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30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

855. Number of Tax Returns, Receipts, and Net Income, by Type of Business and by Industry

[Covers active enterprises only. Figures are estimates based on sampleof unaudited tax returns; see Appendix III. Except as noted, the industrial distribution is based on data collected from companies; see text, Section 17. Minus sign (-) indicates net loss]

Number of returns Business receipts2 Net income (less loss)3
(1,000) ($bil.) ($bil.)
Nonfarm- Nonfarm- Nonfarm-
proprietor- Partner- Corpo- proprietor- Partner- Corpo- proprietor- Partner- Corpo-
ships 1 ships rations ships 1 ships rations ships 1 ships rations
1984 11,262 1,644 3,171 515 358 7,551 71 -4 233
1985 11,929 1,714 3,277 540 349 8,050 79 -9 240
1986 12,394 1,703 3,429 559 379 8,282 90 -17 270
1987 13,091 1,648 3,612 611 428 9,186 106 -5 328
1988 13,679 1,654 3,563 672 516 9,804 126 15 413
1989 14,298 1,635 3,628 693 524 10,440 133 14 389
1990 14,783 1,554 3,717 731 541 10,914 141 17 371
1991 4 15,181 1,515 3,803 713 539 10,963 142 21 345
1992 15,495 1,485 3,869 737 571 11,272 154 43 402
1993 15,848 1,468 3,965 757 627 11,814 156 67 498
1994 16,154 1,493 4,342 791 731 12,858 167 83 577
1995 4 16,424 1,581 4,474 807 854 13,969 169.0 107 714
1996 4 16,955 1,654 4,631 843 1,042 14,890 177 145 806
     1997 4 17,176 1,759 4,710 870 1,297 15,890 187 168 915
Agriculture, forestry, fishing 5 565 127 163 24 16 108 4 2 3
Mining 124 28 33 6 34 134 (Z) 7 10
Construction 1,883 72 488 118 53 768 25 3 21
Manufacturing 480 40 325 33 182 4,794 4 11 306
Transportation, public utilities 781 31 209 46 130 1,248 7 -2 71
Wholesale and retail trade 6 3,133 173 1,149 255 292 4,589 17 5 82
  Wholesale 348 27 371 39 116 2,163 5 2 36
  Retail 2,784 144 774 215 175 2,417 12 3 46
Finance, insurance, real estate 1,314 974 745 76 295 2,711 24 95 373
Services 8,408 311 1,593 299 294 1,537 106 47 50

NA Not available. Z Less than $500 million.
1 In 1980, represents individually owned businesses, including farms; thereafter, represents only nonfarm proprietors, i.e., business owners.
2 Excludes investment income except for partnerships and corporationsin finance, insurance, and real estate. Starting 1985, investmentincome no longer included for S corporations.
3 Net income (less loss) is defined differently by form oforganization, basically as follows: (a) Proprietorships: Total taxablereceipts less total business deductions, including cost of sales andoperations, depletion, and certain capital expensing, excludingcharitable contributions and owners' salaries; (b) Partnerships: Totaltaxable receipts (including investment income except capital gains)less deductions, including cost of sales and operations and certainpayments to partners, excluding charitable contributions, oil and gasdepletion, and certain capital expensing; (c) Corporations: Totaltaxable receipts(including investment income, capital gains, and income from foreign subsidiariesdeemed received for tax purposes, except for S corporations beginning 1985) lessbusiness deductions, including cost of sales and operations, depletion, certaincapital expensing, and officers' compensation excluding S corporation charitablecontributions and investment expenses starting 1985; net income is before incometax.
4 Includes businesses not allocable to individual industries.
5 Represents agricultural services only.
6 Includes trade business not identified as wholesale or retail

Source: U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income, various publications.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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