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32. 1997 Economic Census

27. Annual Inmigration, Outmigration, and Net Migration for Regions

[In thousands (464 represents 464,000). As of March. For persons 1 year old and over.Excludes members of the Armed Forces except those living off post orwith their families on post. Based on CurrentPopulation Survey; see text of this section and Appendix III.Northeast comprises New England and Middle Atlantic states.New England: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.Middle Atlantic: New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.Midwest comprise East North Central and West North Central states.East North Central: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.West North Central: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas.South comprises South Atlantic, East South Central and West South Central states.South Atlantic: Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.East South Central: Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi.West South Central: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.West comprises Mountain and Pacific states.Mountain: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada.Pacific: Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii.Minus sign (-) indicates net outmigration]

      Period Northeast Midwest South West
1980-81: Inmigrants 464 650 1,377 871
  Outmigrants 706 1,056 890 710
    Net internal migration -242 -406 487 161
  Movers from abroad 207 180 412 514
    Net migration -35 -226 899 675
1981-82: Inmigrants 473 793 1,482 931
  Outmigrants 685 1,163 1,012 819
    Net internal migration -212 -370 470 112
  Movers from abroad 229 134 401 324
    Net migration 17 -236 871 436
1982-83: Inmigrants 439 661 1,211 880
  Outmigrants 625 947 973 645
    Net internal migration -186 -286 238 235
  Movers from abroad 192 149 323 315
    Net migration 6 -137 561 550
1983-84: Inmigrants 487 820 1,399 834
  Outmigrants 578 1,102 973 887
    Net internal migration -91 -282 426 -53
  Movers from abroad 213 141 383 341
    Net migration 122 -141 809 288
1984-85: Inmigrants 482 842 1,329 994
  Outmigrants 691 1,053 1,169 734
    Net internal migration -209 -211 160 260
  Movers from abroad 228 168 532 499
    Net migration 19 -43 692 759
1985-86: Inmigrants 502 1,011 1,355 910
  Outmigrants 752 996 1,320 710
    Net internal migration -250 15 35 200
  Movers from abroad 198 158 342 502
    Net migration -52 173 377 702
1986-87: Inmigrants 398 858 1,374 916
  Outmigrants 732 969 1,095 750
    Net internal migration -334 -111 279 166
  Movers from abroad 214 193 277 458
    Net migration -120 82 556 624
1987-88: Inmigrants 430 715 1,338 613
  Outmigrants 671 818 886 721
    Net internal migration -241 -103 452 -108
  Movers from abroad 261 146 414 379
    Net migration 20 43 866 271
1988-89: Inmigrants 370 777 1,318 791
  Outmigrants 714 703 1,071 637
    Net internal migration -344 74 247 154
  Movers from abroad 292 170 375 629
    Net migration -52 244 622 783
1989-90: Inmigrants, total 461 908 1,428 964
    From Northeast (X) 139 445 174
    From Midwest 89 (X) 561 374
    From South 246 536 (X) 416
    From West 126 233 422 (X)
  Outmigrants, total 758 1,024 1,198 781
    To Northeast (X) 89 246 126
    To Midwest 139 (X) 536 233
    To South 445 561 (X) 422
    To West 174 374 416 (X)
  Net internal migration -297 -116 230 183
  Movers from abroad 328 169 500 562
    Net migration 30 53 730 745
1990-91: Inmigrants, total 346 782 1,421 835
    From Northeast (X) 175 565 191
    From Midwest 76 (X) 448 273
    From South 195 422 (X) 370
    From West 75 185 408 (X)
  Outmigrants, total 932 797 987 668
    To Northeast (X) 76 195 75
    To Midwest 175 (X) 422 185
    To South 565 448 (X) 408
    To West 191 273 370 (X)
  Net internal migration -585 -15 433 167
  Movers from abroad 209 208 351 617
    Net migration -376 193 784 784
1991-92: Inmigrants, total 409 816 1,305 755
    From Northeast (X) 127 429 145
    From Midwest 101 (X) 520 258
    From South 255 473 (X) 352
    From West 53 216 356 (X)
  Total outmigrants 701 878 1,081 626
    To Northeast (X) 101 255 53
    To Midwest 127 (X) 473 216
    To South 429 520 (X) 356
    To West 145 258 352 (X)
  Net internal migration -292 -62 224 129
  Movers from abroad 255 175 383 442
    Net migration -37 113 607 571
1992-93: Inmigrants, total 313 841 1,145 769
    From Northeast (X) 131 412 104
    From Midwest 48 (X) 360 199
    From South 203 375 (X) 466
    From West 62 335 373 (X)
  Total outmigrants 647 608 1,044 770
    To Northeast (X) 48 203 62
    To Midwest 131 (X) 375 335
    To South 412 360 (X) 373
    To West 104 199 466 (X)
  Net internal migration -334 233 101 -1
  Movers from abroad 230 198 513 364
    Net migration -104 431 614 363
1993-94: Inmigrants, total 348 706 1,336 746
    From Northeast (X) 84 449 143
    From Midwest 53 (X) 468 215
    From South 201 371 (X) 388
    From West 93 251 419 (X)
  Total outmigrants 676 737 960 763
    To Northeast (X) 53 201 93
    To Midwest 84 (X) 371 251
    To South 449 468 (X) 419
    To West 143 215 388 (X)
  Net internal migration -328 -31 376 -17
  Movers from abroad 267 132 451 396
    Net migration -61 101 827 379
1995-96: Inmigrants, total 441 842 1,284 792
    From Northeast (X) 127 366 182
    From Midwest 118 (X) 449 208
    From South 252 480 (X) 401
    From West 71 235 469 (X)
  Total outmigrants 675 775 1,134 775
    To Northeast (X) 118 252 71
    To Midwest 127 (X) 480 235
    To South 366 449 (X) 469
    To West 182 208 401 (X)
  Net internal migration -234 68 150 16
  Movers from abroad 285 130 470 476
    Net migration 51 198 620 492
1996-97: Inmigrants, total 481 661 1,338 688
    From Northeast (X) 107 392 101
    From Midwest 94 (X) 492 228
    From South 256 333 (X) 358
    From West 131 221 454 (X)
  Total outmigrants 600 814 947 806
    To Northeast (X) 94 256 131
    To Midwest 107 (X) 333 221
    To South 392 492 (X) 454
    To West 101 228 358 (X)
  Net internal migration -119 -154 391 -118
  Movers from abroad 239 169 445 450
    Net migration 120 15 836 332
1997-98: Inmigrants, total 504 873 1,335 660
    From Northeast (X) 112 471 125
    From Midwest 71 (X) 481 201
    From South 320 450 (X) 334
    From West 113 310 383 (X)
  Total outmigrants 708 753 1,105 806
    To Northeast (X) 71 320 113
    To Midwest 112 (X) 450 310
    To South 471 481 (X) 383
    To West 125 201 334 (X)
  Net internal migration -203 120 230 -146
  Movers from abroad 247 170 416 370
    Net migration 44 290 646 224
1998-99: n n n n
  Total inmigrants 461 736 1,339 743
    From Northeast (X) 94 383 146
    From Midwest 98 (X) 556 253
    From South 262 463 (X) 344
    From West 101 178 400 (X)
  Total outmigrants 624 906 1,068 679
    To Northeast (X) 98 262 101
    To Midwest 94 (X) 463 178
    To South 383 556 (X) 400
    To West 146 253 344 (X)
  Net internal migration -163 -171 270 63
  Movers from abroad 198 221 544 466
    Net migration 35 50 814 529

X Not applicable.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,Current Population Reports, P20-531 and earlier reports.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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