Population Living on Selected Reservations and Trust Lands and American Indian Tribes With 10,000 or More American Indians: 1990
- 44. Social and Economic Characteristics of the American Indian Population: 1990
- 45. Social and Economic Characteristics of the Hispanic Population
- 46. Native and Foreign-Born Population, by Place of Birth
- 47. Native and Foreign-Born Populations, by Age, Sex, and Race
- 48. Native and Foreign-Born Populations by Selected Characteristics
- 49. Foreign-Born Population, by Country of Origin and Citizenship Status: 1997
- 50. Population by Selected Ancestry Group and Region
- 51. Persons 5 Years Old and Over Speaking a Language Other Than English At Home by Language: 1990
- 52. Living Arrangements of Persons 15 Years Old and Over by Selected Characteristics
- 53. Marital Status of the Population by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin
- 54. Married Couples of Same or Mixed Races and Origins
- 55. Marital Status of the Population by Sex and Age
- 56. Married Couples by Differences in Ages Between Husband and Wife: 1999
- 57. Unmarried Couples by Selected Characteristics
- 58. Marriage and Cohabitation Experience of Women 15 to 44 Years of Age, by Selected Characteristics: 1995
- 59. Percent Distribution of Women 15 to 44 Years of Age by Number of Husbands or Cohabiting Partners: 1995
- 60. Households, Families, Subfamilies, and Married Couples
- 61. Households by Age of Householder and Size of Household
- 62. Households and Persons in Households by Type of Household and Presence of Children
- 63. Households--States
- 64. Family Groups with Children Under 18 Years Old, by Race and Hispanic Origin
- 65. Families by Number of Own Children Under 18 Years Old
- 66. Families by Size and Presence of Children
- 67. Families by Type, Race and Hispanic Origin
- 68. Family Households With Own Children Under Age 18 by Type of Family and Age of Householder
- 69. Children Under 18 Years Old by Presence of Parents
- 70. Living Arrangements of Children Under 18 Years Old Living With One or Both Parents
- 71. Grandchildren Living in the Home of Their Grandparents
- 72. Nonfamily Households, by Sex and Age of Householder
- 73. Persons Living Alone, by Sex and Age
- 74. Religious Bodies - Selected Data
- 75. Religious Preference, Church Membership, and Attendance
- 76. Christian Church Adherents and Jewish Population - States
- 77. Live Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorces
- 78. Live Births, by Race and Type of Hispanic Origin--Selected Characteristics:
- 79. Births and Birth Rates, by Race, Sex, and Age
- 80. Teenagers -- Births and Birth Rates, by Race and Age
- 81. Live Births--Number and Rate, by State
- 82. Total Fertility Rate and Intrinsic Rate of Natural Increase
- 83. Projected Fertility Rates, by Race, Origin, and Age Group
- 84. Birth Rates, by Live-Birth Order and Race
- 85. Births to Teens, Unmarried Mothers, and Prenatal Care:
- 86. Births to Unmarried Women, by Race of Child and Age of Mother
- 87. Live Births by Plurality of Birth and Ratios, and Race of Mother
- 88. Low Birth Weight and Births to Teenage Mothers and to Unmarried Women--States
- 89. Live Births, by Place of Delivery; Median and Low-Birth Weight; and Prenatal Care
- 90. Cesarean Section Deliveries, by Age of Mother
- 91. Live Births--20 Largest Metropolitan Areas: 1993
- 92. Women Who Have Had a Child in the Last Year, by Age
- 93. Characteristics of Women Who Have Had a Child in the Last Year
- 94. Women Who Have Had a Child in the Last Year, by Age and Labor Force Status
- 95. Childless Women and Children Ever Born, by Race, Age, and Marital Status
- 96. Number of Partners in Lifetime, by Selected Characteristics, and by percent distribution: 1995
- 97. Unmarried Women Who Have Had Intercourse in the 12 Months Prior to Interview: 1995
- 98. Measures of Teenage Sexual Activity and Pregnancy for Women 15-19 Years of Age, by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1995
- 99. Women 15-19 Years of Age, and Measures of Sexual Activity, Pregnancy, and Births for Women 15-19 Years: 1982 to 1995
- 100. Never Married Males and Females 15-19 Years of Age Who Have had Sexual Intercourse,by Selected Age Groups and Sociodemographic Characteristics: 1988 and 1995
- 101. Receipt of Any Infertility Services, by Women 15-44 Years of Age, by Selected Characteristics: 1995
- 102. Pregnancies Ending in Live Birth to Women 15-44 Years Old, and Months Pregnant When Prenatal Care Began: 1991-95
- 103. Number of Pregnancies, Live Births, Induced Abortions, and Fetal Losses, by Age and Race of Woman: 1976 to 1996
- 104. Numbers and Rates of Pregnancies, Live Births, Induced Abortions, and Fetal Losses for Teenagers, by Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1996
- 105. Mistimed or Unwanted First Unintended Births to Women 15-44 Years of Age: 1995
- 106. Single Babies Born in 1990-93 Who Were Ever Breastfed, Duration and Mean Duration of Breastfeeding in Weeks, by Selected Characteristics: 1995
- 107. Contraceptive Use by Women, 15 to 44 Years of Age: 1995
- 108. Women 15-44 Years of Age Who Have Ever Had a Live Birth, and Use of Maternity Leave for the Most Recent Birth: 1995
- 109. Live Births--Mothers Who Smoked During Pregnancy, According to Educational Attainment and Race of Mother
- 110. Percent Low Birthweight, by Smoking Status, Age, and Race of Mother
- 111. Live Births--Drinking Status of Mother
- 112. Abortions--Number, Rate, and Ratio, by Race
- 113. Abortions, by Selected Characteristics
- 114. Abortions--Number, Rate, and Abortion/Live Birth Ratio by State
- 115. Average Lifetime in Years by Sex and Race, by State: 1989-91
- 116. Expectation of Life at Birth and Projections
- 117. Selected Life Table Values
- 118. Expectation of Life and Expected Deaths, by Race, Sex, and Age
- 119. Deaths and Death Rates, by Sex and Race
- 120. Death Rates, by Age, Sex, and Race
- 121. Deaths and Death Rates, by State
- 122. Infant, Maternal, and Neonatal Mortality Rates and Fetal Mortality Ratios, by Race
- 123. Fetal and Infant Deaths--Number and Percent Distribution
- 124. Infant Deaths and Infant Mortality Rates, by Cause of Death
- 125. Infant Mortality Rates, by Race--States
- 126. Deaths and Death Rates, by Selected Causes
- 127. Age-Adjusted Death Rates, by Selected Causes
- 128. Deaths, by Selected Causes and Selected Characteristics
- 129. Death and Death Rates, by Age and Leading Cause
- 130. Death Rates, by Leading Cause--States
- 131. Estimated Persons Living With Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) by Selected Characteristics
- 132. Death Rates From Heart Disease, by Sex and Age
- 133. Death Rates From Cancer, by Sex and Age
- 134. Death Rates From Accidents and Violence, by Race and Sex:
- 135. Deaths and Death Rates from Accidents, by Type
- 136. Death Rates for Injury by Firearms, Sex, Race, and Age
- 137. Poisoning Deaths by Cause
- 138. Suicides, by Sex, Race, Age, and Method
- 139. Homicide Rates by Race, Sex, and Age
- 140. Deaths and Death Rates for Injury by Firearms, by Race and Sex
- 141. Deaths and Death Rates for Drug-Induced Causes, by Race and Sex: 1979 to 1993
- 142. Deaths and Death Rates for Alcohol-Induced Causes, by Race and Sex
- 143. Deaths--Life Years Lost and Mortality Costs, by Age, Sex, and Cause
- 144. Marriages and Divorces: United States
- 145. Percent Distribution of Marriages, by Marriage Order
- 146. Marital Status of Women 15 to 29 Years Old at First Birth,by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1970-74 to 1990-1994
- 147. Marital Status and Marriage Order of Women 15 to 34 Years Old at First Birth, by Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1965-69 to 1990-94
- 148. Marital Status of Women 15 to 44 Years Old at First Birth, by Selected Characteristics: 1990-1994
- 149. Marriage Experience for Women, by Age and Race
- 150. Marriages and Divorces--Number and Rate, by State
- 151. National Health Expenditures by Type
- 152. National Health Expenditures by Object
- 153. Health Services and Supplies--Per Capita Consumer Expenditures by Object
- 154. Government Expenditures for Health Services and Supplies
- 155. Personal Health Care--Third Party Payments and Private Consumer Expenditures
- 156. Personal Health Care Expenditures by Object and Source of Payment
- 157. Hospital Care, Physician Service and Nursing-Home Care Expenditures by Source of Payment
- 158. Retail Prescription Drug Sales: 1995 to 1999
- 159. National Health Expenditure Projections by Source of Payment
- 160. National Health Expenditure Projections, by Object
- 161. Personal Health Care Expenditure Projections by Source of Funds
- 162. Consumer Price Indexes of Medical Care Prices
- 163. Average Annual Expenditures per Consumer Unit for Health Care
- 164. Medicare Enrollees
- 165. Medicare Disbursements, by Type of Beneficiary
- 166. Medicare Trust Funds
- 167. Medicare--Persons Served and Reimbursements
- 168. Medicare Benefits by Type of Provider
- 169. Medicare--Summary, by State and Other Areas
- 170. Medicaid--Selected Characteristics of Persons Covered
- 171. Medicaid--Selected Utilization Measures
- 172. Medicaid--Recipients and Payments
- 173. Medicaid--Summary by State and Other Areas
- 174. Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment by State and Other Areas
- 175. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
- 176. Persons Enrolled in Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO's) by State: 1990 to 1999
- 177. Health Insurance Coverage Status by Selected Characteristics
- 178. Persons With and Without Health Insurance Coverage by State
- 179. Private Establishments Offering Health Insurance, by Selected Characteristics: 1997
- 180. Medical Care Benefit Coverage and Average Monthly Employee Contributions: 1980 to 1997
- 181. Annual Receipts/Revenue Estimates for the Health Service Industries
- 182. Receipts for Health Service Industries by Source of Revenue
- 183. Receipts for Health Service Industries by Type of Service Performed
- 184. Employment in the Health Service Industries
- 185. Dentists and Nurses
- 186. Physicians by Selected Activity
- 187. Active Nonfederal Physicians, Dentists, and Nurses by State
- 188. Health Professions Schools--Number, Enrollment, and Graduates
- 189. Percent Distribution of Number of Visits to Health Care Professionalsby Age, Sex, and Race: 1997 and 1998
- 190. Medical Practice Characteristics by Selected Specialty
- 191. Ambulatory Care Visits to Physicians Offices and Hospital Outpatient and Emergency Departments
- 192. Visits to Office-Based Physicians and Hospital Outpatient Departments by Diagnosis: 1995 and 1998
- 193. Visits to Hospital Emergency Departments, by Diagnosis
- 198. Hospital Utilization Rates, by Sex
- 199. Hospital Discharges and Days of Care
- 200. Hospital Discharges and Days of Care, by Sex
- 201. Organ Transplants and Grafts
- 202. Procedures for Inpatients Discharged From Short-Stay Hospitals
- 203. Selected Measures of Hospital Utilization for Patients Discharged With the Diagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- 204. Skilled Nursing Facilities
- 205. Home Health and Hospice Care Agencies, by SelectedCharacteristics
- 206. Home Health and Hospice Care Patients, by Selected Characteristics
- 207. Elderly Home Health Patients
- 208. Nursing Homes--Selected Characteristics
- 209. Nursing Home Residents 65 Years Old and Over by Selected Characteristics
- 210. Mental Health Facilities--Summary by Type of Facility
- 211. Days of Disability, by Type and Selected Characteristics
- 212. Injury and Poisoning Episodes and Conditions, by Age and Sex: 1997
- 213. Injuries Associated With Consumer Products
- 214. Costs of Unintentional Injuries
- 215. Specified Reportable Diseases--Cases Reported
- 216. Children Immunized Against Specified Diseases
- 217. AIDS Cases Reported, by Patient Characteristic
- 218. AIDS, Syphilis, Tuberculosis, and Measles Cases Reported, by State
- 219. Acute Conditions, by Type
- 220. Prevalence of Selected Chronic Conditions by Age and Sex
- 221. Disability Status of Children Under 15 Years Old: 1997
- 222. Disability Status of Persons 15 Years Old and Over
- 223. Receipt of Personal Assistance by Persons with Disabilities:
- 224. Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities and Clients
- 225. Drug Use by Type of Drug and Age Group
- 226. Current Cigarette Smoking
- 227. Current Cigarette Smoking, by Sex and State: 1997
- 228. Cancer--Estimated New Cases, and Survival Rates
- 229. Cancer--Estimated New Cases and Deaths by State: 1998
- 230. Cumulative Percent Distribution of Population, by Height and Sex
- 231. Percent of U.S. Adults Who Were Overweight and Percent Who Were Obese: 1997
- 232. Percentage of Adults Engaging in Leisure-Time Physical Activity
- 233. Households and Persons Having Problems with Access to Food: 1995 to 1998
- 234. Healthy Eating Indexes, by Selected Food Groups and Dietary Guidelines
- 235. Nutrition--Nutrients in Foods Available for Consumption per Capita per Day
- 236. Per Capita Consumption of Major Food Commodities
- 237. Per Capita Utilization of Selected Commercially Produced Fruits and Vegetables
- 238. Per Capita Consumption of Selected Beverages, by Type
- 239. School Enrollment, With Projections
- 240. School Expenditures, by Type of Control and Level of Instruction in Constant (1998-99) Dollars
- 241. School Enrollment, Faculty, Graduates, and Finances, With Projections
- 242. Federal Funds for Education and Related Programs
- 243. School Expenditures, by Source of Funds in Constant (1997-98) Dollars
- 244. School Enrollment,by Control and Level, With Projections
- 245. School Enrollment, by Age
- 246. School Enrollment, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Age
- 247. Enrollment in Public and Private Schools
- 248. School Enrollment, by Sex and Level
- 249. Educational Attainment, by Race, and Hispanic Origin
- 250. Educational Attainment, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex
- 251. Educational Attainment, by Selected Characteristic
- 252. Earnings, by Highest Degree Earned
- 253. Educational Attainment, by State
- 254. Nonfatal Crimes Against Students
- 255. Public Schools Reporting Criminal Incidents to the Police: 1996-97
- 256. Children Whose Parents are Involved in School Activities
- 257. Public Elementary Schools Holding Activities and Parental Attendance: 1996
- 258. Children With Difficulty Speaking English
- 259. Preprimary School Enrollment--Summary
- 260. Children's School Readiness Skills: 1993 and 1999
- 261. Charter Schools, Creation Status by Year of Opening: 1999
- 262. Public Elementary and Secondary Schools--Summary
- 263. Public Elementary and Secondary Schools--Conditions andPlans for Repairs: 1999
- 264. Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, by Type and Size of School
- 265. Elementary and Secondary Schools--Teachers and Pupil-Teacher Ratios With Projections
- 266. Public Elementary and Secondary School Enrollment, by State
- 267. Public Elementary and Secondary School Enrollment, by Grade
- 268. Public Elementary and Secondary School Teachers--Selected Characteristics
- 269. Newly Hired Teachers, by Selected Characteristics
- 270. Public Elementary and Secondary Schools--Number and Average Salary of Classroom Teachers and by State
- 271. Average Salary and Wages Paid in Public School Systems
- 272. Public School Employment
- 273. Public Elementary and Secondary School Price Indexes
- 274. Finances of Public Elementary and Secondary School Systems, by Enrollment-Size Group
- 275. Public Elementary and Secondary Estimated Finances, and by State
- 276. Computers for Student Instruction in Elementary and Secondary Schools
- 277. Public Schools with Internet Access
- 278. Student Use of Computers
- 279. Public School Teachers Using Computers or the InternetFor Classroom Instruction During Class Time: 1999
- 280. Technology in Public Schools
- 281. Children and Youth With Disabilities Served by Selected Programs
- 282. Private Schools: 1997-98
- 283. Private Elementary and Secondary School Teachers--Selected Characteristics
- 284. Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and Reasoning Test (SAT I) Scores and Characteristics of College-Bound Seniors
- 285. ACT Program Scores and Characteristics of College-Bound Students
- 286. Proficiency Test Scores for Selected Subjects, by Characteristic
- 287. Advanced Placement Program--Summary
- 288. Foreign Language Enrollments in Public High Schools
- 289. Public High School Graduates, by State
- 290. High School Dropouts, by Race and Hispanic Origin
- 291. High School Dropouts, by Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin
- 292. Enrollment Status, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex
- 293. Employment Status of High School Graduates School Dropouts
- 294. General Educational Development (GED) Credentials Issued
- 295. College Enrollment of High School Graduates
- 296. College Enrollment by Sex and Attendance Status
- 297. Higher Education--Summary
- 298. College Enrollment, by Selected Characteristics
- 299. Colleges, Number and Enrollment by State
- 300. Foreign (Nonimmigrant) Student Enrollment in College
- 301. College Enrollment, by Sex, Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin
- 302. College Freshmen--Summary Characteristics: 1970 to 1998
- 303. Higher Education Registrations in Foreign Languages
- 304. College Population, by Selected Characteristics
- 305. Enrollment of Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Institutions 1996-97 or 1997-98
- 306. Postsecondary Institutions Offering Distance Education: 1997-98
- 307. Higher Education Price Indexes
- 308. Institutions of Higher Education--Finances
- 309. Federal Student Financial Assistance
- 310. Finances of Public Colleges, and by State
- 311. Institutions of Higher Education--Charges
- 312. Voluntary Financial Support of Higher Education
- 313. Average Salaries for College Faculty Members
- 314. Employees in Higher Education Institutions, by Sex and Occupation
- 315. Faculty in Institutions of Higher Education
- 317. Earned Degrees Conferred, by Level and Sex,
- 318. Degrees Earned, by Level and Race/Ethnicity
- 319. Degrees and Awards Earned Below Bachelor's, by Field
- 320. Bachelor's Degrees Earned, by Field
- 321. Master's and Doctorate's Degrees Earned, by Field
- 322. First Professional Degrees Earned in Selected Professions
- 323. College and University Libraries--Summary
- 324. Libraries--Number, by Type
- 325. Public Libraries, Selected Characteristics
- 326. Children's Involvement in Home Literacy Activities
- 327. Public Library Use of the Internet: 1998
- 328. Participation in Adult Education
- 329. Crimes and Crime Rates, by Type
- 330. Crimes and Crime Rates, by Type and Area
- 331. Crime Rates by Type and State
- 332. Crime Rates, by Type--Selected Large Cities
- 333. Murder Victims--Circumstances and Weapons Used or Cause of Death
- 334. Murder Victims, by Age, Sex, and Race
- 335. Homicide Victims by Race and Sex
- 336. Forcible Rape -- Number and Rate
- 337. Robbery and Property Crimes, by Type and Selected Characteristic
- 338. Hate Crimes -- Number of Incidents, Offenses, Victims, and Known Offenders, by Bias Motivation
- 339. Hate Crime Reported, by State
- 340. Criminal Victimizations and Victimization Rates by Type of Crime
- 341. Victimization Rates, by Type of Crime and Characteristic of the Victim
- 342. Victim-Offender Relationship in Crimes of Violence, by Characteristics of the Criminal Incident
- 343. Property Victimization Rates, by Race, Hispanic origin, Income, and Tenure
- 344. Juvenile Arrests for Selected Offenses
- 345. Persons Arrested by Charge and Selected Characteristic
- 346. Drug Use by Arrestees in Major U.S. Cities, by Sex and Type of Drug
- 347. Drug Arrest Rates for Drug Abuse Violations
- 348. Federal Drug Seizures, by Type of Drug
- 349. Immigration Border Patrol and Investigation Activities
- 350. Authorized Intercepts of Communication -- Summary
- 351. Presale Handgun Checks--Inquiries and Rejections
- 352. U.S. Population Who Had Face-to-Face Contact With Police, by Sex, Race, Ethnicity, and Reason for Contact: 1996
- 353. Number and Rate of Full-Time Sworn Police Officers in State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies
- 354. General Purpose Law Enforcement Agencies -- Number, Employment, and Expenditures
- 355. Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted
- 356. U.S. Supreme Court -- Cases Filed and Disposition
- 357. U.S. Courts of Appeals -- Cases Commenced and Disposition
- 358. U.S. District Courts -- Civil Cases Commenced and Pending
- 359. U.S. District Courts--Offenders Convicted and Sentenced to Prison and Length of Sentence
- 360. U.S. District Courts -- Civil rights-Related Complaints and Disposition
- 361. Federal Environmental Enforcement Actions Initiated by Type of Violation and Enforcement Action
- 362. Federal Prosecutions of Public Corruption
- 363. Delinquency Cases Disposed by Juvenile Courts, by Reason for Referral
- 364. Delinquency Cases and Case Rates, by Sex and Race
- 365. Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Substantiated and Indicated -- Victim Characteristics
- 366. Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Reported and Investigated
- 367. Jail Inmates, by Race, Sex, and Detention Status
- 368. State and Federal Correctional Facilities -- Inmates and Staff
- 369. Federal and State Prisoners
- 370. State Prisons Expenditures, by State: 1996
- 371. Prisoners Under Jurisdiction of State and Federal Correctional Authorities by State
- 372. Adults on Probation, in Jail or Prison, or on Parole by Sex and Race
- 373. Prisoners Under Sentence of Death by Characteristic
- 374. Movement of Prisoners Under Sentence of Death by Race
- 375. Prisoners Executed Under Civil Authority by Sex and Race
- 376. Prisoners Under Sentence of Death and Executed Under Civil Authority by State
- 377. Fire Losses -- Total and Percent Change
- 378. Fires -- Number and Loss, by Type and Property Use
- 379. Fires and Property Loss for Incendiary and Suspicious Fires and Civilian Fire Deaths and Injuries by Selected Property Type
- 380. Land and Water Area of States and Other Entities: 1990
- 381. Total and Federally Owned Land, and by State: 1998
- 382. Urban and Built-up Land Use by State and Other Area: 1997
- 383. Land Cover/Use by State
- 384. Extreme and Mean Elevations, by State and Other Areas
- 385. Water Areas for Selected Major Bodies of Water: 1990
- 386. Flows of Largest U.S. Rivers -- Length, Discharge, and Drainage Area
- 387. U.S. Water Withdrawals and Consumptive Use Per Day, by End Use
- 388. Water Withdrawals and Consumptive Use -- States and Other Areas
- 389. National Ambient Water Quality in Rivers and Streams -- Violation Rate
- 390. Oil Spills in U.S. Water--Number and Volume
- 391. Wastewater Treatment Facilities
- 392. National Ambient Air Pollutant Concentrations, by Type of Pollutant
- 393. National Air Pollutant Emissions
- 394. Air Pollutant Emissions, by Pollutant and Source: 1998
- 395. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases, by Type and Source
- 396. Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recovery, and Disposal
- 397. Generation and Recovery of Selected Materials in Municipal Solid Waste
- 398. Curbside Recycling Programs--Number and Population Served, by Region
- 399. Toxic Chemical Releases and Transfers by Media
- 400. Toxic Chemical Releases by Industry
- 401. Toxic Releases, by State
- 402. Hazardous Waste Sites on the National Priority List, by State and Outlying Area
- 403. Environmental Industry -- Revenues and Employment, by Industry Segment
- 404. Threatened and Endangered Wildlife and Plant Species -- Number
- 405. Tornadoes, Floods, Tropical Storms, and Lightning
- 406. Major U.S. Weather Disasters by Estimated Costs and Deaths
- 407. Highest and Lowest Temperatures and Record Precipitation, by State Through 1998
- 408. Normal Daily Mean Temperature -- Selected Cities
- 409. Highest Temperature of Record -- Selected Cities
- 410. Lowest Temperature of Record -- Selected Cities
- 411. Normal Monthly and Annual Precipitation -- Selected Cities
- 412. Average Number of Days With Precipitaion of .01 Inch or More -- Selected Cities
- 413. Snow and Ice Pellets -- Selected Cities
- 414. Sunshine, Average Wind Speed, Mean Number of Days Minimum Temperature Below 32 Degrees Fahrenheit, and Average Relative Humidity--Selected Cities
- 415. National Park System--Summary
- 416. National Forest Recreation Use--Summary
- 417. State Parks and Recreation Areas, by State
- 418. Personal Consumption Expenditures for Recreation
- 419. Expenditures Per Consumer Unit for Entertainment and Reading
- 420. Motion Picture and Amusement and Recreation Services--Annual Receipts
- 421. Quantity of Books Sold and Value of U.S. Domestic Consumer Expenditures
- 422. Book Purchasing by Adults
- 423. Profile of Consumer Expenditures for Sound Recordings
- 424. Household Pet Ownership and by Selected Characteristic
- 425. Retail Sales and Household Participation in Lawn and Garden Activities
- 426. Sporting Goods Sales, by Product Category
- 427. Consumer Purchases of Sporting Goods, by Consumer Characteristics
- 428. Participants in Wildlife Related Recreation Activities: 1996
- 429. Expenditures for Wildlife Related Recreation Activities: 1996
- 430. Participation in NCAA Sports: 1997-98
- 431. High School Students Engaged in Organized PhysicalActivity: 1999
- 432. Participation in High School Athletic Programs
- 433. Selected Spectator Sports
- 434. Selected Recreational Activities
- 435. Participation in Selected Sports Activities
- 436. Adult Attendance at Sports Events: 1998
- 437. Adult Participation in Selected Leisure Activities, by Frequency: 1998
- 438. Participation in Various Leisure Activities
- 439. Arts and Humanities--Selected Federal Aid Programs
- 440. Attendance Rates for Various Arts Activities
- 441. Participation in Various Arts Activities
- 442. Performing Arts--Selected Data
- 443. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts--Membership and Units
- 444. Travel by U.S. Residents--Summary
- 445. Characteristics of Pleasure Trips by U.S. Residents
- 446. Domestic Travel Expenditures by State
- 447. International Travelers and Expenditures, With Projections
- 448. Foreign Travel
- 449. Top States and Cities Visited by Overseas Travelers
- 450. Impact of International Travel on States Economies: 1998
- 451. Foreign Visitors for Pleasure Admitted by Country of Last Residence
- 452. Vote Cast for President, by Major Political Party
- 453. Vote Cast for Leading Minority Party Candidates for President
- 454. Democratic and Republican Percentages of Two-Party Presidential Vote, by Selected Characteristics of Voters
- 455. Electoral Vote Cast for President, by Major Political Party--States
- 456. Popular Vote Cast for President, by Political Party -- States
- 457. Vote Cast for United States Senators, Incumbent Senators, States
- 458. Vote Cast for United States Representatives, by Major Political Party -- States
- 459. Vote Cast for United States Representatives by Major Political Party--Congressional Districts:
- 460. Composition of Congress, by Political Party
- 461. Composition of Congress, by Political Party Affiliation--States
- 462. Members of Congress--Incumbents Re-elected
- 463. Members of Congress--Selected Characteristics
- 464. U.S. Congress--Measures Introduced and Enacted and Time in Session.
- 465. Congressional Bills Vetoed
- 466. Congressional Staff, by Location of Employment
- 467. Number of Governors, by Political Party Affiliation
- 468. Vote Cast for and Governor Elected by State
- 469. Composition of State Legislatures, by Political Party Affiliation
- 470. Political Party Control of State Legislatures, by Party
- 471. Local Elected Officials, by Sex, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Type of Government: 1992
- 472. Women Holding State Public Offices, by Office and State
- 473. Black Elected Officials by Office, and by Region and State
- 474. Hispanic Public Officials, by Office and by State
- 475. Public Confidence Levels in Selected Public and Private Institutions
- 476. Political Party Identification of the Adult Population, by Degree of Attachment, and by Selected Characteristics
- 477. Voting-Age Population, Percent Reporting Registered, and Voted
- 478. Persons Reported Registered and Voted, by State: 1994
- 479. Participation in Elections for President and U.S. Representatives
- 480. Resident Population of Voting-Age and Percent Casting Votes--States
- 481. Sources of Voter Registration Applications: 1995-1996
- 482. Political Party Financial Activity, by Major Political Party
- 483. Independent Expenditures for Presidential and Congressional Campaigns
- 484. Political Action Committees--Number, by Committee Type
- 485. Political Action Committees-- Financial Activity Summary by Committee Type
- 486. Presidential Campaign Finances-- Federal Funds for General Election
- 487. Presidential Campaign Finances-- Primary Campaign Receipts and Disbursements
- 488. Congressional Campaign Finances--Receipts and Disbursements
- 489. Contributions to Congressional Campaigns by Political Action Committees (PAC), by Type of Committee
- 490. Number of Governmental Units, by Type
- 491. Number of Governments, by Type--States
- 492. County, Municipal, and Township Governments, by Population Size
- 493. All Governments--Revenue, Expenditure, and Debt
- 494. All Governments--Detailed Finances:
- 495. All Governments--Capital Outlays
- 496. All Governments--Expenditure for Public Works
- 497. Total Outlays for Grants to State and Local Governments: 1970 to 1999
- 498. Federal Aid to State and Local Governments
- 499. Federal Aid to State and Local Governments--Selected Programs, by State and Outlying Areas
- 500. State and Local Government Receipts and Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts
- 501. State and Local Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment and Transfers in the National Income and Product Accounts
- 502. State and Local Governments--Summary of Finances
- 503. State and Local Governments--Revenue, by State: 1996
- 504. State and Local Governments--Expenditure and Debt, by State
- 505. State and Local Governments--Per Capita Summary of Finances, by State
- 506. Long-Term Municipal New Issues For State and Local Government
- 507. State and Local Governments--Indebtedness
- 508. Bond Ratings For State Governments by State
- 509. Bond Ratings For City Governments by Largest Cities
- 510. State Resources, Expenditures, and Balances
- 511. State Governments--Summary of Finances:
- 512. State Governments--Summary of Revenue, by State
- 513. State Governments -- Expenditure and Debt, by State
- 514. Local Governments--Revenue, by State
- 515. Local Governments--Expenditure and Debt, by State
- 516. Estimated State and Local Taxes Paid by a Family of Four in Selected Cities
- 517. Residential Property Tax Rates in Selected Cities:
- 518. Gross Revenue From Parimutuel and Amusement Taxes and Lotteries, by State
- 519. Lottery Sales--Type of Game and Use of Proceeds
- 520. City Governments--Revenue for Largest Cities: 1996
- 521. City Governments--Expenditures for Largest Cities: 1996
- 522. County Governments--Revenue and Debt for Largest Counties: 1996
- 523. County Governments--Expenditures and Debt for Largest Counties: 1996
- 524. Governmental Employment and Payrolls
- 525. All Governments--Employment and Payroll, by Function
- 526. State and Local Government--Employer Costs per Hour Worked
- 527. State and Local Government--Full-Time Employment and Salary, by Sex and Race/Ethnic Group
- 528. State and Local Government Full-Time Equivalent Employment, by Selected Function, and by State
- 529. State and Local Government Employment and Average Earnings, by State
- 530. City Government Employment and Payroll--Largest Cities
- 531. County Government Employment and Payroll--Largest Counties
- 532. Federal Budget--Summary
- 533. Federal Budget Outlays--Defense, Human and Physical Resources and Net Interest Payment
- 534. Federal Receipts, by Source
- 535. Federal Trust Fund Receipts, Outlays, and Balances
- 536. Federal Budget Outlays in Constant (1996) Dollars
- 537. Federal Outlays, by Agency
- 538. Federal Outlays, by Detailed Function
- 539. Total Revenue Loss Estimates for Tax Expenditures in the Income Tax, by Provision
- 540. United States Government--Balance Sheet
- 541. Federal Participation in the Credit Market
- 542. Summary of Federal Debt
- 543. U.S. Savings Bonds
- 544. Federal Funds--Summary Distribution, by State
- 545. Federal Balance of Payments Per Capita, by State
- 546. Tax Returns Filed--Examination Coverage
- 547. Internal Revenue Gross Collections, by Source
- 548. Federal Individual Income Tax Returns With Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)--Summary
- 549. Individual Income Tax Returns--Number, Income Tax, and Average Tax, by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
- 550. Individual Income Tax Returns--Itemized Deductions and Statutory Adjustments, by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
- 551. Federal Individual Income Tax Returns--Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), by Source of Income and Income Class for Taxable Returns
- 552. Federal Individual Income Tax Returns, by State
- 553. Federal Individual Income Tax--Tax Liability, Effective and, Marginal Tax Rates, for Selected Income Groups
- 554. Federal Individual Income Tax--Current Income Equivalent to 1995 Constant Income for Selected Income Groups
- 555. Paid Full-Time Federal Civilian Employment, all Areas
- 556. Federal Civilian Employment, by Branch, Agency, and Area
- 557. Federal Employment Trends--Individual Characteristics
- 558. Federal Civilian Employment and Annual Payroll, by Branch
- 559. Federal Executive Branch (non-Postal) Employment, by Race and National Origin
- 560. Paid Civilian Employment in the Federal Government
- 561. Federal General Schedule Employee Pay Increases
- 562. Turnover Data for The Executive Branch--All Areas
- 563. Accessions to and Separations From Employment in the Federal Government
- 564. Federal Land and Buildings Owned and Leased, and Predominant Land Usage
- 565. National Defense Outlays and Veterans Benefits
- 566. Federal Budget Outlays for National Defense Functions
- 567. National Defense--Budget Authority and Outlays
- 568. Military Prime Contract Awards to All Businesses by Program
- 569. Department of Defense Contract Awards, Payroll, and Civilian and Military Personnel--States
- 570. Worldwide Military Expenditures in Current and Constant (1997) Dollars
- 571. Arms Trade in Constant (1997) Dollars--Selected Countries
- 572. Arms Transfers--Cumulative Value for Period 1994 - 1996 by Major Supplier and Recipient Country
- 573. U.S. Military Sales and Assistance to Foreign Governments
- 574. U.S. Military Sales Deliveries, by Country
- 575. Defense-Related Employment and Spending
- 576. Military and Civilian Personnel and Expenditures
- 577. Department of Defense Manpower
- 578. United States Military and Civilian Personnel in Installations: 1997
- 579. Military Personnel on Active Duty, by Location
- 580. U.S. Military Personnel on Active Duty in Foreign Countries
- 581. Coast Guard Personnel on Active Duty
- 582. U.S. Active Duty Military Deaths, by Manner of Death
- 583. Armed Forces Personnel--Summary of Major Conflicts
- 584. Enlisted Military Personnel Accessions
- 585. Military Personnel on Active Duty
- 586. Military Reserve Personnel
- 587. Ready Reserve Personnel Profile--Race, Age, and Sex
- 588. Military Reserve Costs
- 589. National Guard--Summary
- 590. Summary of U.S. Military Force Structure
- 591. Wartime Veterans--States
- 592. Veterans Living in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, by Age and by Service
- 593. Disabled Veterans Receiving Compensation
- 594. Veterans Benefits--Expenditures, by Program
- 595. Veterans Compensation and Pension Benefits-- Number on Rolls by Period of Service and Status
- 596. Veterans Administration Health Care Summary
- 597. Veterans Assistance--Education and Training
- 598. Social Welfare Expenditures Under Public Programs
- 599. Social Welfare Expenditures Under Public Programs as Percent of GDP and Total Government Outlays
- 600. Social Welfare Expenditures by Source of Funds and Public Program
- 601. Public Income-Maintenance Programs--Cash Benefit Payments
- 602. Number of Families Receiving Specified Sources of Income by Characteristic of Householder and Family Income
- 603. Households Receiving Means-Tested Noncash Benefits
- 604. Government Expenditures for Income-Tested Benefits by Type of Benefit
- 605. Cash and Noncash Benefits for Persons With Limited Income
- 606. Social Security-- Covered Employment, Earnings, and Contribution Rates
- 607. Social Security Trust Funds
- 608. Social Security (OASDI)--Benefits, by Type of Beneficiary
- 609. Social Security--Beneficiaries, Annual Payments, and Average Monthly Benefit, and by State and Other Areas
- 610. Public Employee Retirement Systems--Participants and Finances
- 611. Federal Civil Service Retirement
- 612. State and Local Government Retirement Systems-- Beneficiaries and Finances
- 613. Private Pension Plans--Summary, by Type of Plan
- 614. Percent of Full-Time Employees Participating in Retirement Plans
- 615. Pension Plan Coverage of Workers by Selected Characteristics
- 616. 401(k) Plans--Summary
- 617. State Unemployment Insurance, by State and Other Area: 1996
- 618. State Unemployment Insurance--Summary
- 619. Persons With Work Disability, by Selected Characteristics
- 620. Vocational Rehabilitation--Summary
- 621. Workers' Compensation Payments
- 622. Workers' Compensation Payments, by State
- 623. Supplemental Security Income--Recipients and Payments
- 624. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)--Recipients and Payments, by State and Other Area
- 625. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)--Families and Recipients
- 626. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)--Recipients by State and Other Areas
- 627. Federal Food Programs
- 628. Selected Characteristics of Food Stamp Households and Participants
- 629. Food Stamp Households and Participants--Summary: 1998
- 630. Federal Food Stamp and National School Lunch Programs, by State
- 631. Child Support--Award and Recipiency Status of Custodial Parents: 1995
- 632. Child Support Enforcement Program--Caseload and Collections
- 633. Regular Child Care Arrangements for Children Under 6 Years Oldby Type of Arrangement: 1995
- 634. Licensed Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Providers, by State
- 635. Head Start--Enrollment and Congressional Appropriations
- 636. Community Service Participation of Students in Grades 6 Through 12
- 637. Percent of Adult Population Doing Volunteer Work
- 638. Charity Contributions--Average Dollar Amount and Percent of Household Income, by Age of Respondent and Household Income
- 639. Charity Contributions--Percent of Households Contributing, by Dollar Amount and Type of Charity
- 640. Private Philanthropy Funds by Source and Allocation:
- 641. Foundations--Number and Finances by Asset Size
- 642. Foundations-- Grants Reported by Subject Field and Recipient Organization
- 643. Employment Status of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population
- 644. Civilian Labor Force and Participation Rates, With Projections
- 645. Employment Status of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population
- 646. Civilian Labor Force--Percent Distribution by Sex and Age
- 647. Civilian Labor Force and Participation Rates, by Educational Attainment, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin
- 648. Characteristics of the Civilian Labor Force, by State: 1999
- 649. Civilian Labor Force Status, by Selected Metropolitan Area: 1998
- 650. School Enrollment and Labor Force Status
- 651. Labor Force Participation Rates, by Marital Status, Sex, and Age
- 652. Marital Status of Women in the Civilian Labor Force
- 653. Employment Status of Women, by Marital Status and Presence and Age of Children
- 654. Labor Force Participation Rates for Wives, Husband Present, by Age of Own Youngest Child
- 655. Families With Own Children--Employment Status of Parents
- 656. Employed Civilians and Weekly Hours
- 657. Employed Workers Actively Seeking a New Job
- 658. Persons At Work, by Hours Worked
- 659. Persons With a Job But Not at Work
- 660. Self-Employed Workers, by Industry and Occupation
- 661. Self-Employed Persons with Home-Based Businesses: 1997
- 662. Multiple Jobholders
- 663. Reasons for Multiple Jobholding: 1997
- 664. Distribution of Workers, by Tenure withCurrent Employer, by Selected Characteristic
- 665. Part-Time Workers, by Reason
- 666. Displaced Workers, by Selected Characteristics
- 667. Labor Force Status of Persons with a Work Disability, by Age: 1999
- 668. Persons Not in the Labor Force
- 669. Employed Civilians, by Occupation, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin
- 670. Employment Projections, by Occupation
- 671. Occupations of the Employed, by Selected Characteristics
- 672. Employment, by Industry
- 673. Employment Projections, by Industry
- 674. Unemployed Workers--Summary
- 675. Unemployed Persons, by Sex and Reason
- 676. Unemployment Rates, by Industry, and by Sex
- 677. Unemployment by Occupation, and by Sex
- 678. Unemployed and Unemployment Rates, by Educational Attainment, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin
- 679. Unemployed Persons, by Reason of Umemployment
- 680. Total Unemployed and Insured Unemployed--States
- 681. Job Openings and Placements and Help-Wanted Advertising
- 682. Nonfarm Establishments--Employees, Hours, and Earnings, by Industry
- 683. Employees in Nonfarm Establishments--States
- 684. Nonfarm Industries--Employees and Earnings
- 685. Employers with Selected Work-based Learning Activities, by EstablishmentSize and Type: 1997
- 686. Employees Receiving Employer-Provided Training: 1995
- 687. Adults Taking Work-Related Adult Education Classes
- 688. Annual Indexes of Output per Hour for Selected Three-Digit SIC Industries
- 689. Productivity and Related Measures
- 690. Workers Using Computers on the Job
- 691. Annual Total Compensation and Wages and Salary Accruals Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee, by Industry
- 692. Average Hourly and Weekly Earnings, by Private Industry Group
- 693. Annual Percent Changes in Earnings and Compensation
- 694. Average Annual Pay, by State
- 695. Average Annual Pay, by Selected Metropolitan Areas
- 696. Full-Time Wage and Salary Workers--Number and Earnings
- 697. Workers With Earnings, by Occupation of Longest Job Held and Sex
- 698. Employment Cost Index (ECI), by Compensation, Industry and Occupation
- 699. Federal Minimum Wage Rates
- 700. Workers Paid Hourly Rates, by Selected Characteristics
- 701. Employer Costs for Employee Compensation per Hour Worked
- 702. Employees With Employer- or Union-Provided Pension Plans or Group Health Plans, by Occupation and Selected Characteristic
- 703. Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Establishments
- 704. Employee Benefits in Small Establishments: 1996
- 705. Workers Killed or Disabled on the Job
- 706. Worker Deaths, Injuries, and Production Time Lost
- 707. Industries with the Highest Total Case Incidence Ratesfor Nonfatal Injuries and Illnesses
- 708. Occupational Injury and Illness Incidence Rates
- 709. Fatal Work Injuries, by Cause
- 710. Fatal Occupational Injuries, by Industry and Event
- 711. Work Stoppages
- 712. Labor Union Membership, by Sector
- 713. Union Members, by Selected Characteristics
- 714. Labor Union Membership, by State
- 715. Gross Domestic Product in Current and Real (1996) Dollars
- 716. Gross Domestic Product in Current and Real (1996) Dollars, by Industry
- 717. Gross Domestic Product in Current and Real (1996) Dollars, by Type of Product and Sector
- 718. Gross Domestic Product Components -- Annual Percent Change
- 719. Gross State Product in Current and Real (1996) Dollars, by State
- 720. Gross State Product in Chained (1996) Dollars by Industry
- 721. Relation of GDP, GNP, Net National Product, National Income, Personal Income, Disposable Personal Income, and Personal Saving
- 722. Selected Per Capita Income and Product Items in Current and Real (1996) Dollars
- 723. Personal Consumption Expenditures in Current and Real (1996) Dollars by Type of Expenditure
- 724. Personal Income and Its Disposition
- 725. Gross Saving and Investment
- 726. Personal Income in Current and Constant (1996) Dollars, by State
- 727. Personal Income Per Capita, by State
- 728. Disposable Personal Income Per Capita in Current and Constant (1996) Dollars, by State
- 729. Personal Income, by Metropolitan Area
- 730. Flow of Funds Accounts--Composition of Individuals' Savings
- 731. Annual Expenditure Per Child by Husband-Wife Families, by Family Income and Expenditure Type
- 732. Average Annual Expenditures of all Consumer Units, by Race and Age of Householder
- 733. Average Annual Expenditures of all Consumer Units, by Region and Size of Unit
- 734. Average Annual Expenditures of All Consumer Units
- 735. Average Annual Expenditures of All Consumer Units, by Metropolitan Area
- 736. Money Income of Households--Percent Distribution, by Income Level, Race, and Hispanic Origin, in Constant (1999) Dollars
- 737. Money Income of Households--Median Income, by Race and Hispanic Origin, in Current and Constant (1999) Dollars
- 738. Money Income of Households - Distribution by Current Income Level and Selected Characteristics
- 739. Household Income Before and After Taxes in Current and Constant (1996) Dollars
- 740. Mean-Taxes Paid and Taxes Paid as a Percentage of Total Mean Before-Tax Income by Type of Tax in Current and Constant (1997) Dollars
- 741. Money Income of Households--Median Income and Current Income Level, by Household Type
- 742. Money Income of Households--Median Income in Current and Constant (1999) Dollars, by State
- 743. Money Income of Families--Percent Distribution by Income Level, Race, and Hispanic Origin, in Constant (1999) Dollars
- 744. Money Income of Families--Median Income, by Race and Hispanic Origin, in Current and Constant (1999) Dollars
- 745. Share of Aggregate Income Received by Each Fifth and Top 5 Percent of Families
- 746. Money Income of Families--Distribution, by Family Characteristcs and Income Level
- 747. Money Income of Families--Work Experience and Number of Earners, by Current Income Level
- 748. Median Income of Families by Type of Family in Current and Constant (1998) Dollars
- 749. Married-Couple Families--Number and Median Income, by Work Experience of Husbands and Wives and Presence of Children
- 750. Money Income of Persons -- Selected Characteristics, by Current Income Level
- 751. Median Income of Persons in Current and Constant (1999) Dollars, by Race and Hispanic Origin
- 752. Average Earnings of Year-Round, Full-Time Workers in Current Dollars, by Educational Attainment
- 753. Per Capita Money Income in Current and Constant (1998) Dollars, by Race and Hispanic Origin
- 754. Persons Below Poverty Level and Below 125 Percent of Poverty Level, by Race and Hispanic Origin
- 755. Children Below Poverty Level by Race and Hispanic Origin
- 756. Weighted Average Poverty Thresholds
- 757. Persons Below Poverty Level, by Selected Characteristics
- 758. Persons 65 Years Old And Over Below Poverty Level
- 759. Persons Below Poverty Level, by State
- 760. Families Below Poverty Level and Below 125 Percent of Poverty Level by Race and Hispanic Origin
- 761. Families Below Poverty Level, by Age of Householder, Educational Attainment, and Work Experience
- 762. Monthly Measures of Poverty Status, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Region, Educational Attainment, and Disability Status
- 763. Nonfinancial Assets Held by Families in Constant (1998) Dollars, by Type of Asset
- 764. Family Net Worth -- Mean and Median Net Worth in Constant (1998) Dollars, by Selected Characteristics of Families
- 765. Household and Nonprofit Organization Sector Balance Sheet
- 766. Net Stock of Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth
- 767. Purchasing Power of the Dollar
- 768. Consumer Price Indexes (CPI-U), by Major Groups
- 769. Consumer Price Indexes (CPI-U)--Selected Areas
- 770. Consumer Price Indexes for All urban Consumers (CPI-U) for Selected Items and Groups
- 771. Cost of Living Index--Selected Metropolitan Areas: Fourth Quarter 1999
- 772. Annual Percent Changes From Prior Year in Consumer Prices-- United States and OECD Countries
- 773. Producer Price Indexes, by Stage of Processing
- 774. Producer Price Indexes by Stage of Processing
- 775. Producer Price Indexes for the Net Output of Selected Industries
- 776. Chain-Type Price and Quantity Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures
- 777. Fixed-Weighted Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product
- 778. Commodity Research Bureau Futures Price Index
- 779. Indexes of Spot Primary Market Prices
- 780. Average Prices of Selected Fuels and Electricity
- 781. Weekly Food Cost, by Type of Family
- 782. Food--Retail Prices of Selected Items
- 783. Import Price Indexes--Selected Commodities
- 784. Export Price Indexes--Selected Commodities
- 785. Refiner/Reseller Sales Price of Gasoline, by State
- 786. Gross Domestic Product in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate, in Current and Real (1996) Dollars
- 787. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Establishments--Number, Revenues, Payroll, and Employees
- 788. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate-- Establishments, Employees, and Payroll
- 789. Flow of Funds Accounts--Financial Assets of Financial and Nonfinancial Institutions, by Holder Sector
- 790. Flow of Funds Accounts--Credit Market Debt Outstanding
- 791. Flow of Funds Accounts--Assets of Households
- 792. Financial Assets Held by Families, by Type of Asset
- 793. Flow of Funds Accounts--Liabilities of Households
- 794. Financial Debt Held by Families, by Type of Debt
- 795. Percent Distribution of Amount of Debt Held by Families, by Type and Purpose of Debt and Type of Lending Institution
- 796. Ratios of Debt Payments to Family Income: 1989 to 1995
- 797. Household Debt-Service Payments as a Percentage of Disposable Personal Income
- 798. Banking Offices, by Type of Bank
- 799. Selected Financial Institutions-- Number and Assets, by Asset Size
- 800. Insured Commercial Banks--Assets and Liabilities
- 801. Insured Commercial Banks-- Income and Selected Measures of Financial Condition
- 802. Insured Commercial Banks--Selected Measures of Financial Condition, by Asset Size and Region
- 803. Insured Commercial Banks--Delinquency Rates and Charge-Off Rates on Loans
- 804. U.S. Banking Offices of Foreign Banks--Summary
- 805. Foreign Lending by U.S. Banks, by Type of Borrower and Country
- 806. Insured Commercial Banks, by State and Other Area
- 807. Retail Fees and Services of Banks
- 808. Insured Savings Institutions--Financial Summary
- 809. Federal and State-Chartered Credit Unions--Summary
- 810. Characteristics of Conventional First Mortgage Loans for Purchase of Single-Family Homes
- 811. Mortgage Debt Outstanding, by Type of Property and Holder
- 812. Estimated Home Equity Debt Outstanding, by Type and Source of Credit
- 813. Home Equity Lending--Percentage of Homeowners with Credit, Sources of Credit, and Uses for Funds Borrowed
- 814. Mortgage Delinquency and Foreclosure Rates
- 815. Consumer Credit Outstanding and Finance Rates
- 817. Usage of General Purpose Credit Cards by Families
- 820. Electronic Funds Transfer Volume
- 821. Money Stock
- 822. Money Market Interest Rates and Mortgage Rates
- 823. Bond Yields
- 824. Volume of Debt Markets by Type of Security
- 825. Commercial Paper Outstanding, by Type of Company
- 826. Total Returns of Stocks, Bonds, and Treasury Bills
- 827. Equities, Corporate Bonds, and Municipal Securities-- Holdings and Net Purchases, by Type of Investor
- 828. New Security Issues of Corporations, by Type of Offering
- 829. Purchases and Sales by U.S. Investors of Foreign Bonds and Stocks, and by Selected Country, 1999
- 830. Foreign Purchases and Sales of U.S. Securities, by Type of Security and Selected Country
- 831. Stock Prices and Yields
- 832. Dow-Jones U.S. Equity Market Index, by Industry
- 833. NASDAQ--Securities Listed and Volume of Trading
- 834. Sales of Stocks and Options on Registered Exchanges
- 835. Volume of Trading on New York Stock Exchange
- 836. Securities Listed on N.Y. Stock Exchange
- 837. Stock Ownership, by Age of Head of Family and Family Income
- 838. Household Ownership of Equities: 1999
- 839. Characteristics of Equity Owners: 1999
- 840. Household Ownership of Mutual Funds, by Age and Income
- 841. Characteristics of Mutual Fund Owners: 1998
- 842. Mutual Funds-Summary
- 843. Mutual Fund Shares--Holdings and Net Purchases, by Type of Investor
- 844. Mutual Fund Retirement Assets
- 845. Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) Plans-- Value by Institution
- 846. Assets of Private and Public Pension Funds, by Type of Fund
- 847. Securities Industry--Revenues and Expenses
- 848. Health Insurance-- Premium Income and Benefit Payments of Insurance Companies
- 849. Property and Casualty Insurance--Summary
- 850. Automobile Insurance--Average Expenditures Per Insured Vehicle, by State
- 851. Life Insurance in Force in the United States--Summary
- 852. Life Insurance Purchases in the United States-- Number and Amount
- 853. U.S. Life Insurance Companies--Summary
- 854. Number of Returns and Business Receipts, by Type of Business and Size of Receipts
- 855. Number of Tax Returns, Receipts, and Net Income, by Type of Business and by Industry
- 856. Number of Returns and Business Receipts, by Industry, Type of Business, and Size of Business Receipts
- 857. Nonfarm Sole Proprietorships--Selected Income and Deduction Items
- 858. Partnerships--Selected Items, by Industry
- 859. Partnerships--Selected Income Statement and Balance Sheet Items
- 860. Corporate Funds -- Sources and Uses
- 861. Nonfinancial Corporate Business-Sector Balance Sheet
- 862. Corporations--Selected Income Statement and Balance Sheet Items
- 863. Corporations -- Selected Financial Items, by Industry
- 864. Corporations, by Asset Size-Class and Industry
- 865. Advance Comparative Statistics for the United States (1987 Basis): 1997
- 866. Employees and Payroll, by Employment-Size Class
- 867. Establishments, Employees, and Payroll, by Industry
- 868. Establishments, Employees, and Payroll, by Employment-Size Class and Industry
- 869. Major Industries: Private Firms, Establishments, Annual Payroll, and Estimated Receipts by Firm Size
- 870. Private Employer Firms, Establishments, Employment, Annual Payroll and Estimated Receipts by Firm Size
- 871. New Firms, Births and Deaths, and Employment Changes by Employment Size of Firms: 1989-96
- 872. Small Establishments, Employees, and Payroll, by Employment-Size Class and Industry
- 873. Women-Owned Firms by Major Industry Group: 1992
- 874. Minority-Owned Firms--Comparison of Business Ownership by Minority Group and Gender: 1987 and 1992
- 875. Business Starts and Employment
- 876. Business Starts and Business Failures, by State
- 877. Business Failures, by Industry
- 878. Bankruptcy Cases Filed, by State
- 879. Bankruptcy Petitions Filed and Pending, by Type and Chapter
- 880. Small Business Administration Loans to Small Businesses
- 881. Venture Capital Commitments, by Source
- 882. Mergers and Acquisitions--Summary
- 883. Mergers and Acquisitions, by Industry
- 884. Patents and Trademarks
- 885. Patents, by State
- 886. Patents, by Industry
- 887. Academic Patenting: Number of U.S. Universities and Colleges with Patent Awards, and Number of Academic Patent Awards
- 888. Net Stock of Fixed Private Capital, by Industry
- 889. New Product Introductions of Consumer Packaged Goods
- 890. Gross Private Domestic Investment in Current and Real (1996) Dollars
- 891. Capital Expenditures
- 892. Composite Indexes of Economic Cyclical Indicators
- 893. Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions--Months of Duration
- 894. Manufacturing and Trade--Sales and Inventories
- 895. Manufacturing Corporations--Number, Assets, and Profits, by Asset-Size
- 896. 1,000 Largest Industrial Corporations--Selected Financial Items, by Industry: 1997
- 897. Corporate Profits, Taxes, and Dividends
- 898. Corporate Profits Before Taxes by Industry
- 899. Corporate Profits With Inventory Valuation and Capital Consumption Adjustments -- Financial and Nonfinancial Industries
- 900. Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--Profits and Stockholders' Equity, by Industry
- 901. Manufacturing Corporations--Selected Finances
- 902. U.S. Multinational Companies--Gross Product
- 903. U.S. Multinational Companies--Selected Characteristics
- 904. Gross Product, Employment, and Capital Expenditures of Nonbank U.S. MNC,s, U.S. Parents, and Foreign Affiliates
- 905. Nonbank U.S. MNC's, U.S. Parents, and MOFA's by Industry of U.S. Parent
- 906. Gross Domestic Income in Information Technologies (IT) Industries
- 907. Information Technologies (IT)--Employment and Wages
- 908. Communications Industry--Finances
- 909. Media Usage and Consumer Spending
- 910. Utilization of Selected Media
- 911. Multimedia Audiences--Summary
- 912. Use of Home Computers: 1997
- 913. Internet Access and Usage, and Online Service Usage
- 914. Households with Computers and Internet Access, by Selected Characteristic
- 915. Households with Telephones, Computers, or Internet Access
- 916. Telecommunications Industry--Carriers and Revenue
- 917. Telephone Systems -- Summary
- 918. Telephone Communications--Finances
- 919. Cellular Telephone Industry
- 920. Radio and Television Broadcasting Services-Finances
- 921. Copyright Registration by Subject Matter
- 922. Public Television Programming
- 923. Public Broadcasting Systems--Income by Source
- 924. Recording Media--Manufacturers' Shipments and Value
- 925. Cable Television--Systems and Subscribers
- 926. Cable and Pay TV--Revenue and Expenses
- 927. Cable and Pay TV--Summary
- 928. New Books and Editions Published, and Imports, by Subject
- 929. Books--Average Retail Prices
- 930. Periodicals--Average Retail Prices
- 931. Newspapers and Periodicals--Number by Type
- 932. Daily and Sunday Newspapers--Number and Circulation
- 933. Daily Newspapers--Number and Circulation by Size of City
- 934. Daily and Sunday Newspapers--Number and Circulation, by State
- 935. U.S. Postal Service Rates for Letters and Post Cards
- 936. U.S. Postal Service--Summary
- 937. Advertising--Estimated Expenditures, Through Medium
- 938. Magazine Advertising Revenue, by Category
- 939. Television--Expenditures for Network Advertising
- 940. Television--Estimated Time Charges for National Spot Advertising
- 941. Television--Expenditures for Retail/Local Advertising
- 942. Energy Supply and Disposition, by Type of Fuel
- 943. Energy Supply and Disposition, by Type of Fuel -- Estimates, 1993 to 1999, and Projections: 2000 to 2020
- 944. Selected Energy Indicators--Summary
- 945. Energy Consumption, by End-Use Sector
- 946. Energy Consumption--End-Use Sector and Selected Source, by State
- 947. Energy Expenditures -- End-Use Sector and Selected Source, by State
- 948. Energy Expenditures and Average Fuel Prices, by Source and Sector
- 949. Residential Energy Consumption, Expenditures, and Average Prices
- 950. Residential Energy Consumption and Expenditures, by Type of Fuel and Selected Household Characteristic
- 951. Manufacturing Primary Energy Consumption for all Purposes, by Type of Fuel and Major Industry Group
- 952. Commercial Buildings--Energy Consumption and Expenditures
- 953. Energy Prices:
- 954. Fossil Fuel Prices in Current and Constant (1996) Dollars
- 955. Energy Imports and Exports, By Type of Fuel
- 956. U.S. Foreign Trade in Selected Mineral Fuels
- 957. Crude Oil Imports Into U.S., by Country of Origin
- 958. Crude Oil and Refined Products -- Summary
- 959. Petroleum and Coal Products Corporations -- Sales, Net Profit, and Profit Per Dollar of Sales
- 960. Major Petroleum Companies -- Financial Data Summary
- 961. Electric Utility Sales and Average Prices, by End-Use Sector
- 962. Electric Utility Industry -- Net Generation, Net Summer Capability, Generating Units, and Consumption of Fuels
- 963. Electric Utility Industry -- Capability, Peak Load, and Capacity Margin
- 964. Electric Energy Sales, by Class of Service and State
- 965. Electric Energy -- Net Generation and Installed Generating Capacity, by State
- 966. Nuclear Power Plants -- Number of Units, Net Generation, and Net Summer Capability by State
- 967. Nuclear Power Plants -- Number, Capacity, and Generation
- 968. Uranium Supply and Discharged Commercial Reactor Fuel
- 969. Electric Utilities-Generation, Sales, Revenue, and Customers
- 970. Major Investor-Owned Electric Utilities--Balance Sheet and Income Account of Privately Owned Companies
- 971. Nonutility Electric Power Producers--Summary, by Type of Fuel
- 972. Water Power--Developed and Undeveloped Capacity, by Division
- 973. Solar Collector Shipments, by Type, End-Use, and Market Sector
- 974. Renewable Energy Consumption Estimates by Type
- 975. Privately Owned Gas Utility Industry -- Balance Sheet and Income Account
- 976. Gas Utility Industry -- Summary
- 977. Gas Utility Industry -- Customers, Sales, and Revenues by State
- 978. R&D Expenditures: 1960 to 1997
- 979. Federal Obligations for R&D, by Agency
- 980. Performance Sector of R&D Expenditures
- 981. Performance Sector of R&D Expenditures by State: 1998
- 982. Federal Funding for R&D, by Selected Budget Function
- 983. National R&D Expenditures as a Percent of Gross Domestic Product, by Country
- 984. R&D Expenditures in Science and Engineering at Universities and Colleges
- 985. Federal Obligations to Universities and Colleges
- 986. Federal R&D Obligations to Selected Universities and Colleges
- 987. Percentage of U.S. Scientific and Technical Articles Which are Co-authoredand Internationally Co-authored
- 988. Citations on U.S. Patents to the U.S. Scientific & Technical Literature, by Cited Field
- 989. Percentage of Citations to Foreign Articles in U.S. Scientific & Technical Public Publications
- 990. Funds for Performance of Industrial R&D, by Source of Funds and Selected Industries
- 991. R&D Funds in R&D-Performing Manufacturing Companies, by Industry
- 992. Federal Obligations in Current and Constant (1996) Dollars for Research, by Field of Science
- 993. R&D Scientists and Engineers-- Employment and Cost, by Industry
- 994. Civilian Employment of Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians, by Occupation and Industry
- 995. Graduate Science/Engineering Students in Doctorate-Granting Colleges
- 996. Science and Engineering Degree Recipients
- 997. Doctorates Conferred, by Recipients' Characteristics
- 998. Space Vehicle Systems--Net Sales and Backlog Orders
- 999. Federal Outlays for General Science, Space and Other Technology
- 1000. U.S. Commercial Space Industry Revenue, by Type
- 1001. Worldwide Commercial Space Industry Revenue, by Type
- 1002. National Aeronautics and Space Administration--Budget Summary
- 1003. NASA Space Shuttle Operations Expenditures
- 1004. World-Wide Successful Space Launches
- 1005. Space Shuttle Launches--Summary
- 1006. Nobel Prize Laureates in Selected Sciences
- 1007. Passenger and Freight Transportation Outlays, by Type of Transport
- 1008. Volume of Domestic Intercity Freight and Passenger Traffic, by Type of Transport
- 1009. Transportation Industry Summary: 1997
- 1010. Employment and Earnings in Transportation, by Industry
- 1011. Transportation Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries, by Mode of Transportation
- 1012. Commodity Shipments -- Value, Tons and Ton-Miles
- 1013. Hazardous Material Shipment Characteristics, by Mode of Transportation
- 1014. Highway Mileage--Urban, Rural, and Functional Systems
- 1015. Highway Mileage--Urban and Rural, by Type and Control
- 1016. Bridge Inventory--Non-Deficient and Deficient
- 1017. Highway Pavement Condition, by Type of Road System
- 1018. Funding for Highways, by Level of Government
- 1019. Public Highway Debt--State and Local Governments
- 1020. Disbursement of State Highway Funds, by State:
- 1021. Federal Grants to State and Local Governments for Highway Trust Fund and Federal Transit Administration (FTA), by State
- 1022. State Gasoline Tax Rates, and Motor Fuel Tax Receipts
- 1023. Selected Motor Vehicle Indicators by Model Year.
- 1024. New and Used Car Sales and Leases
- 1025. Number of Households Leasing Vehicles, and Number of Vehicles Leased per Household
- 1026. Motor Vehicle Registrations, Vehicle Miles of Travel, and Drivers Licenses, by State
- 1027. Motor Vehicle Registrations
- 1028. Alternative Fueled Vehicles in Use, by Fuel Type
- 1029. Recreational Vehicles--Number and Retail Value of Shipments
- 1030. Motor Vehicle Production and Trade
- 1031. Motor Vehicles in Use, by Age of Vehicle
- 1032. Travel in the United States by Selected Trip Characteristics: 1995
- 1033. National Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS)-- Summary of Travel Trends
- 1034. Roadway Congestion, by Urbanized Area
- 1035. Motor Vehicle Accidents--Number and Deaths
- 1036. Motor Vehicle Deaths, by State
- 1037. Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents--National Summary
- 1038. Motor Vehicle Occupants and Non-Occupants Killed and Injured
- 1039. Large Truck Involvement in Fatal Crashes, by State: 1998
- 1040. Speeding-Related Traffic Fatalities and Costs by Road Type and Speed Limit
- 1041. Traffic Fatalities by State and Highest Blood Alcohol Concentration in the Crash: 1998
- 1042. Fatalities by Highest Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in Highway Crashes
- 1043. Highway Travel--Mileage and Accident Summary
- 1044. Alcohol Involvement for Drivers in Fatal Crashes:
- 1045. Age of Driver and Number in Accidents
- 1046. State Legislation--Alcohol and Road Safety Laws: Various Years-
- 1047. Motor Vehicle Recalls, by Domestic and Foreign Manufacturers
- 1048. Cost of Owning and Operating an Automobile
- 1049. Domestic Motor Fuel Consumption, by Type of Vehicle
- 1050. Motor Vehicle Travel, by Type of Vehicle, and by Speed
- 1051. Passenger Transit Industry--Summary
- 1052. Class I Intercity Motor Carriers of Passengers
- 1053. Passenger Transportation Arrangement
- 1054. Motor Freight Transportation and Warehousing Services -- Revenues, Expenses, and Payroll
- 1055. Bus Profile
- 1056. Truck Profile
- 1057. Trucks, Truck Miles, and average Annual Miles for All Trucks
- 1058. Trucking and Courier Services--Summary
- 1059. Class I Intercity Motor Carriers of Property, by Carrier
- 1060. Railroads, Class I--Summary
- 1061. Railroads, Class I-Cars--Carloads by Commodity Group
- 1062. Railroads, Class I Line-Haul-Revenue Freight Originated, by Commodity Group
- 1063. Railroad Freight--Producer Price Indexes
- 1064. Petroleum Pipeline Companies--Characteristics
- 1065. Major Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Companies--Summary
- 1066. Air and Water Transportation Industries--Summary
- 1067. U.S. Scheduled Airline Industry--Summary
- 1068. Airline Cost Indexes
- 1069. Top Airports Ranked by Passengers Enplaned
- 1070. Domestic Airline Markets
- 1071. Worldwide Airline Fatalities
- 1072. Airline Passenger Screening Results
- 1073. Aircraft Accidents
- 1074. On-Time Flight Arrivals and Departures at Major U.S. Airports
- 1075. Consumer Complaints Against U.S. Airlines
- 1076. Commuter/Regional Airline Operations--Summary
- 1077. Civil Flying--Summary
- 1078. Net Orders for U.S. Civil Jet Transport Aircraft
- 1079. U.S. Aircraft Shipments
- 1080. Employment and Earnings in Aircraft Industries
- 1081. Aerospace--Sales, New Orders, and Backlog
- 1082. Aerospace Industry Sales, by Product Group and Customer
- 1083. Aerospace Industry--Net Profits After Taxes
- 1084. United States Total and Aerospace Foreign Trade
- 1085. International Transportation Transactions of the United States, by Type
- 1086. Federal Expenditures for Civil Functions of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army
- 1087. Freight Carried on Major U.S. Waterways
- 1088. Waterborne Commerce by Type of Commodity
- 1089. Cargo-Carrying U.S.-Flag Fleet by Area of Operation: 1999
- 1090. Private Shipyards--Summary
- 1091. Employees Shipbuilding and Repairing
- 1092. Employment on U.S. Flag Merchant Vessels, and Basic Monthly Wage Scale for Able-Bodied Seamen
- 1093. Worldwide Tanker Casualties
- 1094. Merchant Vessels--World and United States
- 1095. Merchant Vessels--Ships and Tonnage Lost Worldwide
- 1096. Merchant Fleets of the World
- 1097. Farms--Number and Acreage, by Size of Farm
- 1098. Farms--Number and Acreage, by Tenure of Operator
- 1099. Farm Operators--Tenure and Characteristics
- 1100. Farms--Number, Acreage, and Value, by Type of Organization
- 1101. Corporate Farms--Characteristics, by Type
- 1102. Farms--Number, Acreage, and Value of Sales, by Size of Sales
- 1103. Farms--Number, Acreage, and Value, by State
- 1104. Farms--Number and Acreage
- 1105. Farms--Number and Acreage, by State
- 1106. Certified Organic Farmland Acreage and Livestock
- 1107. Gross Farm Product--Summary
- 1108. Value Added to Economy by Agricultural Sector
- 1109. Farm Income--Cash Receipts From Farm Marketings
- 1110. Cash Receipts for Selected Commodities--Leading States: 1997
- 1111. Balance Sheet of the Farming Sector
- 1112. Farm Assets, Debt, and Income, by State
- 1113. Farm Income--Farm Marketings,Government Payments, and Principal Commodities, by State
- 1114. Indexes of Prices Received and Paid by Farmers
- 1115. Value of Selected Commodities Produced Under Contracts
- 1116. Civilian Consumer Expenditures for Farm Foods
- 1117. Indexes of Farm Production, Input Use, and Productivity
- 1118. Agricultural Exports and Imports-- Volume, by Principal Commodities
- 1119. Agricultural Exports and Imports--Value
- 1120. Agricultural Imports-- Value, by Selected Commodity and Leading Countries of Origin
- 1121. Imports Share of Food Consumption, by Commodity
- 1122. Selected Farm Products-- United States and World Production and Exports
- 1123. Agricultural Exports-- Value, by Principal Commodities
- 1124. Agricultural Exports-- Value, by Selected Countries of Destination
- 1125. Cropland Used for Crops and Acreages of Crops Harvested
- 1126. Crops--Production, Supply, and Disappearance
- 1127. Corn--Acreage, Production, and Value, by Leading States
- 1128. Soybeans--Acreage, Production, and Value, by Leading States
- 1129. Wheat--Acreage, Production, and Value, by Leading States
- 1130. Greenhouse and Nursery Crops--Summary, by Type of Product
- 1131. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables--Supply and Use
- 1132. Nuts--Supply and Use
- 1133. Commercial Vegetable and Other Specified Crops-- Area, Production, and Value and Leading Producing States
- 1134. Fruits and Nuts-- Utilized Production and Value and Leading Producing States
- 1135. Meat Supply and Use
- 1136. Livestock Inventory and Production
- 1137. Livestock Operations, by Size of Herd
- 1138. Hogs and Pigs--Number, Production, and Value, by State
- 1139. Cattle and Calves--Number, Production, and Value, by State
- 1140. Milk Cows--Number, Production, and Value, by State
- 1141. Milk Production and Manufactured Dairy Products
- 1142. Milk Production and Commercial Use
- 1143. Broiler, Turkey, and Egg Production
- 1144. Broiler and Turkey Production, by State
- 1145. Gross Domestic Product of Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, and Timber-Related Industries in Current and Real (1996) Dollars, by Industry
- 1146. National Forest System -- Summary
- 1147. National Forest System Land--States and Other Areas
- 1148. Forest Land -- Total and Timberland Area, Volume of Sawtimer, and Growing Stock
- 1149. Timber-Based Industries -- Summary of Manufactures
- 1150. Timber Products -- Production, Foreign Trade, and Consumption
- 1151. Selected Timber Products--Imports and Exports
- 1152. Lumber Consumption, by Species Group and End Use
- 1153. Selected Timber Products--Producer Price Indexes
- 1154. Selected Species -- Stumpage Prices in Current and Constant (1992) Dollars
- 1155. Paper and Paperboard--Production, New Supply, and Ratio of New Supply to Real GDP
- 1156. Fishery Products -- Domestic Catch, Imports, and Disposition
- 1157. Fisheries--Quantity and Value of Domestic Catch
- 1158. Domestic Fish and Shellfish Catch, Value, and Price, by Species
- 1159. U.S. Private Aquaculture--Trout and Catfish Production and Value
- 1160. Supply of Selected Fishery Items
- 1161. Canned, Fresh, and Frozen Fishery Products -- Production, Value, and Price
- 1162. Mining Summary, by Industry: 1992 and 1997
- 1163. Mining and Primary Metal Production Indexes
- 1164. Mineral Industries -- Employment, Hours, and Earnings, by Industry
- 1165. Mineral Production, by Type of Mineral
- 1166. Mineral Production Value, by Type of Commodity
- 1167. Nonfuel Mineral Commodities--Production, Foreign Trade, and Price
- 1168. Selected Mineral Products--Average Prices
- 1169. Value of Domestic Nonfuel Mineral Production, by State
- 1170. Principal Fuels, Nonmetals, and Metals -- World Production and U.S. Share
- 1171. Federal Strategic and Critical Materials Inventory
- 1172. Net U.S. Imports of Selected Nonfuel Minerals and Metals as Percent of Apparent Consumption
- 1173. Federal Offshore Leasing, Exploration, Production, and Revenue
- 1174. Petroleum Industry -- Summary
- 1175. U.S. Petroleum Balance
- 1176. Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas -- Production and Value, by State
- 1177. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids -- Reserves, by State
- 1178. World Crude Oil Daily Production
- 1179. Liquefied Petroleum Gases -- Production, Foreign Trade, and Stocks
- 1180. Natural Gas Plant Liquids--Production and Value
- 1181. Natural Gas--Supply, Consumption, Reserves, and Marketed Production
- 1182. World Natural Gas Production, by Country
- 1183. Coal and Coke--Summary
- 1184. World Coal Production,by Country
- 1185. Demonstrated Coal Reserves, by Type of Coal, and Method of Mining, by State
- 1186. Uranium Concentrate (U3O8) Industry--Summary
- 1187. Construction--Summary (SIC Basis): 1992 and 1997
- 1188. Construction Materials -- Producer Price Indexes
- 1189. Price and Cost Indexes for Construction
- 1190. Value of New Construction Put in Place
- 1191. Value of New Construction Put in Place by Type
- 1194. New Privately-Owned Housing Units Authorized, by State
- 1195. New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started--Selected Characteristics
- 1196. New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started by State
- 1197. Characteristics of New Privately Owned One-Family Houses Completed
- 1198. New Privately Owned One-Family Houses Sold by Region and Type of Financing and by Sales-Price Group
- 1199. Median Sales Price of New Privately Owned One-Family Houses Sold by Region
- 1200. New Manufactured (Mobile) Homes Placed for Residential Use and Average Sales Price by Region
- 1201. Existing One-Family Houses Sold and Price, by Region
- 1202. Median Sales Price of Existing One-Family Homes bySelected Metropolitan Area
- 1203. Existing Home Sales by State
- 1204. Existing Apartment Condos and Co-Ops--Units Sold and Median Sales Price, by Region
- 1205. New Apartments Completed and Rented in 3 Months, By Region
- 1206. Recent Home Buyers -- General Characteristics
- 1207. Total Housing Inventory for the United States
- 1208. Vacancy Rates for Housing Units -- Characteristics
- 1209. Housing Units--Characteristics by Tenure and Region
- 1210. Housing Inventory for Selected Metropolitan Areas: Summary Characteristics
- 1211. Housing Units--Size of Units and Lot
- 1212. Occupied Housing Units--Current Trends in Tenure by Race of Householder
- 1213. Homeownership Rates by Age of Householder and Family Status
- 1214. Homeownership Rates by State
- 1215. Occupied Housing Units--Costs by Region
- 1216. Occupied Housing Units--Financial Summary by Selected Characteristicsof the Householder
- 1217. Mortgage Characteristics--Owner Occupied Units
- 1218. Debt Status of Homeowners, by Selected Characteristic: 1997
- 1219. Heating Equipment and Fuels for Occupied Units
- 1220. Occupied Housing Units--Housing Indicators, by Selected Characteristicsof the Householder
- 1221. Appliances and Office Equipment Used by Households, by Region and Household Income: 1997
- 1222. Net Stock of Residential Fixed Assets
- 1223. Expenditures by Residential Property Owners for Improvements and Maintenance andRepairs by Type of Property and Activity
- 1224. Home Remodeling--Work Done and Amount Spent: 1998
- 1225. Commercial Office Space--Overview for Selected Market Areas
- 1226. Commercial Buildings--Selected Characteristics by Square Footage of Floorspace
- 1227. Commercial Buildings -- Number and Size, by Principal Activity
- 1228. Office Buildings--Vacancy Rates for Major Markets,
- 1229. Gross Domestic Product in Manufacturing in Current and Real (1996) Dollars by Industry
- 1230. Manufacturing -- Establishments, Employment, Payroll, and Shipments, by Industry
- 1231. Manufactures -- Employment, Payroll, Value Added, and Value of Shipments, by State
- 1232. Average Hourly Earnings of Production Workers in Manufacturing Industries, by State
- 1233. Manufacturing Full-time Equivalent Employees and Wages, by Industry
- 1234. Manufactures' Shipments, Inventories, and New Orders
- 1235. Value of Manufactures' Shipments, Inventories, and New Orders by Industry
- 1236. Value of Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and New Orders by Marketing Grouping
- 1237. Ratios of Manufacturers' Inventories to Shipments and unfilled Orders to Shipments, by Industry Group
- 1238. Industrial Production Indexes, by Industry
- 1239. Index of Manufacturing Capacity
- 1240. Finances and Profits of Manufacturing Corporations
- 1241. U.S. Exports of Manufactures; Origin of World Exports of Manufactures
- 1242. Alcoholic Beverages -- Production
- 1243. Tobacco Products -- Production, Foreign Trade, Consumption, and Expenditures
- 1244. Cotton, Wool, and Manmade Fibers -- Consumption, by End-Use
- 1245. Broadwoven and Knit Fabrics--Shipments, Foreign Trade, and Apparent Consumption
- 1246. Selected Apparel -- Shipments, Foreign Trade, and Apparent Consumption
- 1247. Footwear -- Production, Foreign Trade, and Apparent Consumption
- 1248. Inorganic Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Preparations -- Value of Shipments
- 1249. Fiber, Rugs, Carpeting, and Sheets--Shipments
- 1250. Glass Containers, Clay Construction Products, and Refractories-- Value of Shipments
- 1251. Aluminum Mill Products -- Shipments, by Product
- 1252. Iron and Steel Industry -- Summary
- 1253. Raw Steel, Pig Iron, and Ferroalloys Production
- 1254. Steel Products -- Net Shipments, by Market Class
- 1255. U.S. Machine Tool Consumption -- Gross New Orders and Exports
- 1256. Metalworking Machinery -- Value of Shipments, by Type of Product
- 1257. Selected Types of Construction Machinery -- Value of Shipments
- 1258. Mining Machinery and Mineral Processing Equipment -- Companies, Quantity, and Value of Shipments
- 1259. Engines, Refrigeration and Heating Equipment, and Pumps and Compressors--Shipments
- 1260. Computers and Office and Accounting Machines -- Value of Shipments
- 1261. Computers and Office and Accounting Machines -- Number of Companies and Shipments
- 1262. Computers and Industrial Electronics -- Factory Shipments
- 1263. Consumer Electronics and Electronic Components -- Factory Sales, by Product Category
- 1264. Communication Equipment -- Value of Shipments
- 1265. Semiconductors, Printed Circuit Boards, and Other Electronic Components -- Value of Shipments, by Class of Product
- 1266. Selected Instruments and Related Products -- Value of Shipments
- 1267. Firearms Manufacturers'--Shipments, Exports, and Imports
- 1268. Selected Industrial Air Pollution Control Equipment-- Number of Companies, New Orders, and Shipments
- 1269. Toy Industry--Shipments and Quantity, by Type of Product
- 1270. Gross Domestic Product in Domestic Trade and Service Industries in Current and Real (1996) Dollars
- 1271. Retail Trade--Summary
- 1272. Retail Trade --Summary by Kind of Business
- 1273. Retail Trade--Establishments, Employees, and Payroll
- 1274. Retail Trade Sales--Summary
- 1275. Retail Trade--Sales, by Kind of Business
- 1276. Retail Trade--Merchandise Inventories, Inventory/Sales Ratios, Estimated Purchases, Gross Margin, and Gross Margin as a Percent of Sales, by Kind of Business
- 1277. Retail Trade--Estimated Purchases, Estimated Gross Margin, and Gross Margin as a Percent of Sales, by Kind of Business
- 1278. Franchised New Car Dealerships--Summary
- 1279. Motor Vehicle Factory Sales and Retail Sales
- 1280. Retail Foodstores--Number and Sales, by Type
- 1281. Percent of Supermarkets Offering Selected Services and Product Lines
- 1282. Food Sales by Nontraditional Retailers
- 1283. Food and Alcoholic Beverage Sales, by Sales Outlet
- 1284. Commercial and Noncommercial Groups--Food and Drink Sales
- 1285. Online Retail sales, Penetration of Total Market, and Growth Rate by Kind of Business
- 1286. Online Consumer Spending Forecast, by Kind of Business
- 1287. US Online Retail and Business to Business E-Commerce Projections
- 1288. Retail E-Commerce Sales, Number of Orders, and Average Purchase Amount in Key categories
- 1289. U.S. Mail Order Sales
- 1290. Catalog Sales--Method Used and Characteristic of Purchaser
- 1291. Merchandise or Services Ordered by Mail or Phone In Last 12 Months, by Characteristic of Purchaser
- 1292. Total Population Ordering Specific Items By Catalog Within Last 12 Months
- 1293. Shopping Centers -- Number, Gross Leasable Area, and Retail Sales, by Gross Leasable Area
- 1294. Shopping Centers-- Number, Gross Leasable Area, and Retail Sales, by State
- 1295. Retail Sales, by Type of Store and State
- 1296. Retail Trade--Summary of Establishments by State
- 1297. Merchant Wholesalers -- Sales and Inventories
- 1298. Comparative Statistics in Wholesale Trade, by Kind of Business: 1992 and 1997
- 1299. Selected Service Industries--Summary
- 1300. Service Industries -- Summary of Taxable Firms
- 1301. Service Industries -- Annual Receipts of Taxable Firms
- 1302. Lodging Industry Summary: 1990 to 1999
- 1303. Service Industries -- Summary of Tax-Exempt Firms, by Kind of Business
- 1304. National Nonprofit Associations--Number, by Type
- 1305. Selected Service Industries -- Revenue and Expenses for Tax-Exempt Firms, by Kind of Business
- 1306. Comparative Statistics In Service Industries by Kind of Business: 1992 and 1997 In Service Industries
- 1307. U.S. International Transactions by Type of Transaction
- 1308. U.S. Balances on International Transactions by Area and Selected Country
- 1309. Private Services Transaction by Type, Area and Country
- 1310. International Investment Position
- 1311. U.S. Reserve Assets, by Type
- 1312. Foreign direct Investment Position in the United States on a Historical-Cost Basis Country
- 1313. U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies -- Assets, Sales, Employment, Land, Exports and Imports
- 1314. Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S.--Gross Book Value and Employment of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies, by State
- 1315. U.S. Businesses Acquired or Established by Foreign Direct Investors -- Investment Outlays, by Industry of U.S. Business Enterprise and Country of Ultimate Beneficial Owner
- 1316. U.S. Direct Investment Position Abroad, Capital Outflows, and Income by Industry of Foreign Affiliates
- 1317. U.S. Direct Investment Position Abroad on a Historical-Cost Basis, by Country
- 1318. U.S. Government Foreign Grants and Credits, by Type and Country
- 1319. U.S. Foreign Economic and Military Aid Programs
- 1320. U.S. Foreign Military Aid by Region and Selected Countries
- 1321. U.S. Foreign Aid--Economic Assistance, by Region and Selected Countries
- 1322. U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services
- 1323. U.S. Exports, General Imports, and Trade Balance in Goods
- 1324. U.S. Exports and Imports for Consumption of Merchandise, by Customs District
- 1325. Export and Import Unit Value Indexes -- Selected Countries
- 1326. U.S. Exports by State of Origin
- 1327. U.S. Agriculture Exports by State
- 1328. U.S. Exports, Imports, and Merchandise Trade Balance, by Country
- 1329. U.S. Exports, General Imports, and Merchandise Trade Balance by Selected SITC Commodity Groups
- 1330. Export Shipments, by Export Mode of Transportation, Country of Destination, and Major Commodity Group
- 1331. U.S. Exporting Companies Profile
- 1332. Domestic Exports and Imports for Consumption of Merchandise, by SIC Industry
- 1333. Estimated Resident Population With Projections
- 1334. Vital Statistics--Specified Areas
- 1335. Land Area and Population Characteristics, by Area: 1990
- 1336. Selected Social and Economic Characteristics, by Area: 1990
- 1337. Federal Direct Payments for Individuals
- 1338. Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, by Areas
- 1339. Puerto Rico--Summary
- 1340. Puerto Rico--Gross Product and Net Income
- 1341. Puerto Rico--Transfer Payments
- 1342. Puerto Rico--Merchandise Imports and Exports
- 1343. Puerto Rico--Farms, Farmland, Farms by Size, Tenure of Operator, Type of Organization, and Farms by Value of Sales: 1993 and 1998
- 1344. Puerto Rico--Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1993 and 1998
- 1345. Puerto Rico--Economic Census of Manufacturing: 1997
- 1346. Puerto Rico--Economic Summary, by Industry
- 1347. Highway Statistics (Most Current Year)For Puerto Rico and the Territories
- 1348. Guam, Virgin Islands, and Northern Mariana Islands--Economic Summary
- 1349. Components of Population Change-Puerto Rico and Largest Municipios: 1990 to 1997
- 1350. Total World Population: 1950 to 2050
- 1351. World Summary-Textile Fiber Production
- 1352. Population, by Country
- 1353. Age Distribution, by Country
- 1354. Foreign or Foreign-Born Population and Labor Force in Selected OECD Countries
- 1355. Vital Statistics, by Country
- 1356. Death Rates from Injuries, by Mechanism and Country
- 1357. Medical Doctors and Inpatient Care--Selected Countries
- 1358. Health Expenditures by Country
- 1359. Average Temperatures and Precipitation--Selected International Cities
- 1360. Selected Environmental Data--OECD Countries
- 1361. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Consumption of Fossil Fuels, by Country, and Projections
- 1362. Educational Attainment by Country: 1998
- 1363. Number of Foreign Students as Percent of Total University Enrollment in Selected OECD Countries: 1998
- 1364. Gross National Product, by Country: 1998
- 1365. Gross Domestic Product, by Country
- 1366. International Economic Composite Indexes, by Country
- 1367. Selected International Economic Indicators, by Country
- 1368. Annual Percent Changes in Consumer Prices, by Country
- 1369. Comparative Price Levels--Selected OECD Countries: 2000
- 1370. Per Capita Consumption of Meat and Poultry, by Country
- 1371. Motor Vehicle Transportation Indicators for Selected Countries
- 1372. Transportation Infrastructure and Domestic Freight Activity-Selected Countries: 1996
- 1373. Newspapers, Radio, Television, Telephones, and Computers, by Country
- 1374. Gross Public Debt, Expenditures, and Receipts, by Country
- 1375. Percent Distribution of Tax Receipts, by Country: 1980 to 1996
- 1376. Civilian Labor Force, Employment, and Unemployment, by Country
- 1377. Unemployment Rates, by Country
- 1378. Civilian Employment-Population Ratio by Sex and Country
- 1379. Female Labor Force Participation Rates, by Country
- 1380. Civilian Employment, by Industry and Country
- 1381. Index of Industrial Production, by Country
- 1382. Patents, by Country
- 1383. Relative Labor Productivity Levels in Manufacturing in Selected OECD Countries
- 1384. Selected Indexes of Manufacturing Activity, by Country
- 1385. Indexes of Hourly Compensation Costs for Production Workers in Manufacturing, by Country
- 1386. Income Tax and Social Security Contributions as Percent of Labor Costs: 1998
- 1387. World Primary Energy Production, by Region and Type
- 1388. World Primary Energy Consumption, by Region and Type
- 1389. World Energy Consumption, by Region and Energy Source, and Projections, 2005 to 2020
- 1390. Energy Consumption and Production, by Country
- 1391. Net Electricity Generation by Type and Country: 1998
- 1393. World Production of Major Mineral Commodities
- 1394. Wood Products--Production, Exports, and Consumption for Selected Countries
- 1395. Unmanufactured Tobacco and Cigarettes--Selected Countries
- 1396. World Food Production, by Commodity
- 1397. Fisheries--Commercial Catch, by Country
- 1398. Meat Production by Type and Country
- 1399. Wheat, Rice, and Corn Production, by Country
- 1400. Wheat, Rice, and Corn--Exports and Imports of 10 Leading Countries
- 1401. United States and Foreign Stock Markets--Market Capitalization and Value of Shares Traded
- 1402. Dow-Jones World Stock Index, by Country and Industry
- 1403. Foreign Stock Market Activity--Morgan Stanley Capital International Indexes
- 1404. Foreign Stock Market Indices
- 1405. Foreign Exchange Rates
- 1406. Reserve Assets and International Transaction Balances by Country
- 1407. Foreign Trade--Destination of Exports and Source of Imports for Selected Countries
- 1408. International Tourism Receipts--Leading Countries
- 1409. Net Flow of Financial Resources to Developing Countries
- 1410. External Debt by Country
- 1411. Foreign Direct Investment Flows in OECD Countries
- 1412. Military Expenditures and Armed Forces Personnel, by Country
- 1413. Manufacturing Shipments in Current and Constant (1992) Dollars by Industry
- 1414. Recent Trends in Food and Kindred Products (SIC 20)
- 1415. Recent Trends in Selected Food Commodity Groups
- 1416. Recent Trends in Red Meat and Poultry Slaughtering and Processing (SIC 2011, 2013, 2015)
- 1417. Recent Trends in Textile Mill Products (SIC 22)
- 1418. Recent Trends in Apparel and Other Textile Products (SIC 23)
- 1419. Recent Trends in Household Consumer Durables (SIC 251, 3524, 363, 3651)
- 1420. Recent Trends in Paper and Allied Products (SIC 26)
- 1421. Recent Trends in Pulp Mills and Paper and Paperboard Mills (SIC 2611, 262, 263)
- 1422. Recent Trends in Printing and Publishing (SIC 27)
- 1423. Recent Trends in Periodicals, Book Publishing, and Commercial Printing (SIC 2721, 2731, 275)
- 1424. Recent Trends in Chemicals and Allied Products (SIC 28)
- 1425. Recent Trends in Petrochemicals (SIC 2821, 2822, 2824, 2843, 2865, 2869, 2873)
- 1426. Recent Trends in Organic Chemicals, Except Gum and Wood (SIC 2865, 2869)
- 1427. Recent Trends in Drugs (SIC 283)
- 1428. Recent Trends in Soap, Cleaners, and Toilet Goods (SIC 284)
- 1429. Recent Trends in Petroleum Refining (SIC 2911)
- 1430. Recent Trends in Miscellaneous Plastic Products, Excluding Bottles and Plumbing (SIC 3081-4, -6, -7, -9)
- 1431. Recent Trends in Steel Mill Products (SIC 3312, 3315, 3316, 3317)
- 1432. Recent Trends in Automotive Parts and Accessories (SIC 3465, 3592, 3647, 3691, 3694, 3714)
- 1433. Recent Trends in Computers and Peripherals (SIC 3571,2,5,7)
- 1434. Recent Trends in Telecommunications Equipment (SIC 3661, 3663)
- 1435. Recent Trends in Electronic Components and Accessories (SIC 367)
- 1436. Recent Trends in Printed Circuit Boards and Semiconductors and Related Devices
- 1437. Recent Trends in Motor Vehicles and Car Bodies (SIC 3711)
- 1438. Economic Census Summary -- Establishments, Sales, Employment, and Payroll, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1439. Utilities--Establishments, Revenue, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1440. Construction -- Establishments, Employees, Payroll, and Value, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1441. Wholesale trade--Establishments, Sales, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1442. Retail trade--Establishments, Sales, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1443. Transportation & warehousing--Establishments, Revenue, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1444. Information -- Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1445. Finance and Insurance--Establishments, Revenue, Payroll, and Employees by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1446. Real Estate, Renting, & Leasing -- Establishments, Revenue, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1447. Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services--Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1448. Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services-- Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1449. Educational Services--Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1450. Health Care & Social Assistance--Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1451. Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation--Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1452. Accommodation and Foodservices -- Establishments, Sales, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1453. Other Services--Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1454. Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (Tax-exempt)-- Establishments, Revenue, Expenses, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1455. Educational Services (Tax-exempt)--Establishments, Revenue, Expenses, Payroll, and Employees by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1456. Health Care & Social Assistance (Tax-exempt)--Establishments, Revenue, Payroll, Expenses, Payroll and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1457. Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (Tax-exempt)--Establishments Revenue, Expenses, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
- 1458. Other Services (Tax-exempt)--Establishments, Revenue, Expenses, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997
These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.
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