1. Population
2. Vital Statistics
3. Health and Nutrition
4. Education
5. Law Enforcement, Courts
and Prisons
6. Geography and Environment
7. Parks, Recreation, Travel
8. Elections
9. State and Local Government
Finances and Employment
10. Federal Government
Finances and Employment
11. National Defense and
Veterans Affairs
12. Social Insurance and Human
13. Labor Force, Employment,
and Earnings
14. Income, Expenditures, and
15. Prices
16. Banking, Finance, and
17. Business Enterprise
18. Communications and
Information Technology
19. Energy
20. Science and Technology
21. Transportation - Land
22. Transportation - Air
and Water
23. Agriculture
24. Natural Resources
25. Construction and Housing
26. Manufactures
27. Domestic Trade and
28. Foreign Commerce and Aid
29. Outlying Areas
30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

786. Gross Domestic Product in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate, in Current and Real (1996) Dollars
787. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Establishments--Number, Revenues, Payroll, and Employees
788. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate-- Establishments, Employees, and Payroll
789. Flow of Funds Accounts--Financial Assets of Financial and Nonfinancial Institutions, by Holder Sector
790. Flow of Funds Accounts--Credit Market Debt Outstanding
791. Flow of Funds Accounts--Assets of Households
792. Financial Assets Held by Families, by Type of Asset
793. Flow of Funds Accounts--Liabilities of Households
794. Financial Debt Held by Families, by Type of Debt
795. Percent Distribution of Amount of Debt Held by Families, by Type and Purpose of Debt and Type of Lending Institution
796. Ratios of Debt Payments to Family Income: 1989 to 1995
797. Household Debt-Service Payments as a Percentage of Disposable Personal Income
798. Banking Offices, by Type of Bank
799. Selected Financial Institutions-- Number and Assets, by Asset Size
800. Insured Commercial Banks--Assets and Liabilities
801. Insured Commercial Banks-- Income and Selected Measures of Financial Condition
802. Insured Commercial Banks--Selected Measures of Financial Condition, by Asset Size and Region
803. Insured Commercial Banks--Delinquency Rates and Charge-Off Rates on Loans
804. U.S. Banking Offices of Foreign Banks--Summary
805. Foreign Lending by U.S. Banks, by Type of Borrower and Country
806. Insured Commercial Banks, by State and Other Area
807. Retail Fees and Services of Banks
808. Insured Savings Institutions--Financial Summary
809. Federal and State-Chartered Credit Unions--Summary
810. Characteristics of Conventional First Mortgage Loans for Purchase of Single-Family Homes
811. Mortgage Debt Outstanding, by Type of Property and Holder
812. Estimated Home Equity Debt Outstanding, by Type and Source of Credit
813. Home Equity Lending--Percentage of Homeowners with Credit, Sources of Credit, and Uses for Funds Borrowed
814. Mortgage Delinquency and Foreclosure Rates
815. Consumer Credit Outstanding and Finance Rates
817. Usage of General Purpose Credit Cards by Families
820. Electronic Funds Transfer Volume
821. Money Stock
822. Money Market Interest Rates and Mortgage Rates
823. Bond Yields
824. Volume of Debt Markets by Type of Security
825. Commercial Paper Outstanding, by Type of Company
826. Total Returns of Stocks, Bonds, and Treasury Bills
827. Equities, Corporate Bonds, and Municipal Securities-- Holdings and Net Purchases, by Type of Investor
828. New Security Issues of Corporations, by Type of Offering
829. Purchases and Sales by U.S. Investors of Foreign Bonds and Stocks, and by Selected Country, 1999
830. Foreign Purchases and Sales of U.S. Securities, by Type of Security and Selected Country
831. Stock Prices and Yields
832. Dow-Jones U.S. Equity Market Index, by Industry
833. NASDAQ--Securities Listed and Volume of Trading
834. Sales of Stocks and Options on Registered Exchanges
835. Volume of Trading on New York Stock Exchange
836. Securities Listed on N.Y. Stock Exchange
837. Stock Ownership, by Age of Head of Family and Family Income
838. Household Ownership of Equities: 1999
839. Characteristics of Equity Owners: 1999
840. Household Ownership of Mutual Funds, by Age and Income
841. Characteristics of Mutual Fund Owners: 1998
842. Mutual Funds-Summary
843. Mutual Fund Shares--Holdings and Net Purchases, by Type of Investor
844. Mutual Fund Retirement Assets
845. Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) Plans-- Value by Institution
846. Assets of Private and Public Pension Funds, by Type of Fund
847. Securities Industry--Revenues and Expenses
848. Health Insurance-- Premium Income and Benefit Payments of Insurance Companies
849. Property and Casualty Insurance--Summary
850. Automobile Insurance--Average Expenditures Per Insured Vehicle, by State
851. Life Insurance in Force in the United States--Summary
852. Life Insurance Purchases in the United States-- Number and Amount
853. U.S. Life Insurance Companies--Summary
These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.
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