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32. 1997 Economic Census

675. Unemployed Persons, by Sex and Reason

[In thousands (2,238 represents 2,238,000). For civilian noninstitutional population 16 years old and over. Annual averages of monthly figures.Based on Current Population Survey; see text, Section 1, Population,and Appendix III]

SEX AND REASON 1970 1975 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1 1991 1992 1993 1994 1 1995 1996 1997 1 1998 1 1999 1
  Male, total 2,238 4,442 4,267 4,577 6,179 6,260 4,744 4,521 4,530 4,101 3,655 3,525 3,906 4,946 5,523 5,055 4,367 3,983 3,880 3,577 3,266 3,066
Job losers 2 1,199 2,909 2,649 2,821 4,278 4,331 2,976 2,749 2,725 2,432 2,078 1,975 2,257 3,172 3,593 3,150 2,416 2,190 2,158 1,902 1,703 1,563
Job leavers 282 375 438 435 390 386 375 409 520 494 503 495 528 507 495 507 408 407 372 414 368 389
Reentrants 533 782 776 850 946 953 867 876 805 761 697 726 806 891 978 939 1,265 1,113 1,076 1,004 931 895
New entrants 224 377 405 472 565 589 526 487 480 413 376 328 315 375 457 459 278 273 273 257 264 219
  Female, total 1,855 3,486 3,370 3,696 4,499 4,457 3,794 3,791 3,707 3,324 3,046 3,003 3,140 3,683 4,090 3,885 3,629 3,421 3,356 3,162 2,944 2,814
Job losers 2 614 1,478 1,297 1,446 1,990 1,926 1,445 1,390 1,308 1,134 1,014 1,008 1,130 1,522 1,796 1,699 1,399 1,286 1,212 1,135 1,119 1,059
Job leavers 267 452 453 488 450 444 449 468 494 471 480 529 513 497 507 469 383 417 402 381 366 394
Reentrants 696 1,110 1,152 1,252 1,438 1,459 1,317 1,380 1,355 1,213 1,112 1,117 1,124 1,247 1,307 1,259 1,521 1,412 1,435 1,334 1,201 1,111
New entrants 279 447 468 509 621 627 584 552 549 506 440 349 373 416 480 459 326 306 307 312 257 250

1 See footnote 2, Table 643.
2 Beginning 1994, persons who completed temporary jobs are identified separately and are included as job losers.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,Employment and Earnings, monthly, January issues; Bulletin 2307; and unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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