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523. County Governments--Expenditures and Debt for Largest Counties: 1996

[In thousands of dollars (12,420,926 represents $12,420,926,000) except where indicated. For fiscal years ending in year shown; see text, this section. Counties ranked by size of population estimated as of July 1, 1998. Data relate only to county governments and their dependent agencies and do not include amounts for other local governments in the same geographic location such as separate school districts; excluded are areas having certain type of county caracteristics but included as part of another government. See tables 520-521; for details see text, this section and source]

Expenditure (character and object) Expenditures (by function) Expenditures (by function) Direct expenditure General expenditures (by function) Debt outstanding
Counties ranked by Pop 1996 Total Direct expenditure Direct expenditure General expenditures General expenditures Utility expenditure Liquor stores Employee Total Per capita Long-term Short-term
1996 population ranking population               retirement (dol.)
Total inter- Total Per capita Current Capital Assistance Interest Insurance Expenditure Total Education Libraries Housing and Public Health Hospitals Police Corrections Fire Governmental General Highways Air trans- Parks and Natural Sewerage Solid waste Interest Total Water Electric Transit expenditure
governmental (dol.) operation outlay and subsidies on debt trust for Salaries community welfare Protection protection administation public portation recreation resources management on general
expenditure and wages development buildings debt
4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Los Angeles, CA 1 9,056,076 12,420,926 559,230 11,861,696 1,310 7,475,430 497,264 2,708,912 342,701 837,389 3,829,988 11,545,183 370,206 58,919 220,384 4,087,033 779,907 1,568,066 1,072,448 612,253 344,644 1,099,244 91,272 184,623 3,254 201,942 170,615 27,740 14,964 342,571 38,354 38,354 0 0 0 837,389 5,452,012 602 0 0
Cook, IL 2 5,189,763 2,060,763 20,885 2,039,878 393 1,613,754 194,866 0 96,603 134,655 1,005,842 1,926,108 1,647 0 19,931 10,601 57,974 639,129 61,761 254,280 0 402,893 55,271 85,911 0 90,160 0 0 0 96,603 0 0 0 0 0 134,655 1,611,055 310 115,000 115
Harris, TX 3 3,106,629 1,569,263 0 1,569,263 505 1,194,361 106,762 0 268,140 0 546,012 1,569,263 0 10,301 12,594 19,184 97,055 378,324 115,673 215,215 1,053 197,548 23,211 128,340 0 25,875 45,033 19 31 268,140 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,915,262 1,582 0 0
San Diego, CA 4 2,673,620 2,331,338 15,782 2,315,556 866 1,515,617 145,648 491,685 63,567 99,039 629,663 2,222,502 82,945 8,870 49,981 879,352 268,790 0 99,247 155,227 316 375,547 3,759 31,057 3,461 12,096 6,778 18,686 60,648 63,567 9,797 20 0 9,777 0 99,039 650,269 243 215,000 215
Maricopa, AZ 5 2,613,901 1,433,590 202,338 1,231,252 471 988,445 170,747 0 72,060 0 369,789 1,433,590 17,921 6,114 14,003 517,530 48,837 191,138 58,405 0 178,547 0 81,037 0 85,489 36,367 0 15,361 72,060 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,152,334 441 40,000 40
Orange, CA 6 2,606,639 2,078,775 43,873 2,034,902 781 1,291,845 113,030 273,952 259,063 97,012 677,797 1,981,763 67,520 23,469 20,553 551,074 173,356 0 103,903 127,298 1,459 328,073 23,536 65,923 30,753 57,320 52,108 2 43,152 259,063 0 0 0 0 0 97,012 3,598,586 1,381 0 0
Wayne, MI 7 2,137,302 1,310,441 60,512 1,249,929 585 875,086 241,079 0 62,939 70,825 206,382 1,239,310 0 2,759 8,288 94,328 262,868 37,911 21,203 103,455 0 130,829 8,218 91,939 171,046 5,872 109,986 98,831 1,335 62,633 306 306 0 0 0 70,825 1,007,120 471 0 0
Dade, FL 8 2,105,604 4,389,969 3,324 4,386,645 2,083 3,241,446 808,150 0 337,049 0 1,280,000 3,960,533 0 31,391 208,966 50,819 24,154 697,058 311,317 201,835 130,251 227,939 2,451 77,410 636,185 99,720 18,835 271,106 198,168 320,452 429,436 174,705 0 254,731 0 0 5,713,220 2,713 0 0
Dallas, TX 9 1,988,963 911,938 3,777 908,161 457 825,742 34,275 0 43,518 4,626 428,831 907,312 0 62 4,746 12,916 94,049 396,358 23,129 170,490 370 107,615 18,504 11,748 0 29 184 143 0 43,518 0 0 0 0 0 4,626 763,164 384 0 0
King, WA 10 1,618,097 1,558,385 24,054 1,534,331 948 983,292 409,606 498 140,935 0 508,828 1,253,200 629 0 13,211 5,999 194,380 40,157 64,590 60,882 4,783 183,583 19,672 89,190 5,374 73,923 29,721 207,687 48,046 128,282 305,185 0 0 305,185 0 0 1,984,366 1,226 0 0
Santa Clara, CA 11 1,594,251 1,759,733 63,766 1,695,967 1,064 1,326,926 136,523 180,083 52,435 0 651,869 1,759,733 92,658 15,618 4,549 506,821 158,103 222,398 36,631 182,312 37,497 247,072 41,498 54,794 1,687 21,226 1,860 11,711 4,471 52,435 0 0 0 0 0 0 815,936 512 158,000 158
San Bernardino, CA 12 1,588,675 1,916,865 56,712 1,860,153 1,171 1,093,559 208,469 428,977 57,509 71,639 502,380 1,839,443 74,284 6,736 1,131 673,296 102,737 322,768 106,508 81,886 39,913 147,803 4,657 4,125 17,101 14,495 37,700 4,629 72,133 56,652 5,783 5,783 0 0 0 71,639 1,419,333 893 264,505 265
Broward, FL 13 1,440,377 1,127,078 37,335 1,089,743 757 808,912 132,834 0 147,997 0 352,259 1,021,297 0 32,732 14,915 21,000 74,080 0 124,893 89,391 23,601 104,196 18,381 42,442 62,302 38,503 11,300 36,111 89,614 137,646 105,781 52,107 0 53,674 0 0 2,102,584 1,460 0 0
Middlesex, MA 14 1,409,646 1,481,694 84,305 1,397,389 991 1,009,036 55,242 234,894 98,217 0 478,703 1,481,317 80,152 7,354 25,493 453,863 99,359 98,813 98,852 103,010 20,324 156,080 16,022 56,100 4,055 6,852 86,840 0 17,796 98,217 377 377 0 0 0 0 1,306,665 927 1,123 1
Riverside, CA 15 1,407,265 108,917 0 108,917 77 63,427 306 0 235 44,949 32,129 63,968 0 0 0 0 192 13,669 5 37,123 0 5,352 3,151 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 0 0 0 0 0 44,949 4,913 3 0 0
Cuyahoga, OH 16 1,399,272 1,095,603 11,243 1,084,360 775 957,857 44,145 2,544 79,814 0 476,423 1,095,603 0 0 9,893 215,599 191,161 318,917 14,906 61,276 0 127,593 1,938 27,628 970 0 131 7,878 3,097 79,814 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,344,420 961 2,150 2
Alameda, CA 17 1,355,888 1,769,519 82,840 1,686,679 1,244 1,046,770 244,557 255,027 64,586 75,739 449,837 1,693,780 17,539 11,264 8,780 485,538 183,201 193,785 31,319 114,895 22,905 176,846 1,541 36,885 0 213,934 78,060 0 0 64,586 0 0 0 0 0 75,739 696,542 514 93,253 93
Suffolk, NY 18 1,354,668 1,777,021 227,064 1,549,957 1,144 1,209,248 128,489 124,442 87,778 0 593,578 1,644,973 215,694 0 5,444 359,567 117,498 0 313,776 65,999 3,909 92,479 27,781 25,399 404 22,125 2,553 44,623 0 69,226 132,048 115,587 0 16,461 0 0 1,437,412 1,061 95,241 95
Bexar, TX 19 1,310,343 613,004 41,674 571,330 436 421,195 43,242 0 106,232 661 208,344 612,343 0 1,616 699 44,359 34,055 256,305 15,815 58,149 982 57,938 5,153 11,846 0 1,484 5,383 0 0 106,232 0 0 0 0 0 661 1,200,098 916 0 0
Nassau, NY 20 1,299,392 1,967,323 198,903 1,768,420 1,361 1,371,027 241,282 59,683 96,428 0 682,970 1,965,376 200,126 0 15,098 302,785 88,618 210,239 318,391 102,518 7,863 70,860 100,932 48,555 0 32,445 1,953 103,754 1,186 96,428 1,947 0 0 1,947 0 0 2,695,759 2,075 575,170 575
Tarrant, TX 21 1,298,245 512,303 363 511,940 394 422,218 31,583 2,959 55,180 0 207,174 512,303 54 0 8,419 12,080 67,042 171,667 13,027 67,340 158 68,162 3,374 14,714 0 3,799 283 0 99 55,180 0 0 0 0 0 0 927,025 714 0 0
Allegheny, PA 22 1,292,996 1,034,472 50,632 983,840 761 758,644 91,896 0 96,171 37,129 235,998 997,343 26,762 2,090 31,176 131,484 179,669 95,260 22,911 56,436 570 93,498 25,489 34,821 80,540 23,719 245 0 0 96,171 0 0 0 0 0 37,129 1,467,357 1,135 2,500 3
Oakland, CA 23 1,161,484 642,652 12,047 630,605 543 509,433 88,874 0 21,185 11,113 149,528 615,575 197 2,064 5,838 2,440 131,842 6,954 27,916 52,265 0 80,784 22,219 83,927 1,437 8,624 56,330 85,130 0 20,219 15,964 15,964 0 0 0 11,113 335,761 289 0 0
Sacramento, CA 24 1,116,456 1,748,106 28,232 1,719,874 1,540 929,778 199,130 408,634 113,431 68,901 486,750 1,671,662 43,633 4,785 95,497 579,869 105,610 0 60,193 91,967 478 169,205 659 95,327 51,036 21,167 19,029 147,162 41,653 113,431 7,543 7,543 0 0 0 68,901 2,208,111 1,978 265,000 265
Hennepin, MN 25 1,053,838 1,059,107 3,693 1,055,414 1,001 952,036 77,006 3,008 23,364 0 399,641 1,059,107 0 30,302 4,906 165,135 184,035 273,483 38,773 67,475 0 96,548 21,867 45,330 0 119 4,216 0 53,234 23,364 0 0 0 0 0 0 684,952 650 271,615 272
Clark, NV 26 1,046,316 1,600,002 13,439 1,586,563 1,516 1,191,051 236,517 0 158,995 0 478,591 1,437,718 0 0 10,800 43,592 21,482 263,655 158,708 70,441 52,807 108,073 42,560 194,127 58,821 111,783 38,390 26,722 0 142,264 162,284 117,444 0 44,840 0 0 2,760,915 2,639 0 0
Franklin, OH 27 1,012,156 619,876 17,506 602,370 595 526,278 28,069 3,007 45,016 0 168,670 618,898 0 0 5,487 144,630 200,173 0 15,723 35,856 0 71,241 10,796 25,385 4,833 13,104 376 3,463 0 45,016 978 978 0 0 0 0 566,326 560 10,000 10
St Louis, MO 28 1,003,555 496,455 159,602 336,853 336 251,010 52,034 0 24,243 9,566 117,648 486,889 0 0 12,099 0 32,040 0 43,666 50,151 0 39,085 13,219 51,495 6,680 28,318 109 0 1,780 24,243 0 0 0 0 0 9,566 323,662 323 0 0
Palm Beach, FL 29 991,717 927,575 27,724 899,851 907 684,579 150,404 0 64,868 0 339,678 878,759 0 18,631 8,956 21,667 24,651 122 107,411 60,823 61,143 154,082 18,540 66,101 29,865 43,328 25,915 15,048 78,444 58,472 48,816 22,700 0 26,116 0 0 1,672,113 1,686 0 0
Erie, NY 30 952,513