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181. Annual Receipts/Revenue Estimates for the Health Service Industries

[In millions of dollars (173,885 represents $173,885,000,000). Unless otherwise noted, receipts estimates are obtained from a sample of employer and nonemployer firms.Revenue estimates are obtained from a sample of employer firms only]

                KIND OF BUSINESS SIC
code 1 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Health services 2 80 173,885 196,212 221,741 241,558 271,212 293,907 321,653 335,108 351,419 376,279 398,353 420,361 444,727
  Offices and clinics of medical doctors 801 83,762 96,698 108,835 117,213 128,871 138,576 151,824 154,242 159,616 167,969 172,926 179,474 188,835
  Offices and clinics of dentists 802 23,033 25,258 27,325 29,297 31,502 33,279 36,939 38,946 41,663 44,909 47,411 50,997 54,151
  Offices of osteopathic physicians 803 2,059 2,280 2,661 2,833 3,254 3,584 4,008 4,159 4,354 4,698 4,749 4,902 5,325
  Offices of other health practitioners 2 804 11,417 13,643 16,239 17,084 20,139 21,449 23,893 25,367 25,891 27,357 28,409 29,561 31,334
   Offices and clinics of chiropractors 8041 3,409 3,707 4,510 5,005 5,467 5,647 6,555 6,936 6,757 6,742 7,003 7,264 7,680
   Offices and clinics of optometrists 8042 3,309 3,755 4,133 4,296 4,799 5,028 5,333 5,715 6,021 6,113 6,330 6,491 7,007
   Offices and clinics of podiatrists 8043 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,811 1,957 2,102 2,156 2,190 2,388 2,443 2,401 2,421
  Nursing and personal care facilities 805 19,521 20,570 22,735 25,753 30,162 32,862 34,743 36,172 37,320 41,135 44,282 46,848 49,182
  Hospitals 3 806 18,068 19,720 22,108 23,495 26,487 28,807 31,083 33,331 35,143 38,417 44,669 50,154 53,807
    General medical and surgical hospitals 3 8062 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 20,442 22,220 24,162 26,683 27,993 30,704 36,496 40,920 43,059
    Psychiatric hospitals 3 8063 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,129 4,402 4,396 3,730 3,764 3,847 3,508 3,877 4,342
    Specialty hospitals, exc. psychiatric 3 8069 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,916 2,185 2,525 2,918 3,386 3,866 4,665 5,357 6,407
  Medical and dental laboratories 807 6,378 7,490 8,921 10,336 12,033 13,567 15,172 15,066 15,427 15,524 16,054 16,510 18,321
    Medical laboratories 8071 4,576 5,680 7,171 8,470 9,996 11,458 12,882 12,735 13,007 12,909 13,277 13,705 15,247
    Dental laboratories 8072 1,802 1,810 1,750 1,866 2,037 2,109 2,290 2,331 2,420 2,615 2,777 2,805 3,074
  Home health care services 808 3,493 3,549 4,589 5,595 7,556 9,129 11,208 13,178 15,394 17,987 19,556 19,286 18,548
  Health and allied services, n.e.c. 2 4 809 6,154 7,004 8,328 9,952 11,208 12,654 12,783 14,647 16,611 18,283 20,297 22,629 25,223
    Kidney dialysis centers 8092 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,451 1,717 2,140 2,468 2,898 3,259 3,391 3,712 4,318
    Specialty outpatient clinics, n.e.c. 4 8093 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,326 6,508 6,476 6,999 7,965 8,616 9,500 10,615 12,537
Selected health services 2 80 pt. (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 267,858 298,168 324,416 345,081 363,112 385,210 401,047 414,990 436,078
  Offices and clinics of medical doctors 801 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,888 14,744 16,548 19,647 21,882 24,873 26,153 28,447 31,728
  Nursing and personal care facilities 805 7,411 8,201 9,419 10,573 12,132 13,628 15,221 15,972 16,564 17,570 18,510 19,712 21,250
  Hospitals 806 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 233,615 259,188 279,736 294,757 308,105 325,033 337,822 347,837 363,655
    General medical and surgical hospitals 8062 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 210,503 234,056 254,391 268,885 281,430 297,407 309,681 319,535 334,330
    Psychiatric hospitals 8063 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 11,008 11,461 10,933 10,243 9,848 9,211 9,291 9,742 9,906
    Specialty hospitals, exc. psychiatric 8069 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,104 13,671 14,412 15,629 16,827 18,415 18,850 18,560 19,418
  Home health care services 808 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,874 4,624 5,714 6,608 7,428 7,943 8,043 8,083 7,944
  Health and allied services, n.e.c. 2 4 809 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,285 5,915 7,123 8,007 9,025 9,666 10,388 10,770 11,353
    Kidney dialysis centers 8092 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 305 357 400 462 526 620 676 715 788
    Specialty outpatient clinics, n.e.c. 4 8093 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,519 3,834 4,437 4,737 5,320 5,661 5,957 5,896 5,812

NA Not available.
1 Based on the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification code; seetext, Section 17, Business.
2 Includes other industries not shown separately.
3 Estimates are obtained from a sample of employer firms only.
4 n.e.c. means not elsewhere classified.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,Current Business Reports, Service Annual Survey: 1998, BS/98.



To provide estimates of receipts, revenue, and other measures for most traditional service industries. The United StatesCode, Title 13, authorizes this survey and provides for mandatory responses.


Companies that primarily provide services to individuals, businesses, and governments (SIC 472, SIC 653, and SICDivision I, except SICs 821, 822, 829, 863, 865, 866, and 88). Industry coverage and detail have been expanded since 1982,and include most personal, business, automotive, amusement and recreation, social, health, and other professional services.In 1991, use of expanded 1987 SIC classifications began. Covered industries accounted for about 20% of the Nation's 1994Gross Domestic Product.


Collected data include tax and organizational status; operating receipts (revenue for tax-exempt firms and organizations);sources of receipts and expenses by type for selected industries; operating expenses for tax-exempt firms; and selectedindustry-specific items.


Annually since 1982; reported data are for activity taking place during the calendar year. Prior to 1982, the survey wasconducted monthly. Data collection begins in January following the survey year and continues for about 14 weeks. A newsample is introduced about every 5 years, most recently for the 1996 survey.


A mail-out/mail-back survey of about 30,000 selected service businesses with paid employees; supplemented byadministrative records data or imputed values to account for nonemployer and certain other businesses. To be eligible forthe list sample, service businesses must be in the Standard Statistical Establishment List which contains all EmployerIdentification Numbers (EINs) for listed businesses and all locations of multi-establishment companies. EINs may representone or more establishments and firms may have one or more EINs.

In the initial sampling, companies are stratified by major and minor kind of business, and by estimated receipts or revenue.All companies with total receipts above applicable size cutoffs are included in the survey and report for all their serviceindustry locations. In a second stage, EINs of unselected companies are stratified by major kind of business and receipts orrevenue. Within each stratum a simple random sample of EINs is selected.

The initial sample is updated annually to reflect "births" and "deaths"; adding new employer businesses identified in thebusiness and professional classification survey and dropping firms and EINs that are no longer active. During interimperiods, service nonemployer and other businesses are represented by administrative records data or imputed values.

*Definition of Terms

Receipts. (Basic dollar volume measure for service firmssubject to Federal income tax.) Charges or billings tocustomers or clients for services rendered, from the use offacilities, and from merchandise sold during 1997 whetheror not payment was received in that year. Health practitionersand firms providing legal services reported paymentsreceived in 1997 regardless of when services were ren-dered.Receipts do not include nonoperating income frominterest, investments, gifts, loans, contributions, or grants.Receipts also exclude sales taxes or other taxes (occupancy,admissions, etc.) collected from customers andforwarded directly to a local, State, or Federal tax agencyand receipts of establishments whose primary activity isother than service (e.g. manufacturing, wholesale,or retailestablishments). They do, however, include receipts otherthan from services rendered (e.g. sales of merchandise) byestablishments primarily engaged in performing servicesand classified in the service industries.

Revenue. (Basic dollar volume measure for firms exemptfrom Federal income tax.) Charges or billings to customersor clients for services rendered and merchandise soldduring 1997 whether or not payment was received in thatyear. Also included are income from interest, dividends,contributions, gifts and grants, rents, royalties, dues andassessments from members and affiliates, and net receiptsfrom fundraising activities. Receipts from taxable businessactivities, as well as tax-exempt activities, are included.Revenue does not include sales taxes or other taxes(occupancy, admissions, etc.) collected by the organizationfrom customers or clients and paid directly to local, State,or Federal income tax agencies; income from the sale ofreal estate, investments, or other assets; or amountstransferred to operating funds from capital or reservefunds. Firms providing legal services reported paymentsreceived in 1997 regardless of when services were rendered.Federal Income Tax Status. For selected kinds of business,firms were tabulated according to their tax status.Firms and organizations in these kinds of business wereclassified on the basis of their response to the tax statusinquiry on the questionnaire. Those that indicated all or partof their income was exempt from Federal income tax underprovision of Section 501 or 521 of the Internal RevenueService (IRS) code were classified as tax-exempt. Firmsindicating no such exemption were classified as taxable.For firms that did not respond, the tax status classificationwas based upon administrative records. (Firms and orga-nizationsin all other kinds of business were, by definition,considered subject to Federal income tax.)Establishment. A single physical location where businessis conducted or services are performed.Firm. A business organization or entity consisting of oneor more domestic establishments/locations under commonownership or control.Taxes. Sales, amusement, occupancy, and other taxescollected directly from customers and paid directly to alocal, State, or Federal tax agency.Offices and Clinics of Health Practitioners andNursing and Personal Care Facilities (SICs 801,802, 803, 804, and 805)

Sources of receipts/revenue

Government reimbursement for patient services. Includesgovernment reimbursement for patient services (Medicare,Medicaid, and other government programs including veter-ansprograms).

Private insurance carriers. Includes private insurance andmedical service plans (Blue Cross/Blue Shield, grouphospital plans, etc).

Patient. Includes payments to nursing and personal carefacilities from patients, including any Social Security assignedfrom those patients.

All other sources. Includes all other government operatingsubsidies, matching funds, and government contracts.Tax-exempt firms include revenue from interest, dividends,gross contributions and grants, rents, and royalties.

*Selected services included in this report are classified inaccordance with the 1987 edition of the Standard IndustrialClassification (SIC) Manual, issued by the Office of Managementand Budget for purposes of providing a standardfor the classification and presentation of data by all Federalagencies. Each establishment, firm, or organization isclassified according to the major service (determined byvolume of receipts) it provides. Except for hospitals, establishments,firms, and organizations owned and operated byFederal, State, or local governments are excluded. Thefollowing is a description of each kind-of-business classifi-cationpresented in this report.HEALTH SERVICES (SIC 80)

This major group includes establishments primarily engagedin furnishing medical, surgical, and other health services topersons. Establishments of associations or groups, suchas Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), primarilyengaged in providing medical or other health services tomembers are included, but those which limit their servicesto the provision of insurance against hospitalization ormedical costs are excluded.

Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine(SIC 8011)

Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degreeof M.D. and engaged in the practice of general or special-izedmedicine and surgery. Establishments operating asclinics of physicians are included in this industry.

Offices and Clinics of Dentists (SIC 8021)

Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degreeof D.M.D. or D.D.S. (or D.D.Sc.) and engaged in thepractice of general or specialized dentistry, including dentalsurgery. Establishments operating as clinics of dentists areincluded in this industry.

Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy(SIC 8031)

Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degreeof D.O. and engaged in the practice of general or special-izedosteopathic medicine and surgery. Establishmentsoperating as clinics of osteopathic physicians are includedin this industry.

Offices and Clinics of Chiropractors(SIC 8041)

Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degreeof D.C. and engaged in the practice of chiropractic medi-cine.Establishments operating as clinics of chiropractorsare included in this industry.

Offices and Clinics of Optometrists(SIC 8042)

Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degreeof O.D. and engaged in the practice of optometry. Estab-lishmentsoperating as clinics of optometrists are includedin this industry.

Offices and Clinics of Podiatrists(SIC 8043)

Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degreeof D.P. and engaged in the practice of podiatry. Establish-mentsoperating as clinics of podiatrists are included in thisindustry.

Skilled Nursing Care Facilities(SIC 8051)

Establishments primarily engaged in providing inpatientnursing and rehabilitative services to patients who requirecontinuous health care, but not hospital services. Caremust be ordered by and under the direction of a physician.The staff must include a licensed nurse on duty continu-ouslywith a minimum of one full-time registered nurse onduty during each day shift. Included are establishmentscertified to deliver skilled nursing care under the Medicareand Medicaid programs.

Intermediate Care Facilities (SIC 8052)

Establishments primarily engaged in providing inpatientnursing and rehabilitative services, but not on a continuousbasis. Staffing must include 24-hour per day personnel witha licensed nurse on duty full-time during each day shift. Atleast once a week, consultation from a registered nurse onthe delivery of care is required. Included are facilitiescertified to deliver intermediate care under the Medicareprogram.

Nursing and Personal Care Facilities, NotElsewhere Classified (SIC 8059)

Establishments primarily engaged in providing somenursing and/or health related care to patients who do notrequire the degree of care and treatment that a skilled orintermediate care facility is designed to provide. Patients inthese facilities, because of their mental or physical condi-tion,require some nursing care, including the administeringof medications in accordance with a physicians orders.

General Medical and Surgical Hospitals(SIC 8062)

Establishments primarily engaged in providing generalmedical and surgical services and other hospital services.Psychiatric Hospitals (SIC 8063)Establishments primarily engaged in providing diagnos-ticmedical services and inpatient treatment for the men-tallyill.

Specialty Hospitals, Except Psychiatric(SIC 8069)

Establishments primarily engaged in providing diagnos-ticservices, treatment, and other hospital services forspecialized categories of patients, except mental.

Medical Laboratories (SIC 8071)

Establishments primarily engaged in providing profes-sionalanalytic or diagnostic services to the medical pro-fession,or to the patient on prescription of a physician.

Dental Laboratories (SIC 8072)

Establishments primarily engaged in making dentures,artificial teeth, and orthodontic appliances to order thedental profession.

Home Health Care Services (SIC 8082)

Establishments primarily engaged in providing skillednursing or medical care in the home, under supervision ofa physician.

Kidney Dialysis Centers (SIC 8092)

Establishments primarily engaged in providing kidney orrenal dialysis services.

Specialty Outpatient Facilities, Not ElsewhereClassified (SIC 8093)

Establishments primarily engaged in outpatient care of aspecialized nature with permanent facilities and with medi-calstaff to provide diagnosis, treatment, or both to patientswho are ambulatory and do not require inpatient care.*

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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