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32. 1997 Economic Census

733. Average Annual Expenditures of all Consumer Units, by Region and Size of Unit

[In dollars. Based on Consumer Expenditure Survey. Data are averagesfor the noninstitutional population. Expenditures reported here are out-of-pocket]Composition of regions:NORTHEAST: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.MIDWEST: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas.SOUTH: Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.WEST: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii]

1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998
1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 1998
Item all all all all all all all Region Size of consumer unit all Region Size of consumer unit
consumer consumer consumer consumer consumer consumer consumer   consumer  
units units units units units units units Northeast Midwest South West One Two or more Two Three Four Five+ units Northeast Midwest South West One Two or more Two Three Four Five+
person person persons persons persons persons person person persons persons persons persons
Number of consumer units (in thousands) 97,918 100,019 100,049 102,210 103,024 104,212 105,576 21,090 25,228 36,832 22,426 30,330 75,246 32,491 16,558 15,412 10,785 107,182 20,886 25,348 37,339 23,609 30,684 76,498 33,234 17,353 15,105 10,806
Income before taxes 1/.. 33,901 33,854 34,868 36,838 36,948 38,014 39,926 43,336 39,222 35,691 44,368 22,174 47,172 43,003 47,628 54,619 48,449 41,622 45,333 40,920 38,397 44,036 22,956 49,427 44,997 49,949 57,189 51,415
Income after taxes 1/ 30,729 30,786 31,890 33,755 33,893 34,864 36,684 40,166 35,904 33,292 39,839 20,163 43,429 39,146 43,848 50,707 45,345 38,358 42,015 37,627 35,776 39,921 20,917 45,651 41,389 45,764 52,937 48,470
Age of reference person. 47.5 47.6 47.8 47.6 48.0 47.7 47.7 48.1 48.8 47.7 46.2 50.1 46.8 53.2 43.8 40.6 40.5 47.6 48.7 48.1 47.5 46.3 50.2 46.6 52.9 43.5 40.3 41
Average number in consumer unit:
Persons. 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.7 1 3.1 2 3 4 5.6 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 1 3.1 2 3 4 5.5
Children under 18 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 n.a. 1 0.1 0.8 1.7 2.9 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 n.a. 1 0.1 0.8 1.7 2.9
Persons 65 and over. 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1
Earners. 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.4 0.6 1.6 1.2 1.8 2 2.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.4 0.6 1.6 1.2 1.7 2 2.2
Vehicles 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2 1.6 2.2 1.9 2.1 1 2.4 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.5 2 1.7 2.2 1.9 2 1 2.3 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6
Percent distribution:
Male. 65 64 63 62 63 60 59 57 62 58 59 42 66 67 60 68 67 58 58 60 56 59 43 64 65 60 66 64
Female.. 35 36 37 38 37 40 41 43 38 42 41 58 34 33 40 32 33 42 42 40 44 41 57 36 35 40 34 36
Percent homeowner 63 61 63 63 64 64 64 59 69 66 58 45 71 74 67 74 67 64 61 69 67 58 45 72 73 69 76 70
  With mortgage 39 36 37 37 38 38 38 35 39 39 39 19 46 36 48 59 52 39 35 40 39 39 19 47 36 50 61 55
  Without mortgage 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 25 29 28 20 26 26 37 19 15 15 26 25 29 28 19 26 25 37 19 15 14
Renter.. 37 39 37 37 36 36 36 41 31 34 42 55 29 26 33 26 33 36 39 31 33 42 55 28 27 31 24 30
Black 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 9 19 5 12 12 8 15 13 17 12 11 9 19 5 11 12 9 15 12 17
White and other.. 89 89 88 89 89 88 88 89 91 81 95 88 88 92 85 87 83 88 89 91 81 95 89 88 91 85 88 83
Elementary (1-8). 10 10 10 8 9 8 7 7 6 9 7 9 7 8 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 8 6 6 5 5 8
High school (9-12).. 43 43 43 43 44 41 39 42 41 41 32 35 41 40 40 40 49 39 39 43 41 31 35 40 40 39 38 44
College. 46 46 47 48 47 50 53 51 52 50 60 56 52 52 54 55 42 54 54 53 51 61 56 53 53 55 56 47
Never attended and other.. 1 0 0 0 0 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 b/ b/ b/ b/ 1 b/ b/ b/ b/ b/ 1
At least one vehicle owned 86 86 86 86 86 85 87 79 89 89 88 73 92 93 92 92 91 87 79 89 89 88 72 93 93 91 93 93
Average annual expenditures $29,614 $29,846 $30,692 $31,751 $32,277 $33,797 $34,819 $36,070 $33,791 $32,226 $39,037 $20,923 $40,358 $36,617 $40,926 $45,225 $43,929 $35,535 $37,535 $34,513 $32,958 $38,938 $21,483 $41,158 $36,973 $41,388 $47,020 $45,569
Food. 4,271 4,273 4,399 4,411 4,505 4,698 4,801 5,358 4,631 4,426 5,077 2,579 5,663 4,886 5,513 6,463 7,177 4,810 5,146 4,737 4,450 5,159 2,640 5,673 4,672 5,701 6,623 7,488
  Food at home. 2,651 2,643 2,735 2,712 2,803 2,876 2,880 2,970 2,739 2,771 3,125 1,354 3,470 2,787 3,370 4,101 4,860 2,780 2,917 2,725 2,592 3,016 1,408 3,325 2,604 3,307 3,935 4,797
   Cereals and bakery products 404 411 434 429 441 447 453 504 446 415 474 218 544 423 522 666 781 425 461 431 386 448 214 508 387 491 633 747
    Cereals and cereal products.. 145 141 160 162 165 166 161 177 154 149 175 72 196 142 186 243 311 146 158 150 128 162 71 176 121 162 229 299
    Bakery products.. 259 270 274 267 276 281 292 326 292 266 299 146 348 281 336 423 470 278 303 281 258 286 143 332 266 330 404 448
   Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs 709 687 734 732 752 737 743 789 663 753 774 309 911 717 877 1,056 1,361 723 785 687 710 729 332 879 673 863 979 1,423
    Beef. 228 210 234 227 228 215 224 214 207 235 233 88 276 211 264 326 428 218 234 226 207 215 88 270 208 256 291 462
    Pork. 144 156 154 156 156 157 157 141 153 173 150 65 193 156 182 218 289 146 146 149 153 131 63 179 141 181 199 268
    Other meats 102 94 98 94 104 99 96 112 101 88 90 42 117 88 117 138 179 92 105 99 83 87 44 111 84 105 128 182
    Poultry. 122 123 131 137 138 144 145 177 119 141 151 61 177 137 175 213 257 137 155 112 137 146 63 166 119 162 204 272
    Fish and seafood. 81 77 87 89 97 88 89 108 58 85 110 37 108 94 103 120 146 98 113 73 97 112 56 115 91 123 114 179
    Eggs. 31 28 30 30 30 34 33 36 25 31 41 15 39 33 37 41 61 32 33 27 32 38 18 38 30 35 43 61
   Dairy products. 294 302 295 289 297 312 314 327 308 290 345 152 376 294 361 461 537 301 324 301 273 327 152 361 275 366 434 524
    Fresh milk and cream 129 134 128 127 123 132 128 130 129 119 140 60 155 115 144 190 243 120 121 121 112 132 58 145 102 144 184 228
    Other dairy products 165 168 167 162 174 180 186 198 179 171 205 92 222 178 217 270 294 181 203 180 161 196 94 216 173 222 250 296
   Fruits and vegetables 429 428 444 437 457 490 476 525 430 438 541 245 565 486 542 629 753 472 514 445 425 539 258 557 469 549 643 726
    Fresh fruits.. 133 127 137 133 144 153 150 169 146 131 170 83 176 159 158 194 235 149 161 145 126 180 86 174 151 166 200 225
    Fresh vegetables. 127 127 132 135 137 147 143 162 122 125 176 72 170 151 177 172 218 145 161 129 131 171 78 172 148 167 191 228
    Processed fruits. 97 100 96 93 96 110 102 115 92 93 116 56 120 98 115 145 162 101 113 96 92 111 59 118 95 125 140 152
    Processed vegetables 72 74 79 76 80 80 80 79 70 89 79 34 98 79 92 118 137 76 80 75 75 77 35 93 76 92 113 121
   Other food at home 815 814 827 825 856 889 895 825 892 876 991 430 1,075 867 1,066 1,289 1,428 858 833 862 798 973 451 1,020 800 1,037 1,246 1,376
    Sugar and other sweets. 101 102 113 105 112 114 114 109 116 115 117 52 138 116 125 166 188 109 109 115 95 125 62 128 103 129 150 173
    Fats and oils. 72 72 78 79 82 83 81 85 73 81 86 37 98 83 92 110 136 77 77 75 75 82 39 92 73 91 105 138
    Miscellaneous foods. 375 384 365 362 377 391 403 346 408 387 476 194 484 362 505 601 663 388 362 387 365 450 202 462 347 476 596 617
    Nonalcoholic beverages. 224 213 225 233 240 252 245 228 240 253 251 120 293 243 280 348 389 231 226 234 222 247 118 276 217 279 329 382
    Food prepared by cunsumer unit on
     out-of-town trips.. 42 43 46 46 45 49 52 57 55 40 62 26 62 63 64 65 52 53 58 51 42 70 31 62 59 63 66 66
  Food away from home 1,620 1,631 1,664 1,698 1,702 1,823 1,921 2,388 1,892 1,655 1,952 1,225 2,193 2,099 2,144 2,362 2,318 2,030 2,229 2,011 1,859 2,144 1,232 2,348 2,067 2,394 2,689 2,691
Alcoholic beverages. 297 301 268 278 277 309 309 379 306 229 377 246 334 405 289 285 255 309 368 284 249 378 298 313 364 310 253 245
Housing. 9,252 9,477 9,636 10,106 10,465 10,747 11,272 12,480 10,532 9,877 13,255 7,586 12,750 11,541 12,896 14,346 13,890 11,713 13,173 11,035 10,321 13,354 7,843 13,264 12,059 13,149 15,228 14,379
  Shelter 5,191 5,411 5,415 5,686 5,932 6,064 6,344 7,539 5,653 5,070 8,089 4,742 6,990 6,249 7,183 7,885 7,645 6,680 8,042 6,043 5,392 8,198 4,817 7,428 6,687 7,438 8,551 8,121
   Owned dwellings 3,280 3,310 3,331 3,492 3,754 3,783 3,935 4,704 3,785 3,059 4,818 2,003 4,713 4,044 4,637 5,789 5,311 4,245 5,105 4,108 3,387 4,989 2,073 5,116 4,337 5,080 6,457 5,696
    Mortgage interest and charges 1,932 1,968 1,878 1,919 2,107 2,114 2,225 2,351 1,955 1,779 3,143 941 2,743 2,031 2,806 3,634 3,518 2,455 2,616 2,168 2,051 3,259 1,000 3,038 2,216 3,223 4,125 3,752
    Property taxes 789 782 825 922 932 939 971 1,569 1,088 630 838 550 1,141 1,113 1,105 1,260 1,110 1,015 1,662 1,090 687 884 561 1,198 1,148 1,137 1,380 1,194
   Maintenance, repair, insurance, other
    expenses 559 560 628 651 716 729 738 784 742 650 836 512 830 900 727 895 684 775 828 851 649 845 512 880 973 720 952 751
   Rented dwellings.. 1,588 1,761 1,714 1,799 1,786 1,864 1,983 2,298 1,477 1,694 2,731 2,512 1,770 1,650 2,025 1,586 2,005 1,978 2,356 1,517 1,638 2,675 2,471 1,780 1,749 1,878 1,576 2,002
   Other lodging.. 323 340 370 395 392 417 426 536 391 317 541 227 506 555 521 510 329 458 581 417 368 534 272 532 601 480 518 423
  Utilities, fuels, and public services 1,990 1,984 2,112 2,189 2,193 2,347 2,412 2,480 2,452 2,463 2,220 1,563 2,755 2,458 2,808 3,035 3,168 2,405 2,460 2,401 2,519 2,179 1,536 2,753 2,481 2,770 3,025 3,186
   Natural gas. 250 252 279 283 268 291 301 396 446 185 238 197 343 311 338 373 402 284 373 401 171 258 181 325 289 318 358 402
   Electricity. 803 787 836 861 870 907 909 830 834 1,094 762 555 1,051 942 1,066 1,155 1,210 921 831 854 1,143 723 570 1,062 959 1,040 1,176 1,251
   Fuel oil and other fuels 102 92 99 98 87 108 108 255 115 55 48 66 124 119 127 137 120 85 225 70 48 36 54 98 97 90 115 88
   Telephone 618 623 658 690 708 772 809 785 778 839 817 583 900 789 954 995 1,016 830 814 801 858 828 581 929 839 990 991 1,022
   Water and other public services.. 217 230 241 257 260 268 286 215 279 290 355 161 336 296 323 375 420 285 217 274 299 334 149 339 296 332 385 422
  Household operations.. 448 487 469 490 508 522 548 473 458 534 745 265 663 447 735 986 738 546 504 496 551 627 271 656 427 756 1,018 693
   Personal services. 211 242 228 230 258 259 263 219 248 249 346 57 346 86 460 648 524 260 254 273 251 264 58 340 92 465 665 451
   Other household expenses 237 245 241 260 250 263 285 254 210 286 399 208 316 361 275 337 215 286 250 224 300 364 213 315 335 291 353 241
  Housekeeping supplies. 424 433 410 393 430 464 455 418 485 427 501 222 545 496 529 664 552 482 446 475 488 514 267 567 568 501 613 601
   Laundry and cleaning supplies. 116 118 103 109 110 119 116 111 112 117 122 48 142 112 145 175 185 118 105 128 110 130 55 143 123 129 163 199
   Other household products 185 195 194 174 194 205 210 187 224 204 226 96 254 230 232 331 254 232 197 204 272 232 120 277 301 228 293 251
   Postage and stationery.. 123 119 113 110 125 140 129 119 149 106 152 78 149 154 152 158 113 132 143 143 106 151 92 148 144 144 158 152
  Household furnishings and equipment.. 1,200 1,162 1,230 1,348 1,403 1,350 1,512 1,570 1,484 1,383 1,699 794 1,798 1,892 1,641 1,776 1,788 1,601 1,721 1,620 1,371 1,837 952 1,860 1,898 1,684 2,021 1,778
   Household textiles 100 92 102 100 100 76 79 86 78 64 99 44 93 100 83 96 85 105 105 96 85 148 67 121 115 99 156 121
   Furniture 294 316 317 318 327 321 387 424 354 386 392 220 455 478 385 496 435 377 411 351 317 471 203 447 437 437 519 396
   Floor coverings 115 71 87 120 177 101 78 102 85 63 72 29 97 141 76 59 49 144 157 233 103 101 96 164 222 68 169 118
   Major appliances.. 132 141 143 149 155 162 169 145 160 187 173 84 203 217 184 200 199 164 189 149 172 145 106 187 178 190 194 201
   Small appliances, miscellaneous
    housewares 81 84 87 81 85 84 92 91 95 75 117 56 106 99 106 135 85 80 81 73 78 91 45 94 92 99 95 91
   Miscellaneous household equipment 477 458 493 581 557 607 707 723 711 608 847 361 844 857 807 791 935 729 778 717 616 881 436 847 853 791 888 851
Apparel and services 1,735 1,710 1,676 1,644 1,704 1,752 1,729 1,916 1,707 1,620 1,755 866 2,065 1,703 2,053 2,420 2,695 1,674 1,848 1,624 1,623 1,652 961 1,957 1,541 2,064 2,398 2,488
  Men and boys. 429 450 426 395 425 423 407 432 446 350 432 197 489 352 533 607 671 399 462 414 352 399 203 477 339 507 608 682
   Men, 16 and over.. 345 369 335 305 329 330 323 347 353 271 351 185 377 323 428 424 395 314 367 333 265 323 188 364 314 396 396 430
   Boys, 2 to 15.. 84 80 90 90 96 93 84 85 93 79 80 12 112 30 105 183 276 85 95 81 87 76 15 113 25 111 212 252
  Women and girls. 706 680 658 652 660 718 680 722 713 648 657 382 797 705 793 905 926 651 686 638 655 628 395 753 637 764 929 854
   Women, 16 and over 607 586 566 552 559 607 574 624 592 547 552 366 655 670 661 643 617 548 580 528 559 523 380 615 598 641 661 563
   Girls, 2 to 15. 99 94 93 100 101 111 106 98 121 101 105 16 142 35 132 262 309 103 107 110 96 105 15 139 39 123 268 291
  Children under 2 years old 82 78 79 80 81 82 77 80 63 69 103 11 103 44 139 149 161 73 57 59 88 79 12 97 40 134 138 167
  Footwear.. 242 231 249 254 278 298 315 339 298 323 298 162 373 294 344 483 511 281 299 298 268 266 159 329 236 340 412 493
  Other apparel products and services.. 277 272 264 264 259 230 250 343 186 231 266 113 303 308 243 276 426 270 345 215 258 281 192 301 290 319 311 291
Transportation 5,151 5,228 5,453 6,044 6,016 6,382 6,457 5,830 6,367 6,473 7,120 3,239 7,753 6,860 8,223 8,856 8,147 6,616 6,540 6,290 6,612 7,039 3,331 7,934 6,684 8,609 9,198 8,925
  Vehicle purchases (net outlay). 2,111 2,189 2,319 2,725 2,639 2,815 2,736 2,040 2,784 3,055 2,811 1,244 3,337 2,958 3,588 3,788 3,449 2,964 2,816 2,774 3,242 2,860 1,362 3,607 2,768 4,162 4,439 4,132
   Cars and trucks, new. 1,078 1,131 1,216 1,391 1,194 1,209 1,229 973 1,216 1,486 1,062 650 1,462 1,493 1,489 1,619 1,107 1,383 1,475 1,107 1,518 1,385 590 1,701 1,379 2,124 1,986 1,611
   Cars and trucks, used 1,013 1,022 1,079 1,290 1,411 1,568 1,464 1,052 1,544 1,541 1,633 578 1,820 1,400 2,061 2,121 2,290 1,532 1,323 1,618 1,656 1,430 721 1,858 1,368 1,965 2,399 2,437
   Other vehicles. 20 36 24 44 34 38 43 /3 15 24 29 115 17 54 65 /3 39 49 /3 53 49 c/ 18 49 69 45 52 48 21 72 c/ 53 c/ 84
  Gasoline and motor oil 995 973 977 986 1,006 1,082 1,098 979 1,107 1,112 1,174 567 1,311 1,116 1,364 1,512 1,532 1,017 896 1,034 1,035 1,077 529 1,213 1,050 1,227 1,377 1,460
  Other vehicle expenses 1,741 1,776 1,843 1,953 2,016 2,058 2,230 2,223 2,131 2,062 2,624 1,148 2,666 2,319 2,814 3,146 2,799 2,206 2,216 2,149 2,024 2,545 1,144 2,632 2,300 2,834 2,947 2,885
   Vehicle finance charges. 282 256 244 235 261 276 293 214 307 335 281 100 370 305 416 411 440 319 247 318 368 308 115 401 309 446 495 482
   Maintenance and repairs. 614 612 620 680 653 645 682 584 659 657 838 391 798 691 798 965 883 641 574 615 629 746 392 740 678 778 796 794
   Vehicle insurance. 614 629 678 690 713 698 755 808 684 727 831 417 891 790 961 1,019 906 739 822 680 683 816 393 877 780 918 989 955
   Vehicle rental, leases, licenses, other
    charges 231 279 301 347 390 440 501 617 480 343 674 239 607 533 640 751 571 507 572 535 345 675 243 613 534 691 667 655
  Public transportation. 304 290 314 381 355 427 393 587 345 243 511 280 439 467 457 410 367 429 612 333 311 557 297 482 565 386 436 447
Health care 1,554 1,634 1,776 1,755 1,732 1,770 1,841 1,709 1,903 1,902 1,793 1,249 2,078 2,301 1,915 1,938 1,857 1,903 1,773 2,008 1,985 1,774 1,220 2,177 2,459 1,913 2,061 1,888
  Health insurance 656 725 800 815 860 827 881 871 912 931 775 575 1,005 1,160 939 884 812 913 909 946 940 839 562 1,054 1,177 969 985 909
  Medical services 555 533 574 571 511 543 531 480 521 502 638 369 596 548 583 666 664 542 464 550 570 559 350 619 646 536 670 600
  Drugs.. 252 278 301 286 280 303 320 240 357 367 277 240 352 458 280 269 263 346 299 383 386 284 244 386 506 311 288 272
  Medical supplies 92 97 101 83 80 97 108 119 113 102 102 65 125 136 113 119 118 102 102 130 89 92 64 117 129 97 118 108
Entertainment. 1,472 1,500 1,626 1,567 1,612 1,834 1,813 1,769 1,915 1,561 2,153 1,011 2,133 1,969 2,118 2,462 2,191 1,746 1,772 1,850 1,521 1,964 999 2,044 1,907 1,840 2,392 2,304
  Fees and admissions 378 379 414 439 433 459 471 528 468 358 604 296 541 468 517 698 575 449 516 427 365 545 267 522 504 470 599 554
  Television, radios, sound equipment.. 468 492 590 533 542 561 577 581 560 570 605 394 651 563 669 770 718 535 603 513 492 565 346 610 556 551 712 725
  Pets, toys, and playground equipment. 271 274 293 289 322 335 327 320 325 299 378 166 389 354 379 442 440 329 328 377 295 334 157 398 362 370 499 410
  Other supplies, equipment, and
   services.. 356 355 328 306 315 479 439 340 561 334 565 155 552 583 553 553 459 433 325 533 370 520 229 514 485 449 582 615
Personal care products and services 399 387 385 397 403 513 528 521 506 544 530 305 616 573 631 654 668 401 395 368 402 441 250 461 441 425 510 510
Reading. 163 162 166 165 163 159 164 192 170 130 186 125 179 197 171 181 136 161 201 170 125 173 120 177 193 162 182 149
Education.. 447 426 455 460 471 524 571 772 512 449 647 447 620 421 743 830 736 580 815 598 409 622 399 652 465 745 838 823
Tobacco products and smoking supplies. 276 275 268 259 269 255 264 260 302 268 217 169 302 266 339 303 350 273 301 315 274 202 175 312 272 338 338 359
Miscellaneous. 860 765 715 749 766 855 847 821 824 806 965 694 909 871 1,085 841 845 860 887 855 723 1,059 676 934 900 851 1,073 978
Cash contributions.. 950 958 961 960 925 940 1,001 765 989 1,057 1,145 811 1,077 1,242 927 980 951 1,109 888 1,089 1,113 1,322 923 1,184 1,389 1,072 963 1,040
Personal insurance and pensions. 2,787 2,750 2,908 2,957 2,967 3,060 3,223 3,298 3,128 2,883 3,819 1,597 3,879 3,381 4,024 4,665 4,031 3,381 3,427 3,291 3,152 3,798 1,648 4,076 3,628 4,210 4,963 3,995
  Life and other personal insurance. 356 353 399 398 374 353 379 386 361 421 322 170 463 431 474 543 426 398 445 397 416 330 153 497 497 442 554 505
  Pensions and Social Security 2,431 2,397 2,509 2,559 2,593 2,707 2,844 2,912 2,767 2,461 3,497 1,427 3,416 2,950 3,550 4,122 3,605 2,982 2,982 2,894 2,736 3,468 1,496 3,579 3,131 3,768 4,409 3,490
Sources of income and personal taxes: a/
Money income before taxes 1/.. 33,901 33,854 34,868 36,838 36,948 38,014 39,926 43,336 39,222 35,691 44,368 22,174 47,172 43,003 47,628 54,619 48,449 41,622 45,333 40,920 38,397 44,036 22,956 49,427 44,997 49,949 57,189 51,415
Wages and salaries.. 25,553 25,064 26,494 27,795 28,497 29,560 31,506 35,003 31,049 27,989 34,514 15,230 38,150 30,785 40,565 48,939 41,347 32,889 36,419 32,663 30,359 33,987 15,754 40,054 32,181 42,988 50,568 45,072
Self-employment income. 2,552 2,490 2,119 2,452 2,038 2,318 1,969 2,057 1,896 1,220 3,130 890 2,410 2,188 2,234 2,475 3,257 2,239 2,301 1,953 1,816 3,075 1,070 2,728 2,728 2,316 3,152 2,788
Social Security, private and government
  retirement.. 3,584 3,887 4,034 4,203 4,356 4,334 4,531 4,412 4,829 4,740 4,004 4,400 4,584 7,925 2,947 1,496 1,359 4,618 4,739 4,610 4,768 4,318 4,529 4,656 7,979 2,819 1,616 1,489
Interest, dividends, rental income,
  and other property income.. 1,164 1,130 1,029 1,160 862 761 822 655 661 682 1,339 760 847 1,263 667 516 334 871 838 733 676 1,311 819 893 1,391 694 452 274
Unemployment and workers' compensation,
  veterans' benefits 245 341 309 316 280 213 206 250 172 178 247 163 224 187 216 248 312 193 255 139 144 266 125 221 191 208 261 282
Public assistance, supplemental security,
  income, food stamps. 389 471 468 483 462 437 382 435 262 381 462 203 455 260 471 430 1,060 330 342 356 252 411 200 385 200 389 461 858
Regular contributions for support.. 284 336 282 287 273 243 293 288 210 336 316 285 297 182 359 355 465 260 239 224 253 320 257 261 167 309 259 483
Other income.. 130 136 133 142 180 148 217 236 143 165 356 243 206 212 169 159 314 221 200 242 129 349 203 229 161 226 421 170
Personal taxes 1/. 3,172 3,068 2,978 3,083 3,055 3,150 3,241 3,170 3,318 2,399 4,529 2,011 3,744 3,857 3,780 3,912 3,104 3,264 3,319 3,294 2,622 4,115 2,040 3,775 3,609 4,185 4,252 2,945
Federal income taxes 2,431 2,286 2,217 2,288 2,235 2,372 2,468 2,280 2,405 1,918 3,538 1,537 2,848 3,009 2,929 2,824 2,269 2,472 2,352 2,357 2,128 3,172 1,550 2,857 2,720 3,232 3,220 2,157
State and local income taxes. 612 624 601 629 641 665 645 719 768 379 872 400 745 686 727 925 689 630 689 790 366 809 399 726 683 778 837 617
Other taxes 128 157 160 166 179 113 129 172 145 102 119 74 151 161 124 163 146 162 278 147 129 134 90 192 205 175 195 171
Income after taxes 1/ 30,729 30,786 31,890 33,755 33,893 34,864 36,684 40,166 35,904 33,292 39,839 20,163 43,429 39,146 43,848 50,707 45,345 38,358 42,015 37,627 35,776 39,921 20,917 45,651 41,389 45,764 52,937 48,470
Net change in total assets and liabilities 478 -1,529 -2,185 -562 -986 -1,689 1,105 2,677 793 537 908 -991 1,949 1,455 4,466 1,514 198 -1,919 -2,490 -2,982 395 -3,929 511 -2,893 -1,074 -5,374 -4,247 -2,611
Net change in total assets 3,005 3,045 4,381 3,960 3,097 4,049 5,886 7,444 4,371 4,890 7,760 1,051 7,835 6,917 10,338 9,286 4,684 6,116 5,700 4,370 5,397 9,494 3,822 7,036 7,015 6,883 7,484 6,721
Net change in total liabilities. 2,526 4,574 6,567 4,522 4,083 5,738 4,781 4,767 3,578 4,353 6,852 2,042 5,885 5,462 5,872 7,772 4,486 8,035 8,191 7,352 5,003 13,424 3,311 9,929 8,089 12,258 11,730 9,332
Other financial information:.
Other money receipts. 317 400 435 567 461 309 458 308 434 451 637 347 503 543 463 617 281 463 398 535 441 477 344 510 745 508 244 164
Mortgage principal paid, owned property -578 -844 -898 -1,107 -1,064 -960 -1,051 -1,059 -1,115 -889 -1,238 -441 -1,297 -1,014 -1,334 -1,677 -1,550 -1,160 -1,200 -1,157 -1,134 -1,167 -497 -1,425 -1,205 -1,278 -1,900 -1,677
Estimated market value of owned home 67,519 66,530 66,719 68,759 71,751 73,168 76,480 85,578 71,719 58,943 102,082 42,908 90,012 89,884 84,470 96,194 90,071 80,523 91,991 73,048 65,099 102,796 46,109 94,327 92,910 88,171 104,253 94,694
Estimated monthly rental value of owned
home 413 416 435 462 496 503 538 581 533 462 627 324 624 623 583 676 612 570 642 536 503 650 340 663 648 635 725 667
Gifts of goods and services 1,000 968 993 1,008 987 1,119 1,059 1,188 1,063 953 1,110 837 1,147 1,291 1,294 899 835 1,068 1,269 1,002 880 1,258 801 1,174 1,325 1,179 1,046 877
  Food 79 76 77 84 88 62 68 78 68 62 68 42 78 86 98 60 47 84 122 72 52 115 47 99 117 93 102 50
  Housing 272 276 267 262 250 280 273 297 288 245 280 209 299 301 343 294 227 314 361 261 274 393 227 348 360 387 361 231
    Housekeeping supplies.. 41 39 36 38 38 40 37 39 48 30 32 29 40 44 33 45 30 41 41 41 35 52 27 47 47 49 49 41
    Household textiles.. 13 13 12 16 10 8 8 10 8 7 9 8 8 11 7 6 6 16 21 16 14 16 11 18 19 9 34 8
    Appliances and miscellaneous
     housewares.. 30 31 28 26 27 30 27 31 33 24 23 23 29 33 25 31 20 30 37 28 26 30 18 34 40 40 24 21
      Major appliances.. 6 7 7 5 5 8 6 8 6 6 7 6 6 7 5 8 5 7 11 8 4 7 4 8 11 9 4 6
      Small appliances and miscellaneous
       housewares 24 24 21 21 23 22 21 23 28 18 16 17 22 26 20 23 15 22 26 20 22 22 13 26 29 31 21 15
    Miscellaneous household equipment.. 73 70 77 65 66 81 66 65 74 57 73 45 74 87 87 61 35 71 86 59 60 86 60 75 83 85 68 47
    Other housing. 116 123 113 117 109 120 135 152 124 128 142 104 147 127 192 151 136 156 177 117 138 210 113 174 171 204 185 114
  Apparel and services.. 259 254 251 246 258 296 252 272 242 252 246 158 289 319 293 220 285 225 262 209 218 218 184 240 241 246 245 224
    Males 2 and over. 72 78 80 64 70 78 61 62 71 54 61 39 70 79 72 56 59 60 66 58 55 63 50 64 68 60 51 76
    Females 2 and over.. 99 87 90 94 94 99 81 88 91 73 78 56 91 105 83 70 87 80 107 75 70 75 54 90 93 90 108 56
    Children under 2. 36 37 36 35 39 41 33 35 27 30 40 11 41 37 40 47 44 32 25 28 40 33 12 41 29 53 45 53
    Other apparel products and services 52 53 46 53 55 78 77 86 53 96 66 52 87 98 98 47 94 52 63 47 53 47 69 46 50 44 43 40
      Jewelry and watches.. 27 29 24 26 27 44 49 51 31 64 42 27 57 55 75 25 /3 79 25 28 13 29 29 47 16 21 18 11 9
      All other apparel products and
       services.. 25 24 21 27 29 34 29 35 22 32 24 24 30 43 23 22 /3 15 27 35 34 24 18 22 29 29 26 32 31
  Transportation.. 56 51 53 56 48 60 57 44 52 52 82 45 61 84 74 27 24 49 48 49 35 74 30 57 73 53 20 67
  Health care.. 29 24 42 35 22 43 30 22 22 20 64 36 28 31 21 40 13 38 23 48 29 53 71 24 30 29 13 17
  Entertainment 70 73 80 84 86 110 99 96 114 88 103 91 102 119 106 75 82 85 97 90 80 78 57 97 125 73 75 78
    Toys, games, hobbies, and tricycles 28 28 31 32 29 40 41 33 51 39 40 27 46 54 48 34 39 30 36 36 25 26 23 33 45 25 23 19
    Other entertainment. 43 45 50 51 57 70 58 63 62 49 63 64 56 65 58 41 43 55 60 53 55 53 34 64 80 47 52 59
  Education. 116 107 116 114 120 128 155 257 152 114 132 114 172 192 248 113 82 154 209 166 109 165 68 189 244 188 123 114
  All other gifts. 118 106 107 127 114 140 125 122 125 119 136 142 118 158 111 69 75 119 147 108 83 162 118 119 136 111 107 97

1/ Components of income and taxes are derived from "complete income reporters" only.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,Consumer Expenditures in 1998, and earlier reports.

*Consumer Expenditure Survey Program

This program consists of two surveys -- the quarterly Interview survey and the Diary survey that provide information on thebuying habits of American consumers, including data on their expenditures, income, and consumer unit (families and singleconsumers) characteristics.

Annual income and expenditures integrated from the Interview and Diary surveys in varying detail, classified byincome, age, consumer unit size, and other demographic characteristics of consumer units, since 1984. Annual income and expenditures from the Interview and Diary surveys by selected consumer unit characteristics, since1980.

Quarterly Interview survey data by selected consumer unit characteristics, since 1984.


* The surveys target the total noninstitutionalized population (urban and rural) of the United States in 1980, 1984 andthereafter. The surveys targeted the urban noninstitutionalized population in 1981 through 1983. * The data are collected in independent quarterly Interview and weekly Diary surveys of approximately 5,000 samplehouseholds. Each survey has its own independent sample, and each collects data on household income andsocioeconomic characteristics. * The Interview survey includes monthly out-of-pocket expenditures such as housing, apparel, transportation, health care,insurance, and entertainment. * The Diary survey includes weekly expenditures of frequently purchased items such as food and beverages, tobacco,personal care products, and nonprescription drugs and supplies.


Expenditures consist of the transaction costs, including excise and sales taxes, of goods and services acquired during theinterview or recordkeeping period. Expenditure estimates include expenditures for gifts, but exclude purchases or portionsof purchases directly assignable to business purposes. Also excluded are periodic credit or installment payments on goodsor services already acquired. The full cost of each purchase is recorded even though full payment may not have been made atthe date of purchase. The order of the expenditures listed here follows the order of presentation in published CE tables.

The major expenditure categories are:

Food Housing Apparel and Services Transportation Health Care Entertainment Other Expenditures


Food at home refers to the total expenditures for food at grocery stores or other food stores and food prepared by theconsumer unit on trips. It excludes the purchase of nonfood items.

Cereals and cereal products includes ready-to-eat and cooked cereals, pasta, flour, prepared flour mixes, and other cerealproducts such as cornmeal, corn starch, and rice.

Bakery products includes bread (white and other than white), crackers and cookies, biscuits and rolls, cakes, cupcakes,bread and cracker products, pies, tarts, sweet rolls, coffeecakes, doughnuts, and other frozen and refrigerated bakeryproducts such as cookies, bread and cake dough, and batter.

Beef includes ground beef, roasts, steaks, veal, and other cuts of beef, excluding canned beef.

Pork includes bacon, pork chops, ham (including canned), roasts, sausage, and other cuts of pork.

Other meats includes frankfurters; lunch meats such as bologna, liverwurst, and salami; also lamb, mutton, goat, game, andorgan meats.

Poultry includes fresh and frozen chickens and other fresh and frozen poultry (Cornish hens, turkey, duck, etc.).

Fish and seafood includes canned fish and seafood and fresh or frozen finfish and shellfish.

Eggs includes fresh eggs as well as powdered eggs and egg substitutes.

Fresh milk and cream includes fresh whole milk and other fresh milk such as buttermilk and fresh cream (including tablecream, whipping cream, fresh sour cream, and fresh sour cream dressing).

Other dairy products includes butter, cheese, ice cream products, yogurt, powdered milk, condensed and evaporated milk,liquid and powdered diet beverages, malted milk, milk shakes, chocolate milk, and other specified dairy products.

Fresh fruits includes all fresh fruits.

Fresh vegetables includes all fresh vegetables.

Processed fruits includes all frozen fruits and fruit juices, canned and dried fruits, and canned or bottled fruit juices.

Processed vegetables includes canned, dried, and frozen vegetables, and vegetable juices.

Sugar and other sweets includes sugar, candy and chewing gum, artificial sweeteners, jams, jellies, preserves, fruit butters,syrup, fudge mixes, icings, and other sweets.

Fats and oils includes margarine, shortening and salad dressings, nondairy cream substitutes and imitation milk, and peanutbutter.

Miscellaneous foods includes frozen prepared meals and other foods, canned and packaged soups, potato chips, nuts andother snacks, condiments and seasonings, olives, pickles, relishes, sauces and gravies, baking needs and other specifiedcondiments, other canned and packaged prepared foods, salads, desserts, and baby foods.

Nonalcoholic beverages includes diet and nondiet carbonated drinks (cola, fruit, and other carbonated drinks), coffee(roasted, instant, and freeze dried), tea (loose, instant, and ready-to-drink), and other nonalcoholic beverages, includingnoncarbonated fruit drinks, breakfast substitutes, chocolate flavored powders, and other specified nonalcoholic beverages.

Food away from home includes all meals (breakfast, lunch, brunch, and dinner) at restaurants, carryouts, and vendingmachines, including tips, plus meals as pay, special catered affairs such as weddings, bar mitzvahs, and confirmations, andmeals away from home on trips.

Alcoholic beverages includes beer and ale, wine, whiskey, gin, vodka, rum, and other alcoholic beverages.


Owned dwellings includes interest on mortgages, property taxes and insurance, refinancing and prepayment charges, groundrent, expenses for property management/security, homeowners' insurance, fire insurance and extended coverage, expensesfor repairs and maintenance contracted out, and expenses of materials for owner-performed repairs and maintenance fordwellings used or maintained by the consumer unit. Mortgage principal repayments are payments of loans and are shown inOther financial information.

Rented dwellings includes rent paid for dwellings, rent received as pay, parking fees, maintenance, and other expenses.

Other lodging includes all expenses for vacation homes, school, college, hotels, motels, cottages, trailer camps, and otherlodging while out of town.

Utilities, fuels, and public services includes natural gas, electricity, fuel oil, wood, kerosene, coal, bottled gas, water,garbage and trash collection, sewerage maintenance, septic tank cleaning, telephone charges, and other public services.

Domestic services includes babysitters, day care tuition, care of invalids, and domestic and other duties.

Other household expenses includes housekeeping services, gardening and lawn care services, coin-operated laundry andappliances and other household equipment, repair of computer systems for home use, reupholstering and furniture repair,rental and repair of lawn and gardening tools, and rental of other household equipment.

Housekeeping and garden supplies includes laundry and cleaning supplies, cleaning and toilet tissues, stationery supplies,postage, miscellaneous household products, and lawn and garden supplies.

Household textiles includes bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, and other linens, curtains and drapes, slipcovers anddecorative pillows, and sewing materials.

Furniture includes living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, nursery, porch, lawn, and other outdoor furniture.

Floor coverings includes installation and replacement of wall-to-wall carpets, room-size rugs, and other soft floorcoverings.

Major appliances includes refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, stoves, ovens, garbage disposals, vacuum cleaners,microwaves, air-conditioners, sewing machines, washing machines and dryers, and floor cleaning equipment.

Small appliances/miscellaneous housewares includes small electrical kitchen appliances, portable heating and coolingequipment, china and other dinnerware, flatware, glassware, silver and other serving pieces, nonelectric cookware, andplastic dinnerware. Excludes personal care appliances.

Miscellaneous household equipment includes typewriters, luggage, lamps and other light fixtures, window coverings,clocks, lawnmowers and gardening equipment, other hand and power tools, telephone answering devices, telephoneaccessories, computers and computer hardware for home use, computer software and accessories for home use, calculators,office equipment for home use, floral arrangements and house plants, rental of furniture, closet and storage items, householddecorative items, infants' equipment, outdoor equipment, smoke alarms, other household appliances, and smallmiscellaneous furnishings.


Men's and boys' apparel includes coats, jackets, sweaters, vests, sportcoats, tailored jackets, trousers, slacks, shorts andshort sets, sportswear, shirts, underwear, nightwear, hosiery, uniforms, and other accessories.

Women's and girls' apparel includes coats, jackets, furs, sportcoats, tailored jackets, sweaters, vests, blouses, shirts,dresses, dungarees, culottes, slacks, shorts, sportswear, underwear, nightwear, uniforms, hosiery, and other accessories.

Apparel for children under 2 includes coats, jackets, snowsuits, underwear, diapers, dresses, crawlers, sleeping garments,hosiery, footwear, and other accessories for children under 2.

Footwear includes articles such as shoes, slippers, boots, and other similar items. It excludes footwear for children under 2and special footwear used for sports such as bowling or golf shoes.

Other apparel products and services includes material for making clothes, shoe repair, alterations and repairs, sewingpatterns and notions, clothing rental, clothing storage, dry cleaning, sent out laundry, watches, jewelry, and repairs towatches and jewelry.


Vehicle purchases (net outlay) includes the net outlay (purchase price minus trade-in value) on new and used domestic andimported cars and trucks; other vehicles include attachable campers, trailers, motorcycles, and private planes.

Vehicle finance charges includes the dollar amount of interest paid for a loan contracted for the purchase of vehiclesdescribed above.

Gasoline and motor oil includes gasoline, diesel fuel, and motor oil.

Maintenance and repairs includes tires, batteries, tubes, lubrication, filters, coolant, additives, brake and transmissionfluids, oil change, brake adjustment and repair, front-end alignment, wheel balancing, steering repair, shock absorberreplacement, clutch and transmission repair, electrical system repair, exhaust system repair, body work and painting, motorrepair, repair to cooling system, drive train repair, drive shaft and rear-end repair, tire repair, other maintenance andservices, and auto repair policies.

Vehicle insurance includes the premium paid for insuring cars, trucks, and other vehicles.

Public transportation includes fares for mass transit, buses, trains, airlines, taxis, private school buses, and boats.

Vehicle rent, licenses, and other charges includes leased and rented cars, trucks, motorcycles, and aircraft, inspectionfees, State and local registration, drivers' license fees, parking fees, towing charges, and tolls.


Health insurance includes health maintenance plans (HMO's), Blue Cross/Blue Shield, commercial health insurance,Medicare, Medicare supplemental insurance, and other health insurance.

Medical services includes hospital room and services, physicians' services, service of a practitioner other than physician,eye and dental care, lab tests, X-rays, nursing, therapy services, care in convalescent or nursing home, and other medicalcare.

Drugs includes prescription and nonprescription drugs, internal and respiratory over-the-counter drugs.

Medical supplies includes topicals and dressings, antiseptics, bandages, cotton, first aid kits, contraceptives, syringes, icebags, thermometers, sunlamps, vaporizers, heating pads, medical appliances such as braces, canes, crutches, and walkers,eyeglasses, and hearing aids, rental and repair of medical equipment.


Fees and admissions includes fees for participant sports; admissions to sporting events, movies, concerts, plays; health,swimming, tennis and country club memberships, and other social recreational and fraternal organizations; recreationallessons or instruction; rental of movies, and recreation expenses on trips.

Television, radio, and sound equipment includes television sets, video recorders, video cassettes, tapes, disks, diskplayers, video game hardware, video game cartridges, cable TV, radios, phonographs, tape recorders and players, soundcomponents, records and tapes, and records and tapes through record clubs, musical instruments, and rental and repair of TVand sound equipment.

Pets, toys, hobbies, and playground equipment includes pet food, pet services, veterinary expenses, toys, games, hobbies,tricycles, and playground equipment.

Other entertainment equipment and services includes indoor exercise equipment, athletic shoes, bicycles, trailers,campers, camping equipment, rental of campers and trailers, hunting and fishing equipment, sports equipment, winter sportsequipment, water sports equipment, boats, boat motors and boat trailers, rental of boats, landing and docking fees, rental andrepair of sports equipment, photographic equipment, film and film processing, photographer fees, repair and rental of photoequipment, fireworks, pinball and electronic video games.


Personal care products and services includes products for the hair, oral hygiene products, shaving needs, cosmetics andbath products, electric personal care appliances, other personal care products, personal care services for males and females.

Reading includes subscriptions for newspapers, magazines, and books through book clubs; purchase of single copynewspapers and magazines, newsletters, books, and encyclopedias and other reference books.

Education includes tuition, fees, textbooks, supplies, and equipment for public and private nursery schools, elementary andhigh schools, colleges and universities, and other schools.

Tobacco products and smoking supplies includes cigarettes, cigars, snuff, loose smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, andsmoking accessories such as cigarette or cigar holders, pipes, flints, lighters, pipe cleaners, and other smoking products andaccessories.

Miscellaneous includes safety deposit box rental, checking account fees and other bank services, legal fees, accounting fees,funerals, cemetery lots, union dues, occupational expenses, and finance charges other than for mortgage and vehicles.

Cash contributions includes cash contributed to persons or organizations outside the consumer unit including alimony andchild support payments, care of students away from home, and contributions to religious, educational, charitable, or politicalorganizations.

Life, endowment, annuities, and other personal insurance includes premiums for whole life and term insurance;endowments; income and other life insurance; mortgage guarantee insurance; mortgage life insurance; premiums for personalliability, accident and disability, and other nonhealth insurance other than for homes and vehicles.

Retirement, pensions, and Social Security includes all Social Security contributions paid by employees; employee'scontributions to railroad retirement, government retirement, and private pension programs; retirement programs forself-employed.INCOME AND PERSONAL TAXES

Income is the combined income of all consumer unit members 14 years of age or over during the 12 months preceding theinterview. The components of income are described below. The order of the definitions of income and personal taxesfollows the order of presentation in published CE tables.

For a definition of Complete income reporters or Quintiles of income, see the Characteristics section above.

Money income before taxes is the total money earnings and selected money receipts during the 12 months prior to theinterview date. It includes the following components:

Wages and salaries includes total money earnings for all consumer unit members, 14 years of age and over, from all jobs,including civilian wages and salaries, Armed Forces pay and allowances, piece-rate payments, commissions, tips, NationalGuard or Reserve pay (received for training periods), and cash bonuses before deductions for taxes, pensions, union dues,etc.

Self-employment income includes net business and farm income, which consists of net income (gross receipts minusoperating expenses) from a profession or unincorporated business or from the operation of a farm by an owner, tenant, orsharecropper. If the business or farm is a partnership, only an appropriate share of net income is recorded. Losses are alsorecorded.

Social Security, private and government retirement includes the following: (1) payments by the Federal Governmentmade under retirement, survivors', and disability insurance programs to retired persons, to dependents of deceased insuredworkers, or to disabled workers; and (2) private pensions or retirement benefits received by retired persons or theirsurvivors, either directly or through an insurance company.

Interest, dividends, rental income, and other property income includes interest income on savings or bonds; paymentsmade by a corporation to its stockholders, periodic receipts from estates or trust funds; net income or loss from the rental ofproperty, real estate, or farms, and net income or loss from roomers or boarders.

Unemployment and workers' compensation and veterans' benefits includes income from unemployment compensationand workers' compensation, and veterans' payments including educational benefits, but excluding military retirement.

Public assistance, supplemental security income, and food stamps includes public assistance or welfare, including moneyreceived from job training grants; supplemental security income paid by Federal, State, and local welfare agencies tolow-income persons who are age 65 or over, blind, or disabled; and the value of food stamps obtained.

Regular contributions for support includes alimony and child support as well as any regular contributions from personsoutside the consumer unit.

Other income includes money income from care of foster children, cash scholarships, fellowships, or stipends not based onworking; and meals and rent as pay.

Federal income taxes includes Federal income taxes withheld in survey year to pay for income earned in survey year plusadditional taxes paid in survey year to cover any underpayment or underwithholding of taxes in the year prior to the survey.

State and local income taxes includes State and local income taxes withheld in survey year to pay for income earned insurvey year plus additional taxes paid in survey year to cover any underpayment or underwithholding of taxes in year priorto survey.

Other taxes includes personal property and other personal taxes paid, including Social Security taxes for the self-employedpaid in the survey year to cover any underpayment or underwithholding of taxes in the year prior to the survey.


The items here are not part of expenditures or income. They are provided for additional information.

Net change in assets includes changes in savings and checking accounts; purchases of securities (stocks, bonds, or mutualfunds) in the year which they were held to the end of the year, sales of securities which were purchased in a prior year;changes in the balances of money owed to the consumer unit (CU); sales and purchases, and repairs and improvements toown dwelling occupied by the CU; vacation home, recreational property, unimproved land and other property owned by theCU; changes in investments in unincorporated family businesses and farms; amounts received or reimbursements from thesale of vehicles; principal amounts of trust held on own dwelling, vacation home, and other properties owned by the CU; andsurrender of insurance policies. This value has a positive or negative sign to indicate increase or decrease in assets.

Net change in liabilities includes changes in mortgage principal on own dwelling occupied by the consumer unit (CU),vacation home, recreational property, unimproved land and other property owned by the CU; payments of mortgage interestdue before either survey year of the survey period; money owed on purchases of cars, trucks, and other vehicles, and moneyowed to other creditors such as department stores, banks, credit unions, finance companies, insurance companies, doctors,dentists, and other medical practitioners. This value has a positive or negative sign to indicate increases or decreases inliabilities.

Other money receipts includes lump-sum payment from estates, trusts, insurance, sale of house furnishings, refunds fromoverpayment on Social Security, refunds from insurance policies, and refunds from property taxes.

Mortgage principal paid on owned property includes the reduction of mortgage principal on a mortgage obtained prior tothe interview quarter for a home or any other property. This is not included in homeowner costs, but is repayment of a loan.

Gifts of goods and services includes gift expenditures for persons outside of the consumer unit: (1) clothing for females andmales over 2 years of age, and infants under 2 years of age; (2) jewelry and watches; (3) small appliances andmiscellaneous housewares; (4) blankets, sheets, towels, and table linens; and (5) all other gifts. These items have alreadybeen defined. Their values are given so they can be subtracted from the expenditure totals if the value of consumption withinthe household is desired.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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