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32. 1997 Economic Census

1110. Cash Receipts for Selected Commodities--Leading States: 1997

[Represents gross receipts from commercial market sales as well asnet Commodity Credit Corporation loans.The source estimates and publishes individual cash receipt values only formajor commodities and major producing states. The U.S. receipts forindividual commodities, computed as the sum of the reported States, mayunderstate the value of sales for some commodities, with the balanceincluded in the appropriate category labeled "other" or "miscellaneous."The degree of underestimation in some of the minor commodities can be substantial]

Percent Percent of State's
STATE Value of of total Rank Cumulative State's total total
receipts receipts percent 1/ for all for all
(mil. dol.) commodities commodities
(mil. dol.)
  Cattle and calves 33,724 100.0 (X) 100.0 17.1 196,761
Texas 5,845 17.3 1 17.3 44.2 13,206
Nebraska 4,266 12.6 2 29.9 48.2 8,848
Kansas 4,026 11.9 3 41.9 51.7 7,784
Colorado 2,149 6.3 4 48.2 49.8 4,310
Oklahoma 1,836 5.4 5 53.7 47.0 3,900
Iowa 1,415 4.2 6 57.9 12.8 10,994
California 1,205 3.5 7 61.5 4.9 24,616
South Dakota 998 2.9 8 64.4 28.4 3,508
Missouri 759 2.2 9 66.7 16.2 4,682
Minnesota 750 2.2 10 68.9 9.7 7,680
Montana 745 2.2 11 71.1 41.3 1,799
New Mexico 732 2.1 12 73.3 37.5 1,950
Idaho 653 1.9 13 75.2 19.6 3,320
Washington 645 1.9 14 77.1 12.5 5,155
Kentucky 605 1.8 15 78.9 15.4 3,920
Wyoming 599 1.7 16 80.7 70.4 850
Wisconsin 581 1.7 17 82.4 9.3 6,193
Illinois 474 1.4 18 83.8 6.1 7,742
Arizona 455 1.3 19 85.2 19.2 2,368
Tennessee 376 1.1 20 86.3 16.9 2,216
Alabama 376 1.1 21 87.4 11.4 3,283
Oregon 362 1.0 22 88.5 11.6 3,092
North Dakota 353 1.0 23 89.5 11.7 3,004
Pennsylvania 338 1.0 24 90.5 8.1 4,175
Arkansas 324 0.9 25 91.5 5.9 5,422
Utah 303 0.9 26 92.4 30.9 981
Virginia 294 0.8 27 93.3 12.6 2,328
Florida 293 0.8 28 94.1 4.3 6,762
Ohio 289 0.8 29 95.0 5.8 4,973
Georgia 262 0.7 30 95.8 4.8 5,454
Michigan 197 0.5 31 96.3 5.6 3,480
Indiana 190 0.5 32 96.9 3.9 4,885
Mississippi 174 0.5 33 97.4 5.0 3,454
North Carolina 154 0.4 34 97.9 2.1 7,164
Louisiana 154 0.4 35 98.3 8.1 1,891
Nevada 115 0.3 36 98.7 34.1 337
New York 107 0.3 37 99.0 3.3 3,146
South Carolina 90 0.2 38 99.3 5.9 1,511
West Virginia 71 0.2 39 99.5 17.6 405
Maryland 61 0.1 40 99.6 4.0 1,520
Vermont 32 0.1 41 99.7 5.8 557
Hawaii 17 0.0 42 99.8 3.3 510
Maine 17 0.0 43 99.8 3.3 506
Connecticut 10 0.0 44 99.9 2.0 509
New Jersey 8 0.0 45 99.9 0.9 828
Massachusetts 7 0.0 46 99.9 1.3 507
Delaware 5 0.0 47 99.9 0.7 774
New Hampshire 4 0.0 48 99.9 2.6 151
Alaska 3 0.0 49 100.0 5.7 47
Rhode Island 1 0.0 50 100.0 1.0 65
  Dairy products 24,312 100.0 (X) 100.0 12.3 196,761
California 4,290 17.6 1 17.6 17.4 24,616
Wisconsin 3,496 14.3 2 32.0 56.4 6,193
New York 1,787 7.3 3 39.3 56.8 3,146
Pennsylvania 1,731 7.1 4 46.5 41.4 4,175
Minnesota 1,426 5.8 5 52.3 18.5 7,680
Texas 877 3.6 6 55.9 6.6 13,206
Washington 843 3.4 7 59.4 16.3 5,155
Idaho 829 3.4 8 62.8 24.9 3,320
Michigan 821 3.3 9 66.2 23.5 3,480
Ohio 662 2.7 10 68.9 13.3 4,973
New Mexico 653 2.6 11 71.6 33.5 1,950
Iowa 585 2.4 12 74.0 5.3