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32. 1997 Economic Census

297. Higher Education--Summary

[Institutions, staff, and enrollment as of fall (474 represents 474,000). Finances for fiscal year ending in the following year. Covers universities,colleges, professional schools, junior and teachers colleges, both publicly and privately controlled, regular session.Includes estimates for institutions not reporting. See also Appendix III]

ITEM Unit 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Number of institutions 1 Number 2,556 2,606 2,665 2,720 3,004 3,026 3,046 3,095 3,134 3,152 3,231 3,253 3,280 3,284 3,331 3,340 3,406 3,587 3,565 3,535 3,559 3,601 3,638 3,632 3,688 3,706 4,009 4,064
  4-year Number 1,665 1,675 1,701 1,717 1,866 1,898 1,913 1,938 1,941 1,957 1,957 1,979 1,984 2,013 2,025 2,029 2,070 2,135 2,129 2,127 2,141 2,157 2,169 2,190 2,215 2,244 2,267 2,309
  2-year Number 891 931 964 1,003 1,138 1,128 1,133 1,157 1,193 1,195 1,274 1,274 1,296 1,271 1,306 1,311 1,336 1,452 1,436 1,408 1,418 1,444 1,469 1,442 1,473 1,462 1,742 1,755
Instructional staff--
(Lecturer or above) 2 1,000 474 492 500 527 567 628 633 678 (NA) 675 686 705 710 724 717 715 722 793 804 824 817 826 877 915 915 932 932 990
  Percent full-time Percent 78 77 76 74 72 70 69 66 (NA) 66 66 65 65 65 64 64 66 66 (NA) 64 61 65 (NA) 60 (NA) 59 59 57
Total enrollment 3 1,000 8,581 8,949 9,215 9,602 10,224 11,185 11,012 11,286 11,260 11,570 12,097 12,372 12,426 12,465 12,242 12,247 12,504 12,767 13,055 13,539 13,819 14,359 14,486 14,305 14,279 14,262 14,368 14,502
  Male 1,000 5,044 5,207 5,239 5,371 5,622 6,149 5,811 5,789 5,641 5,683 5,874 5,975 6,031 6,024 5,864 5,818 5,885 5,932 6,002 6,190 6,284 6,502 6,524 6,427 6,372 6,343 6,353 6,396
  Female 1,000 3,537 3,742 3,976 4,231 4,601 5,036 5,201 5,497 5,619 5,887 6,223 6,397 6,394 6,441 6,378 6,429 6,619 6,835 7,053 7,349 7,535 7,857 7,963 7,877 7,907 7,919 8,015 8,106
  4-year institutions 1,000 6,262 6,369 6,459 6,590 6,820 7,215 7,129 7,243 7,232 7,353 7,571 7,655 7,654 7,741 7,711 7,716 7,824 7,990 8,180 8,388 8,579 8,707 8,765 8,739 8,749 8,769 8,804 8,897
  2-year institutions 1,000 2,319 2,579 2,756 3,012 3,404 3,970 3,883 4,043 4,028 4,217 4,526 4,716 4,772 4,723 4,531 4,531 4,680 4,776 4,875 5,151 5,240 5,652 5,722 5,566 5,530 5,493 5,563 5,606
  Full-time 1,000 5,816 6,077 6,072 6,189 6,370 6,841 6,717 6,793 6,668 6,794 7,098 7,181 7,221 7,261 7,098 7,075 7,120 7,231 7,437 7,661 7,821 8,115 8,162 8,128 8,138 8,129 8,303 8,438
  Part-time 1,000 2,765 2,871 3,142 3,413 3,853 4,344 4,295 4,493 4,592 4,776 4,999 5,190 5,205 5,204 5,144 5,172 5,384 5,536 5,619 5,878 5,998 6,244 6,325 6,177 6,141 6,133 6,065 6,064
  Public 1,000 6,428 6,804 7,071 7,420 7,989 8,835 8,653 8,847 8,786 9,037 9,457 9,647 9,696 9,683 9,477 9,479 9,714 9,973 10,161 10,578 10,845 11,310 11,385 11,189 11,134 11,092 11,120 11,196
  Private 1,000 2,153 2,144 2,144 2,183 2,235 2,350 2,359 2,439 2,474 2,533 2,640 2,725 2,730 2,782 2,765 2,768 2,790 2,793 2,894 2,961 2,974 3,049 3,102 3,116 3,145 3,169 3,247 3,306
  Undergraduate 4 1,000 7,376 7,743 7,941 8,261 8,798 9,679 9,431 9,717 9,691 9,998 10,475 10,755 10,825 10,846 10,618 10,597 10,798 11,046 11,317 11,743 11,959 12,439 12,538 12,324 12,263 12,232 12,327 12,451
    Men 1,000 4,254 4,418 4,429 4,538 4,765 5,257 4,904 4,897 4,766 4,821 5,000 5,109 5,170 5,158 5,007 4,962 5,018 5,068 5,138 5,311 5,380 5,571 5,583 5,484 5,422 5,401 5,421 5,469
    Women 1,000 3,122 3,325 3,512 3,723 4,033 4,422 4,527 4,820 4,925 5,178 5,475 5,646 5,655 5,688 5,611 5,635 5,780 5,978 6,179 6,432 6,579 6,868 6,955 6,840 6,840 6,831 6,906 6,982
    First-time freshmen 1,000 2,063 2,119 2,153 2,226 2,366 2,515 2,347 2,394 2,390 2,503 2,588 2,595 2,505 2,444 2,357 2,292 2,219 2,246 2,379 2,341 2,257 2,278 2,184 2,161 2,133 2,169 2,274 2,219
  First professional 1,000 173 193 207 219 235 242 244 251 257 263 278 275 278 279 279 274 270 268 267 274 273 281 281 292 295 298 298 298
    Men 1,000 159 174 183 186 194 192 190 191 192 193 199 193 191 188 185 180 174 170 167 169 167 170 169 173 174 174 173 170
    Women 1,000 15 19 23 33 41 50 54 60 65 70 78 82 87 90 94 94 97 98 100 106 107 111 112 120 121 124 126 129
  Graduate 4 1,000 1,031 1,012 1,066 1,123 1,190 1,263 1,333 1,319 1,312 1,309 1,343 1,343 1,322 1,340 1,345 1,376 1,435 1,452 1,472 1,522 1,586 1,639 1,669 1,688 1,721 1,732 1,742 1,753
    Men 1,000 630 615 626 648 663 700 714 700 682 669 675 674 670 677 672 677 693 693 697 710 737 761 772 771 776 768 759 758
    Women 1,000 400 394 439 477 526 563 619 617 630 640 670 669 653 663 673 700 742 759 774 811 849 878 896 917 946 965 983 996
Current funds revenues 5 Mil. dol 23,879 26,234 28,606 31,712 35,686 39,703 43,437 47,034 51,838 58,520 65,585 72,191 77,596 84,417 92,473 100,438 108,810 117,340 128,502 139,635 149,766 161,396 170,881 179,227 189,121 197,973 (NA) (NA)
  Tuition and fees Mil. dol 5,021 5,594 6,011 6,500 7,233 8,172 9,025 9,855 10,704 11,930 13,773 15,774 17,776 19,715 21,283 23,117 25,706 27,837 30,807 33,926 37,434 41,559 45,346 48,647 51,507 55,260 (NA) (NA)
  Federal government Mil. dol 4,190 4,613 5,025 5,207 6,072 6,477 7,169 6,969 7,851 8,903 9,748 9,592 9,631 10,406 11,509 12,705 13,904 14,772 15,894 17,255 18,236 19,833 21,015 22,076 23,243 23,939 (NA) (NA)
  State government Mil. dol 6,503 7,121 7,918 9,182 10,857 12,261 13,286 14,746 16,364 18,378 20,106 21,849 23,066 24,707 27,583 29,912 31,309 33,517 36,031 38,349 39,481 40,587 41,248 41,910 44,343 45,693 (NA) (NA)
  Auxiliary enterprises Mil. dol 3,125 3,309 3,467 3,734 4,066 4,548 4,920 5,328 5,741 6,481 7,287 8,122 8,770 9,456 10,100 10,674 11,364 11,948 12,856 13,938 14,903 15,759 16,663 17,538 18,336 18,868 (NA) (NA)
Current funds expenditures 5 Mil. dol 23,375 25,560 27,956 30,714 35,058 38,903 42,600 45,971 50,721 56,914 64,053 70,339 75,936 81,993 89,951 97,536 105,764 113,786 123,867 134,656 146,088 156,189 165,241 173,351 182,969 190,476 (NA) (NA)
  Educational and general 6 Mil. dol 17,616 19,201 21,078 23,257 27,548 30,599 33,152 36,257 39,833 44,543 50,074 54,849 58,929 63,741 70,061 76,128 82,956 89,157 96,803 105,585 114,140 121,567 128,978 136,024 144,158 151,446 (NA) (NA)
  Auxiliary enterprises Mil. dol 2,988 3,178 3,338 3,613 4,074 4,477 4,858 5,261 5,750 6,486 7,288 7,998 8,614 9,250 10,012 10,528 11,037 11,400 12,280 13,204 14,272 14,966 15,562 16,429 17,205 17,599 (NA) (NA)
Endowment (market value) Mil. dol 13,714 15,181 15,100 13,168 14,365 15,488 16,305 16,840 18,159 20,743 23,465 24,415 32,691 32,976 39,916 50,281 56,585 57,392 64,155 67,979 72,049 (NA) 92,239 96,013 109,707 128,837 (NA) (NA)
Number of institutions 1 7 Number 891 931 964 1,003 1,138 1,128 1,133 1,157 1,193 1,195 1,274 1,274 1,296 1,271 1,306 1,311 1,336 1,452 1,436 1,408 1,418 1,444 1,469 1,442 1,473 1,462 1,742 1,755
  Public Number 654 697 733 760 896 897 905 921 924 926 945 940 933 916 935 932 960 992 984 968 972 999 1,024 1,021 1,036 1,047 1,088 1,092
  Private Number 237 234 231 243 242 231 228 236 269 269 329 334 363 355 371 379 376 460 452 440 446 445 445 421 437 415 654 663
Instructional staff--
(Lecturer or above) 2 1,000 92 105 116 126 140 161 166 193 (NA) 182 192 212 217 220 213 211 216 246 (NA) 241 (NA) 235 (NA) 290 (NA) 285 285 307
Enrollment 3 4 1,000 2,319 2,579 2,756 3,012 3,404 3,970 3,883 4,043 4,028 4,217 4,526 4,716 4,772 4,723 4,531 4,531 4,680 4,776 4,875 5,151 5,240 5,652 5,722 5,566 5,530 5,493 5,563 5,606
  Public 1,000 2,195 2,457 2,641 2,890 3,285 3,836 3,752 3,902 3,874 4,057 4,329 4,481 4,520 4,459 4,279 4,270 4,414 4,541 4,615 4,884 4,996 5,405 5,485 5,337 5,308 5,278 5,314 5,361
  Private 1,000 124 122 115 122 119 134 132 141 154 160 198 236 252 264 252 261 266 235 260 267 244 247 238 229 221 215 249 245
  Male 1,000 1,375 (NA) 1,544 1,651 1,832 2,165 1,980 1,965 1,885 1,922 2,047 2,124 2,170 2,131 2,016 2,002 2,061 2,073 2,090 2,217 2,233 2,402 2,413 2,345 2,323 2,329 2,359 2,390
  Female 1,000 945 (NA) 1,212 1,359 1,572 1,805 1,903 2,078 2,143 2,295 2,479 2,592 2,602 2,592 2,514 2,529 2,619 2,704 2,785 2,934 3,007 3,250 3,309 3,220 3,207 3,164 3,204 3,216
Current funds revenue 5 Mil. dol 2,504 2,857 3,483 4,070 4,649 5,304 5,751 6,281 6,742 7,507 8,505 9,294 9,879 10,590 11,449 12,293 13,136 14,060 15,387 16,777 18,021 19,695 20,805 21,961 22,977 24,614 (NA) (NA)
  Tuition and fees Mil. dol 413 473 569 648 736 896 1,022 1,088 1,161 1,302 1,618 1,864 2,106 2,316 2,469 2,618 2,844 3,057 3,376 3,623 4,029 4,649 5,218 5,594 5,643 6,323 (NA) (NA)
  State government Mil. dol 926 1,093 1,355 1,681 1,998 2,248 2,457 2,728 3,140 3,635 3,961 4,269 4,487 4,773 5,189 5,659 5,982 6,350 6,898 7,558 8,001 8,537 8,647 8,730 9,252 9,848 (NA) (NA)
  Local government Mil. dol 701 762 881 962 1,044 1,187 1,275 1,406 1,210 1,168 1,623 1,482 1,585 1,706 1,860 2,027 2,200 2,352 2,662 2,831 3,044 3,259 3,524 3,936 4,139 4,324 (NA) (NA)
Current funds expenditures Mil. dol 2,327 2,709 3,303 3,802 4,461 5,092 5,548 6,072 6,558 7,253 8,212 9,006 9,697 10,314 11,207 11,976 12,779 13,644 14,726 16,077 17,494 18,814 19,941 21,187 22,078 23,522 (NA) (NA)
  Education and general 6 Mil. dol 2,073 2,431 2,957 3,396 4,148 4,736 5,168 5,661 6,107 6,722 7,608 8,358 8,969 9,530 10,374 11,118 11,875 12,701 13,676 14,936 16,270 17,462 18,578 19,763 20,616 22,053 (NA) (NA)
    Instruction Mil. dol 1,205 1,385 1,630 1,852 2,128 2,401 2,598 2,618 3,007 3,315 3,764 4,156 4,447 4,715 5,075 5,398 5,729 6,082 6,617 7,236 7,903 8,547 9,018 9,476 9,829 10,312 (NA) (NA)

NA Not available.
1 Beginning 1974, number of institutions includes count of branch campuses. Due to revised survey procedures, databeginning 1986 are not comparable with previous years.Beginning 1996 data reflect a new classification of institutions; this classification includessome additional, primarily 2-year, colleges than before and excludes a few institutionsthat did not award degrees. Includes institutions that were eligible to participate inTitle IV Federal financial aid programs.
2 Due to revised survey methods, data beginning 1987 not comparablewith previous years.
3 Beginning 1974, branch campuses counted according to actual status, e.g., 2-year branch in 2-year category; previouslya 2-year branch included in university category.
4 Includes unclassified students. (Students taking courses forcredit, but are not candidates for degrees.)
5 Includes items not shown separately.
6 Data for 1970 are not strictly comparable with later years.
7 Beginning 1980, includes schools accreditedby the National Association of Trade and Technical Schools.See footnote 1 for information pertaining to data beginning 1996.

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, annual; Projections of Education Statistics, annual; and unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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