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32. 1997 Economic Census

304. College Population, by Selected Characteristics

[In thousands (190,058 represents 190,058,000), except percent. As of October.For persons 15 years old and over, except 1987, 14 and over. Based on the Current Population Survey. See text, Section 1, Population, and Appendix III]

Type of Type of Percent Employed
school school Percent
Total enrolled
popu- Total Graduate full- Full- Part-
lation 2-year 4-year school time Total time time
190,058 12,719 3,648 6,656 2,415 62.6 60.4 31.7 28.7
90,610 6,030 1,522 3,356 1,152 67.2 60.6 31.7 28.9
99,449 6,689 2,127 3,299 1,264 58.4 60.1 31.6 28.5
162,757 10,731 3,039 5,617 2,075 61.6 62.2 32.6 29.6
21,520 1,351 422 748 181 66.3 50.5 28.6 21.9
13,687 739 307 342 90 57.3 65.5 37.0 28.6
21,410 3,284 1,111 2,172 1 88.1 44.0 7.6 36.4
7,078 2,642 624 1,961 58 84.4 53.3 14.5 38.8
11,712 2,006 457 1,055 494 67.2 62.5 29.8 32.7
42,374 2,985 851 996 1,137 36.4 74.0 55.8 18.2
107,484 1,802 605 471 725 22.3 83.1 62.8 20.3
195,586 14,035 4,239 7,404 2,392 65.5 60.4 31.3 29.1
93,604 6,192 1,688 3,403 1,102 69.9 60.5 31.8 28.7
101,982 7,844 2,551 4,002 1,291 61.9 60.4 31.0 29.4
165,757 11,710 3,527 6,152 2,030 64.4 62.7 32.2 30.5
22,614 1,424 466 815 143 68.6 50.3 30.8 19.5
15,763 918 448 409 62 56.2 59.6 32.4 27.2
16,648 3,097 1,084 2,013 91.6 45.9 7.5 38.4
6,884 2,938 789 2,113 36 86.4 54.2 12.7 41.5
10,859 2,512 581 1,423 508 72.2 60.1 27.4 32.7
41,661 3,125 988 1,102 1,035 42.0 70.6 54.6 16.0
119,532 2,364 797 753 814 29.0 74.0 59.2 14.8
197,652 13,898 4,196 7,311 2,391 64.9 59.7 30.8 28.9
94,746 6,324 1,748 3,446 1,130 69.4 59.7 31.1 28.6
102,905 7,574 2,448 3,865 1,261 61.1 59.7 30.6 29.1
167,086 11,434 3,431 5,990 2,013 63.6 62.4 31.5 30.9
23,003 1,545 530 833 182 65.7 49.2 33.2 16.0
16,329 995 446 451 98 61.0 60.5 30.7 29.8
16,841 3,049 1,077 1,968 3 89.7 43.9 7.1 36.8
6,575 2,734 696 2,025 13 87.4 49.1 9.3 39.8
10,931 2,533 614 1,406 514 70.5 63.3 27.1 36.2
41,099 3,094 965 1,123 1,006 45.1 70.1 50.7 19.4
122,206 2,488 844 789 856 28.6 69.9 58.4 11.5
201,148 15,022 4,208 8,202 2,612 63.7 62.9 32.4 30.4
96,565 6,764 1,704 3,823 1,238 67.8 63.5 33.7 29.8
104,582 8,258 2,504 4,379 1,375 60.4 62.3 31.3 31.0
168,874 12,222 3,368 6,680 2,173 63.2 65.2 32.9 32.3
23,594 1,800 582 1,002 216 63.7 54.6 34.3 20.3
18,751 1,187 474 578 136 53.9 65.3 33.7 31.6
17,971 3,201 1,063 2,130 9 89.1 45.5 8.1 37.3
6,981 3,028 623 2,383 21 86.0 56.7 13.4 43.3
11,327 2,650 621 1,478 551 69.1 65.7 29.2 36.4
41,117 3,419 1,011 1,270 1,138 44.5 71.8 52.3 19.5
123,752 2,725 890 942 893 27.9 76.1 60.2 15.9
203,113 14,715 3,882 8,084 2,749 64.9 61.9 32.4 29.5
97,484 6,703 1,626 3,787 1,290 68.0 62.0 34.9 27.2
105,629 8,013 2,256 4,298 1,459 62.2 61.8 30.3 31.4
170,408 12,021 3,067 6,724 2,231 64.7 63.9 32.7 31.2
23,994 1,772 573 902 297 63.0 54.5 35.1 19.4
19,291 1,207 464 632 111 58.8 58.1 33.5 24.6
18,599 3,259 1,028 2,223 8 89.3 45.9 9.1 36.8
6,736 2,940 608 2,273 60 85.2 55.8 14.3 41.4
10,966 2,498 593 1,440 465 71.9 60.2 25.3 34.8
40,648 3,349 892 1,258 1,198 47.0 71.6 51.6 20.0
126,165 2,669 761 890 1,018 28.4 77.6 63.1 14.4
205,108 15,226 4,174 8,130 2,922 64.6 63.1 33.5 29.6
98,529 6,820 1,752 3,781 1,288 68.6 62.5 35.2 27.3
106,579 8,406 2,423 4,349 1,634 61.4 63.6 32.1 31.5
171,804 12,189 3,295 6,565 2,328 64.4 65.9 34.2 31.7
24,335 1,901 580 1,013 308 62.0 54.6 35.3 19.3
19,903 1,223 444 605 174 57.9 61.7 33.7 28.0
18,993 3,546 1,223 2,303 18 88.8 46.2 9.6 36.6
6,800 2,907 669 2,187 52 86.1 56.8 14.6 42.2
10,495 2,551 515 1,502 534 75.9 64.1 27.9 36.3
40,093 3,443 922 1,304 1,217 45.3 74.3 53.9 20.4
128,729 2,778 845 835 1,098 24.9 76.5 63.8 12.7
207,727 15,436 4,078 8,331 3,027 66.3 62.2 33.0 29.2
100,067 6,843 1,663 3,876 1,304 70.4 59.5 33.9 25.6
107,660 8,593 2,415 4,455 1,723 63.1 64.2 32.2 32.0
173,542 12,442 3,290 6,745 2,407 65.3 64.3 33.6 30.7
24,749 1,903 541 1,031 331 67.2 55.0 34.3 20.7
21,039 1,260 475 679 105 63.3 61.0 32.0 29.0
19,463 3,533 1,178 2,327 30 89.7 43.1 8.8 34.3
7,040 3,143 760 2,320 63 87.8 55.5 13.9 41.6
10,423 2,699 528 1,609 562 73.3 65.0 28.9 36.1
39,276 3,270 806 1,164 1,299 47.9 74.0 54.1 19.9
131,526 2,791 807 911 1,073 27.3 77.4 64.4 13.0
209,831 15,546 4,234 8,275 3,037 65.5 63.7 33.6 30.1
101,114 6,905 1,845 3,777 1,284 67.6 62.6 34.7 27.9
108,718 8,641 2,389 4,499 1,754 63.9 64.6 32.8 31.8
175,028 12,401 3,389 6,632 2,379 64.6 65.9 34.1 31.8
25,117 2,016 628 1,063 326 63.7 61.9 39.1 22.8
21,817 1,363 640 560 164 58.8 62.1 37.0 25.1
19,752 3,793 1,301 2,447 45 88.9 48.6 9.7 38.9
7,131 3,092 701 2,318 73 86.6 56.7 16.8 39.9
10,474 2,561 619 1,406 537 73.8 64.5 30.3 34.2
38,601 3,414 838 1,261 1,314 45.0 75.2 54.6 20.6
133,871 2,685 772 839 1,070 26.4 77.6 63.3 14.3

- Represents or rounds to zero.
1 Includes other races, not shown separately.
2 Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, P20-443, P20-474, P20-479, P20-487, P20-492, P20-500, P20-516 and P20-521.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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