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765. Household and Nonprofit Organization Sector Balance Sheet

[In billions of dollars (3,914 represents $3,914,000,000,000). As of December 31.For details of financial assets and liabilities, see Table 800]

ITEM 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Assets................................................................. 3,914 4,328 4,942 5,177 5,248 5,936 6,682 7,337 8,325 9,599 10,932 11,811 12,650 13,678 14,771 16,640 18,335 19,607 21,461 23,561 24,290 25,920 27,000 28,429 29,477 32,610 35,483 39,697 43,509 48,889
  Tangible assets............................................................ 1,366 1,490 1,686 1,912 2,020 2,243 2,495 2,892 3,349 3,891 4,368 4,833 5,060 5,304 5,838 6,540 7,152 7,730 8,405 9,113 9,327 9,470 9,730 9,975 10,308 10,777 11,300 12,069 12,926 13,941
    Real estate............................................................ 1,028 1,131 1,296 1,480 1,520 1,692 1,888 2,219 2,588 3,035 3,422 3,814 3,999 4,181 4,630 5,235 5,719 6,177 6,713 7,296 7,405 7,477 7,664 7,805 8,018 8,398 8,833 9,517 10,238 11,088
      Households......................................................... 875 958 1,099 1,252 1,262 1,414 1,591 1,888 2,212 2,605 2,945 3,295 3,450 3,605 4,018 4,592 5,041 5,465 5,954 6,495 6,609 6,716 6,949 7,105 7,282 7,631 8,031 8,620 9,243 10,030
      Nonprofit organizations......................................................... 153 173 197 228 259 277 297 332 375 430 477 519 550 576 611 643 679 712 758 801 797 761 715 700 736 767 802 896 995 1,059
    Equipment owned by nonprofit organizations......................................................... 6 7 8 10 13 15 17 18 21 23 26 28 30 32 34 35 38 41 45 49 53 57 62 67 72 74 78 81 84 90
    Consumer durable goods......................................................... 331 352 382 423 487 537 590 654 740 833 921 991 1,030 1,091 1,174 1,269 1,395 1,513 1,647 1,768 1,869 1,936 2,004 2,103 2,218 2,305 2,389 2,470 2,604 2,763
  Financial assets............................................................... 2,548 2,838 3,256 3,264 3,228 3,692 4,187 4,446 4,976 5,708 6,563 6,978 7,591 8,374 8,933 10,100 11,183 11,876 13,057 14,448 14,963 16,451 17,271 18,454 19,169 21,834 24,184 27,628 30,583 34,948
    Deposits......................................................... 532 609 691 761 822 901 1,011 1,125 1,244 1,360 1,517 1,709 1,871 2,051 2,332 2,484 2,719 2,864 3,052 3,206 3,265 3,267 3,250 3,183 3,157 3,366 3,540 3,807 4,165 4,338
      Foreign deposits......................................................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 16 19 23 35 42 42 45
      Checkable deposits and currency......................................................... 113 126 137 145 150 164 178 200 221 241 251 269 281 304 313 342 460 460 438 427 409 450 547 593 564 505 446 445 461 442
      Time and savings deposits......................................................... 419 483 554 615 670 734 829 922 1,014 1,081 1,203 1,292 1,407 1,591 1,821 1,941 2,025 2,147 2,342 2,429 2,477 2,423 2,349 2,236 2,224 2,388 2,553 2,725 2,924 3,013
      Money market fund shares......................................................... 0 0 0 0 2 4 3 3 8 38 62 148 180 149 191 193 226 247 262 338 365 380 339 338 351 449 505 595 738 838
    Credit market instruments......................................................... 216 204 199 221 262 278 280 290 330 401 425 444 506 589 694 849 864 1,028 1,226 1,288 1,503 1,612 1,656 1,637 1,930 1,885 1,994 1,873 1,781 1,960
      Open market paper......................................................... 13 9 3 8 16 12 8 23 36 43 38 27 30 25 42 35 31 33 67 57 63 33 30 46 47 48 55 59 63 69
      U.S. government securities......................................................... 89 80 77 86 96 103 96 95 101 145 165 154 171 215 271 270 258 294 391 400 529 531 612 591 913 822 896 721 552 659
        Treasury......................................................... 78 69 72 82 88 101 91 95 100 145 160 153 169 213 253 251 238 275 367 362 462 482 550 585 782 700 688 511 391 347
          Savings bonds......................................................... 52 54 58 60 63 67 72 77 81 80 73 68 68 71 75 80 93 101 110 118 126 138 157 172 180 185 187 187 187 186
          Other Treasury......................................................... 25 15 15 22 24 34 19 18 19 65 88 84 101 142 179 171 144 174 258 244 335 344 393 413 602 515 501 325 204 160
        Agency......................................................... 11 11 5 4 8 1 5 0 1 0 5 1 1 2 18 19 20 19 24 37 67 49 61 6 131 122 208 209 162 312
      Municipal securities......................................................... 35 32 32 39 47 50 52 56 80 96 104 131 170 211 251 346 353 453 524 547 574 614 586 552 501 458 436 464 475 528
      Corporate and foreign bonds......................................................... 29 37 38 41 53 63 71 61 51 45 30 31 24 27 27 77 107 124 118 150 192 289 292 322 353 448 497 521 581 596
      Mortgages......................................................... 50 47 48 47 51 50 53 55 62 72 87 101 111 111 103 120 116 124 126 135 144 145 137 126 116 109 109 109 109 110
  Corporate equities......................................................... 572 651 814 598 373 499 637 543 550 675 875 780 832 936 863 1,058 1,330 1,306 1,587 1,964 1,807 2,571 2,873 3,242 3,071 4,122 4,642 5,690 6,339 8,009
  Mutual fund shares......................................................... 40 48 51 39 28 34 36 36 36 39 46 47 57 88 105 198 333 382 401 469 468 587 728 991 1,052 1,265 1,586 2,057 2,501 3,104
  Security credit......................................................... 4 5 5 5 4 4 6 6 9 10 16 15 18 21 22 35 44 39 41 53 62 87 76 102 109 128 163 215 277 319
  Life insurance reserves......................................................... 131 137 144 151 158 169 178 188 199 210 221 230 238 247 253 264 283 310 336 365 392 419 448 485 520 566 611 665 718 772
  Pension fund reserves......................................................... 254 293 349 358 368 467 535 590 692 801 971 1,065 1,293 1,542 1,712 2,087 2,329 2,494 2,739 3,200 3,462 3,864 4,203 4,675 4,948 5,768 6,642 7,894 9,079 10,360
  Investment in bank personal trusts......................................................... 138 163 187 175 147 169 196 194 207 231 265 272 289 318 331 384 429 442 470 541 552 639 661 691 699 803 872 943 1,001 1,117
  Equity in noncorporate business......................................................... 633 699 784 923 1,028 1,130 1,262 1,421 1,650 1,913 2,154 2,336 2,400 2,480 2,517 2,607 2,703 2,837 3,013 3,155 3,230 3,170 3,125 3,184 3,405 3,640 3,833 4,172 4,395 4,630
  Miscellaneous assets......................................................... 26 29 31 34 37 41 46 53 60 67 74 80 87 103 104 133 150 175 191 206 224 234 251 264 277 292 301 312 327 339
Liabilities................................................................. 464 509 572 638 688 742 834 970 1,133 1,300 1,426 1,533 1,605 1,775 1,987 2,326 2,587 2,832 3,112 3,397 3,679 3,872 4,045 4,290 4,613 4,982 5,333 5,708 6,206 6,841
  Credit market instruments......................................................... 445 487 544 614 664 715 802 935 1,094 1,259 1,374 1,481 1,548 1,706 1,918 2,236 2,489 2,743 3,011 3,281 3,554 3,723 3,893 4,108 4,427 4,783 5,108 5,438 5,910 6,467
    Home mortgages........................................................................................................................ 274 297 333 371 403 440 500 591 697 809 905 972 1,002 1,090 1,218 1,408 1,600 1,816 2,022 2,221 2,461 2,619 2,762 2,893 3,070 3,252 3,464 3,698 4,058 4,480
    Consumer credit......................................................... 134 149 169 193 202 207 229 264 310 353 355 373 390 440 521 604 658 689 732 793 805 794 801 859 984 1,123 1,212 1,264 1,332 1,429
    Municipal securities......................................................... 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 8 11 14 17 21 30 41 51 81 78 78 80 83 87 91 93 94 98 98 105 115 127 137
    Bank loans......................................................... 6 7 8 11 17 23 23 23 23 22 28 33 35 36 22 31 31 32 30 20 18 13 18 27 40 57 58 67 73 65
    Other loans and advances......................................................... 21 22 24 26 29 32 33 36 40 46 55 66 73 73 75 79 83 84 89 90 101 110 119 127 134 160 173 191 204 219
    Commercial mortgages......................................................... 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 26 31 33 38 44 59 73 83 95 101 109 102 92 97 104 117 137
  Security credit......................................................... 7 9 13 9 7 8 13 15 17 17 25 23 26 34 32 51 57 42 44 43 39 55 53 76 75 79 94 131 153 222
  Trade payables......................................................... 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 21 24 27 31 41 58 69 78 82 90 94 103 112 120 126 133
  Deferred and unpaid life insurance premiums......................................................... 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 16 15 15 14 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 17 19
Net worth........................................................... 3,450 3,819 4,370 4,538 4,560 5,194 5,848 6,368 7,191 8,298 9,506 10,277 11,046 11,904 12,784 14,313 15,748 16,775 18,349 20,163 20,612 22,049 22,955 24,139 24,864 27,628 30,151 33,989 37,303 42,048
Replacement cost value of structures:
  Residential......................................................... 717 804 896 1,028 1,161 1,258 1,412 1,657 1,936 2,259 2,544 2,740 2,861 2,984 3,166 3,344 3,617 3,877 4,150 4,408 4,607 4,710 4,985 5,329 5,750 6,021 6,365 6,714 7,096 7,594
    Households......................................................... 652 732 817 940 1,062 1,152 1,297 1,526 1,789 2,093 2,360 2,544 2,659 2,777 2,953 3,125 3,386 3,636 3,901 4,151 4,343 4,446 4,714 5,050 5,459 5,725 6,061 6,403 6,779 7,269
    Farm households......................................................... 42 46 49 54 61 65 71 80 90 101 112 119 122 123 126 129 134 138 143 147 151 152 157 162 171 175 180 185 188 193
    Nonprofit organizations......................................................... 23 26 29 34 38 41 45 51 57 65 72 77 81 83 87 91 97 102 106 110 113 112 115 117 120 121 124 127 129 133
  Nonresidential (nonprofits)......................................................... 91 104 118 134 151 163 174 191 214 241 268 292 310 324 342 357 377 398 421 444 465 475 493 522 551 572 598 634 661 692
Disposable personal income......................................................... 737 802 869 979 1,072 1,181 1,300 1,436 1,615 1,808 2,020 2,248 2,407 2,586 2,888 3,087 3,263 3,459 3,752 4,016 4,294 4,475 4,755 4,935 5,165 5,423 5,678 5,983 6,287 6,639
Owners'equity in household real estate......................................................... 601 661 767 881 859 974 1,090 1,297 1,515 1,796 2,040 2,323 2,447 2,515 2,800 3,185 3,441 3,649 3,933 4,274 4,147 4,097 4,187 4,212 4,212 4,379 4,567 4,923 5,185 5,550

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,Balance Sheets for the U.S. Economy.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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