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32. 1997 Economic Census

22. Components of Population Change--States

[Covers period April 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999]

STATE STATE code Births Deaths domestic change 1
Number Percent International Net federal migration
migration movement
  United States U.S. 00000 23,899,888 9.6 36,820,132 20,934,303 7,478,078 535,981 0 0
Alabama AL 01000 329,473 8.2 568,961 387,158 14,173 6,950 112,163 14,384
Alaska AK 02000 69,457 12.6 98,976 22,291 8,843 8,550 -23,889 -732
Arizona AZ 04000 1,112,993 30.4 670,677 317,200 106,150 8,217 577,038 68,111
Arkansas AR 05000 200,749 8.5 330,123 244,180 10,204 2,148 110,878 -8,424
California CA 06000 3,333,694 11.2 5,227,258 2,039,044 2,280,354 87,616 -2,170,790 -51,700
Colorado CO 08000 761,660 23.1 513,908 225,699 65,380 14,017 402,832 -8,778
Connecticut CT 09000 -5,085 -0.2 423,922 268,782 73,389 3,670 -226,370 -10,914
Delaware DE 10000 87,370 13.1 97,768 58,165 9,260 1,668 35,058 1,781
District of Columbia DC 11000 -87,900 -14.5 87,167 59,836 29,967 2,699 -146,899 -998
Florida FL 12000 2,173,173 16.8 1,781,648 1,370,234 640,109 33,454 1,108,514 -20,318
Georgia GA 13000 1,310,091 20.2 1,053,424 525,580 105,839 25,254 665,418 -14,264
Hawaii HI 15000 77,268 7.0 173,388 67,676 54,227 19,207 -99,371 -2,507
Idaho ID 16000 244,966 24.3 166,298 77,951 18,044 1,677 136,339 559
Illinois IL 17000 697,768 6.1 1,735,493 971,944 384,026 10,298 -560,003 99,898
Indiana IN 18000 398,745 7.2 779,368 482,740 29,053 1,424 82,674 -11,034
Iowa IA 19000 92,582 3.3 349,191 256,794 21,151 135 -15,542 -5,559
Kansas KS 20000 176,464 7.1 348,226 215,686 28,233 8,309 -16,224 23,606
Kentucky KY 21000 273,933 7.4 494,758 340,897 15,863 9,856 97,187 -2,834
Louisiana LA 22000 150,209 3.6 629,286 362,228 25,910 8,941 -139,704 -11,996
Maine ME 23000 25,112 2.0 137,791 107,664 3,895 2,113 -7,347 -3,676
Maryland MD 24000 390,881 8.2 687,293 375,178 131,871 15,141 -55,060 -13,186
Massachusetts MA 25000 158,744 2.6 778,803 506,880 147,834 3,207 -244,494 -19,726
Michigan MI 26000 568,488 6.1 1,287,572 763,166 99,735 2,219 -199,465 141,593
Minnesota MN 27000 399,843 9.1 603,264 338,093 55,173 953 86,847 -8,301
Mississippi MS 28000 193,144 7.5 389,349 246,225 6,887 5,874 44,639 -7,380
Missouri MO 29000 351,437 6.9 697,038 492,127 38,351 5,267 101,020 1,888
Montana MT 30000 83,714 10.5 103,358 69,332 2,750 1,598 47,875 -2,535
Nebraska NE 31000 87,611 5.6 217,510 139,754 15,138 3,823 -3,693 -5,413
Nevada NV 32000 607,578 50.6 227,622 110,437 55,570 3,210 433,219 -1,606
New Hampshire NH 33000 91,882 8.3 142,027 83,680 6,995 315 29,607 -3,382
New Jersey NJ 34000 395,662 5.1 1,079,022 667,367 377,830 4,796 -378,495 -20,124
New Mexico NM 35000 224,775 14.8 254,934 111,862 38,267 5,637 42,339 -4,540
New York NY 36000 205,823 1.1 2,539,280 1,519,562 1,107,814 10,845 -1,888,936 -43,618
North Carolina NC 37000 1,018,341 15.4 967,386 586,354 58,122 38,344 554,268 -13,425
North Dakota ND 38000 -5,134 -0.8 78,833 54,150 5,305 2,984 -37,387 -719
Ohio OH 39000 409,539 3.8 1,454,713 957,171 52,922 3,937 -166,200 21,338
Oklahoma OK 40000 212,468 6.8 437,373 298,499 28,636 10,425 42,688 -8,155
Oregon OR 41000 473,817 16.7 399,411 255,204 66,243 658 270,903 -8,194
Pennsylvania PA 42000 111,174 0.9 1,438,566 1,163,384 114,753 3,130 -250,958 -30,933
Rhode Island RI 44000 -12,645 -1.3 125,103 89,187 16,339 1,789 -63,250 -3,439
South Carolina SC 45000 399,426 11.5 498,067 301,259 18,564 17,354 143,213 23,487
South Dakota SD 46000 37,129 5.3 98,048 62,765 4,890 1,966 -2,881 -2,129
Tennessee TN 47000 606,332 12.4 687,916 463,719 30,289 6,506 356,907 -11,567
Texas TX 48000 3,057,806 18.0 3,025,567 1,254,005 715,420 44,087 569,957 -43,220
Utah UT 49000 406,986 23.6 369,419 98,393 30,340 2,083 73,016 30,521
Vermont VT 50000 30,982 5.5 67,101 44,797 4,959 25 5,615 -1,921
Virginia VA 51000 683,715 11.0 872,681 477,233 145,733 61,531 96,562 -15,559
Washington WA 53000 889,692 18.3 729,025 372,964 146,830 20,164 381,552 -14,915
West Virginia WV 54000 13,451 0.7 198,388 184,750 3,465 173 2,082 -5,907
Wisconsin WI 55000 358,492 7.3 637,733 412,353 24,969 364 90,224 17,555
Wyoming WY 56000 26,013 5.7 60,099 32,704 2,014 1,373 -3,676 -1,093

1 The residual is the effect of national controls on subnationalestimates. It is the difference between the implementation of thenational estimates model and the county/state estimates model.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,"ST-99-7 State Population Estimates and Demographic Components of Population Change:published 29 December 1999;.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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