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32. 1997 Economic Census

1225. Commercial Office Space--Overview for Selected Market Areas

[As of mid-October. 3,491,274 represents 3,491,274,000] Data based on responses from individuals knowledgeable in the local markets]

1998 1999
Net Net
Inventory Vacant space Vacancy Construction absorption 1 Inventory Vacant space Vacancy Construction absorption 1
MARKET AREAS (1,000 (1,000 rate (1,000 (1,000 (1,000 (1,000 rate (1,000 (1,000
sq. ft.) sq. ft.) (percent) sq. ft.) sq. ft.) sq. ft.) sq. ft.) (percent) sq. ft.) sq. ft.)
    United States, all market areas 3,491,274 305,624 8.8 119,764 111,526 3,459,729 308,762 8.9 139,856 116,112
Albany, NY 14,654 994 6.8 424 (NA) 14,517 886 6.1 696 -30
Albuquerque, NM 10,801 1,072 9.9 525 733 11,181 1,171 10.5 463 487
Allentown, PA 7,581 1,067 14.1 233 1,057 8,576 695 8.1 220 -57
Annapolis, MD 2,428 201 8.3 44 -172 2,653 98 3.7 0 231
Atlanta, GA 71,423 6,505 9.1 4,220 (NA) 107,335 12,190 11.4 6,062 5,341
Austin, TX 22,021 1,102 5.0 684 790 22,798 1,497 6.6 1,650 322
Baltimore, MD 39,001 4,559 11.7 450 245 39,539 3,856 9.8 1,445 2,532
Baton Rouge, LA 3,461 170 4.9 30 0 3,491 206 5.9 30 -6
Birmingham, AL 16,858 1,008 6.0 449 496 20,096 2,003 10.0 62 133
Boise, ID 10,108 689 6.8 537 51 5,928 683 11.5 283 989
Boston, MA 106,855 6,023 5.6 5,354 901 114,310 8,080 7.1 12,589 3,508
Bridgeport/Stratford, CT 7,619 844 11.1 351 437 7,792 1,282 16.5 0 -265
Bristol, VA 710 65 9.2 22 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Buffalo, NY 8,286 961 11.6 278 638 8,564 1,231 14.4 208 9
Charleston, SC 3,728 314 8.4 250 193 3,916 344 8.8 385 149
Charlotte, NC 24,541 1,610 6.6 2,837 1,721 27,730 2,447 8.8 4,400 1,882
Chattanooga, TN 4,219 231 5.5 0 60 4,257 239 5.6 85 47
Chicago, IL 148,604 17,517 11.8 2,814 3,848 148,717 17,271 11.6 4,234 -1,924
Cincinnati, OH 32,284 2,832 8.8 520 4,542 32,285 3,095 9.6 532 337
Cleveland, OH 36,144 4,396 12.2 650 1,491 36,379 3,900 10.7 899 731
Colorado Springs, CO 17,388 1,040 6.0 751 1,478 18,100 944 5.2 1,452 1,060
Columbia, SC 9,955 839 8.4 305 360 10,470 863 8.2 515 491
Columbus, OH 30,134 993 3.3 2,120 1,429 31,312 1,422 4.5 2,090 749
Contra Costa, CA 16,351 1,134 6.9 1,438 714 20,383 1,329 6.5 1,624 49
Corpus Christi, CA 2,789 534 19.2 (NA) -5 2,789 507 18.2 0 27
Dallas, TX 134,864 17,629 13.1 12,171 7,007 148,102 25,791 17.4 6,320 5,139
Dayton, OH 12,103 1,940 16.0 18 147 11,961 1,685 14.1 (NA) 264
Denver, CO 63,708 6,476 10.2 2,200 5,213 70,689 4,044 5.7 3,261 7,658
Des Moines, IA 9,228 884 9.6 88 168 9,228 852 9.2 15 31
Detroit, MI 72,876 4,221 5.8 870 1,472 74,776 3,415 4.6 805 2,706
El Paso, TX 6,850 864 12.6 120 175 7,173 942 13.1 (NA) 244
Fargo, ND 3,184 183 5.8 267 248 3,567 297 8.3 69 269
Fort Lauderdale, FL 15,293 1,596 10.4 1,258 1,219 31,285 2,081 6.7 777 1,084
Fort Wayne, IN 5,506 382 6.9 0 85 5,549 401 7.2 68 24
Fort Worth, TX 18,433 2,195 11.9 365 41 18,572 2,355 12.7 393 78
Fresno, CA 13,168 1,437 10.9 156 353 14,051 1,629 11.6 303 691
Gainesville, FL 2,165 88 4.1 46 61 2,285 74 3.2 228 135
Gary-Hammond-East Chicago, IN 3,248 180 5.5 55 94 3,383 187 5.5 90 127
Grand Rapids, MI 10,190 959 9.4 415 447 10,605 977 9.2 320 396
Greensboro, NC 14,181 1,859 13.1 423 369 14,351 1,939 13.5 565 91
Greenville, SC 5,014 585 11.7 325 474 5,985 1,058 17.7 347 497
Harrisburg, PA 35,300 841 2.4 230 816 35,630 1,300 3.6 240 -129
Hartford, CT 20,689 4,261 21 0 (NA) 21,767 4,160 19.1 0 1,179
Honolulu, Hawaii (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 11,737 1,677 14.3 0 -123