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32. 1997 Economic Census

1019. Public Highway Debt--State and Local Governments

[In millions of dollars (2,381 represents $2,381,000,000). Long-term obligations. Data are for varying calendar and fiscal years.Excludes duplicated and interunit obligations]

Item 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
  Total debt issued 2,381 3,055 2,942 2,627 4,366 8,194 9,803 6,898 4,594 5,900 5,708 9,516 12,988 14,178 10,833 11,305 9,728 12,347 (NA)
State 1,160 1,494 1,586 1,114 2,930 5,397 5,873 4,395 2,702 3,775 3,147 6,252 9,460 10,035 5,739 4,718 6,653 8,174 9,789
Local 1,221 1,561 1,356 1,513 1,436 2,797 3,930 2,503 1,892 2,125 2,561 3,264 3,528 4,143 5,094 6,587 3,075 4,173 (NA)
  Total debt redeemed 1,987 4,126 1,218 2,270 3,104 5,294 5,313 4,924 2,774 3,729 3,120 6,142 7,809 11,554 6,178 5,634 6,380 7,043 (NA)
State 1,114 3,491 369 1,269 2,370 3,835 3,755 3,211 1,547 2,813 1,648 4,356 5,532 8,813 3,698 2,939 4,161 4,228 6,466
Local 873 635 849 1,001 734 1,459 1,558 1,713 1,227 916 1,472 1,786 2,277 2,741 2,480 2,695 2,219 2,815 (NA)
  Total debt outstanding 27,616 26,448 28,172 28,529 29,791 32,690 37,869 39,843 41,663 43,834 46,586 48,316 53,539 58,373 63,062 68,733 72,197 77,501 (NA)
State 20,210 18,095 19,312 19,157 19,717 21,277 23,397 24,581 25,736 26,698 28,362 30,258 34,186 35,408 37,449 39,228 41,720 45,666 49,182
Local 7,406 8,353 8,860 9,372 10,074 11,413 14,472 15,262 15,927 17,136 18,224 18,058 19,353 22,965 25,613 29,505 30,477 31,835 (NA)

1 Local data estimated.

Source: U.S. Federal HighwayAdministration, Highway Statistics, annual.Highway Statistics, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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