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32. 1997 Economic Census

143. Deaths--Life Years Lost and Mortality Costs, by Age, Sex, and Cause

[Life years lost: Number of years person would have lived in absence ofdeath. Mortality cost: value of lifetime earnings lost by persons whodie prematurely, discounted at 6 percent]

Number Life years lost 1 Mortality cost 2
Characteristics of -
deaths Total Per Total Per
(1,000) (1,000) death (mil.) death
   Total, 1991 2,170 33,691 16 246,146 113,487
Under 5 yrs. old 44 3,253 74 10,936 248,650
5 to 14 yrs. old 8 553 65 3,373 397,843
15 to 24 yrs. old 36 1,986 54 22,041 604,652
25 to 44 yrs. old 148 5,925 40 90,936 615,469
45 to 64 yrs. old 369 8,252 22 87,252 236,614
65 yrs old and over 1,564 13,722 9 31,608 20,216
Heart disease 721 8,056 11 45,686 63,386
Cancer 515 7,628 15 53,403 103,768
Cerebrovascular diseases 143 1,505 10 7,354 51,258
Injuries 89 2,995 34 33,336 373,609
Other 701 13,508 19 106,368 151,893
   Male 1,122 18,390 16 171,937 153,347
Under 5 yrs. old 25 1,780 71 6,770 270,214
5 to 14 yrs. old 5 330 63 2,270 430,264
15 to 24 yrs. old 28 1,457 53 17,614 639,352
25 to 44 yrs. old 104 4,029 39 70,567 676,835
45 to 64 yrs. old 227 4,727 21 59,570 261,887
65 yrs. old and over 732 6,067 8 15,146 20,702
Heart disease 360 4,241 12 32,277 89,724
Cancer 272 3,653 13 30,108 110,541
Cerebrovascular diseases 57 599 11 4,065 71,677
Injuries 60 2,074 35 26,674 447,384
Other 373 7,823 21 78,813 211,413
   Female 1,048 15,301 15 74,209 70,829
Under 5 yrs. old 19 1,473 78 4,166 220,107
5 to 14 yrs. old 3 223 70 1,103 343,954
15 to 24 yrs. old 9 529 59 4,427 497,279
25 to 44 yrs. old 43 1,896 44 20,368 468,351
45 to 64 yrs. old 141 3,525 25 27,682 195,926
65 yrs. old and over 832 7,655 9 16,462 19,789
Heart disease 361 3,814 11 13,408 37,140
Cancer 242 3,975 16 23,295 96,152
Cerebrovascular diseases 87 906 10 3,289 37,913
Injuries 30 921 31 6,662 225,033
Other 328 5,685 17 27,554 83,991
   Total, 1992 2,176 36,707 17 312,198 143,530
Under 5 yrs. old 41 3,096 75 20,796 502,421
5 to 14 yrs. old 8 554 68 5,505 671,889
15 to 24 yrs. old 35 1,963 57 30,164 873,096
25 to 44 yrs. old 150 6,338 42 117,657 785,580
45 to 64 yrs. old 366 9,011 25 101,882 278,350
65 yrs old and over 1,575 15,745 10 36,194 22,977
Heart disease 718 8,959 12 54,081 75,352
Cancer 521 8,544 16 63,901 122,749
Cerebrovascular diseases 144 1,680 12 8,768 60,984
Injuries 87 3,007 35 42,823 493,485
Other 707 14,517 21 142,626 201,797
   Male 1,122 19,966 18 219,804 195,907
Under 5 yrs. old 23 1,676 72 12,785 547,446
5 to 14 yrs. old 5 330 65 3,686 725,633
15 to 24 yrs. old 26 1,446 55 24,130 920,756
25 to 44 yrs. old 106 4,319 41 90,979 859,182
45 to 64 yrs. old 226 5,188 23 69,392 306,841
65 yrs. old and over 735 7,007 10 18,832 25,611
Heart disease 358 4,722 13 38,714 108,278
Cancer 275 4,097 15 36,174 131,618
Cerebrovascular diseases 57 672 12 4,941 87,233
Injuries 58 2,077 36 34,028 588,094
Other 375 8,399 22 105,947 282,190
   Female 1,053 16,741 16 92,394 87,730
Under 5 yrs. old 18 1,420 79 8,011 444,126
5 to 14 yrs. old 3 224 72 1,819 584,186
15 to 24 yrs. old 8 517 62 6,033 723,352
25 to 44 yrs. old 44 2,019 46 26,678 607,969
45 to 64 yrs. old 140 3,823 27 32,490 232,285
65 yrs. old and over 840 8,738 10 17,363 20,672
Heart disease 360 4,237 12 15,366 42,665
Cancer 246 4,448 18 27,727 112,830
Cerebrovascular diseases 87 1,009 12 3,826 43,917
Injuries 29 930 32 8,795 304,162
Other 331 6,118 18 36,679 110,701
   Total, 1994 2,279 38,450 17 356,632 156,487
Under 5 yrs. old 39 2,897 75 20,868 541,885
5 to 14 yrs. old 8 575 68 6,127 723,930
15 to 24 yrs. old 35 2,018 57 33,116 939,713
25 to 44 yrs. old 159 6,749 43 136,819 861,709
45 to 64 yrs. old 375 9,461 25 120,314 320,823
65 yrs old and over 1,663 16,751 10 39,388 23,691
Heart disease 732 9,216 13 60,786 82,994
Cancer 534 8,811 16 71,070 133,013
Cerebrovascular diseases 153 1,800 12 10,091 65,824
Injuries 91 3,164 35 48,774 533,418
Other 768 15,459 20 165,911 216,162
   Male 1,163 20,807 18 253,024 217,609
Under 5 yrs. old 22 1,565 72 12,739 588,288
5 to 14 yrs. old 5 338 65 4,045 780,602
15 to 24 yrs. old 27 1,490 56 26,463 988,976
25 to 44 yrs. old 112 4,585 41 105,507 942,669
45 to 64 yrs. old 232 5,465 24 83,357 359,846
65 yrs. old and over 765 7,365 10 20,912 27,326
Heart disease 361 4,829 13 44,032 121,880
Cancer 280 4,220 15 40,875 145,741
Cerebrovascular diseases 60 721 12 5,844 97,034
Injuries 61 2,167 36 38,567 637,384
Other 400 8,870 22 123,705 309,053
   Female 1,116 17,643 16 103,608 92,818
Under 5 yrs. old 17 1,332 79 8,129 482,267
5 to 14 yrs. old 3 237 72 2,082 634,449
15 to 24 yrs. old 8 529 62 6,653 784,321
25 to 44 yrs. old 47 2,164 46 31,311 668,305
45 to 64 yrs. old 143 3,996 28 36,957 257,772
65 yrs. old and over 897 9,386 10 18,476 20,591
Heart disease 371 4,387 12 16,753 45,141
Cancer 254 4,591 18 30,195 118,949
Cerebrovascular diseases 93 1,079 12 4,247 45,631
Injuries 31 997 32 10,207 330,013
Other 367 6,589 18 42,206 114,922
   Total, 1996 2,314 37,907 16 437,338 188,996
Under 5 yrs. old 34 2,602 77 19,099 561,729
5 to 14 yrs. old 8 570 71 6,070 758,701
15 to 24 yrs. old 32 1,874 59 32,357 1,011,142
25 to 44 yrs. old 147 6,269 43 147,031 1,000,212
45 to 64 yrs. old 378 9,657 26 169,816 449,249
65 yrs old and over 1,714 16,935 10 62,966 36,736
Heart disease 733 9,121 12 134,813 183,919
Cancer 540 8,808 16 96,569 178,831
Cerebrovascular diseases 144 1,724 12 13,515 93,853
Accidents and adverse effects 95 3,204 34 56,553 595,294
Other 802 15,051 19 135,888 169,437
   Male 1,163 20,365 18 298,915 257,020
Under 5 yrs. old 19 1,409 74 11,875 625,000
5 to 14 yrs. old 5 330 66 4,007 801,441
15 to 24 yrs. old 24 1,368 57 25,780 1,074,146
25 to 44 yrs. old 100 4,127 41 110,686 1,106,859
45 to 64 yrs. old 232 5,587 24 116,731 503,153
65 yrs. old and over 782 7,544 10 29,836 38,153
Heart disease 360 4,837 13 86,238 239,550
Cancer 282 4,258 15 54,413 192,953
Cerebrovascular diseases 57 699 12 7,346 128,876
Accidents and adverse effects 61 2,169 36 44,277 725,853
Other 403 8,402 21 106,641 264,618
   Female 1,151 17,542 15 138,423 120,264
Under 5 yrs. old 15 1,194 80 7,224 481,587
5 to 14 yrs. old 3 240 80 2,062 687,469
15 to 24 yrs. old 8 506 63 6,577 822,128
25 to 44 yrs. old 47 2,142 46 36,345 773,303
45 to 64 yrs. old 146 4,070 28 53,085 363,595
65 yrs. old and over 932 9,391 10 33,130 35,547
Heart disease 373 4,285 12 48,575 130,228
Cancer 258 4,549 18 42,156 163,397
Cerebrovascular diseases 87 1,024 12 6,169 70,907
Accidents and adverse effects 33 1,036 31 12,276 371,997
Other 399 6,648 17 29,247 73,302
   Total, 1997 2,314 37,749 16 329,712 142,495
Under 5 yrs. old 34 2,551 76 18,553 553,067
5 to 14 yrs. old 8 555 69 5,934 736,191
15 to 24 yrs. old 32 1,839 58 30,076 953,447
25 to 44 yrs. old 135 5,791 43 114,770 850,490
45 to 64 yrs. old 323 9,734 30 126,003 390,461
65 yrs old and over 1,783 17,279 10 34,376 19,279
Heart disease 727 9,155 13 97,462 134,078
Cancer 540 8,895 17 69,964 129,667
Cerebrovascular diseases 160 1,874 12 9,905 61,990
Accidents and adverse effects 96 3,216 34 49,584 518,965
Other 792 14,610 18 102,797 129,787
   Male 1,154 20,005 17 241,522 209,342
Under 5 yrs. old 19 1,390 74 11,639 615,504
5 to 14 yrs. old 5 316 66 3,887 816,018
15 to 24 yrs. old 23 1,323 57 23,837 1,022,526
25 to 44 yrs. old 90 3,724 42 86,542 963,208
45 to 64 yrs. old 229 5,589 24 92,438 402,843
65 yrs. old and over 787 7,661 10 23,180 29,438
Heart disease 357 4,848 14 68,976 193,454
Cancer 281 4,288 15 44,280 157,521
Cerebrovascular diseases 63 760 12 6,405 102,378
Accidents and adverse effects 62 2,172 35 39,535 638,979
Other 392 7,937 20 82,327 210,213
   Female 1,160 17,744 15 88,190 76,018
Under 5 yrs. old 15 1,161 79 6,915 472,408
5 to 14 yrs. old 3 239 72 2,048 620,905
15 to 24 yrs. old 8 515 63 6,238 757,825
25 to 44 yrs. old 45 2,067 46 28,228 625,924
45 to 64 yrs. old 93 4,144 44 33,566 359,989
65 yrs. old and over 996 9,618 10 11,195 11,245
Heart disease 370 4,308 12 28,486 76,916
Cancer 258 4,607 18 25,684 99,373
Cerebrovascular diseases 97 1,113 12 3,500 36,003
Accidents and adverse effects 34 1,044 31 10,049 298,440
Other 400 6,673 17 20,470 51,122

1 Based on life expectancy at year of death.
2 Cost estimates based on the person's age, sex, life expectancy at thetime of death, labor force participation rates, annual earnings, valueof homemaking services, and a 4 percent discount rate by which to convert to present worth the potential aggregate earnings lost over theyears.

Source: Institute for Health and Aging, University of California, SanFrancisco, CA, unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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