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32. 1997 Economic Census

421. Quantity of Books Sold and Value of U.S. Domestic Consumer Expenditures

[Includes all titles released by publishers in the United States and imports which appear under the imprints of American publishers(1,541 represents 1,541,000,000).Multi-volume sets, such as encyclopedias, are counted as one unit]

1975 1980 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1975 1980 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
    Total 1 1,541 1,856 1,788 1,798 1,804 1,871 2,003 2,005 2,040 2,051 2,079 2,132 2,186 2,219 2,180 2,254 4,969 8,854 12,611 13,333 14,671 16,111 18,036 19,043 20,101 21,224 22,631 23,911 25,154 26,152 27,021 28,786
Hardbound, total 526 638 694 710 738 757 826 824 838 826 810 826 827 778 788 804 3,276 5,536 7,969 8,480 9,326 10,055 11,243 11,789 12,398 13,046 13,834 14,588 15,011 15,475 16,175 17,016
Softbound, total 1,015 1,218 1,094 1,088 1,066 1,114 1,177 1,181 1,202 1,225 1,269 1,306 1,359 1,441 1,392 1,450 1,693 3,318 4,642 4,853 5,345 6,056 6,793 7,254 7,703 8,178 8,797 9,323 10,143 10,677 10,846 11,770
Trade 272 487 553 563 577 610 685 705 738 760 762 812 813 816 791 831 1,092 2,349 3,660 3,878 4,453 5,070 6,040 6,498 7,110 7,793 8,403 9,271 9,340 9,502 9,701 10,350
  Adult 182 369 360 352 357 365 404 403 412 442 463 492 465 446 457 476 866 1,954 2,871 2,969 3,399 3,806 4,520 4,777 5,147 5,805 6,465 7,197 7,060 7,002 7,339 7,791
  Juvenile 90 118 193 210 220 244 281 301 326 319 299 320 348 370 334 355 226 395 789 910 1,054 1,264 1,520 1,721 1,963 1,988 1,938 2,074 2,280 2,500 2,362 2,558
Religious 96 152 134 133 128 121 124 130 135 140 139 142 148 154 157 161 358 687 926 987 1,104 1,168 1,274 1,362 1,476 1,567 1,610 1,693 1,792 1,890 1,958 2,037
Professional 51 103 110 117 120 125 128 131 130 135 137 142 146 144 146 150 590 1,453 2,043 2,208 2,350 2,573 2,769 2,957 3,060 3,326 3,558 3,867 4,153 4,277 4,465 4,751
Bookclubs 195 127 130 126 121 112 109 108 109 106 111 116 123 132 134 138 336 473 582 591 660 671 684 705 729 722 782 850 949 1,061 1,112 1,176
Elhi text 257 217 234 228 207 202 213 209 206 208 225 211 237 247 280 291 683 880 1,415 1,534 1,633 1,716 1,909 1,948 1,974 2,000 2,237 2,074 2,384 2,532 2,911 3,216
College text 84 118 110 111 119 130 136 137 133 137 135 136 142 150 154 161 635 1,138 1,575 1,670 1,803 1,998 2,144 2,319 2,329 2,427 2,493 2,536 2,708 2,920 3,110 3,365
Mail order publications 85 145 121 124 128 138 152 138 132 110 102 96 92 93 83 76 321 592 650 672 679 720 822 752 755 650 621 576 578 599 539 486
Mass market paperbacks-rack sized 491 495 382 381 391 419 441 433 443 439 452 461 470 467 419 429 651 987 1,244 1,249 1,411 1,556 1,693 1,775 1,923 1,954 2,106 2,156 2,322 2,408 2,220 2,348
General retailers 595 841 829 845 864 914 994 1,010 1,049 1,066 1,077 1,125 1,145 1,156 1,098 1,143 1,565 3,341 5,103 5,392 6,117 6,875 7,914 8,465 9,195 9,900 10,650 11,524 11,888 12,252 12,332 13,102
College stores 195 242 225 225 230 243 253 255 254 261 262 269 274 277 279 291 895 1,603 2,309 2,430 2,636 2,904 3,164 3,403 3,497 3,710 3,870 4,070 4,311 4,529 4,766 5,122
Libraries and institutions 2 73 93 80 81 81 82 87 88 89 91 93 97 97 97 98 102 452 846 1,090 1,161 1,252 1,361 1,500 1,592 1,669 1,788 1,879 2,028 2,111 2,165 2,256 2,394
Schools 2 309 271 260 255 236 233 246 244 241 244 259 247 273 283 313 326 845 1,176 1,685 1,820 1,946 2,065 2,290 2,365 2,416 2,462 2,702 2,569 2,896 3,065 3,446 3,780
Direct to consumers 286 328 300 299 299 302 316 304 299 282 281 284 289 300 292 293 1,118 1,764 2,214 2,309 2,477 2,638 2,859 2,901 2,979 3,002 3,150 3,322 3,544 3,744 3,830 3,989
Other 83 80 94 94 95 97 108 104 108 107 107 110 108 108 99 99 94 124 210 220 244 267 309 316 346 361 378 397 404 397 391 399

1 Types of publications include university presspublications and subscription reference works, not shown separately.
2 Elhi libraries included in schools.

Source: Book Industry Study Group, Inc., New York, NY, BookIndustry Trends, 1999, annual (copyright).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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