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1037. Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents--National Summary

[Based on data from the Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS). FARS gathers data on accidents that result in loss of human life.FARS is operated and maintained by National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration's (NHTSA) National Center for Statistics and Analysis(NCSA). FARS data are gathered on motor vehicle accidents that occurredon a roadway customarily open to the public, resulting in the death ofa person within 30 days of the accident; collection of these datadepend on the use of police, hospital,medical examiner/coroner, and Emergency Medical Services reports,State vehicle registration, driver licensing, and highway department files, and vital statistics documents and death certificates.See source for further detail]

Item 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1995 1996 1997 1997 1998
  revisions revisions
     Fatal crashes, total 45,284 44,000 39,092 37,976 39,631 39,196 41,090 41,438 42,130 40,741 39,836 36,937 34,942 35,780 36,254 37,241 37,241 37,494 37,324 37,324 37,081
One vehicle involved 28,306 26,832 23,851 23,048 23,697 22,875 24,275 24,154 24,716 23,742 23,445 21,910 20,388 20,569 20,526 21,250 21,256 21,134 20,807 20,807 20,897
Two or more vehicles involved 16,978 17,168 15,241 14,928 15,934 16,321 16,815 17,284 17,414 16,999 16,391 15,027 14,554 15,211 15,728 15,991 15,985 16,360 16,517 16,517 16,184
   Persons killed in fatal crashes 51,091 49,301 43,945 42,589 44,257 43,825 46,087 46,390 47,087 45,582 44,599 41,508 39,250 40,150 40,716 41,817 41,817 42,065 42,013 42,013 41,471
Occupants 41,927 40,424 35,646 34,843 36,284 36,043 38,234 38,565 39,170 38,087 37,134 34,740 32,880 33,574 34,318 35,291 35,291 35,695 35,725 35,725 35,359
  Drivers 28,816 28,200 24,690 24,138 25,589 25,337 26,630 26,833 27,253 26,389 25,750 23,930 22,584 23,142 23,691 24,390 24,390 24,534 24,667 24,667 24,729
  Passengers 12,972 12,055 10,867 10,595 10,586 10,619 11,498 11,623 11,805 11,624 11,276 10,688 10,211 10,361 10,518 10,782 10,784 11,058 10,944 10,944 10,519
  Other 139 169 89 110 109 87 106 109 112 74 108 122 85 71 109 119 117 103 114 114 111
Nonmotorists 9,164 8,877 8,299 7,746 7,973 7,782 7,853 7,825 7,917 7,495 7,465 6,768 6,370 6,576 6,398 6,526 6,526 6,370 6,288 6,288 6,112
  Pedestrians 8,070 7,837 7,331 6,826 7,025 6,808 6,779 6,745 6,870 6,556 6,482 5,801 5,549 5,649 5,489 5,584 5,584 5,449 5,321 5,321 5,220 </