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32. 1997 Economic Census

1348. Guam, Virgin Islands, and Northern Mariana Islands--Economic Summary

[Sales and payroll in millions of dollars(4,640 represents $4,640,000,000)]

Virgin Northern Virgin Northern Virgin Northern
Item Guam Islands Mariana Guam Islands Mariana Guam Islands Mariana
Islands Islands Islands
Total: Establishments 1,490 2,604 768 1,955 2,932 1,266 2,707 2,032 1,232
  Sales 1,510 (D) 374 3,018 2,281 1,132 4,640 2,296 2,083
  Annual payroll 221 255 57 567 338 161 750 382 323
  Paid employees 1 18,582 20,709 9,090 33,057 20,968 20,105 42,477 21,216 28,906
  Unpaid family workers 2 371 209 167 337 330 268 129 107 26
Construction: Establishments 79 92 72 240 147 103 354 203 85
  Sales 127 124 43 709 169 88 506 185 88
  Annual payroll 35 29 12 178 44 18 139 52 21
  Paid employees 1 2,705 2,170 2,061 9,131 2,224 3,036 7,094 2,623 2,302
  Unpaid family workers 2 1 3 6 17 3 20 9 9
  Establishments 38 66 39 48 78 73 60 74 84
  Sales 81 (D) 58 110 134 264 165 146 762
  Annual payroll 17 44 14 23 23 49 33 28 147
  Paid employees 1 1,320 2,102 2,257 1,130 1,196 6,267 1,320 1,194 13,715
  Unpaid family workers 2 1 0 3 8 3 4 4 9
Wholesale trade:
  Establishments 94 84 28 154 114 60 270 115 87
  Sales 245 211 50 428 414 132 941 252 223
  Annual payroll 19 20 2 32 21 6 77 27 9
  Paid employees 1 1,392 1,322 187 1,715 1,030 534 3,393 1,144 745
  Unpaid family workers 2 6 2 0 4 1 3
Retail trade:
  Establishments 804 1,311 383 886 1,339 616 1,091 973 519
  Sales 786 703 155 1,114 881 384 1,840 1,058 570
  Annual payroll 79 85 14 141 120 38 221 136 54
  Paid employees 1 7,344 8,529 2,304 9,565 8,859 4,715 15,334 8,966 4,811
  Unpaid family workers 2 273 168 126 237 239 157 74 55 14
Services: Establishments 475 1,051 246 627 1,254 414 932 667 457
  Sales 271 296 67 656 682 264 1,188 655 440
  Annual payroll 71 76 16 193 130 51 280 139 91
  Paid employees 1 5,821 6,586 2,281 11,516 7,659 5,553 15,336 7,289 7,333
  Unpaid family workers 2 90 36 32 71 84 84 42 34 12

D Withheld to avoid disclosure of information pertaining to a specific organization or individual.
1 For pay period including March 12.
2 Includes those who worked 15 hours or more during the week including March 12.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1987 and 1992 Economic Census of OutlyingAreas, OA87-E-5 to OA87-E-7 and OA92-E-5 to OA92-E-7.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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