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255. Public Schools Reporting Criminal Incidents to the Police: 1996-97

[In percent. For crimes that took place in school buildings, on school buses or grounds, and places holding school-sponsored events. Based on the National Center forEducation Statistics' Fast Response Survey System; see source for details]

Any incidents Serious violent incidents 2 Less serious or nonviolent incidents
School characteristic
Urban Urban Urban
Total City 1 fringe 1 Town 1 Rural 1 Total City 1 fringe 1 Town 1 Rural 1 Total City 1 fringe 1 Town 1 Rural 1
    Total 56.7 59.3 58.4 63.2 46.9 10.1 16.8 11.2 5.4 7.8 46.5 42.4 46.7 57.8 39.2
Instructional level:
  Elementary school 45.1 46.9 47.0 52.6 34.2 4.2 6.1 3.3 2.0 5.1 40.8 40.8 43.2 50.6 29.1
  Middle school 74.1 86.7 78.8 70.0 62.0 18.7 35.8 21.7 7.0 15.0 55.4 50.9 57.1 63.0 47.0
  High school 76.9 88.8 84.0 84.2 64.1 20.6 48.0 33.0 12.7 9.4 55.9 39.9 49.4 71.5 54.7
School enrollment:
  Less than 300 37.8 (B) (B) 44.9 38.0 3.9 (B) (B) 8.8 2.5 33.8 (B) (B) 36.1 35.5
  300 to 999 59.6 54.2 59.2 67.3 56.8 9.3 12.5 9.0 3.2 13.9 50.2 41.7 49.5 64.1 42.9
  1,000 or more 89.1 93.1 86.7 86.5 (B) 32.9 44.2 29.8 15.9 (B) 56.0 48.1 56.9 70.6 (B)
Minority enrollment:
  Less than 5 percent 46.7 (B) 47.2 53.9 40.8 5.8 (B) 5.9 3.3 7.3 40.9 (B) 41.3 50.5 33.5
  5 to 19 percent 57.7 52.0 62.9 64.0 45.0 10.9 14.5 11.3 10.6 6.8 46.6 37.4 51.1 53.5 38.1
  20 to 49 percent 58.1 54.7 58.5 66.7 53.3 11.1 19.1 10.1 5.0 8.0 47.0 35.6 48.4 61.7 45.3
  50 percent or more 68.3 64.8 62.3 81.5 74.9 14.7 17.6 17.8 4.4 11.6 53.1 47.1 42.6 77.1 63.3
Free/reduced price lunch
  Less than 20 percent 54.4 50.6 57.3 64.2 41.2 8.6 12.2 9.9 7.1 5.6 45.8 38.2 47.4 57.1 35.7
  21 to 34 percent 53.2 56.0 65.5 57.2 39.5 11.7 18.4 13.3 7.1 11.6 41.6 37.5 52.2 50.2 27.9
  35 to 49 percent 59.4 76.1 53.3 63.1 52.5 11.6 34.2 8.6 3.0 8.6 47.8 41.5 44.7 60.1 43.9
  50 to 74 percent 58.8 60.8 54.7 66.6 52.0 8.9 22.9 10.3 2.0 2.3 49.5 37.9 42.4 64.6 49.8
  75 percent or more 59.2 58.5 (B) (B) (B) 10.2 8.4 (B) (B) (B) 49.0 50.2 (B) (B) (B)

B Base figure too small to meet statistical standards for reliability of a derived figure.
1 City: central city of an MSA; urban fringe: a place within an MSA but notits central city; town: a place outside an MSA, with a population greater than or equalto 2,500 and defined as urban by the U.S. Census Bureau; rural: a place with a populationunder 2,500 and defined as urban by the U.S. Census Bureau.
2 Includes murder, rape or other sexual battery, suicide, physical attack orfight with a weapon, or robbery.

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics and U.S. Bureau of JusticeStatistics, Indicators of School Crime and Safety 1999, September 1999, NCES 1999-057.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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