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1217. Mortgage Characteristics--Owner Occupied Units

[In thousands (65,487 represents 65,487,000). As of fall. Based on the American Housing Survey; see Appendix III]

Housing unit characteristics, 1997 Household characteristics Housing unit characteristics, 1997 Housing unit characteristics, 1999 Housing unit characteristics, 1999
Total Total
MORTGAGE CHARACTERISTIC occupied Physical problems- Below occupied Physical problems- Below
units, New con- Mobile Moved in poverty units, New con- Mobile Moved in poverty
1997 struction 1 homes Severe Moderate Black Hispanic Elderly 2 past year level 1999 struction 1 homes Severe Moderate Black Hispanic Elderly 2 past year level
    Total 65,487 4,894 5,255 725 2,170 5,457 3,646 16,493 5,093 6,619 68,796 4,825 5,649 869 2,056 6,013 4,087 17,196 5,636 6,276
Mortgages currently on property:
  None, owned free and clear 25,453 1,018 2,936 393 1,088 2,047 1,217 12,649 1,056 4,177 25,604 865 2,988 457 1,097 2,086 1,299 13,105 1,187 3,964
  Reverse mortgage 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 5 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
  Regular and home equity mortgages 5,757 352 95 38 113 357 163 293 199 198 6,279 446 77 50 112 372 288 368 246 129
  Regular mortgage only 27,670 3,128 1,847 222 787 2,478 1,962 2,050 3,470 1,578 30,102 3,207 2,119 298 673 2,846 2,194 2,349 3,763 1,608
  Home equity mortgage only 2,708 130 101 22 48 141 69 527 102 138 2,784 92 105 15 65 208 104 644 74 141
  With regular mortgage, home equity not reported 2,427 147 163 27 93 268 139 558 172 314 2,503 127 213 23 55 269 115 425 238 246
  No regular mortgage, home 1,443 119 113 22 41 165 96 388 94 210 1,525 89 147 26 54 232 86 305 128 187
Number of regular and home equity mortgages:
  1 mortgage 29,210 3,174 1,914 233 797 2,473 1,947 2,508 3,465 1,667 3 31,647 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
  2 mortgages 6,345 398 106 41 135 452 232 326 272 227 3 6,972 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
  3 mortgages or more 444 19 15 2 16 39 12 23 16 16 3 415 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
  Number not reported 4,008 285 284 55 134 447 238 958 285 528 3 4,157 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Type of home equity mortgage:
  Units with 1 or more home equity mortgages 8,465 482 196 60 161 499 232 819 301 336 9,062 537 182 65 177 580 392 1,013 320 270
    Lump sum only 3,354 220 108 28 85 259 109 298 109 126 3,680 229 79 23 91 326 212 353 140 129
    Credit line only 4,765 233 64 19 74 209 119 498 160 184 5,013 280 85 39 75 224 159 621 161 118
      With outstanding balance 3,271 129 39 10 53 130 69 308 74 103 3,260 169 43 31 50 123 75 401 69 60
    Both 40 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 5 2 48 2 2 0 0 0 0 7 0 7
    Type not reported 306 27 21 10 3 30 5 21 28 24 321 26 16 2 11 30 20 32 19 16
    Total 35,855 3,627 2,105 287 993 3,104 2,264 2,901 3,842 2,090 38,883 3,779 2,409 371 841 3,487 2,598 3,142 4,247 1,983
Type of primary mortgage:
  FHA 5,065 396 95 33 133 799 510 224 611 298 5,410 452 88 62 114 981 647 277 742 237
  VA 1,936 160 20 18 31 263 147 104 165 77 1,893 144 33 23 20 265 129 136 209 62
  Farmers Home Administration 364 37 14 19 10 57 29 52 24 26 330 44 29 5 11 52 28 44 55 33
  Other types 25,579 2,873 1,769 182 710 1,626 1,433 1,859 2,841 1,323 28,204 2,967 2,026 247 623 1,815 1,622 2,116 2,962 1,345
  Don't know 98 13 15 2 0 22 9 7 3 4 105 5 17 7 5 18 11 13 5 6
  Not reported 2,813 148 192 33 108 337 136 655 197 362 2,942 167 216 26 67 355 161 556 274 299
Lower cost state and local mortgages:
  State or local program used 3,160 220 70 35 105 494 282 176 400 263 3,199 203 82 45 81 539 353 223 394 189
  Not used 29,973 3,262 1,845 214 772 2,259 1,826 2,107 3,246 1,479 32,756 3,424 2,115 298 696 2,584 2,062 2,383 3,590 1,506
  Not reported 2,722 145 190 39 116 350 157 618 196 348 2,929 152 212 28 64 365 182 536 264 288
Mortgage origination:
  Placed new mortgage(s) 34,766 3,613 2,030 262 957 2,995 2,181 2,801 3,747 2,000 38,199 3,753 2,328 353 820 3,426 2,521 3,084 4,181 1,926
    Primary obtained when property acquired 31,549 3,532 1,951 241 874 2,777 2,048 2,215 3,710 1,829 27,439 3,419 2,038 245 601 2,749 2,015 1,984 4,104 1,517
    Obtained later 3,217 81 79 21 83 218 133 586 37 171 10,760 334 290 108 219 677 506 1,100 76 409
  Assumed 957 14 74 20 26 93 72 95 87 80 585 24 75 15 18 44 72 53 52 47
  Wrap-around 26 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 6 27 2 5 0 0 4 4 5 7 4
  Combination of the above 106 0 0 3 9 13 10 5 5 5 73 0 0 3 3 12 1 0 7 5
Payment plan of primary mortgage:
  Fixed payment, self amortizing 27,590 2,825 1,643 199 703 2,380 1,812 1,869 2,959 1,401 31,472 3,164 1,971 287 674 2,680 2,099 2,147 3,532 1,369
  Adjustable rate mortgage 2,955 343 160 10 83 157 171 205 343 140 2,057 171 50 34 42 139 147 174 155 79
  Adjustable term mortgage 256 41 39 0 13 34 12 35 58 43 277 30 41 0 10 46 16 42 35 41
  Graduated payment mortgage 376 45 9 3 14 25 14 12 65 9 363 72 24 3 9 32 35 21 76 17
  Balloon 328 56 9 0 10 7 18 16 61 19 302 42 28 3 3 22 16 33 34 38
  Other 17 0 4 0 3 3 0 2 2 2 3 0 0 0