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32. 1997 Economic Census

1271. Retail Trade--Summary

[1,532 represents 1,532,000. 1972 through 1982 based on 1972 Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) code; beginning 1987 based on 1987 SIC code. Prior years based on earlier editions of SIC. Comparability of data over time isaffected by changes in the SIC code]

Item Unit 1958 1963 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997
Firms, total 1 1,000 (NA) 1,532 1,577 1,665 1,567 1,573 1,992 2,212 (NA)
Multiunit establishments ref="#1">1 \2 1,000 (NA) 240 234 301 343 415 498 528 (NA)
Establishments, total 1 1,000 1,795 1,708 1,763 1,780 1,855 1,923 2,420 2,672 (NA)
  With payroll 1,000 1,185 1,206 1,192 1,265 1,304 1,324 1,504 1,526 1,561
  With sales of $1,000,000 or more 3 1,000 (NA) (NA) (NA) 74 119 193 259 326 (NA)
Consumer Price Index: 4
  All items 1982-84=100 28.9 30.6 33.4 41.8 60.6 96.5 113.6 140.3 160.5
  All commodities 1982-84=100 33.3 34.4 36.8 44.5 64.2 97.0 107.7 129.1 141.8
Sales Bil. dol. 200 244 310 457 723 1,066 1,540 1,949 (NA)
  By establishments with payroll Bil. dol 188 233 295 440 700 1,039 1,493 1,895 2,546
  By multiunit establishments 2 Bil. dol 67 90 124 202 341 567 844 1,137 (NA)
    Percent of total sales Percent 33.5 36.6 39.8 44.0 47.1 53.2 54.8 58.3 (NA)
    Percent of multiunit sales by 100-or-more
      establishment multiunits ref="#2">2 \5 Percent 42.4 43.1 46.7 55.8 55.8 54.5 54.6 57.0 (NA)
  In 1987 dollars 6 Bil. dol (NA) 712 843 1,042 1,170 1,175 1,540 1,669 (NA)
    Retail sales implicit price deflator 6 (NA) 0.343 0.368 0.439 0.618 0.907 1.000 1.168 (NA)
  Percent of sales by corporations 3 Percent 53.0 61.9 67.4 76.4 79.8 84.6 88.9 89.9 (NA)
Per capita sales: 7
  Current dollars Dollars 1,156 1,296 1,571 2,186 3,291 4,601 6,357 7,643 (NA)
  Constant (1987) dollars 6 Dollars (NA) 3,777 4,269 4,978 5,325 5,073 6,357 6,544 (NA)
   Resident population as of July 1 1,000 174,149 188,483 197,457 209,284 219,760 231,664 242,289 255,028 (NA)
Sales as percent of personal income Percent 54.6 51.3 48.0 46.0 44.2 38.5 38.9 36.2 #����!
   Personal income Bil. dol 367.2 476.4 646.5 994.3 1,637.1 2,768.4 3,962.5 5,390.4 6,951.1
Payroll, entire year Bil. dol 21.6 27.6 36.2 55.4 85.9 123.6 177.5 222.9 290.5
  Percent of sales 8 Percent 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.6 12.3 11.9 11.9 11.8 11.4
Paid employees, March 12 pay period 9 1,000 7,942 8,410 9,381 11,211 13,040 14,468 17,780 18,407 21,166

NA Not available.
1 Through 1982, represents the number of establishments and firmsin business at the end of year.Beginning 1987, represents the number of establishments and firms inbusiness at any time during year.

2 Establishments of firms that operate at two or morelocations.
3 Through 1982, represents establishments with and without payroll.Beginning 1987, represents only establishments with payroll.
4 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review.Beginning 1982, CPI-U annual averages, see text, Section 15, Prices.
5 Prior to 1982, data provided for percent of multiunit sales by101-or-more establishment units.
6 Based on implicit price deflators for retail sales supplied byU.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.
7 Based on estimated resident population as of July 1.
8 Covers only establishments with payroll.
9 1958 and 1963 data for week including November 15.

Source: Except as noted, U.S. Census Bureau,U.S Census of Business: 1958, Vol. I; 1963, Vol. I 1967, Vol. 1;and Census of Retail Trade, 1972, RC72-S-1; 1977, RC77-52;1982, RC82-A-52 and RC82-I-1; 1987, RC87-A-52, RC87-N-1, andRC87-S-1; and 1992, RC92-A-52, RC92-N-1, RC92-S-1. and EC97X-CS2*CENSUS OF RETAIL TRADE


To provide periodic and comprehensive statistics about retail establishments and activities. The United States Code, Title13, requires this census and provides for mandatory responses.


Domestic establishments that sell merchandise and related services to the public for personal or household consumption.These are all establishments classified in SIC Division G, excluding nonemployers engaged in direct selling (SIC 5963). In1992, over 1.5 million employer establishments accounted for retail sales of nearly $1.9 trillion.


Basic data obtained for all establishments include kind of business, geographic location, dollar volume of sales, annual andfirst quarter payroll, and employment for the pay period including March 12. Establishments receiving a census formprovide additional data on organizational status, sales by class of customer, sales by merchandise line, method of selling,and industry-specific measures (such as number of prescriptions by drug stores).


Every 5 years since 1972, for years ending in "2" and "7." From 1929 through 1967, retail trade statistics were publishedperiodically as part of the census of business. Data collection begins in December of the census year and responses are duein about 8 weeks. Data are requested for activities taking place during the census calendar year.


A mail-out/mail-back data collection for establishments of multi-unit companies, large single-unit employers, and a sampleof small employers; and administrative records data for non-selected small employers and all nonemployers. Allestablishments of multi-unit firms and single-unit employers with annualized payroll above a size cutoff (for most industries,equivalent to about 3 employees) receive a census form. A sample of small employers also receives a census form. Thissample is selected using a stratified sampling procedure with strata based on industry and geography. Basic data for non-selected small employers and nonemployers are obtained from Federal administrative records. Estimates for sales bymerchandise line and other industry-specific data are based partly on small employer sample results.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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