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1258. Mining Machinery and Mineral Processing Equipment -- Companies, Quantity, and Value of Shipments

[Based on a survey of known manufacturers; see summary below table]

Product Old" NAICs Companies Companies Companies Quantity (units) Quantity (units) Value (mil. dol.) Value (mil. dol.)
Product Product
code code 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
    Mining and mineral processing equipment (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 855 1,387 1,168 1,383 1,629 1,791 2,051 1,639 1,311
Portable crushing, screening, washing, and
combination plants. 3531K 33312081 15 17 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 471 468 574 605 649 676 1,256 977 956 64 65 75 83 96 97 151 152 164
Underground mining machinery 1. 35325 33313110 27 22 33 33 34 34 28 26 28 1,877 1,293 3,312 4,189 4,396 6,849 16,763 16,834 17,486 318 248 338 356 463 443 680 491 333
Crushing, pulverizing, and screening machinery 2 35327 33313150 42 40 47 47 46 46 40 37 34 2,520 2,469 3,297 4,010 3,871 4,030 4,123 4,214 4,075 132 135 229 278 295 345 416 346 316
Drills and other mining machinery, n.e.c. 1 3.. 35328 33313171 22 20 27 27 30 30 25 27 26 15,349,000 12,749,000 10,730,000 10,779,000 13,473,018 16,739,738 13,562,410 22,671 17,037 177 162 214 273 382 462 285 175 132
Portable drilling rigs and parts. 3533A 3331327 23 23 30 30 30 30 31 28 21 (X) (X) 2,351,000 2,570,000 2,155,275 2,267,781 3,341,598 1,658 1,620 262 255 311 321 393 444 519 475 366

X Not applicable. 1 Excludes parts.
2 Excludes portables and parts.
3 n.e.c. = Not elsewhere classified.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, through 1992,Current Industrial Reports, MA35F, annual; thereafter, Manufacturing Profiles, series MP, annual; and . (issued September 2000).



To provide detailed data on quantity and total value of shipments for mining machinery and mineral processing equipment. TheUnited States Code, Title 13, authorizes this survey and provides for mandatory responses.


All firms that manufacture underground mining machinery; mineral processing machinery and equipment; portable oil and gasand water drilling rigs; and related equipment (Census Product Classes 3531-P, 3535, and part of 3743). In 1993, the valueof manufacturer shipments of selected types of mining machinery amounted to over $1.2 billion.


Data are collected on over 40 types of mining and processing equipment. Product data at the 7-digit SIC level include quantityand value of shipments.


Annually; reported data are for activities taking place during the previous calendar year. Data on mining machinery andequipment have been collected since 1961.


A mail-out/mail-back survey of 164 known manufacturers. Firms are identified from the latest census of manufactures, theStandard Statistical Establishment List, and private sources. Firms are contacted using form MA35F. Data may be revised iffirms later provide corrected data. Annual figures are compared with data collected from the annual survey of manufactures toreconcile any differences between the two series.


Mining machinery.Heavy machinery and equipmentused by the mining industry in the exploration and devel-opment of solid mineral properties.Mining is used here inthe broad sense to include the extraction of solid mineralsoccurring naturally such as coal and ores.The term min-ing also includes quarrying,milling (crushing,screening,washing,flotation,etc.),and other preparations customar-ily done at the mine site or as a part of mining activity.

Portable drilling rigs for use in oil and gas fields or fordrilling water wells are also included for the purpose ofthis survey.

Auger drills.Machines that use continuous flight augerbits for removing cuttings.

Bucket drills.Machines that rotate a bucket and removecuttings by lifting the bucket to be dumped.

Cable tools.Machines using percussion-type tools andthose that clean the hole using tubular-type bailing tools.

Portable drilling rigs.Drills mounted on a carrier andused on the surface (above ground).

Pull-back capacity.Lifting capacity of drawworks orhoisting capacity of taphead.

Pull-down capacity.Capacity to apply bit pressure.Reverse circulation.Machines using a rotary drillingprocess where the drill cuttings and fluid return to the sur-face inside the drill stem (large diameter holes,18 orlarger).

Rotary drills.Machines using rotary drill pipe,continu-ous fluid,and a mud pump,air compressor,or combina-tion to clear the hole of filling.

Screens,vibrating.Machines used for dry or wet screen-ing applications such as sizing,washing,and dewateringof ores,coal,sand,and gravel.

Unit.Complete rig,including carrier.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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