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32. 1997 Economic Census

1346. Puerto Rico--Economic Summary, by Industry

[Covers establishments with payroll. Employees are for the weekincluding March 12. Most government employees are excluded.For statement on methodology, see Appendix III.]

1990 1990
Employment- Employment- Employment-
size size size
Industry class class class
1987 Total Annual
SIC 1 estab- 50 or Employ- payroll
code lishments 1 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 49 more ees 2 (mil. dol.)
      Total 2 (X) 35,557 21,475 5,576 3,810 2,876 1,820 561,332 7,139.8
Agricultural services, forestry, and fishing   A 71 47 12 7 4 1 479 3.6
Mining B 34 9 7 4 9 5 755 9.9
  Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels 14 25 3 7 4 7 4 547 6.7
Construction 2 C 890 329 141 129 128 163 34,798 361.7
  General contractors and operative builders 15 364 102 52 46 57 107 22,399 216.9
  Special trade contractors 17 452 208 78 66 56 44 8,946 99.4
Manufacturing 2 D 1,701 359 209 250 329 554 151,269 2,314.7
  Food and kindred products 20 243 73 39 37 44 50 18,093 285.1
  Textile mill products 22 16 4 1 2 2 7 2,604 29.1
  Apparel and other textile products 23 250 36 13 27 52 122 31,655 250.7
  Furniture and Fixtures 25 97 28 19 23 19 8 2,038 19.1
  Paper and allied products 26 42 2 6 11 10 13 1,871 29.4
  Printing and publishing 27 149 64 33 20 20 12 4,191 60.8
  Chemicals and allied products 28 159 20 10 18 30 81 25,209 642.4
  Petroleum and coal products 29 13 0 1 2 3 7 1,270 32.4
  Rubber and misc. plastic products 30 85 9 5 15 24 32 6,197 90.0
  Leather and leather products 31 25 1 0 3 5 16 6,047 58.1
  Stone, clay, and glass products 32 115 25 19 28 31 12 3,519 64.6
  Fabricated metal products 34 111 22 19 16 29 25 4,063 51.9
  Industrial machinery and equip 35 74 18 16 7 14 19 6,960 129.6
  Electronic and other electronic equipment 36 103 10 2 7 9 75 18,299 260.5
  Instruments and related products 38 69 9 3 7 6 44 11,331 195.9
Transportation and public utilities 2 E 819 419 151 106 86 57 24,837 459.1
  Trucking and warehousing 42 310 173 58 37 35 7 2,772 32.3
  Water transportation 44 55 21 8 5 9 12 4,547 71.6
  Air transportation 45 58 16 14 12 6 10 3,769 71.6
  Transportation services 47 235 160 36 18 15 6 2,034 30.4
  Communication 48 88 6 20 27 18 17 10,723 240.4
  Electric, gas, and sanitary services 49 15 3 4 1 2 5 716 10.8
Wholesale trade 2 F 1,898 748 358 346 285 161 35,225 593.4
  Durable goods 50 965 366 197 202 134 66 15,661 255.4
  Nondurable goods 51 914 378 157 139 148 92 19,014 322.7
Retail trade 2 G 9,210 4,994 1,831 1,188 833 364 107,637 976.5
  Building materials, garden supplies 52 573 309 128 70 51 15 5,256 53.7
  General merchandise stores 53 418 164 53 59 58 84 17,489 165.3
  Food stores 54 1,206 675 203 123 90 115 20,973 156.4
  Automotive dealers and service stations 55 1,478 945 314 135 67 17 9,255 98.3
  Apparel and accessory stores 56 1,249 552 295 247 131 24 12,637 104.6
  Furniture and home furnishings 57 650 359 169 85 33 4 4,234 44.3
  Eating and drinking places 58 1,647 800 261 267 269 50 19,768 148.6
Finance, insurance, and real estate 2 H 1,864 978 332 242 205 107 36,085 607.7
  Depository institutions 60 310 150 23 45 53 39 14,545 257.8
  Nondepository institutions 61 423 105 126 103 69 20 7,796 112.4
  Insurance carriers 63 80 19 14 8 24 15 3,915 79.0
  Insurance agents, brokers, and service 64 240 127 43 28 25 17 4,025 73.2
  Real estate 65 759 547 117 52 31 12 4,933 61.3
Services 2 I 7,533 4,985 1,018 670 453 407 118,751 1,284.6
  Personal services 72 508 355 74 57 16 6 3,201 26.0
  Business services 73 631 268 115 74 66 108 27,429 253.3
  Auto repair, services, and parking 75 482 340 86 35 15 6 2,688 27.6
  Motion pictures 78 86 35 17 20 11 3 1,015 12.0
  Amusement and recreation services 79 143 85 15 28 11 4 1,674 16.7
  Health services 80 2,826 2,241 330 123 63 69 28,388 299.5
  Legal services 81 726 603 43 52 19 9 3,143 53.0
  Education services 82 441 112 52 75 103 99 20,705 226.5
  Social services 83 223 94 46 43 17 23 5,151 46.3
  Membership organizations 86 520 329 76 44 48 23 5,817 50.2
  Engineering and management services 87 547 317 96 64 46 24 6,143 95.1
  1991 1991
  Employment- Employment- Employment-
  size size size
Industry class class class
  1987 Total Annual
  SIC 1 estab- 50 or Employ- payroll
  code lishments 1 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 49 more ees 2 (mil. dol.)
      Total 2 (X) 35,742 21,451 5,655 3,953 2,835 1,848 560,441 7,578.9
Agricultural services, forestry, and fishing   A 81 54 14 9 3 1 457 5.5
Mining B 36 6 10 6 8 6 942 11.0
  Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels 14 27 3 8 6 7 3 525 6.2
Construction 2 C 892 343 136 125 125 163 36,486 385.2
  General contractors and operative builders 15 363 106 50 48 55 104 23,066 232.1
  Special trade contractors 17 460 216 78 67 55 44 9,782 104.5
Manufacturing 2 D 1,623 346 191 245 297 544 147,082 2,473.6
  Food and kindred products 20 223 59 31 38 42 53 17,327 289.7
  Textile mill products 22 17 2 1 2 4 8 3,051 36.2
  Apparel and other textile products 23 237 30 19 23 40 125 30,362 287.9
  Furniture and Fixtures 25 88 28 18 21 15 6 1,788 17.6
  Paper and allied products 26 40 5 5 10 7 13 1,826 29.0
  Printing and publishing 27 147 65 25 27 20 10 3,782 57.7
  Chemicals and allied products 28 152 16 17 15 23 81 25,926 705.8
  Petroleum and coal products 29 13 0 1 4 1 7 1,277 39.4
  Rubber and misc. plastic products 30 82 7 4 17 24 30 5,677 89.8
  Leather and leather products 31 28 3 1 5 2 17 6,592 67.0
  Stone, clay, and glass products 32 105 22 20 26 27 10 3,236 63.0
  Fabricated metal products 34 105 25 13 19 26 22 3,692 49.8
  Industrial machinery and equip 35 72 24 11 9 15 13 3,780 69.2
  Electronic and other electronic equipment 36 105 14 3 4 11 73 18,094 325.0
  Instruments and related products 38 67 6 2 6 8 45 13,053 228.1
Transportation and public utilities 2 E 822 425 141 116 75 65 23,839 449.1
  Trucking and warehousing 42 300 167 51 47 22 13 2,985 35.8
  Water transportation 44 54 22 6 6 6 14 4,788 69.3
  Air transportation 45 72 21 11 13 16 11 2,421 48.7
  Transportation services 47 229 159 36 17 12 5 1,845 29.6
  Communication 48 99 18 20 27 17 17 10,832 251.6
  Electric, gas, and sanitary services 49 13 4 3 0 1 5 703 12.3
Wholesale trade 2 F 1,876 741 351 343 269 172 34,571 614.5
  Durable goods 50 954 363 201 183 139 68 14,819 255.0
  Nondurable goods 51 905 374 148 157 124 102 19,271 345.6
Retail trade 2 G 9,164 4,861 1,873 1,199 872 359 106,239 1,010.1
  Building materials, garden supplies 52 555 312 117 65 44 17 4,981 50.4
  General merchandise stores 53 410 163 50 59 60 78 17,561 175.2
  Food stores 54 1,189 651 186 123 114 115 19,577 163.8
  Automotive dealers and service stations 55 1,417 918 300 122 59 18 8,813 100.2
  Apparel and accessory stores 56 1,320 521 332 284 163 20 13,605 108.2
  Furniture and home furnishings 57 643 373 167 63 37 3 3,919 42.7
  Eating and drinking places 58 1,695 815 295 277 258 50 19,818 157.4
Finance, insurance, and real estate 2 H 1,843 868 346 331 201 97 35,993 652.9
  Depository institutions 60 331 64 44 137 62 24 14,314 286.2
  Nondepository institutions 61 412 108 120 87 71 26 7,786 116.2
  Insurance carriers 63 77 18 13 11 20 15 3,925 83.1
  Insurance agents, brokers, and service 64 230 121 45 28 20 16 3,793 75.9
  Real estate 65