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32. 1997 Economic Census

1130. Greenhouse and Nursery Crops--Summary, by Type of Product

[In millions of dollars, except per capita (5,983 represents $5,983,000,000).Floriculture and environmental horticulture crops are classified as nonediblehorticulture, or flowers, plants, bulbs, sod or turfgrass, and other relatedhorticultural specialties that are grown primarily for ornamental or environmentalpurposes, but also included are trees, plants, and vines that arepurchased by commercial growers and others for food production purposes.Based on a survey of 36 commercialfloriculture states and estimates by source]

Potted Cut
       Item Total Cut flowering Foliage Bedding cultivated Other 1
flowers plants plants plants greens
Domestic production: 2
  1986 5,983 392 493 610 620 101 3,767
  1987 6,737 478 648 603 818 116 4,073
  1988 7,248 498 644 564 940 119 4,484
  1989 7,777 546 686 714 1,116 125 4,590
  1990 8,677 529 701 693 1,032 121 5,601
  1991 9,035 534 725 653 1,173 125 5,825
  1992 9,399 519 823 623 1,391 126 5,916
  1993 9,382 480 871 609 1,456 131 5,836
  1994 9,822 500 844 714 1,593 135 6,035
  1995 10,294 479 868 728 1,689 128 6,402
  1996 10,819 467 872 743 1,777 134 6,826
  1997 11,841 494 894 761 1,953 119 7,621
  1998 12,115 509 918 788 2,116 130 7,654
  1986 358 235 11 21 (NA) 19 72
  1987 376 244 14 22 (NA) 24 72
  1988 429 284 16 22 (NA) 22 86
  1989 498 316 20 22 (NA) 13 128
  1990 526 326 18 25 (NA) 14 143
  1991 533 322 22 27 (NA) 13 150
  1992 586 352 27 30 (NA) 15 162
  1993 638 382 27 37 (NA) 20 171
  1994 697 420 28 43 (NA) 20 186
  1995 855 512 30 53 (NA) 24 236
  1996 950 573 38 54 (NA) 28 257
  1997 1,003 595 22 68 (NA) 28 289
  1998 1,079 614 31 91 (NA) 32 311
  1986 27,053 4,088 1,979 2,538 1,860 724 15,863
  1987 30,240 4,676 2,645 2,496 2,454 856 17,114
  1988 32,542 5,103 2,603 2,308 2,820 838 18,869
  1989 35,057 5,697 2,925 2,981 3,347 803 19,303
  1990 38,624 5,567 2,980 2,764 3,096 779 23,439
  1991 39,918 5,535 3,099 2,619 3,519 808 24,339
  1992 41,467 5,693 3,527 2,532 4,174 810 24,732
  1993 41,559 5,653 3,725 2,525 4,369 886 24,401
  1994 43,709 6,084 3,620 2,988 4,780 882 25,356
  1995 46,583 6,662 3,728 3,092 5,067 888 27,147
  1996 49,210 7,026 3,739 3,202 5,332 945 28,967
  1997 53,433 7,358 3,797 3,336 5,858 853 32,230
  1998 54,786 7,626 3,932 3,527 6,347 920 32,433
Per capita (dol.): 4
  1986 113 17 8 11 8 3 66
  1987 125 19 11 10 10 4 71
  1988 133 21 11 9 12 3 77
  1989 142 23 12 12 14 3 78
  1990 155 22 12 11 12 3 94
  1991 158 22 12 10 14 3 97
  1992 163 22 14 10 16 3 97
  1993 161 22 14 10 17 3 95
  1994 168 23 14 11 18 3 97
  1995 177 25 14 12 19 3 103
  1996 186 26 14 12 20 4 109
  1997 200 27 14 12 22 3 120
  1998 203 28 15 13 23 3 120

NA Not available.
1 Includes turfgrass (sod), bulbs, nursery stock, groundcovers,and other greenhouse and nursery products except the following:seeds, cut Christmas trees, and food crops grown under cover.
2 Equivalent wholesale values.
3 Retail sales values of green goods and associated products and accessoriesthrough all marketing channels including delivery, installation,landscaping, and related services.
4 Based on U.S. Census Bureau estimated resident populationas of July 1.

Source: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service,Floriculture and Environmental Horticulture Situation and Outlook Report,October 1999.

Domestic production is valued at the growerlevel and is estimated by subsector for all fifty states basedon total grower cash receipts published by ERS. Imports arec.i.f. values (cost, insurance, and freight at port of entry)reported by U.S. Customs Service expanded to represent thevalue of the products as they enter the marketing channels,usually at shipping points. The expansion factor used is oneand half times the c.i.f. value. This expansion represents amargin between c.i.f. values and selling prices at shippingpoints which is based on surveys conducted by the FloridaAssociation of Floral Importers and other industry data.Retail expenditures are based on wholesale values expandedto an equivalent retail value representing estimated salesthrough all outlets such as retail florists, retail nurseries, homeand garden centers, grocery stores, other retail businesses,landscapers, interiorscapers, government and other institu-tions,and all other users. The retail expenditures are the retailvalue of the green goods including the value of closely asso-ciatedproducts and accessories sold accompanying the greengoods including the cost of services such as delivery, installa-tion,landscaping, and other service activities.The retail expenditure estimates provide the industry andother data users with information on the size of the markets inthe United States, year-to-year changes in total and per capitaconsumption (use) and import shares of the market, and over-alltrends stemming from supply, demand, and U.S. economicconditions. The margins between wholesale values and retailvalues represent the added value of the products at retail toconsumers and other purchasers. These margins vary signifi-cantlyby product type and are based on several sources ofinformation including U.S. Census of Retail Trade, U.S.Census of Wholesale Trade, U.S. Census of ServiceIndustries, economic analysis conducted by ERS, USDA, pri-vatesources, industry groups, universities, and others.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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