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Finances and Employment
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32. 1997 Economic Census

630. Federal Food Stamp and National School Lunch Programs, by State

[For years ending Sept. 30.Participation data are average monthly number participating in year ending Sept. 30(26,619 represents 26,619,000);except national school lunch data prior to 1990 are for month in which the highestnumber of children participated nationwide.National school lunch outlets include public and privateelementary and secondary schools and residential child careinstitutions. Food stamp costs are for benefits only and excludeadministrative expenditures.National school lunch program costs are for federalcash reimbursements at rates set by law for each meal served; they donot include the value of USDA donated commodities utilized in this program]

Households Households Households Households Households Households Households Households Households Households Persons Persons Persons Benefits Benefits Benefits Persons Persons Persons Cost Cost Cost
participating participating participating participating participating participating participating participating participating participating (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.)
State FIPS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
STATE code - -
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Number of all Number of all Number of all Number of all Number of all Number of all Number of all Number of all Number of all Number
(1,000) house- (1,000) house- (1,000) house- (1,000) house- (1,000) house- (1,000) house- (1,000) house- (1,000) house- (1,000) house- (1,000) 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
holds holds holds holds holds holds holds holds holds
  --- --- --- ---
    Total 1 Total 1 7,791 (NA) 8,877 (NA) 10,060 (NA) 10,791 (NA) 11,089 (NA) 10,879 (NA) 10,550 (NA) 9,455 (NA) 8,249 (NA) 7,668 21,082 19,899 20,067 22,625 25,406 26,982 27,468 26,619 25,540 22,858 19,788 18,183 8,721 10,744 14,187 17,339 20,906 22,006 22,749 22,765 22,440 19,550 16,889 15,782 27,011 24,051 24,133 24,158 24,606 24,855 25,281 25,685 25,944 26,348 26,598 26,969 2,279 2,578 3,214 3,525 3,856 4,081 4,291 4,467 4,662 4,934 5,101 5,314
  United States U.S. 00000 7,783 8.5 8,870 9.5 10,049 10.6 10,782 11.3 11,078 11.5 10,867 11.2 10,534 10.7 9,443 9.5 8,236 8.2 7,657 19,162 19,846 20,036 22,599 25,369 26,952 27,433 26,579 25,492 22,820 19,746 18,146 7,859 10,702 14,153 17,308 20,859 21,969 22,704 22,714 22,371 19,498 16,833 15,729 26,384 23,400 23,583 23,662 24,049 24,312 24,752 25,171 25,461 25,886 26,126 26,507 2,200 2,466 3,098 3,405 3,739 3,966 4,165 4,343 4,542 4,816 4,983 5,185
Alabama AL 01000 166 11.0 186 12.1 208 13.3 216 13.7 214 13.4 209 12.9 204 12.5 186 11.3 167 10.0 159 583 588 454 504 550 560 548 525 509 469 427 405 246 318 328 394 451 457 453 441 440 393 357 346 607 592 554 560 550 547 551 551 547 549 541 541 62 69 77 81 87 89 92 93 95 100 102 107
Alaska AK 02000 8 4.2 10 5.2 12 5.9 14 6.8 15 7.2 15 7.3 16 7.4 15 7.2 14 6.6 14 29 24 25 30 38 43 46 45 46 45 42 41 27 25 25 34 41 45 53 50 54 52 50 49 33 39 38 40 42 44 46 44 47 50 50 50 4 6 8 9 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 16
Arizona AZ 04000 110 8.0 138 9.9 166 11.5 178 12.0 187 12.1 178 11.1 159 9.6 133 7.8 107 6.1 95 196 206 317 388 457 489 512 480 427 364 296 257 97 121 239 310 377 394 418 414 372 316 253 233 291 264 324 332 350 362 376 400 406 422 431 444 23 29 47 53 61 67 73 77 83 89 94 98
Arkansas AR 05000 86 9.7 94 10.5 102 11.2 106 11.5 108 11.7 107 11.4 109 11.5 105 11.0 101 10.4 100 301 253 235 258 277 285 283 272 274 266 256 253 122 126 155 183 207 209 212 212 224 214 206 210 356 298 296 297 303 306 311 313 313 311 310 311 31 34 41 44 46 51 51 53 55 57 59 62
California CA 06000 690 6.6 807 7.7 958 8.9 1,075 10.0 1,179 10.9 1,176 10.8 1,169 10.6 1,045 9.3 865 7.6 746 1,493 1,615 1,955 2,212 2,558 2,866 3,155 3,175 3,143 2,815 2,259 2,027 530 639 968 1,307 1,760 2,083 2,395 2,473 2,555 2,372 2,020 1,804 2,006 1,906 2,135 2,193 2,206 2,223 2,286 2,344 2,415 2,491 2,530 2,538 210 279 396 452 494 527 558 587 627 663 689 731
Colorado CO 08000 87 6.8 95 7.3 102 7.6 108 7.8 107 7.5 103 7.0 101 6.8 91 5.9 82 5.2 76 163 170 221 241 260 273 268 252 244 217 191 173 71 94 156 187 219 226 224 217 210 182 157 145 299 284 277 280 290 294 295 303 309 311 315 319 21 24 31 35 38 40 42 43 45 48 49 51
Connecticut CT 09000 52 4.2 70 5.7 86 7.0 93 7.6 97 8.0 100 8.2 100 8.1 94 7.6 93 7.5 88 170 144 133 171 202 215 223 226 223 210 196 178 59 62 72 100 131 143 152 169 175 170 161 150 288 226 223 214 216 220 226 230 235 242 247 258 23 20 23 26 29 30 33 34 37 39 39 42
Delaware DE 10000 12 4.8 15 5.9 19 7.4 21 8.0 22 8.3 21 7.8 21 7.8 20 7.1 17 5.9 14 52 40 33 41 51 58 59 57 58 54 46 39 21 22 25 32 42 46 48 47 47 41 34 32 68 55 57 57 59 61 64 66 67 67 69 70 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11
District of Columbia DC 11000 27 10.8 32 13.0 38 15.5 41 17.0 41 17.5 43 18.5 42 18.5 40 17.8 38 16.8 37 103 72 62 72 82 87 91 94 93 90 85 84 41 40 43 54 70 81 86 93 95 91 85 80 57 48 47 47 48 46 47 50 50 51 47 47 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 14 15
Florida FL 12000 303 5.9 402 7.7 554 10.4 606 11.3 607 11.1 588 10.6 590 10.4 514 8.9 432 7.3 427 912 630 781 1,025 1,404 1,500 1,474 1,395 1,371 1,192 991 933 421 368 609 865 1,306 1,334 1,324 1,307 1,296 1,061 845 819 1,055 1,006 1,107 1,119 1,145 1,159 1,177 1,195 1,225 1,268 1,292 1,307 102 113 158 182 205 227 239 249 264 279 288 297
Georgia GA 13000 201 8.5 244 10.1 289 11.6 315 12.5 329 12.8 329 12.4 323 11.9 284 10.2 256 9.0 251 627 567 536 648 754 807 830 816 793 698 632 617 264 290 382 505 627 658 695 700 703 597 538 514 894 890 892 896 914 933 959 979 1,007 1,025 1,045 1,054 80 88 106 117 131 140 151 159 167 182 192 198
Hawaii HI 15000 31 8.7 35 9.6 39 10.4 44 11.6 50 13.1 55 14.3 59 15.0 57 14.3 54 13.5 56 102 99 77 83 94 103 115 125 130 127 122 125 60 93 81 100 121 132 153 177 196 189 178 180 162 147 141 141 143 143 139 138 144 145 147 146 9 14 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 27
Idaho ID 16000 21 5.8 23 6.2 26 6.8 29 7.4 30 7.4 30 7.2 30 7.1 27 6.1 24 5.3 23 61 59 59 65 72 79 82 80 80 70 62 57 29 36 40 47 53 57 57 59 61 53 47 45 120 122 129 132 135 138 142 139 139 139 140 142 7 10 14 15 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23
Illinois IL 17000 418 9.9 460 10.8 488 11.3 493 11.4 499 11.5 488 11.2 470 10.7 434 9.8 393 8.8 352 903 1,110 1,013 1,096 1,156 1,179 1,189 1,151 1,105 1,020 923 820 394 713 835 961 1,070 1,060 1,069 1,056 1,034 933 844 767 1,129 918 908 919 934 935 940 965 976 1,003 1,021 1,035 91 110 131 144 155 161 170 175 184 197 207 212
Indiana IN 18000 109 5.3 131 6.2 160 7.5 184 8.6 194 9.0 183 8.4 155 7.0 140 6.3 130 5.8 126 353 406 311 375 448 497 518 470 390 348 313 298 154 242 226 294 373 406 415 382 330 293 263 255 717 621 608 602 601 598 597 596 598 599 605 613 39 41 54 59 65 68 69 70 72 76 80 82
Iowa IA 19000 68 6.4 72 6.7 76 7.0 78 7.2 79 7.3 75 6.9 74 6.7 67 6.1 59 5.3 54 141 203 170 180 192 196 196 184 177 161 141 129 54 107 109 123 143 147 145 141 141 125 109 103 439 391 375 362 383 379 382 383 378 387 371 382 24 26 31 34 36 38 39 40 41 44 45 45
Kansas KS 20000 54 5.7 60 6.3 68 7.1 73 7.6 76 7.8 75 7.6 72 7.3 64 6.4 53 5.3 52 90 119 142 156 175 188 192 184 172 149 119 115 38 64 96 113 133 141 146 144 135 112 83 80 308 286 311 298 303 308 308 310 307 310 307 307 19 21 29 31 34 37 39 40 41 43 43 44
Kentucky KY 21000 168 12.2 183 13.1 197 13.9 200 14.0 196 13.6 187 12.9 186 12.6 174 11.7 163 10.9 159 468 560 458 496 529 530 522 520 486 444 412 396 211 332 334 387 430 422 416 413 413 372 345 337 567 510 490 504 510 508 506 507 506 500 498 497 48 53 61 67 73 75 76 79 82 86 89 91
Louisiana LA 22000 252 16.8 261 17.2 278 18.1 282 18.3 278 18.0 267 17.1 256 16.3 220 13.8 202 12.6 198 569 644 727 742 779 779 756 711 670 575 537 516 243 365 549 598 677 653 642 629 597 512 467 463 767 726 676 677 674 671 671 668 662 667 656 652 67 80 104 110 116 121 125 126 128 132 135 138
Maine ME 23000 41 8.8 51 10.9 58 12.3 61 12.9 61 12.9 60 12.7 61 12.6 58 12.0 56 11.4 54 139 114 94 116 133 138 136 132 131 124 115 109 60 62 63 85 109 112 111 112 113 103 100 89 146 115 106 104 105 105 105 104 104 104 105 106 13 12 11 12 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 17
Maryland MD 24000 109 6.2 130 7.3 146 8.1 159 8.8 165 9.0 169 9.2 165 8.8 152 8.0 137 7.2 117 324 287 255 304 342 375 390 399 375 354 323 264 140 171 203 259 316 336 350 365 362 319 282 237 434 347 343 335 343 345 361 367 372 376 383 386 36 34 40 43 48 52 55 60 62 67 70 72
Massachusetts MA 25000 152 6.8 172 7.7 183 8.1 189 8.4 191 8.4 178 7.8 163 7.1 149 6.4 134 5.7 122 453 337 347 397 429 443 442 410 374 340 293 261 171 173 207 269 315 326 330 315 295 262 222 205 703 479 439 419 422 432 452 467 480 490 503 520 49 42 44 48 53 58 63 67 71 75 77 81
Michigan MI 26000 384 11.2 408 11.8 405 11.5 419 11.9 434 12.2 418 11.6 409 11.2 366 10.0 330 8.9 297 813 985 917 978 994 1,022 1,031 971 935 839 772 683 263 541 663 808 846 837 834 806 773 678 588 515 866 723 714 714 721 733 744 763 759 762 768 780 69 73 82 91 96 106 108 113 118 124 130 133
Minnesota MN 27000 107 6.5 120 7.2 128 7.6 131 7.7 132 7.7 131 7.6 126 7.1 110 6.2 97