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32. 1997 Economic Census

1263. Consumer Electronics and Electronic Components -- Factory Sales, by Product Category

[In millions of dollars (43,033 represents $43,033,000,000)

Product Category 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
    Total..................................................................... 43,033 42,668 47,408 52,469 58,230 64,530 68,002 71,814 75,547 80,976
Video products:
  Direct-view color TV............................................................. 6,197 5,979 6,591 7,316 7,225 6,798 6,492 6,026 6,151 6,199
  LCD color TV...................................................................... 50 56 51 45 42 44 39 38 39 36
  Projection TV.................................................................... 626 683 714 841 1,117 1,417 1,426 1,361 1,577 1,632
  TV/VCR combinations...................................................................... 178 265 375 599 710 723 697 684 831 1,014
  Monochrome TV...................................................................... 99 61 47 40 38 34 29 27 23 20
  LCD Monochrome TV...................................................................... 33 31 32 33 32 31 32 30 28 25
Other video:
  VCR decks......................................................................... 2,439 2,454 2,947 2,851 2,869 2,767 2,815 2,618 2,409 2,333
  Camcorders...................................................................... 2,260 2,013 1,841 1,958 1,985 2,130 2,084 1,894 2,144 2,448
  Laserdisc players...................................................................... 72 81 93 123 122 108 66 25 10 3
  Direct-to-home satellite............................................................ 421 370 379 408 900 1,265 1,201 726 733 957
  Videocassette players...................................................................... 65 71 49 61 64 59 43 39 21 15
  Digital versatile disc players (DVD) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 171 421 1,099
  TV/PC combinations (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 174 323 357
  Set-top internet access devices (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 80 145 192
Home and portable products:
  Compact audio systems 1 1,270 1,264 1,370 1,464 1,703 1,162 1,157 1,419 1,557 1,695
  Separate audio components...................................................................... 1,935 1,805 1,586 1,635 1,686 1,911 1,808 1,609 1,565 1,530
  Home radios...................................................................... 360 310 324 307 306 284 291 300 300 348
  Portable audio equipment...................................................................... 1,645 1,780 2,096 2,187 2,495 2,506 2,149 2,033 2,146 1,987
  Rack audio systems (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 515 380 271 200 148
  Home theater-in-a-box (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 164 282 224 229
Mobile electronics:
  Aftermarket autosound equipment...................................................................... 1,192 1,232 1,467 1,604 1,898 1,931 1,814 1,811 1,859 2,070
  Factory installed autosound...................................................................... 3,100 2,875 2,990 3,199 3,225 3,100 2,512 2,710 2,540 2,610
  Cellular telephones........... 1,133 962 1,146 1,257 1,275 2,574 2,660 2,750 2,775 2,808
  Pagers...................................................................... 118 139 168 198 230 300 370 460 550 660
  Vehicle security...................................................................... 190 210 240 294 401 142 165 210 213 205
  Radar detectors (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 120 140 160 165
Home office products:
  Cordless telephones...................................................................... 842 1,125 1,091 1,046 1,106 1,141 1,176 1,679 1,745 1,808
  Corded telephones...................................................................... 638 605 575 617 610 557 553 528 489 483
  Telephone answering devices...................................................................... 827 1,000 934 1,026 1,153 1,077 1,004 1,020 1,104 1,044
  Personal computers.......................... 4,187 4,287 6,825 8,190 10,088 12,600 15,040 15,950 16,640 16,390
  Computer printers (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,430 2,999 3,900 4,188 4,500
  Aftermarket computer monitors (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 879 914 1,022 1,076 1,148
  Modems/fax modems (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 770 960 1,170 1,305 1,460
  Computer peripherals...................................................................... 1,980 2,060 2,220 2,450 3,100 816 975 1,212 1,440 1,950
  Computer software (incl. CDROM)................. 971 1,045 1,250 1,600 2,050 2,500 3,000 3,450 3,930 4,480
  Personal Wordprocessors...................................................................... 656 600 555 558 504 451 404 347 280 240
  Fax machines...................................................................... 920 869 826 888 964 919 839 1,139 647 455
  Home security systems...................................................................... 1,440 1,030 830 940 1,110 1,130 1,350 1,400 1,520 1,660
  Digital cameras (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 177 483 519 1,207
Electronic gaming:
  Electronic Gaming Hardware...................................................................... 975 1,275 1,575 1,650 1,575 1,500 1,600 1,650 1,980 2,250
  Electronic Gaming Software...................................................................... 2,400 2,325 2,400 2,625 2,925 3,000 3,500 3,900 4,480 5,100
Blank media:
  Blank audio cassettes...................................................................... 376 373 376 362 353 334 314 281 248 208
  Blank videocassettes...................................................................... 948 980 872 779 730 708 725 695 639 590
  Blank floppy diskettes...................................................................... 314 308 320 345 353 373 300 250 232 200
Accessories and batteries:
  Electronic accessories...................................................................... 793 721 715 759 874 944 982 982 1,178 1,398
  Batteries...................................................................... 1,383 1,424 1,538 2,215 2,412 2,600 2,676 2,869 2,963 3,620

NA Not available.
1 Includes rack audio system.

Source: Consumer Electronics Association, Washington, DC,Electronic Market Data Book, annual (copyright).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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