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1. Population
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5. Law Enforcement, Courts
and Prisons
6. Geography and Environment
7. Parks, Recreation, Travel
8. Elections
9. State and Local Government
Finances and Employment
10. Federal Government
Finances and Employment
11. National Defense and
Veterans Affairs
12. Social Insurance and Human
13. Labor Force, Employment,
and Earnings
14. Income, Expenditures, and
15. Prices
16. Banking, Finance, and
17. Business Enterprise
18. Communications and
Information Technology
19. Energy
20. Science and Technology
21. Transportation - Land
22. Transportation - Air
and Water
23. Agriculture
24. Natural Resources
25. Construction and Housing
26. Manufactures
27. Domestic Trade and
28. Foreign Commerce and Aid
29. Outlying Areas
30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

711. Work Stoppages

[Excludes work stoppages involving fewer than 1,000 workers and lastingless than 1 day (896 represents 896,000). Information is based on reports of labor disputes appearing in daily newspapers, trade journals, and other public sources. The parties to the disputes are contacted by telephone, when necessary, to clarify details of the stoppages]

Number Percent
YEAR of work Workers estimated
stop- involved 2 Number 3 working
pages 1 (1,000) (1,000) time 4
1960 222 896 13,260 0.09
1965 268 999 15,140 0.10
1969 412 1,576 29,397 0.16
1970 381 2,468 52,761 0.29
1971 298 2,516 35,538 0.19
1972 250 975 16,764 0.09
1973 317 1,400 16,260 0.08
1974 424 1,796 31,809 0.16
1975 235 965 17,563 0.09
1976 231 1,519 23,962 0.12
1977 298 1,212 21,258 0.10
1978 219 1,006 23,774 0.11
1979 235 1,021 20,409 0.09
1980 187 795 20,844 0.09
1981 145 729 16,908 0.07
1982 96 656 9,061 0.04
1983 81 909 17,461 0.08
1984 62 376 8,499 0.04
1985 54 324 7,079 0.03
1986 69 533 11,861 0.05
1987 46 174 5 4,481 0.02
1988 40 118 5 4,381 0.02
1989 51 452 16,996 0.07
1990 44 185 5,926 0.02
1991 40 392 4,584 0.02
1992 35 364 3,989 0.01
1993 35 182 3,981 0.01
1994 45 322 5,020 0.02
1995 31 192 5,771 0.02
1996 37 273 4,889 0.02
1997 29 339 4,497 0.01
1998 34 387 5,116 0.02
1999 17 73 1,996 0.01

1 Beginning in year indicated.
2 Workers counted more than once if involved in more than one stoppage during the year.
3 Resulting from all stoppages in effect in a year, including those that began in an earlier year.
4 Agricultural and government employees are included in the total working time; private household and forestry and fishery employees are excluded.
5 Revised since originally published.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Compensation and Working Conditions, monthly through 1995; thereafter, quarterly.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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