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32. 1997 Economic Census

980. Performance Sector of R&D Expenditures

[In millions of dollars. (165,211 represents $165,211,000,000 For calendar yearsFFRDCs are federally funded research and development centers. For most acedemic institutions and the Federal Government before 1997 began on July 1 instead of October 1]

Industry Universities and colleges Other nonprofit institutions
Funded by Industry Funded by Univer- Funded by Non-
YEAR FFRDC's sities & profit
Non- colleges FFRDC's
Federal Federal Federal federal Indus- Univer- Non- FFRDC's 3 Federal Indus- Non-
Total govern- Total govern- Industry 1 Total govern- govern- try sities & profits Total govern- try profits
ment ment ment ment 2 colleges ment
1992 165,211 15,853 116,757 22,369 94,388 2,353 19,383 11,523 1,524 1,321 3,568 1,448 5,271 4,847 2,806 703 1,339 748
1993 165,442 16,532 115,435 20,844 94,591 1,965 20,499 12,311 1,550 1,388 3,719 1,533 5,283 4,978 2,839 721 1,418 749
1994 168,854 16,432 117,392 20,261 97,131 2,202 21,626 13,009 1,611 1,448 3,960 1,598 5,317 5,125 2,900 747 1,478 759
1995 183,232 17,133 129,830 21,178 108,652 2,273 22,647 13,604 1,741 1,539 4,139 1,624 5,372 5,165 2,848 814 1,502 812
1996 196,540 16,627 142,371 21,356 121,015 2,297 23,720 14,180 1,839 1,655 4,375 1,672 5,410 5,343 2,906 891 1,546 771
1997 211,586 16,814 155,409 21,798 133,611 2,130 25,136 14,805 1,898 1,805 4,842 1,785 5,612 5,665 3,036 978 1,651 820
1998, prelim 226,984 17,189 168,291 20,249 148,042 1,979 26,684 15,446 1,974 1,983 5,366 1,915 5,913 6,105 3,254 1,079 1,771 823
1999, prelim 247,000 17,362 185,892 19,937 165,955 2,166 28,256 16,137 2,085 2,163 5,838 2,032 6,169 6,319 3,246 1,194 1,880 836
1992 27,258 2,419 6,528 712 5,816 474 12,907 8,056 940 815 2,202 893 2,891 1,973 1,114 323 536 67
1993 28,312 2,623 6,427 466 5,961 492 13,679 8,661 950 850 2,279 939 2,968 2,052 1,153 332 567 72
1994 29,046 2,553 6,514 436 6,078 503 14,472 9,186 988 888 2,429 980 2,870 2,060 1,126 343 591 74
1995 28,909 2,695 5,569 190 5,379 530 15,233 9,683 1,068 945 2,540 997 2,661 2,146 1,170 375 601 76
1996 32,012 2,689 7,498 650 6,848 708 16,129 10,201 1,143 1,028 2,719 1,039 2,632 2,277 1,249 410 619 79
1997 35,495 2,735 9,795 1,029 8,766 625 17,030 10,740 1,157 1,099 2,947 1,087 2,788 2,428 1,317 450 660 95
1998, prelim 37,695 2,920 10,669 956 9,713 581 17,832 11,241 1,158 1,163 3,147 1,123 2,958 2,625 1,420 496 709 111
1999, prelim 40,224 3,100 11,778 890 10,888 601 18,758 11,743 1,207 1,252 3,379 1,176 3,086 2,795 1,494 549 752 107
1992 38,066 4,337 25,660 4,476 21,184 507 4,881 2,413 479 415 1,120 455 946 1,654 933 239 482 81
1993 37,379 4,838 24,251 4,295 19,956 435 5,128 2,529 492 440 1,180 486 969 1,655 900 245 510 103
1994 36,689 5,003 22,988 3,616 19,372 503 5,357 2,625 511 459 1,255 507 980 1,746 960 254 532 112
1995 41,085 5,007 26,919 3,164 23,755 535 5,622 2,758 551 487 1,311 514 1,117 1,753 935 277 541 131
1996 43,156 4,874 29,010 3,640 25,370 231 5,816 2,854 571 514 1,358 519 1,284 1,819 960 303 557 122
1997 47,453 5,079 32,430 2,648 29,782 213 6,229 2,917 608 579 1,554 572 1,442 1,937 1,010 333 594 123
1998, prelim 51,722 5,421 35,458 2,460 32,998 198 6,864 3,054 669 672 1,820 649 1,633 2,045 1,040 367 638 104
1999, prelim 56,462 5,494 39,367 2,376 36,991 212 7,401 3,216 720 747 2,016 702 1,729 2,156 1,073 406 677 101
1992 99,889 9,098 84,569 17,181 67,388 1,373 1,595 1,054 105 91 246 100 1,435 1,220 758 141 321 599
1993 99,751 9,071 84,757 16,083 68,674 1,039 1,692 1,122 108 97 259 107 1,346 1,271 787 144 340 574
1994 103,119 8,876 87,890 16,209 71,681 1,196 1,798 1,198 112 101 276 111 1,467 1,319 815 149 355 573
1995 113,239 9,431 97,342 17,824 79,518 1,209 1,792 1,163 121 107 288 113 1,593 1,266 743 163 361 606
1996 121,372 9,064 105,863 17,066 88,797 1,358 1,775 1,125 125 113 298 114 1,495 1,247 697 178 371 570
1997 128,638 9,001 113,184 18,120 95,064 1,292 1,876 1,149 133 127 341 126 1,382 1,300 708 196 396 603
1998, prelim 137,566 8,848 122,164 16,833 105,331 1,200 1,988 1,152 147 148 399 142 1,322 1,435 794 216 425 608
1999, prelim 150,315 8,768 134,747 16,671 118,076 1,353 2,096 1,178 158 164 443 154 1,354 1,369 679 239 451 628

1 For R&D funded by the federal government. FFRDC's are federally funded researchand development centers.
2 Includes all non-federal sources.
3 Includes all R&D expenditures of FFRDC's administered by academic institutionsand funded by the federal government.

Source: National Science Foundation. Data derived from: Research and Development in Industry, annual;Academic Research and Development Expenditures, annual; and Federal Funds ForResearch and Development, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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