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32. 1997 Economic Census

628. Selected Characteristics of Food Stamp Households and Participants

[For years ending September 30.Data for 1990-1992 exclude Guam and the Virgin Islands.Based on a sample of 47,145 households from the Food StampQuality Control System]

Households Participants
Year Percent of total Percent of total
Total Total
(1,000) With With With (1,000)
children elderly 1 disabled 2 Children Elderly 1
1990 7,803 60.3 18.1 8.9 20,411 49.6 7.7
1991 8,855 60.4 16.4 9.0 22,963 52.0 7.0
1992 10,049 62.2 15.4 9.5 25,743 51.9 6.6
1993 10.791 62.1 15.5 10.7 27,595 51.5 6.8
1994 11,091 61.1 15.8 12.5 28,009 51.4 7.0
1995 10,883 59.7 16.0 18.9 26,955 51.5 7.1
1996 10,552 59.5 16.2 20.2 25,926 51.0 7.3
1997 9,452 58.3 17.6 22.3 23,117 51.4 7.9
1998 8,246 58.3 18.2 24.4 19,969 52.8 8.2

1 Persons 60 years old and over.
2 Beginning 1995, disabled households are defined as householdswith at least one member under age 65 whoreceived SSI, or at least one member age 18 to 61 who receivedSocial Security, veterans benefits, or othergovernment benefits as a result of a disability. For years prior to 1995, disabled households are defined ashouseholds with SSI but no members over age 59.The substantial increase in the percentage of households witha disabled member between 1994 and 1995 is due in part to thechange in the definition of disabled households.Using the previous definition, 13.3 percent of householdsincluded a disabled person in fiscal year 1995.

Source: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service,Characteristics of Food Stamp Households:Fiscal Year 1998 (Advance Report), July 1999.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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