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32. 1997 Economic Census

874. Minority-Owned Firms--Comparison of Business Ownership by Minority Group and Gender: 1987 and 1992

[Based on the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).Data includes individual proprietorships, partnerships and subchapter Scorporations. Detail may not add to total due to rounding]For description of data collection, see summary below]

Firms Percent Percent of total Sales/receipts Percent Percent of total
Sex and race change, change,
1987- 1987 1992 1987-
1987 1992 1992 1987 1992 (mil.dol.) (mil.dol.) 1992 1987 1992
   All minorities 1,213,750 1,965,565 61.9 (X) (X) 77,840 202,011 160.0 (X) (X)
    Men 825,441 1,248,130 51.2 68.0 63.5 59,847 152,245 154.9 76.9 75.4
    Women 388,309 717,435 84.8 32.0 36.5 17,993 49,767 176.6 23.1 24.6
Black 424,165 620,912 46.4 34.9 31.6 19,763 32,197 62.9 25.4 15.9
   Men 265,887 343,666 29.3 21.9 17.5 13,232 23,688 77.1 17.0 11.7
   Women 158,278 277,246 75.2 13.0 14.1 6,531 8,510 30.3 8.4 4.2
Hispanic 422,373 771,708 82.7 34.8 39.3 24,732 72,824 194.5 31.8 36.0
   Men 307,348 525,330 70.9 25.3 26.7 20,403 55,645 172.2 26.2 27.5
   Women 115,025 246,378 114.2 9.5 12.5 4,328 17,180 297.0 5.6 8.5
AP1/AIAN 1 376,711 606,426 61.0 31.0 30.9 34,036 99,710 193.0 43.7 49.4
Alaska Native
   Men 258,514 397,779 53.9 21.3 20.2 26,700 74,856 180.4 34.3 37.1
   Women 118,197 208,647 76.5 9.7 10.6 7,336 24,853 238.8 9.4 12.3

X Not Applicable.
1 API/AIAN = Asian, Pacific Islander, American Indian, and Alaska Native.

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Survey of Minority-Owned Busineses, Summary 1992, series MB92-4. AND MINORITY-OWNED BUSINESS SURVEYS


To provide periodic data that count and describe businesses owned by women and members of racial and ethnic minoritygroups. The United States Code, Titles 13 and 26, authorizes these data collections and provides for mandatory responses.


Firms that are at least one-half owned by women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans, Native Americans, or other minorities;file tax forms for individual proprietorships (Form 1040, Schedule C), partnerships (Form 1065) or subchapter S corporations#����!postal service, membership orgainizations, private households, and governments (SIC 01, 02, 40, 43, 86, 88 and 90-97).

For 1992, coverage of women-owned firms expanded to include "C" corporations (businesses that file Form 1120) whosestock is more than one-half owned by women. In 1987, covered women- and minority-owned businesses had sales orreceipts of nearly $338 billion.


Data compiled or collected include the sex, race, and ethnicity of business owners; and business location, SIC classification,form of organization, sales or receipts, employment and annual payroll.


Every 5 years since 1972, for years ending in "2" and "7" as part of the economic censuses. The program began with specialproject data for minority-owned businesses for 1969; several changes in scope and methods may affect data comparability forsubsequent program years. The survey to collect additional information about business owners begins about 9 months after thecensus calendar year, and continues for about 1 year.


A firm-based compilation of information from 4 sources: owner and business identification, and selected business data fromincome tax records; gender, Black and other sole proprietor characteristics from social security records; additional ownercharacteristics from a mail-out/mail-back stratified sample survey of 1.1 million firms; and selected business data from theeconomic censuses. Owners are identified, and program data are developed, by cross-referencing information from theInternal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, and Census Bureau. Each tax form is treated as a separate "firm"(individuals may file more than one form), and determinations are made regarding firm ownership and owners' sex and minoritystatus.

For 1992, the separate sample survey supplemented available information for business owners. Questions for sole proprietorsidentified specific minority groups for non-Black owners that were not in a prior women- or minority-owned business survey.Questions for partners and owners of subchapter S corporations identified those entities that were women- andminority-owned, and questions for owners of "C" corporations identified those that were women-owned.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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