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32. 1997 Economic Census

454. Democratic and Republican Percentages of Two-Party Presidential Vote, by Selected Characteristics of Voters

[In percent. Covers citizens of voting age living in privatehousing units in the contiguous United States. Percentages forDemocratic Presidential vote are computed by subtracting the percentageRepublican vote from 100 percent; third-party or independent votes arenot included as valid data. Data are from the National Election Studiesand are based on a sample and subjectto sampling variability; for details, see source]

1984 1988 1992 1996
Characteristic Demo- Repub- Demo- Repub-
cratic lican cratic lican Democratic Republican Democratic Republican
    Total 1 42 58 47 53 58 42 58 42
Year of birth:
  1959 or later 42 58 48 52 58 42 58 42
  1943 to 1958 41 59 47 53 58 42 58 42
  1927 to 1942 40 60 49 51 56 44 56 44
  1911 to 1926 44 56 44 56 62 38 64 36
  1895 to 1910 42 58 47 53 58 42 57 43
  Male 38 62 44 56 55 45 51 50
  Female 45 55 50 50 61 39 65 35
  White 37 63 41 59 53 47 54 46
  Black 91 9 92 8 94 6 99 1
  Grade school 62 38 59 41 41 68 32 82 18
  High school 42 58 50 50 62 38 60 40
  College 38 62 42 58 52 48 49 51
Union household 57 43 59 41 68 32 75 25
Non-union household 37 63 44 56 57 43 54 46

1 Includes other characteristics, not shown separately.

Source: Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, MI, unpublished data. Data for 1984 are published inWarren E. Miller and Santa A. Traugott, American National ElectionStudies Data Sourcebook, 1952-1986, Harvard University Press,Cambridge, MA, 1989 (copyright).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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