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762. Monthly Measures of Poverty Status, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Region, Educational Attainment, and Disability Status

[In thousands (31,818 represents 31,818,000), except percent. Covers two-year calendar period.Based on Survey of Income and Program Participation, see text,Section 14 and summary below table]

1990-91 PERIOD 1990-91 PERIOD
Characteristic AN AVERAGE MONTH 2 OR MORE MONTHS 24 MONTHS OF duration
1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 of
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent spells
(1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (months)
    Total 1 31,818 12.9 45,638 18.9 10,619 4.5 4.0
Under 18 years old.. 13,027 20.1 17,672 27.7 4,820 7.5 (NA)
18 to 64 years old 16,009 10.5 24,454 16.4 4,401 3.0 (NA)
65 years old and over.. 2,783 9.4 3,512 12.5 1,399 5.3 (NA)
White.. 21,233 10.2 32,042 15.7 5,969 3.0 3.9
Black 9,152 30.1 11,621 39.2 4,060 13.9 5.8
Hispanic origin 2. 5,465 26.1 7,345 37.5 1,949 10.4 4.9
Region: 3
  Northeast.. 5,139 10.2 6,980 14.4 2,007 4.2 3.8
  Midwest.. 7,345 11.9 10,472 16.9 2,689 4.3 3.9
  South 13,458 15.9 19,606 23.8 4,570 5.7 4.4
  West.. 5,876 11.6 8,579 17.7 1,354 2.9 4.2
Educational attainment: 4
  Less than 4 years of high school. 8,392 20.8 11,229 29.2 3,366 9.1 5.3
  High school graduate, no college. 6,350 9.3 9,927 14.6 1,776 2.7 3.9
  One or more years of college. 4,050 5.5 6,809 9.6 658 0.9 3.7
Disability status: 5
  With a work disability. 5,304 17.8 7,149 25.8 1,899 7.3 4.9
  With no work disability.. 12,944 9.0 20,378 14.4 3,239 2.3 3.9
  1991-92 PERIOD 1991-92 PERIOD
Characteristic AN AVERAGE MONTH 2 OR MORE MONTHS 24 MONTHS OF duration
  OF 1991 OF 1991 1991-92 of
  Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent spells
  (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (months)
    Total 1 36,116 14.5 52,761 21.3 12,465 5.1 4.2
Under 18 years old.. 14,668 22.2 20,427 30.6 5,842 8.7 4.8
18 to 64 years old 18,345 12.0 28,472 18.7 5,076 3.4 4.0
65 years old and over.. 3,103 10.2 3,862 13.6 1,547 5.8 5.9
White.. 24,671 11.8 37,351 18.1 6,960 3.4 4.0
Black 9,620 30.9 12,556 40.7 4,855 16.1 5.4
Hispanic origin 2. 6,476 29.8 9,361 40.9 2,723 12.2 5.6
Region: 3
  Northeast.. 6,953 13.6 10,144 20.0 2,587 5.1 4.0
  Midwest.. 7,428 11.7 10,850 17.1 2,185 3.4 3.9
  South 14,074 17.3 20,287 25.2 5,672 7.2 4.9
  West.. 7,662 14.3 11,480 21.8 2,022 4.0 4.0
Educational attainment: 4
  Less than 4 years of high school. 9,268 23.0 12,307 32.3 3,810 10.4 5.9
  High school graduate, no college. 7,280 10.6 11,495 16.6 1,969 2.9 4.0
  One or more years of college. 4,900 6.6 8,531 11.7 844 1.2 3.6
Disability status: 5
  With a work disability. 5,836 20.8 7,904 29.8 2,301 9.2 4.8
  With no work disability.. 15,037 10.3 24,296 16.7 3,760 2.6 3.9
  1992-93 PERIOD 1992-93 PERIOD
Characteristic AN AVERAGE MONTH 2 OR MORE MONTHS 24 MONTHS OF duration
  1992-93 of
  Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent spells
  (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (months)
    Total 1 37,597 14.6 52,725 20.8 11,887 4.8 4.9
Under 18 years old.. 15,464 22.3 20,782 30.3 5,659 8.3 5.2
18 to 64 years old 18,999 12.0 28,066 18.1 4,907 3.2 4.7
65 years old and over.. 3,134 10.2 3,877 13.3 1,321 4.9 7.2
White.. 25,474 11.8 37,195 17.6 6,480 3.1 4.6
Black 10,346 31.7 13,199 41.1 4,682 15.1 6.2
Hispanic origin 2. 7,553 29.0 10,022 40.0 2,383 10.3 5.8
Region: 3
  Northeast.. 6,845 13.3 9,320 18.4 2,560 5.2 5.3
  Midwest.. 8,718 13.3 12,656 19.4 2,668 4.2 5.2
  South 14,346 16.4 19,909 23.0 4,939 5.8 5.2
  West.. 7,688 14.5 10,840 21.4 1,720 3.5 4.0
Educational attainment: 4
  Less than 4 years of high school. 9,224 23.9 12,122 32.4 3,424 9.5 6.5
  High school graduate, no college. 7,977 11.3 11,853 17.2 2,056 3.0 4.7
  One or more years of college. 4,931 6.2 7,968 10.2 749 1.0 3.8
Disability status: 5
  With a work disability. 5,919 21.6 7,984 31.4 2,072 8.2 6.2
  With no work disability.. 15,787 10.5 23,874 15.9 3,595 2.5 4.3
  1993-94 PERIOD 1993-94 PERIOD
  OF 1994 IN 1994 1993-94 of
  Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent spells
  (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (months)
    Total 1 40,009 15.4 54,800 21.4 13,105 5.3 4.5
Under 18 years old.. 17,169 24.5 22,529 32.4 6,489 9.4 5.3
18 to 64 years old 19,652 12.3 28,317 18.1 5,156 3.4 4.0
65 years old and over.. 3,188 10.2 3,954 13.5 1,459 5.4 6.7
White.. 27,543 12.7 38,861 18.3 7,793 3.8 4.2
Black 10,304 31.2 13,059 40.2 4,461 14.1 6.8
Hispanic origin 2. 8,555 31.4 10,940 41.8 3,262 13.5 5.0
Region: 3
  Northeast.. 7,303 14.1 9,892 19.3 2,822 5.5 4.4
  Midwest.. 8,740 13.2 12,069 18.4 2,571 4.0 3.9
  South 14,701 16.8 20,044 23.3 5,085 6.1 5.6
  West.. 9,265 16.8 12,795 24.3 2,628 5.2 4.4
Educational attainment: 4
  Less than 4 years of high school. 9,507 24.8 12,221 33.0 3,736 10.5 6.4
  High school graduate, no college. 8,263 11.6 11,973 17.3 2,120 3.1 4.0
  One or more years of college. 5,071 6.3 8,077 10.1 759 1.0 3.7
Disability status: 5
  With a work disability. 7,059 21.6 8,991 29.8 2,519 8.6 5.8
  With no work disability.. 15,539 10.5 23,445 15.9 3,444 2.4 4.0

1 Includes other characteristics not shown separately.
2 Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
3 For compostion of regions, see table 27.
4 Persons 18 years old and over.
5 Persons 15 to 69 years old.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, P70-42 (revised after publication) and P70-45and unpublished data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation.

*Overview of the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

Purpose: To collect source and amount of income, labor force information, program participation and eligibility data, andgeneral demographic characteristics to measure the effectiveness of existing federal, state, and local programs; to estimatefuture costs and coverage for government programs, such as food stamps; and to provide improved statistics on thedistribution of income in the country.

Survey design and sample size: The survey design is a continuous series of national panels, with sample size ranging fromapproximately 14,000 to 36,700 interviewed households. The duration of each panel ranges from 2 1/2 years to 4 years. TheSIPP sample is a multistage-stratified sample of the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population. For the 1984-1993 panels,a new panel of households was introduced each year in February. A new 4-year 1996 panel was introduced in April 1996.

The SIPP content is built around a "core" of labor force, program participation, and income questions designed to measurethe economic situation of persons in the United States. These questions expand the data currently available on thedistribution of cash and noncash income and are repeated at each interviewing wave. The survey uses a 4-month recallperiod, with approximately the same number of interviews being conducted in each month of the 4-month period for eachwave. Interviews are conducted by personal visit and by decentralized telephone.

The survey has been designed also to provide a broader context for analysis by adding questions on a variety of topics notcovered in the core section. These questions are labelled "topical modules" and are assigned to particular interviewingwaves of the survey. Topics covered by the modules include personal history, child care, wealth, program eligibility, childsupport, disability, school enrollment, taxes, and annual income.

Type of respondent: All household members 15 years old and over are interviewed by self-response, if possible; proxyresponse is permitted when household members are not available for interviewing.

Sponsoring agency and legal authority: The Census Bureau sponsors the survey under the authority of Title 13, UnitedStates Code, Section 182.

Periodicity: A continuing survey with monthly interviewing.

Release of results: We release the data periodically in cross-sectional, topical module, and longitudinal reports. We alsorelease public use files containing the core data on income recipiency and program participation. These files are availablecurrently for all waves of the 1984 through 1993 panels and Wave 1 of the 1996 panel. Topical module files containing coreand topical module data also are available for these panels for 1984 through 1988 and 1990 through Wave 8 of the 1993panel. Longitudinal files are also available for the 1984-1993 panels as well as for Waves 1-5 of the 1990 panel and forWaves 1-7 of the 1992 panel.

Historical background: Considerable efforts and funding were invested in developmental work leading to the SIPP. TheIncome Survey Development Program, conducted between 1977 and 1981, developed survey data collection strategies andinstruments as well as data processing strategies for the SIPP. The survey was originally envisioned as a jointly fundedeffort by the Census Bureau and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Work was well underway for aFebruary 1982 start of the survey when HHS had to withdraw its support due to funding problems. As a result, the surveywas postponed until the Census Bureau received adequate funding from Congress to conduct the survey. Interviewing for thefirst panel, the 1984 panel, began in October 1983 with a sample size of approximately 26,000 designated householdsselected from 174 current survey PSUs.

As part of our transition to the redesigned SIPP, the 1992 panel was extended to ten waves, and the 1993 panel wasextended to nine waves. We did not introduce new panels in 1994 and 1995. Before the redesigned SIPP questionnaire wasintroduced in the 1996 panel, a dress rehearsal was conducted between February 1995 and September 1995. The dressrehearsal consisted of a Wave 1 and a Wave 2 interview in approximately 9,000 households.

Current operations: The SIPP questionnaire was redesigned, and a new sample design was introduced starting with the1996 panel. The new 1996 panel consists of 36,700 sample units (households). Households will be interviewed 12 timesfrom April 1996 through March 2000. The 1996 panel SIPP interviews are conducted using a computer-assisted interviewon a laptop computer.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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