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32. 1997 Economic Census

514. Local Governments--Revenue, by State

[Data will not match other tables due to later revisions. In millions of dollars (803,737 represents $803,737,000,000), except as noted.For fiscal year ending in year shown; see text, this section]

General revenue General revenue General revenue Utility revenue Employee
FIPS Total Intergovernmental revenue Taxes Current charges and miscellaneous general revenue Total Water Electric revenue
OFFICE CODE rev- Total Per                                  
State ABBREV enue 1 capita 2 Total Current charges Miscellaneous general
(dol.) From From revenue
Total Federal state Total Property General Public Other
Govern- govern- Education Public sales utilities taxes Total Hospital Sewerage Solid Total Interest
ment ments welfare waste earnings
  United States, 1996 US 00000 803,737 709,216 2,674 270,480 26,906 243,574 155,329 28,542 270,602 199,467 29,709 7,306 34,120 168,135 114,942 35,011 21,041 8,672 53,193 28,971 67,674 25,312 32,993 26,094
Alabama AL 01000 9,902 8,345 1,945 3,294 314 2,980 2,499 21 2,374 864 961 19 530 2,677 2,105 1,393 167 97 572 349 1,463 365 819 94
Alaska AK 02000 2,549 2,314 3,824 905 109 796 566 0 782 624 109 6 43 627 415 46 45 40 212 176 207 52 151 28
Arizona AZ 04000 12,698 10,511 2,372 4,563 396 4,167 2,160 430 3,753 2,751 731 89 183 2,195 1,324 204 238 163 870 488 2,020 571 1,406 166
Arkansas AR 05000 4,278 3,830 1,529 1,637 116 1,521 1,267 7 1,148 746 301 73 29 1,045 692 275 109 70 353 241 427 177 246 21
California CA 06000 123,892 103,549 3,260 48,366 4,485 43,881 20,297 11,752 28,468 19,404 4,315 1,719 3,031 26,715 17,004 4,021 3,336 1,392 9,711 4,698 12,363 6,115 5,201 7,980
Colorado CO 08000 11,862 10,462 2,743 3,300 376 2,924 1,844 584 4,423 2,841 1,289 64 229 2,739 1,794 538 303 37 944 561 1,136 530 480 265
Connecticut CT 09000 8,687 8,078 2,475 2,551 286 2,265 1,640 79 4,713 4,657 0 0 56 814 535 0 149 59 279 147 367 156 193 242
Delaware DE 10000 1,479 1,326 1,823 677 44 633 610 0 362 299 0 2 62 286 201 0 98 3 85 57 129 32 97 25
District of Columbia DC 11000 5,675 4,910 9,099 1,871 1,871 0 0 0 2,481 702 468 190 1,121 558 265 79 69 0 293 95 377 53 0 209
Florida FL 12000 43,455 38,648 2,679 11,834 1,189 10,646 8,189 89 13,829 11,058 356 1,209 1,205 12,985 8,854 2,603 1,135 1,337 4,132 2,482 4,169 1,643 2,278 638
Georgia GA 13000 21,195 18,536 2,527 5,984 486 5,497 4,553 190 7,016 4,757 1,525 126 608 5,536 4,052 2,561 462 301 1,484 777 2,282 753 1,097 377
Hawaii HI 15000 1,619 1,444 1,216 296 122 174 0 0 762 613 0 27 123 386 255 0 134 76 131 71 175 143 0 0
Idaho ID 16000 2,592 2,479 2,090 1,102 67 1,035 815 3 687 653 0 7 28 690 531 259 61 57 159 71 113 55 57 0
Illinois IL 17000 36,051 31,755 2,661 10,348 1,460 8,889 4,913 282 15,105 12,297 1,135 608 1,065 6,301 3,900 593 640 94 2,401 1,425 2,239 1,339 372 2,057
Indiana IN 18000 13,762 12,579 2,159 4,705 313 4,393 3,311 176 4,543 4,026 0 0 516 3,331 2,293 1,232 416 64 1,038 408 1,125 222 525 58
Iowa IA 19000 7,488 6,994 2,455 2,576 246 2,330 1,769 24 2,542 2,384 60 10 89 1,876 1,355 508 197 95 521 266 477 203 237 17
Kansas KS 20000 7,170 6,294 2,435 2,226 102 2,124 1,781 10 2,394 1,946 289 93 65 1,674 1,042 359 156 88 632 378 805 290 482 70
Kentucky KY 21000 7,342 6,607 1,702 2,841 237 2,605 2,185 2 1,924 999 0 125 800 1,841 915 186 207 68 926 691 713 300 334 22
Louisiana LA 22000 10,171 9,403 2,167 3,344 362 2,982 2,405 64 3,559 1,338 1,928 110 182 2,499 1,776 1,085 199 93 723 479 661 227 311 107
Maine ME 23000 2,614 2,527 2,042 821 88 733 584 3 1,335 1,309 0 0 26 371 276 43 92 21 95 47 87 70 15 0
Maryland MD 24000 13,153 11,911 2,355 3,777 540 3,237 2,076 15 5,965 3,569 0 136 2,260 2,169 1,398 0 467 233 771 422 369 300 52 760
Massachusetts MA 25000 17,905 15,309 2,517 6,493 889 5,603 2,992 224 6,668 6,475 0 0 193 2,148 1,692 391 557 74 456 201 1,686 570 829 911
Michigan MI 26000 28,031 25,240 2,593 13,492 871 12,621 8,874 253 6,128 5,458 0 53 618 5,620 3,669 576 966 130 1,951 769 1,162 572 533 1,628
Minnesota MN 27000 16,751 15,213 3,273 6,708 384 6,324 3,919 612 4,327 4,107 25 45 149 4,178 2,624 856 372 172 1,554 832 1,063 269 626 323
Mississippi MS 28000 6,182 5,744 2,119 2,625 182 2,443 1,781 8 1,283 1,184 1 32 65 1,836 1,419 992 94 49 417 205 437 135 240 1
Missouri MO 29000 12,049 10,652 1,984 3,755 322 3,432 2,941 26 4,477 2,601 1,015 300 561 2,420 1,712 544 289 56 709 433 1,019 353 556 378
Montana MT 30000 1,716 1,659 1,892 695 68 627 531 1 571 546 0 0 25 393 255 41 35 32 138 52 57 54 2 0
Nebraska NE 31000 5,885 3,890 2,360 1,087 127 960 704 12 1,812 1,574 143 26 69 990 650 210 82 39 340 164 1,821 86 1,589 175
Nevada NV 32000 4,852 4,588 2,867 1,841 150 1,691 1,044 2 1,371 823 83 45 420 1,377 1,013 368 168 6 363 223 264 222 19 0
New Hampshire NH 33000 2,479 2,417 2,085 354 53 302 122 72 1,782 1,765 0 0 16 281 200 0 64 15 81 35 60 48 8 1
New Jersey NJ 34000 25,625 24,900 3,109 7,871 289 7,582 4,255 839 13,064 12,813 0 15 237 3,965 2,525 223 1,000 268 1,440 535 718 581 89 7
New Mexico NM 35000 3,962 3,712 2,173 2,091 176 1,915 1,426 27 816 437 302 25 51 806 532 174 76 103 274 160 250 124 97 0
New York NY 36000 91,383 82,105 4,526 28,449 2,517 25,932 12,604 8,519 38,345 23,262 6,171 511 8,401 15,311 11,170 3,157 1,177 412 4,141 1,753 3,382 1,257 152 5,895
North Carolina NC 37000 19,416 16,736 2,290 6,961 500 6,461 4,754 510 4,604 3,446 884 3 270 5,171 4,195 2,234 660 244 977 659 2,370 313 1,946 22
North Dakota ND 38000 1,327 1,253 1,949 499 71 427 301 18 456 410 30 4 11 298 142 0 20 27 157 63 64 50 14 9
Ohio OH 39000 30,204 28,340 2,537 10,330 1,198 9,133 5,427 881 12,312 7,950 932 4 3,426 5,698 3,501 607 1,102 191 2,197 970 1,698 961 606 165
Oklahoma OK 40000 6,764 6,192 1,879 2,446 147 2,299 1,995 7 1,941 1,014 813 70 44 1,805 1,333 630 159 131 472 307 532 303 210 40
Oregon OR 41000 9,649 9,016 2,821 3,838 659 3,179 2,305 23 2,887 2,332 0 95 459 2,291 1,557 263 312 110 734 375 632 239 346 1
Pennsylvania PA 42000 31,499 28,878 2,400 11,279 1,511 9,768 5,902 1,194 11,985 8,468 100 88 3,329 5,614 3,249 15 1,030 385 2,365 1,745 1,773 721 108 848
Rhode Island RI 44000 2,103 1,974 1,998 653 101 552 473 5 1,157 1,141 0 0 15 164 117 0 46 2 47 24 88 79 9 42
South Carolina SC 45000 8,328 7,395 1,979 2,649 213 2,436 2,078 15 2,215 1,941 54 52 168 2,531 2,109 1,328 182 127 422 273 929 397 373 3
South Dakota SD 46000 1,480 1,335 1,811 378 67 311 252 1 708 558 121 1 28 249 169 27 37 19 80 49 116 49 61 10
Tennessee TN 47000 15,715 10,785 2,032 3,500 275 3,225 2,316 55 3,813 2,266 1,110 29 408 3,472 2,777 1,294 412 130 695 430 4,629 526 3,501 301
Texas TX 48000 51,020 45,051 2,367 13,871 1,175 12,696 11,046 471 19,093 15,248 2,340 596 908 12,087 8,877 3,487 1,511 569 3,210 2,271 5,029 2,138 2,626 940
Utah UT 49000 5,200 4,116 2,036 1,657 198 1,459 1,315 16 1,388 1,008 247 53 80 1,071 647 27 124 114 423 235 1,083 185 887 0
Vermont VT 50000 1,303 1,179 2,011 375 118 256 208 0 677 670 0 1 6 127 86 0 27 7 42 18 116 33 81 7
Virginia VA 51000 15,933 14,199 2,130 4,752 436 4,316 2,855 390 6,726 4,828 594 375 928 2,721 1,912 237 543 300 809 548 1,057 639 217 677
Washington WA 53000 18,651 15,498 2,808 6,393 566 5,827 4,541 7 4,880 2,872 1,058 241 709 4,225 3,006 663 779 410 1,219 579 3,028 416 2,456 125
West Virginia WV 54000 3,226 3,101 1,704 1,410 85 1,325 1,264 0 878 724 0 22 132 813 508 184 85 32 305 239 106 97 5 19
Wisconsin WI 55000 15,814 14,663 2,834 6,386 317 6,068 3,215 625 5,620 5,354 144 0 122 2,657 1,934 239 425 111 723 408 728 258 424 423
Wyoming WY 56000 1,650 1,574 3,279 620 31 589 424 1 454 352 75 7 21 500 380 258 28 20 120 89 72 40 32 4

X Not applicable.
1 Includes items not shown separately.
2 Based on estimated resident population as of July 1.

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, State Government Finances, Series GF, No.3, annual; (accessed April 1999)and unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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