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32. 1997 Economic Census

1249. Fiber, Rugs, Carpeting, and Sheets--Shipments

[Based on sample surveys; for descriptions, see summary below]

Product Unit 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
All fibers 1. Mil. lbs (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 677 720 730 743 812 837 926 1,008 1,036 953 912 905 833
  Raw wool 2 3 Mil. lbs (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 137 143 133 135 133 152 151 157 153 142 142 144 115
  Noils and fiber 4 Mil. lbs (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 35 30 24 24 20 21 21 23 19 20 23 20 11
  Other fibers Mil. lbs (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 505 548 573 584 659 664 754 829 864 792 748 740 708
Knit fabric production. Mil. lbs (NA) 1,411 1,309 1,460 1,514 1,496 1,757 1,737 1,662 1,935 1,901 1,963 2,179 2,188 2,211 2,131 1,919 2,174 1,866
Rugs, carpet and carpeting. Mil. dol. 4,914 5,250 4,961 6,045 6,462 6,606 7,312 7,929 8,417 8,431 8,527 7,980 8,749 9,283 9,531 9,770 10,148 10,264 10,853
Sheets 1,000 doz. 17,225 17,412 15,487 17,795 17,126 15,491 15,053 15,361 15,505 15,663 14,716 14,505 15,300 16,331 16,190 15,282 16,108 19,745 20,095
Pillow cases.. 1,000 doz. 14,694 14,441 12,382 14,950 15,147 13,174 12,372 12,627 12,564 13,089 12,443 12,082 12,945 14,464 14,622 14,232 14,234 17,520 18,473
Terry towels.. 1,000 doz. 43,957 44,931 41,117 49,742 46,954 44,974 50,182 52,425 47,179 62,741 41,855 43,596 46,885 47,161 48,348 47,939 46,991 44,980 43,084

NA Not available.
1 Includes man-made fiber top converted from tow without combing. Anumber of companies were added for 1990 based on information in the 1987Census of Manufactures. Data were received from these companies for 1990;therefore, the information shown for years prior to 1990 may not bedirectly comparable. These changes represent approximately 20 percent ofthe total fibers consumed on the woolen system and worsted combing.
2 Data are shown on a scoured basis for greasy wool.
3 Shorn and pulled wool of sheep excludes raw wool consumed in cottonsystem spinning to avoid disclosing figures for individual companies.
4 Includes reprocessed and reused wool, mohair, alpaca, vicuna, andother specialty fibers as well as tops and noils consumed in woolenspinning and mohair consumed in worsted combing. Does not include wooltops consumed in cotton system spinning.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, through 1992, Current Industrial Reports, MA22K, MA22Q, MQ22D and MQ23X, annual; andManufacturing Profiles, series MP/98, annual.



To provide detailed data on production and shipments of sheets,pillowcases, and towels. The United States Code, Title 13, authorizes thissurvey and provides for voluntary quarterly and mandatory annualresponses. The American Textile Manufacturers Institute funds thecollection of supplemental detailed information such as thread count andsize breakouts.


All companies that produce sheets, pillowcases, and towels in the U.S.(most but not all are partially in SIC 2392). In 1993, the value ofshipments of sheets was over $1 billion.


Data are collected for over 50 types of products. Data include production,quantity and value of shipments, and inventories by type of fabric, size,end use and method of distribution.


Quarterly and annually; reported data are for activities taking place duringthe applicable reporting period. Data on sheets, pillowcases, and towelshave been collected since 1960.


A mail-out/mail-back survey of all 45 known manufacturers; annualreports are required from those companies that do not report monthly.Companies were identified from the latest census of manufactures and arecontacted using form MQ23X. Quarterly data may be revised if firms laterprovide corrected data or return the annual report. Annual figures arecompared with the data from the annual survey of manufactures toreconcile any differences between the two series.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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