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32. 1997 Economic Census

540. United States Government--Balance Sheet

[In millions of dollars (72,914 represents $72,914,000,000). For fiscal year ending in year shown]

       Item 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
  Assets, total 72,914 89,349 103,432 121,273 135,874 170,777
Cash and monetary assets, total 71,379 84,080 86,056 81,242 85,030 103,904
  U.S. Treasury operating cash:
    Federal Reserve account 6,848 8,620 7,700 7,692 4,952 6,641
    Tax and loan note accounts 29,094 29,329 36,525 35,930 33,926 49,817
  Special drawing rights (SDR):
    Total holdings 9,971 11,035 10,177 9,997 10,106 10,284
    SDR's certificates issued to
     Federal Reserve banks -8,018 -10,168 -9,718 -9,200 -9,200 -7,200
  Monetary assets with IMF 1 12,069 14,682 15,428 14,045 21,155 19,982
  Loans to the IMF 495 (NA)
Other cash and monetary assets:
  U.S. Treasury monetary assets 415 356 87 87 87 30
  Cash and other assets held
   outside the Treasury Account 20,638 29,697 21,133 18,670 18,967 18,795
   outside the Treasury Account 20,638 29,697 21,133 18,670 18,967 18,795
  U.S. Treasury time deposits 362 528 4,724 4,021 4,543 5,554
Loan financing accounts:
  Guaranteed loans -9,806 -12,714 -13,750 -13,905 -14,362 -18,518
  Direct loans 12,726 19,732 32,780 53,816 65,289 83,894
Miscellaneous asset accounts -1,385 -1,748 -1,654 120 -83 1,497
  Total assets and excess of
   liabilities over assets 3,494,792 3,674,266 3,795,179 3,834,651 3,781,596 3,691,125
Excess of liabilities over assets
at beginning of fiscal year 3,219,491 3,421,723 3,584,917 3,691,894 3,715,533 3,645,722
Add: Total deficit for fiscal year 203,102 163,916 107,445 -21,957 -69,242 -124,366
  Subtotal (NA) 3,585,639 3,692,362 3,713,850 3,646,292 3,521,356
Deduct: Other transactions not
applied to surplus or deficit 722 722 615 472 569 1,009
Excess of liabilites over
assets at close of fiscal year 3,421,878 3,584,917 3,691,747 3,713,378 3,642,594 3,520,348
  Liabilities, total 3,494,792 3,674,266 3,795,179 3,834,651 3,781,994 3,691,125
Borrowing from the public, total 3,432,050 3,603,299 3,732,957 3,771,141 3,719,864 3,633,325
  Public debt securities outstanding 4,692,752 4,973,985 5,224,812 5,413,147 5,526,194 5,656,272
  Premium and discount on public
   debt securites -77,298 -79,996 -77,932 -76,633 -76,849 -76,696
    Total public debt securities 4,615,453 4,893,989 5,146,880 5,336,514 5,449,345 5,577,575
  Agency securities outstanding 28,185 26,955 35,043 33,187 29,359 28,910
    Federal securites, total 4,643,638 4,920,944 5,181,923 5,369,700 5,478,704 5,606,486
  Deduct: Net Federal securities held as
   investments by Government accounts 1,211,588 1,317,645 1,448,967 1,598,559 1,758,853 1,973,160
  Accrued interest payable 43,287 50,611 45,605 46,083 45,448 42,603
  Special drawing rights allocated
   by IMF 1 7,189 7,380 7,052 6,689 6,719 6,799
  Deposit fund liablilites 7,327 8,186 7,213 6,800 3,893 3,977
  Miscellaneous liability accounts

NA Not available.
1 IMF = International Monetary Funds.

Source: U.S. Dept of Treasury, United States Government Annual Report.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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