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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

574. U.S. Military Sales Deliveries, by Country

[In millions of dollars ($7,585 represents $7,585,000,000). For fiscalyears ending in year shown. See text, Section 9, State and Local Government.Represents Department of Defense military sales]

   Country 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Total 1 7585 8065 9191 10389 11666 9736 12158 11716 19331 13905
Australia 583 384 205 156 259 354 308 229 197 344
Belgium 135 150 155 32 12 19 8 158 110 194
Canada 144 119 164 123 230 169 128 164 84 119
China: Taiwan 393 455 549 711 818 845 1353 853 5696 1490
Denmark 85 35 33 39 48 21 54 92 49 159
Egypt 297 368 482 1027 1239 890 1536 1112 1181 584
El Salvador 85 82 55 63 40 26 17 17 6 6
France 42 109 36 36 41 78 65 55 95 45
Germany 632 366 476 510 356 152 236 378 211 191
Greece 137 114 124 163 226 236 221 210 717 414
Indonesia 32 185 18 20 39 17 11 11 13 5
Israel 230 146 238 720 782 412 328 386 504 1618
  64 61 61 52 72 181 54 77 51 43
Japan 206 272 518 571 380 785 753 786 512 420
Jordan 60 41 23 20 25 31 47 16 58 49
Kuwait 46 52 75 815 840 217 476 628 1391 325
Morocco 31 40 18 38 19 17 22 22 11 7
Netherlands 384 397 387 236 114 140 157 397 174 347
Norway 95 117 73 36 29 19 25 135 98 129
Pakistan 175 618 - - - - - 4 200 69
Philippines 72 61 108 98 40 45 59 89 29 42
Portugal 32 72 40 89 82 228 90 19 71 23
Saudi Arabia 617 874 2742 2387 3453 1992 3568 2854 4660 3959
Singapore 36 44 62 24 78 87 59 80 133 236
South Korea 316 328 230 309 306 381 442 342 483 956
Spain 656 406 155 138 203 403 193 419 220 136
Sudan 30 - - - - - - - - 0
Thailand 210 175 178 100 106 151 356 340 200 152
Tunisia 25 32 24 16 17 27 27 19 12 6
Turkey 621 761 627 703 756 937 374 483 1167 541
United Kingdom 131 205 243 154 183 177 108 153 229 110
Venezuela 13 20 22 16 21 17 14 21 21 31

1 Includes countries not shown.

Source: U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency,Foreign Military Sales, Foreign Military Construction Sales,and Military Assistance Facts, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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