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32. 1997 Economic Census

1410. External Debt by Country

[144,050 represents $144,050,000,000.Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayablein foreign currency, goods, or services. It is the sum of pubic, publicly guaranteed,and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt.Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or lessand interest in arrears on long-term debt. Public debt comprises long-term externalobligations of public debtors, including the national government and politicalsubdivisions (or an agency of either) and autonomous public bodies, and externalobligations of private debtors that are guaranteed for repayment by a public entity.Debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actuallypaid in foreign currency, goods, or services on long-term debt, interest paidon short-term debt, and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF]

Total Total debt External public debt (mil. dol.)
external service
COUNTRY debt as percent 1980 1990 1995 1998
1998 of exports 1
(mil.dol.) 1998
Argentina 144,050 58 10,181 46,902 55,967 76,799
Bangladesh 16,376 9 3,417 11,973 15,469 15,804
Bolivia 6,077 30 2,182 3,684 4,448 4,307
Brazil 232,004 74 40,861 87,669 97,180 98,959
Bulgaria 9,907 22 (NA) 9,831 8,716 7,781
Cameroon 9,829 22 2,005 5,366 8,059 8,096
Chile 36,302 22 4,705 10,424 7,181 4,986
China 2 154,599 9 4,504 45,512 94,671 99,424
Colombia 33,263 31 4,089 14,667 13,946 16,930
Congo (Brazzaville) 3 5,119 3 1,257 4,203 4,952 4,250
Congo (Kinshasa) 3 12,929 1 4,071 9,004 9,618 8,949
Costa Rica 3,971 8 1,700 3,060 3,123 3,047
Cote d'Ivoire 14,852 26 4,310 10,663 11,899 10,800
Croatia 8,297 9 (X) (X) 1,590 4,910
Dominican Republic 4,451 4 1,220 3,417 3,638 3,530
Ecuador 15,140 29 3,300 9,864 12,062 12,589
Egypt 31,964 10 16,212 27,347 30,584 27,669
Ethiopia 10,352 11 688 8,479 9,772 9,618
Gabon 4,425 12 1,271 3,147 3,987 3,833
Ghana 6,884 28 1,152 2,773 4,569 5,570
Guatemala 4,565 10 549 2,464 2,832 2,989
Honduras 5,002 19 975 3,423 3,979 3,946
Hungary 28,580 27 6,416 18,002 23,782 15,941
India 4 98,232 21 18,334 71,058 80,369 85,207
Indonesia 150,875 33 18,169 48,042 65,305 66,944
Jamaica 3,995 13 1,421 3,930 3,404 3,079
Jordan 8,484 16 1,490 7,040 7,017 7,388
Kenya 7,010 19 2,062 4,758 5,891 5,629
Lebanon 6,725 19 (NA) 356 1,549 3,980
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 2,392 13 (X) (X) 768 1,944
Madagascar 4,394 15 892 3,360 3,707 4,107
Malaysia 44,773 9 4,007 11,589 16,023 18,158
Mali 3,201 13 669 2,333 2,737 2,827
Mexico 159,959 21 33,915 75,970 94,384 87,996
Morocco 20,687 23 8,325 22,307 22,110 19,325
Nicaragua 5,968 26 1,671 8,277 8,537 5,212
Oman 3,629 (X) 436 2,397 2,636 2,228
Pakistan 32,229 24 8,496 16,504 23,804 26,061
Panama 6,689 8 2,271 3,986 3,910 5,413
Papua New Guinea 2,692 9 485 1,519 1,666 1,410
Peru 32,397 28 6,218 13,625 18,922 20,803
Philippines 47,817 12 6,363 24,037 29,905 28,189
Poland 47,708 10 (NA) 39,259 41,071 35,136
Romania 9,513 24 (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,962
Russia 183,601 12 (X) (X) (NA) 119,314
Senegal 3,861 23 1,105 2,931 3,171 3,274
Sierra Leone 1,243 18 (NA) 600 904 944
Slovenia (NA) (NA) (X) (X) 1,489 (NA)
Sri Lanka 8,526 7 1,227 4,947 7,008 7,649
Sudan 16,843 10 3,822 9,153 9,778 9,226
Syria 22,435 6 2,921 14,915 16,755 16,328
Tanzania 7,603 21 2,406 5,734 6,205 6,404
Thailand 86,172 19 3,943 12,452 16,951 28,113
Tunisia 11,078 15 3,210 6,659 8,721 9,727
Turkey 102,074 21 15,040 38,869 50,313 49,932
Uganda 3,935 24 549 2,157 3,059 3,402
Uruguay 7,600 24 1,127 3,043 3,830 5,142
Venezuela 37,003 27 10,614 24,506 28,491 26,692
Yemen 4,138 4 1,453 5,152 5,526 3,590
Yugoslavia, former 13,742 (NA) 4,580 12,985 8,724 8,321
Zambia 6,865 18