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32. 1997 Economic Census

71. Grandchildren Living in the Home of Their Grandparents

[In thousands (69,276 represents 69,276,000).Except as noted, as of March. Excludes members ofArmed Forces except those living off post or with their families on post. Except as noted, based on Current Population Survey; see text,this section, and Appendix III. For definition of families, see text,this section]

ARRANGEMENT 1970 1 1980 1 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
    Total children under 18 years old 69,276 63,369 64,137 65,093 65,965 66,893 69,508 70,254 70,908 70,983 71,377
    Children living in home of grandparents 2,214 2,306 3,155 3,320 3,253 3,368 3,735 3,965 4,060 3,894 3,989
With parent(s) present 1,258 1,318 2,221 2,384 2,386 2,351 2,375 2,498 2,629 2,585 2,571
  Both parents present 363 310 467 559 502 475 436 427 467 554 503
  Mother only present 817 922 1,563 1,674 1,740 1,647 1,764 1,876 1,943 1,785 1,827
  Father only present 78 86 191 151 144 229 175 195 220 247 241
Without parent(s) present 957 988 935 937 867 1,017 1,359 1,466 1,431 1,309 1,417

1 As of April and based on census of population.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,1970 Census of Population, PC(2)-4B, Person by Family Characteristics,1980 Census of Population, PC80-2-4B, Living Arrangements of Children andAdults, and Current Population Reports, P20-514, and earlier reports.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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