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Finances and Employment
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Finances and Employment
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15. Prices
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17. Business Enterprise
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21. Transportation - Land
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23. Agriculture
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28. Foreign Commerce and Aid
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30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

877. Business Failures, by Industry

[Business failures include businesses that cease operations following assignment or bankruptcy;ceased operations with losses to creditors after such actions as foreclosure or attachment;voluntarily withdrew leaving unpaid dets; were involved in court actions such as receivership,reorganization or arrangement; or voluntarily compromised with creditors]

Number Number Number Number Rate per 10,000 Firms Rate per 10,000 Firms Rate per 10,000 Firms
Industry /1  
1985 1986 1987 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1985 1986 1987 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
     Total 57,253 61,616 61,111 50,361 60,747 88,140 97,069 86,133 71,558 71,128 71,931 84,342 71,857 115 120 102 65 74 107 110 109 86 82 80 89 76
Agriculture, forestry, fishing 2,699 2,649 3,766 1,540 1,733 2,256 2,871 2,289 1,880 2,231 2,723 2,977 2,547 197 175 194 49 50 65 80 64 62 85 102 103 47
Mining 796 921 627 351 388 411 430 310 241 200 189 163 173 193 223 148 79 88 95 99 73 62 57 60 52 58
Construction 7,005 7,109 6,735 7,120 8,162 11,963 12,452 10,552 8,341 9,158 9,801 11,057 9,568 109 108 92 86 91 128 129 109 92 106 112 118 102
Manufacturing 4,869 4,772 4,273 3,933 4,740 6,595 7,120 6,163 4,652 4,383 4,093 4,224 3,314 119 114 95 79 92 127 131 114 90 88 83 81 64
  Food and kindred products 261 239 191 216 232 305 350 299 207 216 230 221 176 127 113 87 87 91 122 133 116 83 91 93 86 70
  Textile mill products 110 72 73 75 102 143 171 149 100 117 126 126 90 129 82 77 72 97 135 158 139 99 122 139 131 93
  Apparel, other textile products 338 287 265 204 318 505 566 567 409 394 359 358 274 128 108 96 73 114 177 191 191 146 151 141 134 103
  Lumber and wood products 415 392 374 368 420 576 554 440 327 318 375 397 127 136 125 107 91 97 129 122 98 86 89 107 107 33
  Furniture and fixtures 236 244 200 253 258 383 398 305 235 229 184 161 43 161 164 128 154 151 223 226 174 140 144 120 100 27
  Paper and allied products 55 46 60 46 68 86 88 86 71 51 57 46 (NA) 100 81 101 72 105 129 128 124 104 76 84 63 (NA)
  Printing and publishing 659 606 633 679 734 1,062 1,245 1,059 821 815 696 772 605 94 85 79 71 74 105 118 100 77 81 69 74 60
  Chemicals and allied products 172 129 116 102 139 207 219 169 142 126 123 112 82 126 92 79 63 86 128 129 101 89 81 78 66 47
  Petroleum refining and coal prod 26 35 21 21 21 33 35 17 15 14 14 13 9 145 189 106 83 83 137 161 78 73 67 64 56 38
  Rubber and misc products 157 145 145 109 158 209 185 197 152 128 156 121 94 117 103 101 71 101 134 113 119 93 80 98 74 58
  Leather and leather products 47 48 34 30 40 40 35 43 44 28 32 32 27 130 137 96 84 113 114 95 120 133 92 110 105 88
  Stone, clay, and glass products 159 164 164 114 161 220 215 168 133 125 106 122 84 98 101 94 59 80 111 107 85 74 74 64 70 47
  Primary metal products 122 133 107 71 115 145 141 95 83 59 59 67 57 169 177 135 79 123 157 152 104 93 69 71 79 67
  Fabricated metal products 484 528 461 374 397 593 662 584 399 354 311 311 242 125 132 111 87 90 135 145 128 90 83 73 71 55
  Machinery, exc electric 721 739 639 511 656 823 951 860 615 565 486 511 456 110 111 91 67 84 105 117 107 79 75 65 66 58
  Electric and electronic 329 332 262 256 287 380 421 327 272 255 217 228 189 154 151 113 104 114 149 157 124 108 104 88 87 72
  Transportation equipment 197 226 175 190 242 318 263 229 168 160 154 140 104 165 185 131 117 147 198 158 140 113 114 109 93 69
  Instruments and related equipment 110 140 112 108 120 192 175 157 150 121 92 116 70 85 103 78 66 68 106 92 83 82 68 52 60 36
  Miscellaneous 271 267 241 206 272 375 446 412 309 308 316 368 310 101 97 76 58 74 98 106 97 73 76 74 78 64
Transportation, public utilities 2,536 2,565 2,236 2,115 2,630 3,891 3,922 3,102 2,454 2,733 3,362 4,402 3,824 151 140 109 82 94 134 126 99 77 90 107 132 115
Wholesale trade 4,836 4,869 4,336 3,687 4,423 6,170 6,744 6,014 4,648 4,149 3,957 3,912 3,138 102 100 82 66 77 109 113 73 75 71 69 67 56
Retail trade 13,494 13,620 12,240 11,120 12,972 17,242 19,084 15,661 12,602 12,952 13,476 15,132 12,640 109 110 81 56 65 90 76 78 66 73 72 79 70
Finance, insurance, real estate 2,676 2,797 2,550 2,932 3,819 5,962 6,260 4,989 3,939 4,293 4,138 4,634 3,261 62 65 54 47 60 90 87 68 53 60 57 62 43
Services 16,649 20,967 23,802 13,679 16,119 22,852 26,871 24,371 20,619 21,850 22,928 29,752 28,547 115 139 128 53 49 87 93 65 50 54 59 73 72
Public administration 12 20 13 9 10 20 30 24 19 24 23 27 25 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Nonclassifiable establishments 1,681 1,327 533 3,875 5,751 10,778 11,285 12,658 12,163 9,221 7,241 8,062 4,820 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)

NA Not available.
1 Industry data based on the 1987 Statndard Industrial Classifications.

Source: The Dun and Bradstreet Corporation, Murray Hill, NJ;Business Failure Record, annual, (copyright).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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