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1012. Commodity Shipments -- Value, Tons and Ton-Miles

Value (mil.dol.) Tons (1,000) Ton-miles (mil.)
Mode of transportation
1993 1997 1993 1997 1993 1997
    All modes 5,846,334 6,943,988 9,688,493 11,089,733 2,420,915 2,661,363
  Single modes 4,941,452 5,719,558 8,922,286 10,436,538 2,136,873 2,383,473
Truck 1 4,403,494 4,981,531 6,385,915 7,700,675 869,536 1,023,506
  For-hire truck 2,625,093 2,901,345 2,808,279 3,402,605 629,000 741,117
  Private truck 1,755,837 2,036,528 3,543,513 4,137,294 235,897 268,592
Rail 247,394 319,629 1,544,148 1,549,817 942,561 1,022,547
Water 61,628 75,840 505,440 563,369 271,998 261,747
  Shallow draft 40,707 53,897 362,454 414,758 164,371 189,284
  Great Lakes (S) 1,504 33,041 38,421 12,395 13,415
  Deep draft 19,749 20,439 109,945 110,191 95,232 59,047
Air (includes truck and air) 139,086 229,062 3,139 4,475 4,009 6,233
Pipeline 2 89,849 113,497 483,645 618,202 (S) (S)
  Multiple modes 662,603 945,874 225,676 216,673 191,461 204,514
Parcel, U.S. Postal Service or courier 563,277 855,897 18,892 23,689 13,151 7,994
Truck and rail 83,082 75,695 40,624 54,246 37,675 55,561
Truck and water 9,392 8,241 67,995 33,215 40,610 34,767
Rail and water 3,636 1,771 79,222 79,275 70,219 71,590
Other multiple modes 3,216 4,269 18,943 26,248 (S) 18,603
Other and unknown modes 242,279 278,555 540,530 436,521 92,581 73,376

S Data do not meet publication standards due to highsampling variability or other reasons.Z Less than half the unit of measure.
1 Truck as a single mode includes shipments that went by private truck only,for hire truckonly, or a combination of private truck and for-hire truck.
2 Excludes most shipments of crude oil.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Census Bureau,1997 Economic Census, Transportation, 1997 Commodity Flow Survey, series EC97TCF-US. FLOW SURVEY


The 1997 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) is undertaken through a partnership between the Bureau of the Census, U.S.Department of Commerce, and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation. This surveyproduces data on the movement of goods in the United States. The data from the CFS are used by public policy analysts andfor transportation planning and decision-making to assess the demand for transportation facilities and services, energy use,and safety risk and environmental concerns.


The 1997 CFS covers business establishments in mining, manufacturing, wholesale trade, and selected retail industries. Thesurvey also covers selected auxiliary establishments (e.g., warehouses) of in-scope multiunit and retail companies. Thesurvey coverage excludes establishments classified as farms, forestry, fisheries, governments, construction, transportation,foreign establishments, services, and most establishments in retail.


The CFS captures data on shipments originating from selected types of business establishments located in the 50 states andthe District of Columbia. We requested that the respondent provide the following information about their establishmentsshipments: domestic destination or port of exit, commodity, value, weight, mode(s) of transportation, the date on which theshipment was made, and an indication of whether the shipment was an export, hazardous material, or containerized. Forshipments that include more than one commodity, respondents are instructed to report the commodity that makes up thegreatest percentage of the shipments weight. For exports, we also ask the respondent to provide the mode of export and theforeign destination city and country. For hazardous materials shipments, we ask for the correspsonding UN/NA code.


The survey was initiated for 1993. Beginning with 1997, the survey will be conducted every 5 years for years ending in "2"and "7." Commodity surveys were conducted between 1963 and 1983, but data for 1983 were not published. No data werecollected for 1987.


The 1997 CFS consists of a sample of 100,000 establishments chosen based on geographic location and industry. Eachestablishment selected into the CFS sample is mailed a questionnaire for each of its four reporting weeks. For the CFS '97each sampled establishment was asked to report on a sample of individual shipments during a one week period in eachcalendar quarter. In addition, about 20,000 establishments received a modified questionnaire for their final reportingperiod,requesting additional information on transportation facilities and equipment. *

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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