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1. Population
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6. Geography and Environment
7. Parks, Recreation, Travel
8. Elections
9. State and Local Government
Finances and Employment
10. Federal Government
Finances and Employment
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Veterans Affairs
12. Social Insurance and Human
13. Labor Force, Employment,
and Earnings
14. Income, Expenditures, and
15. Prices
16. Banking, Finance, and
17. Business Enterprise
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23. Agriculture
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28. Foreign Commerce and Aid
29. Outlying Areas
30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

242. Federal Funds for Education and Related Programs

[In millions of dollars (51,624.3 represents $51,624,300,000), except percent. For fiscalyears ending in September. Figures represent on-budget funds]

LEVEL, AGENCY, AND PROGRAM 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1
      Total, all programs 51,624.3 57,599.5 60,483.1 67,740.6 68,254.2 71,639.5 71,327.4 73,731.8 76,909.2 83,137.9 90,658.9
  Percent of Federal budget outlays 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.9 5.1
Elementary/secondary education programs 21,984.4 25,418.0 27,926.9 30,834.3 32,304.4 33,623.8 34,391.5 35,478.9 37,486.2 39,937.9 43,988.0
  Department of Education 2 9,681.3 10,865.3 12,057.7 13,059.0 13,769.2 14,029.0 14,323.8 14,511.2 16,001.8 17,026.7 20,757.8
    Grants for the disadvantaged 4,494.1 5,218.7 6,158.8 6,615.0 6,845.7 6,808.0 7,020.5 7,201.6 7,817.8 7,554.2 8,379.3
    School improvement programs 1,189.2 1,375.9 1,514.9 2,032.6 1,470.0 1,397.0 1,247.4 1,276.6 1,367.8 1,328.0 2,662.7
    Indian education 69.5 65.6 68.5 99.9 79.1 71.0 77.4 56.0 52.7 56.8 80.9
    Special education 1,616.6 2,174.4 2,243.3 2,564.1 2,980.3 3,177.0 3,222.2 3,305.5 3,658.4 4,444.1 5,432.3
    Vocational and adult education 1,306.7 1,090.4 1,079.1 190.4 1,340.8 1,482.0 1,348.1 1,402.4 1,451.3 1,364.0 1,546.9
    Education reform--Goals 2000 0 0 0 0 1.8 61.0 271.5 431.5 746.5 887.1 1,124.9
  Department of Agriculture 2 5,529.0 6,074.7 6,714.1 7,154.5 7,604.4 8,201.3 8,408.1 8,830.2 9,090.0 9,367.9 9,856.1
    Child nutrition programs 4,977.1 5,537.0 6,127.0 6,596.6 3 7,043.7 3 7,644.8 3 7,875.0 3 8,300.0 3 8,564.9 3 8,877.9 3 9,354.1
    Agricultural Marketing Service--
      commodities 4 350.4 350.9 400.0 389.9 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0
    Special milk program 18.7 19.9 19.2 15.5 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
  Department of Defense 2 1,097.9 1,253.1 1,197.3 1,259.4 1,210.2 1,295.5 1,313.1 1,351.8 1,312.2 1,379.0 1,369.8
    Overseas dependents schools 865.0 960.3 912.9 895.7 849.6 855.8 813.3 832.6 821.8 882.3 864.7
    Section VI schools 5 193.6 239.6 229.7 279.6 265.0 284.2 336.1 355.0 319.3 329.1 329.3
  Department of Energy 15.6 15.7 15.2 6.3 11.6 12.6 0 0 0 0 0
    Energy conservation for school buildings 15.2 14.2 12.6 5.1 10.5 10.7 0 0 0 0 0
  Department of Health and Human Services 2,396.8 2,997.2 3,310.2 4,114.5 4,669.2 5,116.6 5,185.9 5,110.2 5,137.2 5,429.9 6,039.6
    Head Start 1,447.8 1,951.8 2,201.8 2,776.3 3,215.9 3,534.0 3,570.0 3,980.5 4,347.4 4,658.0 5,267.0
    Social security student benefits 489.8 499.7 514.2 601.7 839.0 953.0 684.9 676.7 715.7 709.9 725.6
  Department of the Interior 2 445.3 644.8 517.7 536.5 485.8 493.1 486.5 558.4 578.8 593.3 670.6
    Mineral Leasing Act and other funds 226.3 166.7 167.9 143.8 61.5 56.2 56.9 89.0 44.5 37.7 52.1
    Indian Education 218.4 477.5 349.2 391.8 423.6 435.9 428.5 468.4 533.3 554.6 617.5
  Department of Justice 66.0 78.1 94.7 107.9 112.4 128.9 175.9 191.4 196.2 204.8 231.6
    Inmate programs 63.9 76.3 92.8 106.1 111.2 125.9 179.4 190.4 195.2 201.8 227.6
  Department of Labor 2,505.5 3,209.1 3,708.4 4,241.0 4,011.2 3,957.8 4,084.0 4,432.0 4,644.0 5,402.0 4,524.0
    Job Corps 739.4 805.3 925.8 949.3 964.2 1,029.0 1,114.0 1,185.0 1,188.0 1,253.0 1,003.0
  Department of Veterans Affairs 155.4 167.0 190.6 222.6 335.9 311.8 344.3 402.2 411.3 417.9 423.1
    Vocational rehab for disabled veterans 136.8 161.1 184.5 216.3 265.6 298.1 349.6 386.0 406.0 411.6 416.7
  Other agencies and programs 91.8 113.0 120.9 132.8 94.5 77.2 70.0 91.4 114.7 116.5 115.3
Higher education programs 13,650.9 14,703.6 14,387.4 17,844.0 16,177.1 17,618.1 15,775.5 15,959.4 15,799.6 17,639.5 19,887.0
  Department of Education 2 11,176.0 12,002.8 11,323.6 14,660.7 12,871.4 14,234.0 12,257.6 12,377.0 12,122.3 13,715.6 15,833.9
    Student financial assistance 5,920.3 6,333.8 7,071.4 7,678.3 7,118.0 7,047.0 6,861.6 7,247.3 7,878.8 9,124.7 9,363.3
    Federal Family Education Loans 6 4,372.4 4,781.9 3,253.6 5,554.9 4,657.9 6,030.0 3,664.0 3,313.8 2,272.0 2,805.5 4,030.7
  Department of Agriculture 31.3 32.3 34.2 32.7 25.5 33.4 32.9 32.6 36.6 29.7 30.7
  Department of Commerce 3.3 4.3 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.7
  Department of Defense 635.8 665.1 680.2 696.8 679.0 729.5 864.9 913.6 934.4 983.2 1,001.7
    Tuition assistance for military personnel 95.3 94.8 102.4 123.4 130.2 127.0 260.3 271.9 286.0 280.5 269.8
    Service academies 7 120.6 135.1 125.1 128.0 141.5 163.3 171.7 183.7 111.0 115.1 114.7
    Senior ROTC 193.1 189.8 193.3 184.1 195.3 219.4 218.2 228.6 301.0 321.8 337.1
    Professional development education 226.8 241.7 259.3 261.3 212.0 219.8 214.7 229.3 236.4 265.7 280.1
  Department of Energy 2 25.5 30.9 34.4 17.7 18.0 28.0 0 0 0 0 0
    University laboratory cooperative program 9.4 19.3 19.1 4.0 3.6 8.6 0 0 0 0 0
    Energy conservation for buildings--
      higher education 7.5 7.4 9.6 6.7 8.1 7.4 0 0 0 0 0
  Department of Health and Human Services 2 578.5 697.4 743.5 720.9 795.9 796.0 798.6 801.9 788.2 880.2 965.8
    Health professions training programs 230.6 533.5 305.8 299.8 305.5 298.3 273.5 313.7 289.5 301.7 341.9
    National Health Service Corps scholarships 4.8 48.8 58.7 33.3 79.3 78.2 28.8 30.0 30.1 28.5 30.6
    National Institutes of Health training grants 8 241.4 268.5 348.0 350.8 372.7 380.5 457.0 417.0 428.0 509.2 550.2
    Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health
      training programs 81.4 83.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Department of the Interior 135.5 141.5 140.3 132.9 156.7 159.1 132.5 165.6 153.6 132.2 149.3
    Shared revenues, Mineral Leasing Act and
      other receipts--estimated education share 70.0 74.4 69.0 61.6 79.8 82.8 59.0 89.3 71.0 47.8 60.9
    Indian programs 65.5 67.1 71.3 71.4 76.9 76.2 73.5 76.3 82.6 84.4 88.4
  Department of State 2.2 6.4 9.1 10.2 7.8 3.0 0 0 283.0 290.0 260.0
  Department of Transportation 46.0 50.5 57.2 57.6 59.9 59.3 53.5 58.3 59.9 60.3 64.2
  Department of Veterans Affairs 2 599.8 614.4 854.5 920.0 1,043.7 1,010.1 1,074.7 992.7 1,005.7 1,123.2 1,143.1
    Vietnam-era veterans 9 47.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Post-Vietnam veterans 161.5 118.1 88.5 65.9 48.1 33.6 44.4 16.3 9.0 3.7 3.1
    All-volunteer-force educational assistance 269.9 366.9 650.5 745.8 887.0 868.4 922.8 863.9 882.2 988.7 991.6
  Other agencies and programs 2 417.0 458.1 507.2 591.0 515.1 562.3 557.5 614.3 412.2 421.5 434.6
    National Endowment for the Humanities 50.9 55.9 58.5 57.8 58.4 56.5 30.9 25.8 29.7 28.5 29.9
    National Science Foundation 161.9 191.7 210.4 246.6 225.2 211.8 262.0 355.0 359.0 369.0 378.0
    United States Information Agency 181.2 185.9 207.7 256.1 200.4 260.8 239.4 204.8 (8) (8) (8)
Other education programs 3,383.0 3,698.6 3,992.0 4,107.2 4,483.7 4,719.7 4,828.0 5,021.2 5,148.5 5,318.0 5,766.8
  Department of Education 2 2,251.8 2,419.3 2,579.9 2,526.4 2,796.0 2,861.0 3,085.6 2,882.3 2,893.7 3,123.3 3,420.0
    Administration 328.3 365.7 368.4 353.5 403.9 404.0 502.9 412.6 403.5 439.9 516.0
    Libraries 137.3 142.6 214.9 181.2 142.2 117.0 167.6 (11) (11) (11) (11)
    Rehabilitative services and handicapped
     research 1,780.4 1,902.3 1,991.9 1,983.8 2,244.2 2,333.0 2,410.2 2,462.2 2,482.2 2,675.2 2,891.0
  Department of Agriculture 352.5 382.3 400.4 443.7 426.3 422.9 412.9 413.6 410.7 428.3 412.6
  Department of Health and Human Services 78.0 89.1 97.6 96.9 107.9 138.0 117.0 144.0 162.0 181.0 214.0
  Department of Justice 26.9 30.5 34.5 37.0 34.1 36.3 35.1 46.1 32.9 33.8 28.8
  Department of State 47.5 41.8 44.1 58.8 46.6 51.6 53.3 49.4 49.2 56.9 63.3
  Department of the Treasury 41.5 60.1 51.7 56.8 62.0 48.0 59.0 51.0 96.0 65.0 81.0
  Other agencies and programs 2 584.8 675.4 783.7 887.7 1,010.9 1,161.8 1,065.2 1,434.8 1,504.0 1,429.7 1,547.0
    Agency for International Development 170.4 154.0 212.2 215.2 241.9 260.4 307.0 355.6 340.3 313.0 340.0
    Library of Congress 189.8 279.7 296.0 311.5 312.7 241.0 252.0 261.0 331.0 350.0 365.0
    National Endowment for the Arts 0.9 1.6 3.3 2.8 2.2 2.3 0.5 2.8 2.2 6.3 4.0
    National Endowment for the Humanities 89.7 93.4 99.8 100.8 98.8 94.2 62.4 68.7 62.6 63.2 63.3
Research programs at universities and
related institutions 2 12,606.0 13,775.4 14,176.9 14,955.1 15,289.1 15,677.9 16,332.3 17,272.4 18,475.0 20,242.5 21,017.1
  Department of Agriculture 348.1 385.8 438.0 436.2 438.5 434.5 427.2 502.2 415.4 536.3 474.8
  Department of Defense 1,871.9 1,789.1 2,071.0 2,002.6 2,010.4 1,854.0 1,663.7 1,595.5 1,769.5 1,787.6 1,614.4
  Department of Energy 2,520.9 2,692.3 2,867.5 2,763.5 2,642.1 2,651.6 3,035.2 3,286.1 3,499.6 3,713.8 3,945.1
  Department of Health and Human Services 4,902.7 5,686.4 5,210.7 5,953.0 6,348.7 6,419.0 6,784.9 7,258.8 7,775.5 9,022.3 9,244.0
  National Aeronautics and Space
    Administration 1,090.0 1,270.1 1,377.3 1,367.5 1,412.7 1,752.0 1,754.6 1,825.0 1,922.1 1,944.1 2,163.8
  National Science Foundation 1,427.0 1,546.8 1,664.7 1,833.6 1,805.9 1,874.4 2,041.5 2,110.2 2,147.9 2,359.0 2,518.0

1 Estimated.
2 Includes other programs and agencies, not shown separately.
3 Starting in 1994, the Special Milk Program wasincluded in the Child Nutrition Program.
4 Purchased under Section 32 of the Act of August 1935 for usein child nutrition programs.
5 Program provides for the education of dependents ofFederal employees residing on federal property where freepublic education is unavailable in the nearby community.
6 Includes Federal Direct Loans starting in fiscal year 1993.
7 Instructional costs only including academics, audiovisual, academic computer center, faculty training, military training, physical education, and libraries.
8 Beginning 1992, includes alcohol, drug abuse, and mental healthtraining programs.
9 Program ended in 1989; those still eligible are includedin the All-Volunteer Force Educational Assistance Progran.
10 Program transferred to the Department of State in fiscal year 1998.
11 This program was transferred to the Institute of Museum andLibrary Services in fiscal year 1997.

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2000.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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