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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

998. Space Vehicle Systems--Net Sales and Backlog Orders

[In millions of dollars (2,449 represents $2,449,000,000). Backlog orders as of Dec. 31. Based on data from major companies engaged in manufacture ofaerospace products. Includes parts but excludes engines and propulsion units]

Net sales Backlog orders
YEAR Total Non- Total Non-
Military military Military military
1965 2,449 602 1,847 2,203 503 1,700
1970 1,956 1,025 931 1,184 786 398
1975 2,119 1,096 1,023 1,304 1,019 285
1980 3,483 1,461 2,022 1,814 951 863
1981 3,856 1,736 2,120 3,174 2,164 1,010
1982 4,749 2,606 2,143 4,337 2,403 1,934
1983 4,940 2,420 2,520 4,865 2,733 2,132
1984 5,225 3,019 2,206 4,624 3,099 1,525
1985 6,300 4,241 2,059 6,707 4,941 1,766
1986 6,304 4,579 1,725 8,063 6,028 2,035
1987 8,051 5,248 2,803 12,393 9,460 2,933
1988 8,622 6,190 2,432 10,838 7,880 2,958
1989 9,758 6,457 3,301 13,356 9,192 4,164
1990 9,691 6,556 3,135 12,462 8,130 4,332
1991 10,515 6,770 3,745 11,664 6,221 5,443
1992 9,266 5,887 3,379 12,809 7,622 5,187
1993 8,309 4,175 4,133 15,203 8,332 6,871
1994 10,594 5,707 4,887 12,888 6,732 6,156
1995 11,314 4,782 6,532 15,650 5,872 9,778
1996 11,698 5,613 6,085 23,004 9,125 13,879
1997 13,410 4,916 8,494 23,357 8,790 14,567
1998 9,490 4,227 5,264 20,371 7,970 12,402
1999 9,022 5,107 3,915 21,026 10,036 10,989

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Industrial Reports,MA-37D, Aerospace Industry (Orders, Sales, and Backlog) and, beginning 1994,

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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