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32. 1997 Economic Census

239. School Enrollment, With Projections

[In thousands (54,394 represents 54,394,000). As of fall]

Public Private Public Private Public Private Public Private
1965 54,394 46,143 8,251 30,563 4,900 11,610 1,400 3,970 1,951
1966 55,629 47,388 8,241 31,145 4,800 11,894 1,400 4,349 2,041
1967 56,803 48,707 8,096 31,641 4,600 12,250 1,400 4,816 2,096
1968 58,257 50,375 7,882 32,226 4,400 12,718 1,400 5,431 2,082
1969 59,055 51,447 7,608 32,513 4,200 13,037 1,300 5,897 2,108
1970 59,838 52,322 7,516 32,558 4,052 13,336 1,311 6,428 2,153
1971 60,220 52,875 7,344 32,318 3,900 13,753 1,300 6,804 2,144
1972 59,941 52,798 7,144 31,879 3,700 13,848 1,300 7,071 2,144
1973 60,047 52,865 7,183 31,401 3,700 14,044 1,300 7,420 2,183
1974 60,297 53,063 7,235 30,971 3,700 14,103 1,300 7,989 2,235
1975 61,004 53,654 7,350 30,515 3,700 14,304 1,300 8,835 2,350
1976 60,490 52,964 7,526 29,997 3,825 14,314 1,342 8,653 2,359
1977 60,003 52,425 7,579 29,375 3,797 14,203 1,343 8,847 2,439
1978 58,897 51,337 7,559 28,463 3,732 14,088 1,353 8,786 2,474
1979 58,221 50,687 7,533 28,034 3,700 13,616 1,300 9,037 2,533
1980 58,305 50,335 7,971 27,647 3,992 13,231 1,339 9,457 2,640
1981 57,916 49,691 8,225 27,280 4,100 12,764 1,400 9,647 2,725
1982 57,591 49,262 8,330 27,161 4,200 12,405 1,400 9,696 2,730
1983 57,432 48,935 8,497 26,981 4,315 12,271 1,400 9,683 2,782
1984 57,150 48,686 8,465 26,905 4,300 12,304 1,400 9,477 2,765
1985 57,226 48,901 8,325 27,034 4,195 12,388 1,362 9,479 2,768
1986 57,709 49,467 8,242 27,420 4,116 12,333 1,336 9,714 2,790
1987 58,254 49,982 11,687 1,206 10,161 2,894
1989 59,436 51,120 8,316 29,152 4,162 11,390 1,193 10,578 2,961
1990 60,267 52,061 8,206 29,878 4,095 11,338 1,137 10,845 2,974
1991 61,605 53,356 8,248 30,506 4,074 11,541 1,125 11,310 3,049
1992 62,686 54,208 8,478 31,088 4,212 11,735 1,163 11,385 3,103
1993 63,241 54,654 8,587 31,504 4,280 11,961 1,191 11,189 3,116
1994 63,986 55,245 8,741 31,898 4,360 12,213 1,236 11,134 3,145
1995 64,764 55,933 8,831 32,341 4,465 12,500 1,197 11,092 3,169
1996 65,694 56,701 8,993 32,764 4,486 12,847 1,297 11,090 3,210
1997 66,332 57,273 9,059 33,073 4,552 13,054 1,308 11,146 3,199
1998 1 67,067 57,925 9,142 33,344 4,597 13,191 1,327 11,390 3,218
1999, proj. 68,096 58,846 9,249 33,701 4,622 13,543 1,348 11,602 3,279
2000, proj. 68,611 59,283 9,328 33,875 4,646 13,658 1,360 11,750 3,322
2001, proj. 68,979 59,601 9,379 34,018 4,666 13,767 1,371 11,816 3,342
2002, proj. 69,239 59,833 9,406 34,075 4,674 13,935 1,387 11,823 3,345
2003, proj. 69,490 60,048 9,442 34,035 4,668 14,119 1,406 11,894 3,368
2004, proj. 69,769 60,286 9,482 33,910 4,651 14,376 1,431 12,000 3,400
2005, proj. 70,033 60,511 9,523 33,723 4,625 14,669 1,461 12,119 3,437
2006, proj. 70,239 60,676 9,563 33,550 4,602 14,868 1,480 12,258 3,481
2007, proj. 70,364 60,765 9,599 33,455 4,589 14,907 1,484 12,403 3,526
2008, proj. 70,460 60,822 9,637 33,421 4,584 14,833 1,477 12,568 3,576
2009, proj. 70,510 60,841 9,670 33,427 4,585 14,699 1,464 12,715 3,621

1 Public elementary and secondary school data are estimated. Data for privateschools and higher education are projections.

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, annual, and Projections of Education Statistics,annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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