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32. 1997 Economic Census

1332. Domestic Exports and Imports for Consumption of Merchandise, by SIC Industry

[In millions of dollars (221,528 represents $221,528,000,000). For 1980 and 1981, imports are free alongside ship (f.a.s.) value at foreign port of exportation; thereafter, customs valuebasis. Exports are f.a.s.value at U.S. port of export]

SIC-based product category SIC 1
Code 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
     Domestic exports, total 2 (X) 221,528 233,908 211,325 201,070 217,310 212,961 216,555 243,859 310,346 349,433 374,537 400,842 425,377 439,282 482,141 547,300 #����! 644,520 #����! 644,326
Agricultural, forestry and fishery
  products.. (X) 30,091 31,463 26,486 25,973 27,557 20,074 15,968 17,718 24,464 27,198 26,225 25,052 26,785 25,324 26,102 33,418 36,234 31,224 26,603 25,618
  Agricultural products.. 01 29,238 30,527 25,626 25,150 26,770 19,199 15,088 16,678 21,508 24,142 22,597 21,075 22,633 21,615 22,189 29,391 32,380 27,460 23,336 21,960
  Livestock and livestock products.. 02 715 792 713 689 646 735 740 855 1,014 821 829 970 871 836 973 920 989 1,132 1,110 1,029
  Forestry products.. 08 110 109 111 99 115 122 120 155 266 270 281 306 324 276 263 272 271 279 257 233
  Fish, fresh or chilled; and other
    marine products 3. 09 28 35 36 35 26 18 20 30 1,676 1,965 2,518 2,701 2,959 2,596 2,677 2,836 2,594 2,352 1,900 2,395
Mineral commodities.. (X) 7,843 8,743 8,253 5,765 6,041 6,394 5,600 5,058 6,559 7,030 7,335 7,442 7,210 5,584 5,650 7,159 7,284 7,598 6,644 5,832
  Metallic ores and concentrates.. 10 1,320 962 684 498 644 686 590 597 883 1,247 1,137 1,014 1,084 799 1,018 1,562 1,091 1,250 981 965
  Bituminous, lignite and anthracite
   coal.. 11,12 4,627 5,916 5,991 4,057 4,133 4,465 3,930 3,368 4,014 4,287 4,513 4,623 4,241 3,090 2,858 3,572 3,694 3,406 3,036 2,135
  Crude petroleum and natural gas.. 13 976 912 762 492 448 476 306 271 485 490 638 675 737 588 576 729 1,197 1,566 1,251 1,445
  Nonmetallic minerals, fuels.. 14 920 953 816 718 816 767 774 822 1,177 1,006 1,047 1,130 1,148 1,107 1,199 1,296 1,302 1,375 1,377 1,288
Manufactured commodities.. (X) 171,848 184,534 168,745 160,018 173,660 175,752 179,401 208,438 261,755 290,536 330,403 359,635 383,082 400,721 441,501 496,421 530,484 596,539 595,453 601,279
  Food and kindred products.. 20 12,124 12,933 11,079 11,022 11,066 10,055 11,250 12,320 14,788 15,205 16,160 17,492 19,761 20,509 23,094 26,021 27,041 28,488 27,294 25,216
  Tobacco manufactures.. 21 1,091 1,265 1,298 1,186 1,192 1,268 1,522 2,310 2,901 3,632 5,040 4,574 4,509 4,253 5,367 5,222 5,238 4,956 4,827 3,882
  Textile mill products.. 22 2,488 2,326 1,766 1,559 1,541 1,462 1,653 1,891 2,415 2,794 3,635 4,108 4,473 4,687 5,151 5,696 6,177 7,081 7,180 7,541
  Apparel and related products.. 23 1,620 1,651 1,271 1,114 1,065 1,019 1,213 1,518 1,824 2,349 2,848 3,679 4,599 5,433 6,145 7,190 8,104 9,279 9,474 8,541
  Lumber and related products.. 24 3,695 3,049 2,863 2,852 2,699 2,668 3,018 3,961 5,326 6,050 6,523 6,477 6,802 7,361 7,252 7,424 7,401 7,312 5,960 6,236
  Furniture and fixtures.. 25 453 609 566 522 546 483 466 550 841 1,011 1,589 2,086 2,518 2,818 3,030 2,953 3,101 3,643 3,958 2,304
  Paper and allied products.. 26 4,670 4,755 4,210 4,103 4,322 3,886 4,479 5,676 7,197 8,126 8,631 9,214 9,969 9,457 11,000 14,943 14,002 14,512 13,713 13,839
  Printing and publishing.. 27 1,115 1,315 1,358 1,323 1,378 1,250 1,298 1,525 1,996 2,598 3,150 3,590 3,808 4,057 4,070 4,471 4,534 4,791 4,865 4,719
  Chemicals and allied products.. 28 21,590 21,970 20,388 20,099 22,626 21,797 22,562 26,090 31,722 35,825 37,806 41,483 41,953 42,742 48,950 57,897 58,503 65,080 63,896 66,296
  Petroleum and coal products.. 29 2,849 3,996 6,402 5,325 5,113 5,433 4,228 4,479 3,926 5,019 6,794 7,026 6,403 6,163 5,510 6,014 7,158 7,331 5,668 2,892
  Rubber and miscellaneous plastics 30 2,675 2,970 2,631 2,634 2,936 2,765 2,941 3,710 4,412 5,010 6,398 7,049 7,872 8,554 9,942 11,025 12,093 14,187 14,664 15,826
  Leather and leather products.. 31