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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

902. U.S. Multinational Companies--Gross Product

[In millions of dollars (1,717,488 represents $1,717,488,000,000).Gross product measures valued added by afirm. Consists of non-bank U.S. parent companies and their non-bankforeign affiliates. A U.S. parent comprises the domestic operations ofa multinational and is a U.S. person that owns or controls 10 percentor more of the voting securities, or the equivalent, of a foreignbusiness enterprise. A U.S. person can be an incorporated businessenterprise. A majority-owned foreign affiliate is a foreign businessenterprise in which a U.S. parent company owns or controls 50% or moreof the voting securities]

Majority-Owned Majority-Owned
U.S. Multinationals U.S. Parents Foreign Affiliates Foreign Affiliates
1994 1995 1996 1997 1994 1995 1996 1997 1994 1995 1996 1997
    All industries 1,717,488 1,831,046 1,978,948 2,089,796 1,313,792 1,365,470 1,480,638 1,570,490 403,696 465,576 498,310 519,306
Petroleum 200,882 205,044 229,827 229,602 106,877 110,014 125,380 125,214 94,005 95,030 104,447 104,388
  Oil and gas extraction 29,083 4,712 (NA) (NA) 4,736 3,112 5,404 7,226 24,347 1,600 2,243 3,107
    Crude petroleum and gas 25,603 2,821 (NA) (NA) 2,701 2,021 3,406 3,487 22,902 800 884 1,043
    Oil and gas field services 3,480 1,892 (NA) (NA) 2,035 1,091 1,997 3,739 1,445 801 1,359 2,064
  Petroleum and coal products 136,927 181,124 (NA) (NA) 90,398 90,232 102,021 104,794 46,529 90,892 99,648 99,406
    Integrated refining and extraction 101,924 174,012 (NA) (NA) 85,273 84,397 94,694 95,128 16,651 89,615 98,563 98,443
    Refining without extraction 33,655 #����! (NA) (NA) 4,430 5,174 6,352 8,640 29,225 (D) (D) (D)
    Petroleum and coal products, nec 1,348 #����! (NA) (NA) 694 661 975 1,026 654 (D) (D) (D)
  Petroleum wholesale trade 25,901 10,192 (NA) (NA) 7,542 8,632 9,259 6,545 18,359 1,560 1,396 614
  Other 8,971 9,016 (NA) (NA) 4,201 8,038 8,697 6,649 4,770 978 1,159 1,261
Manufacturing 902,871 1,023,697 1,071,324 1,080,824 697,663 723,182 764,725 765,122 205,208 300,515 306,599 315,702
  Food and kindred products 107,043 119,282 114,050 107,813 82,293 78,223 77,290 69,852 24,750 41,059 36,760 37,961
    Grain mill and bakery products 23,004 11,003 (NA) (NA) 18,135 8,364 8,564 11,206 4,869 2,639 2,433 2,931
    Beverages 48,690 67,783 (NA) (NA) 39,756 41,797 47,353 39,201 8,934 25,986 25,524 27,397
    Other 35,348 40,496 (NA) (NA) 24,402 28,062 21,373 19,445 10,946 12,434 8,803 7,632
  Chemical and allied products 156,356 182,827 196,665 199,911 115,386 116,949 127,284 126,931 40,970 65,878 69,381 72,980
    Industrial chemicals 57,269 66,480 (NA) (NA) 43,452 42,625 45,268 41,765 13,817 23,855 23,571 22,753
    Drugs 58,195 73,723 (NA) (NA) 43,986 46,894 51,784 52,724 14,209 26,829 30,186 31,746
    Soap, cleaners, and toilet goods 24,954 27,123 (NA) (NA) 16,770 16,111 17,915 17,468 8,184 11,012 11,534 13,065
    Agricultural chemicals 2,901 2,718 (NA) (NA) 1,891 2,474 4,026 5,779 1,010 244 805 1,966
    Chemical products, nec 13,036 12,785 (NA) (NA) 9,286 8,846 8,291 9,195 3,750 3,939 3,285 3,450
  Primary and fabricated metals 43,661 59,376 58,014 55,242 35,610 39,937 38,420 41,926 8,051 19,450 19,594 13,316
    Primary metal industries 22,938 26,855 (NA) (NA) 20,504 21,648 19,112 21,127 2,434 5,207 5,020 5,626
      Ferrous 10,215 11,316 (NA) (NA) 9,703 10,393 11,137 11,350 512 923 940 1,309
      Nonferrous 12,722 15,539 (NA) (NA) 10,800 11,255 7,975 9,777 1,922 4,284 4,080 4,318
    Fabricated metal products 20,724 32,532 (NA) (NA) 15,107 18,289 19,308 20,799 5,617 14,243 14,574 7,690
  Industrial machinery and equipment 1 103,526 145,119 148,792 148,586 76,036 88,818 95,342 92,094 27,490 50,949 53,450 56,492
    Farm and garden machinery 6,139 8,152 (NA) (NA) 5,227 6,365 6,381 7,040 912 1,787 1,989 1,932
    Construction and mining machinery 12,321 12,343 (NA) (NA) 9,177 9,035 10,913 11,274 3,144 3,308 3,568 3,785
    Computer and office equipment 53,435 74,748 (NA) (NA) 37,152 39,934 40,674 41,023 16,283 34,814 35,747 37,962
    Other 31,629 44,524 (NA) (NA) 24,479 33,484 37,375 32,757 7,150 11,040 12,146 12,812
  Electronic and other electric equipment 1 90,457 122,232 119,637 127,535 70,591 77,286 87,732 94,413 19,866 26,407 31,905 33,122
    Household appliances 5,776 4,895 (NA) (NA) 4,028 3,966 3,902 4,267 1,748 929 999 1,017
    Audio, video, and communications equipment 11,539 21,687 (NA) (NA) 7,716 15,589 24,260 23,971 3,823 6,098 5,567 6,209
    Electronic components and accessories 47,125 51,981 (NA) (NA) 36,841 36,495 35,661 41,504 10,284 15,486 16,831 17,905
    Electronic and other electric equipment, nec 26,017 25,132 (NA) (NA) 22,006 21,236 23,909 24,671 4,011 3,896 8,507 7,991
  Transportation equipment 190,124 209,154 215,534 220,862 154,238 152,834 168,884 167,277 35,886 49,274 46,650 53,585
    Motor vehicles and equipment 138,164 144,776 (NA) (NA) 103,773 103,531 109,244 107,173 34,391 41,245 38,628 45,259
    Other 51,961 57,331 (NA) (NA) 50,466 49,303 59,640 60,103 1,495 8,028 8,022 8,327
  Other manufacturing 211,704 215,245 218,632 220,876 163,509 169,135 169,773 172,630 48,195 47,497 48,859 48,246
    Tobacco products 16,893 10,866 (NA) (NA) 4,294 6,498 6,394 6,412 12,599 4,368 5,111 4,551
    Textile products and apparel 15,371 15,455 (NA) (NA) 12,791 13,077 11,827 12,819 2,580 2,378 2,397 2,433
    Lumber, wood, furniture, and fixtures 15,675 17,606 (NA) (NA) 13,352 15,358 14,906 15,228 2,323 2,248 2,346 2,666
    Paper and allied products 43,396 55,446 (NA) (NA) 37,089 43,995 42,415 40,729 6,307 11,451 10,443 11,417
    Printing and publishing 26,236 27,334 (NA) (NA) 24,105 24,356 23,745 20,460 2,131 2,978 2,939 2,046
    Rubber products 15,433 15,098 (NA) (NA) 10,776 10,826 9,873 10,512 4,657 4,272 4,339 4,370
    Misc plastics products 9,830 8,394 (NA) (NA) 6,256 6,238 7,281 6,448 3,574 2,156 2,519 1,766
    Glass products 6,036 7,264 (NA) (NA) 4,912 5,959 8,600 9,657 1,124 1,305 1,946 2,560
    Stone, clay, nonmetallic mineral products 7,083 6,055 (NA) (NA) 5,326 4,615 3,960 5,783 1,757 1,440 1,297 1,387
    Instruments and related products 48,723 47,134 (NA) (NA) 39,410 33,413 35,601 39,116 9,313 13,721 14,064 13,518
    Other 7,029 5,980 (NA) (NA) 5,198 4,800 5,171 5,467 1,831 1,180 1,457 1,533
Wholesale trade 77,796 57,229 56,708 69,184 30,490 30,853 41,753 51,621 47,306 8,274 14,955 17,563
  Durable goods 47,443 23,322 (NA) (NA) 17,479 18,325 20,528 26,735 29,964 4,997 6,871 8,891
  Nondurable goods 30,353 15,754 (NA) (NA) 13,011 12,527 21,225 24,886 17,342 3,227 8,084 8,672
Finance (exc dep inst), insurance & real estate 1 66,138 92,933 96,029 106,548 57,652 52,813 71,797 81,872 8,486 19,676 24,232 24,676
  Finance, except depository institutions 24,792 22,370 (NA) (NA) 21,138 18,205 28,342 40,919 3,654 4,165 7,356 7,904
  Insurance 41,399 41,677 (NA) (NA) 35,251 32,815 40,477 39,523 6,148 8,862 10,029 11,194
  Real estate (D) (D) (NA) (NA) 1,366 1,667 1,793 1,726 541 31 (D) 243
  Holding companies -1,959 5,286 (NA) (NA) -103 127 1,185 -296 -1,856 5,159 4,802 4,364
Services 118,022 140,597 142,684 160,626 89,822 97,623 116,126 130,070 28,200 20,705 26,558 30,558
  Hotels and other lodging places 7,061 9,178 (NA) (NA) 5,956 7,557 9,548 10,051 1,105 1,621 1,601 1,065
  Business services 55,112 51,915 (NA) (NA) 37,630 38,667 50,184 60,592 17,482 13,248 17,733 21,797
    Advertising 5,147 5,181 (NA) (NA) 2,467 2,820 3,302 4,303 2,680 2,361 2,559 2,774
    Equipment rental (exc auto and computers) 1,908 1,288 (NA) (NA) 1,037 1,100 1,072 1,184 871 188 134 126
    Computer and data processing services 25,308 24,094 (NA) (NA) 15,963 18,481 28,801 31,578 9,345 5,613 9,886 12,216
    Business services, nec 22,750 21,352 (NA) (NA) 18,163 16,266 17,009 23,526 4,587 5,086 5,154 6,680
    Other -1 0 #����! 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
  Automotive rental and leasing 4,346 3,717 (NA) (NA) 3,188 3,346 3,325 3,247 1,158 371 (D) 442
  Motion pictures, including television tape and film 11,191 11,613 (NA) (NA) 10,066 10,126 10,707 13,107 1,125 1,487 (D) (D)
  Health services 13,374 17,569 (NA) (NA) 13,064 17,218 19,368 17,244 310 351 261 186
  Engineering and architectural services 1 6,350 6,077 (NA) (NA) 4,646 5,301 5,255 5,666 1,704 776 992 1,039
  Management and public relations services 6,480 5,210 (NA) (NA) 4,492 3,621 4,289 6,844 1,988 1,589 1,812 1,939
  Other 14,105 13,051 (NA) (NA) 10,777 11,788 13,450 13,320 3,328 1,263 2,125 (D)
Other industries 351,780 372,360 382,376 443,012 331,289 350,984 360,857 416,591 20,491 21,376 21,519 26,421
  Transportation 68,439 70,372 (NA) (NA) 64,732 67,277 67,065 74,313 3,707 3,095 2,870 2,984
  Communication 1 129,211 121,576 (NA) (NA) 128,448 117,802 120,187 138,045 763 3,774 1,840 3,360
  Electric, gas, and sanitary services 1 52,321 73,136 (NA) (NA) 50,313 71,128 73,143 89,894 2,008 2,008 3,034 4,308
  Retail trade 76,562 85,616 (NA) (NA) 68,489 77,367 83,364 96,025 8,073 8,249 9,252 (D)

D Figure withheld to avoid disclosure pertaining to a specificorganization. NA Not available.
1 Included in "other" services.(1982 only)
1 For changes in industry definition, see text this section.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business, September 1998.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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