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550. Individual Income Tax Returns--Itemized Deductions and Statutory Adjustments, by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

1991 1991
Adjusted gross income class CLASS
$10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000
Unit Total Under to to to to to $100,000
$10,000 $19,999 $29,999 $39,999 $49,999 $99,999 and over
Returns with itemized deductions:
  Number 1 1,000 32,490 805 2,455 3,963 4,895 5,071 12,056 3,245
  Amount Mil. dol 467,686 7,785 23,277 36,134 48,774 55,341 176,499 119,877
  Medical and dental expenses:
    Returns 1,000 5,339 512 1,223 1,258 924 610 734 78
    Amount Mil. dol 23,726 2,769 6,905 4,177 3,047 2,040 3,458 1,331
  Taxes paid: Returns, total 1,000 31,969 687 2,274 3,879 4,845 5,038 12,020 3,226
      State, local income taxes 1,000 27,026 330 1,587 3,138 4,228 4,375 10,524 2,846
      Real estate taxes 1,000 28,629 588 1,893 3,294 4,210 4,460 11,144 3,039
    Amount, total Mil. dol 147,858 1,157 3,733 7,842 12,328 15,830 56,036 50,932
      State, local income taxes Mil. dol 88,032 195 953 3,045 6,077 8,375 32,296 37,092
      Real estate taxes Mil. dol 54,119 887 2,538 4,319 5,659 6,711 21,466 12,539
  Interest paid: Returns 1,000 27,418 509 1,669 3,187 4,123 4,365 10,772 2,793
    Amount Mil. dol 213,725 2,960 8,784 16,763 23,674 26,923 84,498 50,122
    Home mortgages interest:
      Returns 1,000 27,001 490 1,639 3,141 4,079 4,327 10,653 2,674
      Amount Mil. dol 200,995 2,853 8,505 16,438 23,074 26,327 82,343 41,454
  Contributions: Returns 1,000 29,551 550 1,922 3,393 4,378 4,710 11,470 3,129
    Amount Mil. dol 60,574 488 2,167 4,096 5,771 6,571 21,065 20,416
Employee Business Expense:
    Returns 1,000 8,463 67 426 916 1,341 1,450 3,467 796
    Amount Mil. dol 23,680 159 1,094 2,258 3,034 3,183 9,358 4,594
Returns with statutory adjustments: 2
  Returns 1,000 16,990 2,851 3,039 2,876 2,201 1,744 2,994 1,286
  Amount of adjustments Mil. dol 34,716 1,870 3,395 4,246 3,799 3,004 8,241 10,161
  Payments to IRA's: 3 Returns 1,000 6,124 337 854 1,414 1,205 903 934 477
    Amount Mil. dol 9,030 511 1,308 2,037 1,704 1,036 1,593 842
Payments to Keogh plans:
    Returns 1,000 840 9 31 58 59 68 305 311
    Amount Mil. dol 6,913 17 43 150 174 236 1,663 4,629
Alimony paid: Returns 1,000 673 49 93 59 97 84 181 110
  Amount Mil. dol 5,302 267 358 400 508 482 1,372 1,999
  1992 1992
  Adjusted gross income class CLASS
  $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000
  Unit Total Under to to to to to $100,000
  $10,000 $19,999 $29,999 $39,999 $49,999 $99,999 and over
Returns with itemized deductions -
  Number 1 1,000 32,541 796 2,409 3,705 4,608 5,057 12,408 3,557
  Amount Mil. dol 481,946 7,429 23,423 35,810 46,875 56,368 183,780 128,262
  Medical and dental expenses:
    Returns 1,000 5,508 486 1,242 1,250 890 668 876 96
    Amount Mil. dol 25,746 2,669 7,002 5,237 3,284 2,349 3,901 1,304
  Taxes paid: Returns, total 1,000 31,960 690 2,216 3,616 4,542 5,015 12,336 3,546
      State, local income taxes 1,000 27,222 366 1,534 3,037 3,888 4,395 10,869 3,133
      Real estate taxes 1,000 28,744 583 1,843 3,110 3,984 4,423 11,455 3,346
    Amount, total Mil. dol 154,366 1,063 3,676 7,477 11,284 15,380 57,530 57,956
      State, local income taxes Mil. dol 96,946 162 983 3,000 5,790 8,405 34,723 43,883
      Real estate taxes Mil. dol 57,243 902 2,693 4,478 5,494 6,795 22,808 14,073
  Interest paid: Returns 1,000 27,347 517 1,563 2,889 3,891 4,385 11,042 3,060
    Amount Mil. dol 208,656 2,799 8,406 15,536 21,592 26,443 83,845 50,035
    Home mortgages interest:
      Returns 1,000 26,985 507 1,542 2,853 3,856 4,345 10,942 2,940
      Amount Mil. dol 196,946 2,740 8,138 15,161 21,155 25,980 81,487 42,285
  Contributions: Returns 1,000 29,603 542 1,923 3,164 4,137 4,648 11,749 3,439
    Amount Mil. dol 63,844 477 2,381 3,953 5,902 6,741 22,637 21,753
Employee Business Expense:
    Returns 1,000 8,703 51 401 878 1,306 1,634 3,592 841
    Amount Mil. dol 25,240 125 1,080 2,176 3,019 4,154 9,740 4,946
Returns with statutory adjustments: 2
  Returns 1,000 17,173 2,917 3,045 2,757 2,299 1,770 3,006 1,379
  Amount of adjustments Mil. dol 35,466 1,728 3,340 4,095 3,706 3,023 8,427 11,147
  Payments to IRA's: 3 Returns 1,000 5,875 281 777 1,316 1,154 906 957 484
    Amount Mil. dol 8,697 409 1,195 1,953 1,616 1,040 1,617 867
Payments to Keogh plans:
    Returns 1,000 920 6 46 47 62 83 321 355
    Amount Mil. dol 7,593 18 84 127 200 275 1,622 5,267
Alimony paid: Returns 1,000 682 54 85 72 94 70 192 115
  Amount Mil. dol 5,512 253 414 318 493 394 1,582 2,058
  1993 1993
  Adjusted gross income class