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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

920. Radio and Television Broadcasting Services-Finances

[In millions of dollars (28,017 represents $28,017,000,000). Based on a sample of taxable employer firms with one or more establishments primarily engaged in broadcastingto the public, except cable and other pay television services.Based on the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification Code; seetext, Section 17, Business]

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Operating revenue 28,017 26,845 27,859 28,409 31,315 34,319 37,542 38,985 42,462 6,954 6,671 6,795 7,159 7,827 8,518 9,305 10,193 11,206 21,063 20,174 21,064 21,250 23,488 25,801 28,237 28,792 31,256
  Station time sales 19,019 18,022 18,580 18,882 20,647 22,450 24,130 25,379 27,672 6,397 6,104 6,275 6,601 7,199 7,779 8,476 9,287 10,253 12,622 11,918 12,305 12,281 13,448 14,671 15,654 16,092 17,419
    Network compensation 549 510 459 440 451 564 631 644 645 105 98 95 75 75 71 81 85 83 444 412 364 365 376 493 550 559 563
    National/regional advertising 7,226 6,666 6,733 6,758 7,459 8,166 8,476 8,891 9,700 1,522 1,433 1,313 1,390 1,551 1,765 1,750 2,002 2,274 5,704 5,233 5,420 5,368 5,908 6,401 6,726 6,889 7,426
    Local advertising 11,244 10,846 11,388 11,684 12,737 13,720 15,023 15,844 17,326 4,770 4,573 4,867 5,136 5,573 5,943 6,645 7,200 7,896 6,474 6,273 6,521 6,548 7,164 7,777 8,378 8,644 9,430
  Network time sales 7,905 7,645 8,221 8,424 9,459 10,319 11,792 11,701 12,721 305 312 276 314 402 464 498 553 638 7,600 7,333 7,945 8,110 9,057 9,855 11,294 11,148 12,083
  Other 1,093 1,178 1,058 1,103 1,209 1,550 1,620 1,905 2,069 252 255 244 244 226 275 331 353 316 841 923 814 859 983 1,275 1,289 1,552 1,754
Operating expenses 24,145 23,944 24,135 23,891 25,899 28,038 30,721 30,648 33,618 6,317 6,157 6,137 6,177 6,610 6,997 7,499 8,154 8,747 17,828 17,787 17,998 17,714 19,289 21,041 23,222 22,494 24,870
  Annual payroll 6,333 6,288 6,595 6,664 7,222 7,933 8,497 8,848 9,897 2,428 2,413 2,469 2,512 2,661 2,864 3,065 3,304 3,462 3,905 3,875 4,126 4,152 4,561 5,069 5,432 5,544 6,435
  Employer contributions to Social
   Security and other supplemental benefits 998 1,001 1,090 1,120 1,207 1,303 1,400 1,397 1,540 326 326 343 339 331 361 389 416 431 672 675 747 781 876 942 1,011 981 1,109
  Broadcast rights 7,642 7,922 7,737 7,349 7,723 8,260 9,404 8,801 9,923 264 274 209 239 244 304 287 303 352 7,378 7,648 7,528 7,110 7,479 7,956 9,117 8,498 9,571
  Music license fees 373 361 370 337 344 405 454 467 500 159 151 149 162 183 204 224 249 272 214 210 221 175 161 201 230 218 228
  Depreciation 1,345 1,286 1,264 1,185 1,193 1,324 1,455 1,548 1,636 477 463 449 400 385 403 440 491 583 868 823 815 785 808 921 1,015 1,057 1,053
  Lease and rental 469 462 452 476 503 538 590 609 673 197 189 191 203 221 226 239 266 282 272 273 261 273 282 312 351 343 391
  Purchased repairs 232 228 226 239 268 300 331 310 317 79 79 77 76 75 76 78 81 90 153 149 149 163 193 224 253 229 227
  Insurance 143 147 158 155 165 168 188 164 158 64 64 66 65 69 69 79 76 72 79 83 92 90 96 99 109 88 86
  Telephone and other purchased
   communication services 240 231 236 236 254 278 319 300 344 115 112 116 112 116 123 134 140 156 125 119 120 124 138 155 185 160 188
  Purchased utilities 246 252 256 252 269 281 310 280 288 99 100 102 95 102 104 110 110 110 147 152 154 157 167 177 200 170 178
  Purchased advertising 947 842 797 821 969 1,115 1,195 1,353 1,429 368 330 314 311 368 409 407 454 468 579 512 483 510 601 706 788 899 961
  Taxes 176 172 187 180 191 217 229 210 233 60 58 65 63 60 71 71 78 88 116 114 122 117 131 146 158 132 145
  Other 1 5,001 4,752 4,767 4,877 5,591 5,916 6,349 6,361 6,680 1,681 1,598 1,587 1,600 1,795 1,783 1,976 2,186 2,381 3,320 3,154 3,180 3,277 3,796 4,133 4,373 4,175 4,298

1 Includes network compensation fees.Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Survey of Communication Services.****************************************************************************************ANNUAL SURVEY OF COMMUNICATION SERVICES


To provide estimates of revenue and expenses for the communication services industries. The United States Code, Title 13,authorizes this survey and provides for mandatory responses.


All firms with payroll that provide telephone communication, radio and television broadcasting, cable television and othercommunication services (SIC 48). Coverage reflects 1987 SIC classifications definitions beginning in 1991. In 1994,domestic communication industries had some 40,000 employer establishments and estimated revenue of more than $264billion.


Data collected include: total revenue and revenue by source; total expenses and expenses by type; number of locations bykind of business; and industry specific inquiries such as telephone communication revenue by type of user and number ofcable subscribers. In the first year of a new sample, participants report data for both the current and preceding year. Insubsequent years, only current year data are requested.


Annually since 1990; reported data are for activity taking place during the calendar year. Data collection begins about 4months after the close of the reporting year, and continues for about 4 months. Samples are reselected every 5 years andupdated annually; use of latest sample began in 1991.


A mail-out/mail-back survey of about 2,000 selected employer firms. The sample was constructed from communicationsfirms listed in the Standard Statistical Establishment List (SSEL). The SSEL contains Federal Identification Numbers (EINs)for establishments with payroll, and locations for listed businesses. EINs may represent one or more establishments andcompanies with payroll may have one or more EIN.

Firms are first stratified by payroll and kind of business group. All companies with total revenue (estimated from payroll)above applicable size cutoffs are included in the survey and report for all their industry EINs. In a second stage, unselectedEINs are stratified by kind of business group and revenue, and a simple random sample is taken from each stratum.

The sample is updated for employer business "births" and "deaths" in an annual procedure. Companies and EINs that are notactive in a survey year are dropped from the sample. New EINs are identified in a birth selection procedure and included inthe survey.

*Definition of Terms


Operating Revenue. Billings for services rendered andany sales of merchandise during the survey year, eventhough payments may be received at a later date. Excludesincome from interest, investments, gifts, loans, contributionsor grants; the sale of securities, real estate, etc.; salestaxes or other taxes collected from customers and remitteddirectly by the firm to a local, State, or Federal tax agency;revenue from the sale of merchandise and equipment fromretail establishments; and revenue from a domestic parentorganization, or from franchise locations owned by othersand any franchise or license fees.

Total Revenue. For tax-exempt firms, it includes all governmentsubsidies used to offset operating or capitaldeficits, private gifts, loans, contributions or grants, and allother non-operating receipts such as income from invest-ments,the sale of securities, and real estate. Total revenuealso includes any operating revenue incurred by the tax-exemptfirm.

Radio and Television Broadcasting

Network compensation. Revenue from the sale of sta-tiontime to networks. Excludes compensation paid tostations owned by the network.

National/regional advertising revenue. Revenue fromthe sale of station time to national and regional advertisersor sponsors. This includes trade-outs and barter, andpolitical advertising revenue. Commissions paid to agencyrepresentatives and brokers are excluded.

Local advertising revenue. Revenue from the sale ofstation time to local advertisers or sponsors. This includestrade-outs and barter, and political advertising revenue.Commissions paid to agency representatives and brokersare excluded.

Network time sales: Advertising revenue (networksonly). Network revenue from advertising sales. Commis-sionspaid to agency representatives and brokers areexcluded.

Other operating revenue. Includes revenue from retrans-missionconsent; the use of talent services, and technicalfacilities; management fees; and revenue from the produc-tionand/or distribution of programs, except when theproduction/distribution is provided by separate establish-mentsof the company. Also includes satellite truck rentalrevenue. Excludes tower rental revenue.

Operating Expenses

Costs incurred during the survey year even thoughpayment may be made at a later date. Exceptions areannual payroll and employer contributions for employeebenefits, which are reported on a cash basis. Excludesinterest on loans and sales taxes and other taxes collectedfrom customers and paid directly to a taxing authority.

Annual payroll. All salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses,and allowances for vacation, holiday, and sick leave paid toemployees during the survey year. For corporations, itincludes amounts paid to officers and executives; forunincorporated businesses, it does not include paymentsto proprietors or partners. Annual payroll is reported on acash basis before employee deductions for Social Security,withholding taxes, insurance, union dues, etc.

Employer contributions for employee benefit plans(REPORTED ON A CASH BASIS)

Plans required under Federal and State legislation. Theemployers cost for all legally required programs, such asSocial Security and Medicare (FICA), workers compensa-tioninsurance, unemployment tax, State disability insur-anceprograms, etc.

Other fringe benefit plans. The employers cost for pro-gramsnot required by law such as pension plans, stockpurchase plans, union-negotiated benefits, life insurancebenefits, insurance premiums for hospital and medicalplans, etc.

Broadcast rights (radio and television broadcastingfirms only). The cost of broadcast rights to feature films,syndicated programming, sport events, etc.

Music license fees (radio and television broadcastingfirms only). The cost of music license fees payable tomusic licensing organizations.

Network compensation fees (radio and television networksonly). The cost of programming time purchasedfrom affiliated and independent stations. Excludes the costof programming time purchased from stations owned bythe network.

Depreciation. Depreciation charges on assets owned bythe company. Includes depreciation on assets rented orleased to others by the company under an operating leaseagreement. Also includes depreciation against assets ownedby the company within leaseholds and assets obtainedthrough capital lease agreements. Excludes depreciationon intangible assets and assets leased to others by thecompany under a capital lease agreement. These chargesare not adjusted for the value of depreciable assets sold ortraded for replacement purposes.

Buildings, offices, and structures. Depreciation charges onbuildings, offices, and structures owned by the company(except those included as part of communication or trans-missionsystems defined below).Vehicles, machinery and equipment, and other tangibleassets. Depreciation charges on vehicles, machinery andequipment, and other tangible assets.

Lease and rental. Payments made to other companies forthe rental and leasing of assets owned by them. Excludespayments to a parent company or organization or any of itssubsidiaries, and installment payments for assets obtainedthrough capital lease agreements.

Buildings, offices, and structures. Payments made to othercompanies for the rental or leasing of buildings, offices, andstructures (except those included as part of communicationor transmission systems defined below).

Transmission systems (except telephone firms). Paymentsmade to other companies for the rental or leasing oftransmission systems, including towers, antennas, cables,wires, transmitters, transmission lines, converters, tap offs,power supplies, microwave equipment, master control equipment,and other transmitting equipment.

Vehicles, machinery and equipment. Payments made toother companies for the rental or leasing of vehicles andother machinery and equipment.

Purchased repairs. Payments made to other companiesfor repairs. Excludes repair costs included as part of alease or rental agreement, improvements for which depreciationaccounts are maintained, and repairs performed byemployees of the company or its subsidiaries.

Buildings, offices, and structures. Payments made to othercompanies for repairs (including charges for parts andlabor) to buildings, offices, and structures (except thoseincluded as part of communication or transmission systemsdefined below).

Transmission systems (except telephone firms). Paymentsmade to other companies for the repair of transmissionsystems, including towers, antennas, cables, wires, transmitters,transmission lines, converters, tap offs, powersupplies, microwave equipment, master control equipment,and other transmitting equipment.

Vehicles, machinery and equipment. Payments made toother companies for the repair of vehicles and othermachinery and equipment.

Insurance. The cost of all commercial insurance used toprotect the company against losses or damages to buildings,structures, and machinery and equipment caused byfire, flood, wind, boiler explosion, or any other cause. Alsoincludes premiums on fidelity bonds of employees, insuranceto protect against liability for deaths or injuries ofpersons, and damages to property of others. Excludes costof premiums for workers compensation.

Telephone and other purchased communication services.The cost of nonrevenue-generating purchased communicationservices such as telephone, telex, telegraph,teletype, etc.

Purchased utilities. The cost of purchased utilities, includingelectricity; fuels consumed for heat, power or generatingelectricity; water; sewer; and refuse removal. Excludespayments for these utility services if included as part of alease or rental agreement.

Purchased advertising. The cost of purchased advertisingincluding payments to other firms for printing, media,and other services and materials used for advertising.Taxes and licenses. The cost of taxes and licenses,including business license fees, real estate and personalproperty taxes (such as taxes on motor vehicles, machinery,equipment, and inventories), and special assess-ments.Also includes FCC license fees. Excludes income,sales, payroll, excise taxes, and other taxes collected fromcustomers and paid to local, State, or Federal governmentagencies.

Other operating expenses. All other operating expensesnot reported above, including billing services; news gatheringservices; rating services; travel expenses; dues andsubscriptions; accounting and legal fees; office supplies;and data processing expenses, including the cost of computersoftware purchased under licensing agreements.Excludes interest on loans, income taxes, and local salesand excise taxes.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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