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Finances and Employment
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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

Population by Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for States, Puerto Rico, and Places of 100,000 or More Population: 2000

Source: U.S. Census BureauNOTE: Data not adjusted based on the Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see

One race
American Hawaiian
Indian and Hispanic
Black or and Other Two or White alone,
Total African Alaska Pacific Some or more Latino (of not Hispanic
Geographic area1 population White American Native Asian Islander other race races any race) or Latino
  Alabama 4 447 100 3 162 808 1 155 930 22 430 31 346 1 409 28 998 44 179 75 830 3 125 819
Birmingham city 242 820 58 457 178 372 422 1 942 87 1 513 2 027 3 764 57 096
Huntsville city 158 216 101 998 47 792 857 3 519 88 1 047 2 915 3 225 100 333
Mobile city 198 915 100 251 92 068 487 3 022 52 1 046 1 989 2 828 98 965
Montgomery city 201 568 96 085 100 048 500 2 146 71 748 1 970 2 484 94 868
  Alaska 626 932 434 534 21 787 98 043 25 116 3 309 9 997 34 146 25 852 423 788
Anchorage municipality1 260 283 188 009 15 199 18 941 14 433 2 423 5 703 15 575 14 799 181 982
  Arizona 5 130 632 3 873 611 158 873 255 879 92 236 6 733 596 774 146 526 1 295 617 3 274 258
Chandler city 176 581 136 296 6 151 2 121 7 453 251 18 993 5 316 37 059 121 168
Gilbert town1 109 697 94 043 2 639 676 3 937 134 5 233 3 035 13 026 87 597
Glendale city 218 812 165 293 10 270 3 181 6 003 293 26 188 7 584 54 343 141 462
Mesa city 396 375 323 655 9 977 6 572 5 917 932 38 271 11 051 78 281 290 180
Peoria city 108 364 92 050 3 012 734 2 077 120 7 686 2 685 16 699 84 370
Phoenix city 1 321 045 938 853 67 416 26 696 26 449 1 766 216 589 43 276 449 972 736 844
Scottsdale city 202 705 186 883 2 501 1 240 3 964 167 4 603 3 347 14 111 178 462
Tempe city 158 625 122 952 5 801 3 186 7 531 455 13 464 5 236 28 473 110 517
Tucson city 486 699 341 424 21 057 11 038 11 959 796 81 988 18 437 173 868 263 748
  Arkansas 2 673 400 2 138 598 418 950 17 808 20 220 1 668 40 412 35 744 86 866 2 100 135
Little Rock city 183 133 100 848 74 003 500 3 032 64 2 348 2 338 4 889 98 904
  California 33 871 648 20 170 059 2 263 882 333 346 3 697 513 116 961 5 682 241 1 607 646 10 966 556 15 816 790
Anaheim city 328 014 179 627 8 735 3 041 39 311 1 393 79 427 16 480 153 374 117 607
Bakersfield city 247 057 152 849 22 641 3 454 10 708 298 46 151 10 956 80 170 126 183
Berkeley city 102 743 60 797 14 007 467 16 837 146 4 764 5 725 10 001 56 691
Burbank city 100 316 72 409 2 066 549 9 181 142 9 908 6 061 24 953 59 590
Chula Vista city 173 556 95 553 8 022 1 352 19 063 1 013 38 404 10 149 86 073 55 042
Concord city 121 780 86 114 3 706 929 11 438 612 11 752 7 229 26 560 74 119
Corona city 124 966 77 514 8 031 1 086 9 425 387 21 894 6 629 44 569 58 784
Costa Mesa city 108 724 75 542 1 520 845 7 501 656 18 018 4 642 34 523 61 778
Daly City city 103 621 26 836 4 720 456 52 522 940 11 735 6 412 23 072 18 344
Downey city 107 323 57 395 4 028 929 8 308 236 31 180 5 247 62 089 30 851
East Los Angeles CDP1 124 283 48 788 490 1 603 962 70 67 122 5 248 120 307 2 275
El Monte city 115 965 41 360 889 1 596 21 465 140 45 544 4 971 83 945 8 542
Escondido city 133 559 90 578 3 009 1 646 5 957 311 25 636 6 422 51 693 69 305
Fontana city 128 929 58 006 15 255 1 450 5 618 427 enter" bgcolor="#FFF7DA"> 4 073 67 654 729 72 429 33 574 128 928 644 395
Pittsburgh city 334 563 226 258 90 750 628 9 195 111 2 218 5 403 4 425 223 982
  Rhode Island 1 048 319 891 191 46 908