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384. Extreme and Mean Elevations, by State and Other Areas

[One foot=.305 meter]

Highest point Lowest point Appoximate
State mean
and other Elevation Elevation elevation
Name Feet Meters Name Feet Meters Feet Meters
    U.S. Mt. McKinley (AK) 20,320 6,198 Death Valley (CA) -282 -86 2,500 763
Alabama Cheaha Mountain 2,405 733 Gulf of Mexico (1) (1) 500 153
Alaska Mount McKinley 20,320 6,198 Pacific Ocean (1) (1) 1,900 580
Arizona Humphreys Peak 12,633 3,853 Colorado River 70 21 4,100 1,251
Arkansas Magazine Mountain 2,753 840 Ouachita River 55 17 650 198
California Mount Whitney 14,494 4,419 Death Valley -282 -86 2,900 885
Colorado Mt. Elbert 14,433 4,402 Arkansas River 3,350 1,022 6,800 2,074
Connecticut Mt. Frissell on South slope 2,380 726 Long Island Sound (1) (1) 500 153
Delaware Ebright Road, 2
  New Castle County 448 137 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 60 18
District of Columbia Tenleytown at Reno Reservoir 410 125 Potomac River 1 (Z) 150 46
Florida Sec. 30, T6N, R20W, Walton
  County 345 105 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 100 31
Georgia Brasstown Bald 4,784 1,459 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 600 183
Hawaii Puu Wekiu 13,796 4,208 Pacific Ocean (1) (1) 3,030 924
Idaho Borah Peak 12,662 3,862 Snake River 710 217 5,000 1,525
Illinois Charles Mound 1,235 377 Mississippi River 279 85 600 183
Indiana Franklin Twp., Wayne Co 1,257 383 Ohio River 320 98 700 214
Iowa Sec. 29, T100N, R41W,
  Osceola County 3 1,670 509 Mississippi River 480 146 1,100 336
Kansas Mount Sunflower 4,039 1,232 Verdigris River 679 207 2,000 610
Kentucky Black Mountain 4,139 2,162 Mississippi River 257 78 750 229
Louisiana Driskill Mountain 535 163 New Orleans -8 -2 100 31
Maine Mount Katahdin 5,267 1,606 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 600 183
Maryland Backbone Mountain 3,360 1,025 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 350 107
Massachusetts Mount Greylock 3,487 1,064 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 500 153
Michigan Mount Arvon 1,979 604 Lake Erie 571 174 900 275
Minnesota Eagle Mountain, Cook Co 2,301 702 Lake Superior 600 183 1,200 366
Mississippi Woodall Mountain 806 246 Gulf of Mexico (1) (1) 300 92
Missouri Taum Sauk Mountain 1,772 540 St. Francis River 230 70 800 244
Montana Granite Peak 12,799 3,904 Kootenai River 1,800 549 3,400 1,037
Nebraska Johnson Twp., Kimball Co 5,424 1,654 Missouri River 840 256 2,600 793
Nevada Boundary Peak 13,140 4,007 Colorado River 479 146 5,500 1,678
New Hampshire Mount Washington 6,288 1,918 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 1,000 305
New Jersey High Point 1,803 550 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 250 76
New Mexico Wheeler Peak 13,161 4,014 Red Bluff Reservoir 2,842 867 5,700 1,739
New York Mount Marcy 5,344 1,630 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 1,000 305
North Carolina Mount Mitchell 6,684 2,039 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 700 214
North Dakota White Butte, Slope Co 3,506 1,069 Red River 750 229 1,900 580
Ohio Campbell Hill 1,549 472 Ohio River 455 139 850 259
Oklahoma Black Mesa 4,973 1,517 Little River 289 88 1,300 397
Oregon Mount Hood 11,239 3,428 Pacific Ocean (1) (1) 3,300 1,007
Pennsylvania Mount Davis 3,213 980 Delaware River (1) (1) 1,100 336
Rhode Island Jerimoth Hill 812 248 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 200 61
South Carolina Sassafras Mountain 3,560 1,086 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 350 107
South Dakota Harney Peak 7,242 2,209 Big Stone Lake 966 295 2,200 671
Tennessee Clingmans Dome 6,643 2,026 Mississippi River 178 54 900 275
Texas Guadalupe Peak 8,749 2,668 Gulf of Mexico (1) (1) 1,700 519
Utah Kings Peak 13,528 4,126 Beaverdam Wash 2,000 610 6,100 1,861
Vermont Mount Mansfield 4,393 1,340 Lake Champlain 95 29 1,000 305
Virginia Mount Rogers 5,729 1,747 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 950 290
Washington Mount Rainier 14,410 4,395 Pacific Ocean (1) (1) 1,700 519
West Virginia Spruce Knob 4,861 1,483 Potomac River 240 73 1,500 458
Wisconsin Timms Hill 1,951 595 Lake Michigan 579 177 1,050 320
Wyoming Gannett Peak 13,804 4,210 Belle Fourche River 3,099 945 6,700 2,044
Other areas:
  Puerto Rico Cerro de Punta 4,390 1,339 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 1,800 549
  American Samoa Lata Mountain 3,160 964 Pacific Ocean (1) (1) 1,300 397
  Guam Mount Lamlam 1,332 406 Pacific Ocean (1) (1) 330 101
  Virgin Islands Crown Mountain 1,556 475 Atlantic Ocean (1) (1) 750 229

Z Less than .5 meter.
1 Sea level.
2 "Sec." denotes section; "T," township; "R," range; "N," north; "W," west.

Source: U.S. Geological Survey, Elevations and Distances in the United States, 1989; for meanelevations, 1983 edition.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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